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03x10 - Fire and Rain

Posted: 08/11/22 15:01
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on All Rise...

I think it's time I met
your soon to be ex-husband.

I thought the papers
have already been submitted.

Amy said she was gonna hold off
sending them until

- the insurance guy settled.
- Miles Paulo, my client.

- What are you looking for?
- I think there's a mastermind

behind the smash and grabs,
and I need a name.

Maddy this is Mark Callen.
He is a prosecutor.

If you tell him what you know
about Brandon Page,

he will make sure you're protected.

Teddy, I need you to change
the witness name on the warrant

- from Gloria to Maddy, okay?
- Yeah, of course.

Zoya Hamid, assistant
United Stated attorney.

I'm sure we can pool resources.
Work together.

Brandon Page is mine.

I will no longer be helping
out on the Brandon Page case.

Things need to get back to normal.

Once you apologize to Mark,

then we can talk about normal.

♪ Baby, the sound of you ♪

♪ Better than a humvee

♪ Mmm

♪ I want you off my mind and hold me ♪

♪ And holding me closer
than we've ever been before ♪

♪ This ain't a dream you're here with me ♪

♪ Boy, it don't get no better than you ♪

♪ With you, I want to
take my time, all night ♪

♪ I want to love you,
in every kind of way ♪

♪ I wanna please you


I am so glad you came to your senses.

- Came to my senses?
- Yeah.

I'm not the one who tip toed
into the living room last night.

- I went to go check on Bailey.
- Mmhmm.

And to make sure
you came to your senses.

Listen, I don't know...

I don't know if it's that new nanny.


Or if Bailey's moving into a new phase.

But... all that noise you making
last night, she didn't budge.

[gasps] I made noise?

It was... Kamila Harris heard you.

You screamed. I heard a pitch.

- Come here.
- Again?


♪ Had to leave it all behind

♪ Something in the water,
caught me by surprise ♪

♪ You pulled me in so easily ♪

Hey. You're here early.

Hey. So are you.

Yeah. Have to work overtime
to get through all the backlog

since the emergency orders were lifted.

Got you staying busy up there, huh?

- Yeah.
- Whole crew working hard.

- You?
- I am here for Maddy Hernandez.

She's Callan's main witness

in the smash and grab conspiracy case.

So you're taking her on as a client.

Defacto client.
Her sister Gloria begged me.

You know, the wholistic law
of it all can be so exhausting.

Well, you make it look good, Lopez.

What would I do without
you constantly pumping me up?

Don't know, and hopefully
we never have to find out.

Hey, Em.

Carol mentioned she wanted
to talk to you about something.

Oh. I... I will try to make it up there.

And if you do, there might
be dinner in it for you.


- Have a good day.
- You too.

♪ So you take me higher,
rising with the tide ♪

♪ Rising with the tide

♪ Flowing Eternally

♪ Eternally, eternally

♪ When you're flowing into eternity ♪

- Good morning your...
- [knocks]

Good morning, Your Honor.
Good morning, Your Honor.

Oh! Good morning, Sherri.

We have a big day today.
The pre... Okay. Thank you.

The prelim on the smash
and grab case is starting today.

How did it go with your parents?

I didn't get... Well,
I wasn't allowed to see them.

Then try again. This can wait.

- No, you don't understand.
- No, I don't understand.

But you are worried,
which makes me worried.

So... go.

Try again. I'll be fine here.

Oh, okay.

- [knock on the door]
- Judge Carmichael.

Judge Laski. Judge Mashal.

Pretty ballsy,
the way you managed to keep

Brandon Page's conspiracy
case in the state court.

Without turning him over to the Feds.

Mr. Callan has a very well laid out plan

against Mr. Page,
but what do I owe the honor

of having both of you in my chambers?

It seems that Laski and I

are up for the presiding Judge position.

Yes, I know that.
And what do you need from me?

Your support apparently carries
a lot of weight around here.

- My support? But I've just...
- Believe me, I was just

as surprised. Nonetheless,
your high-profile campaign

and your subsequent win have put you
in very high regard around here.

- At least for the moment.
- For the moment, that is. Yes, that's right.

Remember you came in here
asking for my support.

Will miracles never cease.

Let your conscious be your guide.

Do not let him being here before me,

color your decision in any way.

Like the pun, I threw up in there?

♪ When we're flowing into eternity ♪

Did he just use the word color for code?

[Ruthie] That's what I heard.

♪ Eternity

- Ames.
- Collier.

Oh my... you look great.

New medication has been a breeze.

So, what are you doing here?

I figured Mark told
you we made up last night.

No, he didn't tell me that.

Why haven't you told him that
the divorce papers were signed?

Been signed.

Is there something I should know about?

- Are you having second thoughts?
- What? No. Gosh, no.

I just... I wanted to
make sure you were okay first.

- I got to go talk to him.
- Good morning.

Ames I didn't meant to upset you.

No. I'm not upset.

I mean, I am. But not at you.

I'll talk to you later, Collier.

Wait, you're Collier.
Amy where are you going?

To the HOJ. To rip Mark's head off.

- Meet me there.
- Okay.

- I'm...
- [cellphone text message ring]

Oh, my god. Wow.

Yes!! [shrieks] I passed the bar.

Ah, passed the bar.

Oh, my god, yes!

Okay, I think we're good.

I don't know, Mr. Callan.
If I were you I'd take this

to a Grand Jury and seek an indictment.

What are you talking about Baby Biswas?

We have the evidence
seized from Page's house

and Maddy's testimony.
Our case is rock solid.

Better be, or Feds are going
to be all over this office

if it isn't, that's for damn sure.

- DA Lewis, bravo.
- Speak of the devil.

AUSA Hamid. It's been awhile.

Well, I came personally to
give you to give you the chance

to do the judicious thing
and turn over Brandon Page.

If Mr. Callan feels like he has
a solid case against Mr. Page,

I have the upmost confidence
he'll get a conviction, so...

There's our star witness now.
Maddy Hernandez.

- Her lawyer, Ms. Lopez.
- A year old.

Maddy, I'm AUSA Zoya Hamid.

I don't know if Mr. Callan
or Ms. Lopez informed you,

but if you testified
for the federal government,

we'd be able to put you into
protective custody

- right along side your sister.
- For how long?

Right. Maddy, while Ms. Hamid's
proposal may seem enticing,

you have no idea how much time
you would have to spend

- in protective custody.
- I'm okay with that.

- I'd be with my sister.
- Um-Maddy,

are you willing to give up
your ice skating career?

In testifying for the state,

you're able to continue
visitations with your siter,

have the freedom to keep skating,

all while being in protective custody.

Gloria sacrificed so that
you would have opportunities.

Are you sure you're ready
to throw all of that away?

You are good at playing
hardball, Ms. Lopez.

Maddy, I'm around
if you change your mind.

Maddy, I promise you
not only are we going to lock up

Brandon Page, but you'll
be able to be with your sister

without the burden
of a protective detail, okay?

Teddy, will you escort Miss Hernandez

and Ms. Lopez to the witness room?

- I'll meet you down there too.
- Yes, sir. Right this way.

Really, Callan?
Meeting Collier behind my back.

Wait. You've had signed
divorce papers this whole time

and haven't submitted them
and I'm the bad guy?

Let's just go ahead
and unravel that gut punch.

Okay, I'm sorry. But I have my reasons.

What reason would you possibly have

for not wanting
to start our life together?

- [Amy sighs]
- Or is that it?

This, whatever this is.

This is just,
it's no longer working for you.

- You are so way off base.
- Then what is it?

This whole time I thought
Collier was the hold out.

And it's you.

Wait. Wait, where are you going?
We are not done here.

I have a big prelim in .

We can cage fight this out later.

[Amy sighs]

[laughs] Newly minted
attorney coming through.

Good morning, deputy Scott.

- I passed the bar.
- Well, good morning.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

Oh sh**t, hold please. Hey.


assh*le. I don't have time for this.

Oh, come on.

You know what?
It ain't gonna ruin my day.


Okay. Oh!

Mr. Callan, are the people ready?

- Yes, your Honor.
- Is the defense ready?

Your Honor, I filed a motion
to quash and traverse

the search warrant in this matter.

I'd like that motion to be heard
before the preliminary hearing.

Did the people receive
a copy of the motion?

Ah. I think so, your Honor.

Ill hear from you, Mr. Armstrong.

I am moving to suppress
each and every item

that was seized when the search warrant

was ex*cuted at Mr. Page's residence.

The warrant contains a fatal
flaw, therefore the search

was illegal and the items
were seized illegally.

The name in the search warrant
that lead to the search is...

- What?
- Exactly.

- Mr. Callan?
- You Honor,

the name on the search warrant
is Gloria Hernandez.

Not her sister Maddy Hernandez.

Your Honor, I can fix this.

No, you cannot, Mr. Callan.

Given the error in the search warrant,

I have no choice but to grant
the motion to quash.

Are the people able
to proceed without those items?

- Yes, your Honor.
- Thank you, your Honor.

The people can still prove this case.

But I'm requesting a continuance

to prepare for the preliminary hearing

- in light of the court's ruling.
- The defense objects.

Mr. Armstrong,

I would like to have a word
with you in my chambers.

[gavel slams]

[gasping breath] Okay.

[gasping breath]

Seriously? Yeah.

Thanks for letting
the elevator shut in my face.

[soft whoosh]

Are you f*cking kidding me?


The wrong name on the warrant,
are you kidding me?

Now, all the physical evidence
that was seized gets suppressed.

I know, sir. It was a really,
really bad mistake.

Are you working overtime to make
this office look like a joke?

Give me one reason
why I shouldn't send this

already screwed up
case directly to the Feds?

- Sir...
- AUSA Hamid

just texted offering
to send over US marshals

to take Brandon Page
into federal custody.

Tell me why I am not
saying yes and thank you.

Sir, Andre Armstrong
is a former Federal prosecutor

and an expert on federal procedure.

He could delay this trial for years.

We can put Brandon Page away right now.

I can win this
with the evidence we have.

We have a solid witness in Maddy.

That is hardly reassuring.

Did you... [sighs]

I'm only % convinced
she's even going to testify.

You need to fix this, now.

[grunts in frustration]

I am exceedingly, profoundly
sorry for my unforgivable error,

and I am ready to tender my immediate...


You do not get the easy way out.

Brandon Page's TikBait post?

TikBait is how Brandon Page
communicates with his followers.

I think he's coordinating
the smash and grab att*cks.

- Figure out how he's doing it.
- Wow.

So, you think
there is a secret embedded code.

That is so... cool.

If we can connect Page to the robberies,

then we can submit
his evidence against him.

On the honor of the Biswas' family,

and even the shady ones in Minnesota,

I will untangle this gordian knot.

Get out, and do not come back
until you figured it out.

I will not fail you again, boss.

I'm not your boss.


[gasping] HELP!

[heavy breaths]


I am not gonna... [moans in pain]

[grunts in pain]



I need you to stop taking over
cases slated for my courtroom.

How else am I supposed to make
a name for myself in this town?

I don't know. But you need
to do it away from here.

I'm just somebody trying
to do my job as a...

prominent partner of a national firm

by bringing in the high end
clients like Brandon Page,

to grow my Los Angeles office.

I was unaware Audubon & Quinn
was now your firm.

We're in discussions.

But the real question, my dear, is...

why is my being in
your courtroom a problem?

Because I was under the impression

you were a happily married woman.

- I most certainly am.
- Okay.

Then there's nothing else to talk about.

[door closing]

[loud clattering]

- What is the matter with you?
- Woah, it's all good, yo.

You've been Brandoned, and I'm buying you

- a brand new iPhone .
- Ugh, this is so fake.

How does this guy
have million followers?

My generation is not very discerning.

Thanks again for helping me out.

Mmm, please. My job is beyond intense.

This is a welcome break.

And how many of these West Coast
mogul posts did he do?

Yeah, baby, I just landed
on Sunset Boulevard.

And I am buying.

Wait. Sunset?

When did he post his?

Um, June th.

Isn't that the same day
Fred "Seg-all" was ransacked?

Segal. I don't see
anything about Melrose.

That's because Fred "Seg-all"
is now on Sunset Boulevard.

When did he post the one
where he bought Rodeo Drive?

Um, June rd.

The date of the attack on Gucci.

Do you think his dice roll determines

the locations he att*cks?

He bought the Grove on July th.

Same day Nordstrom's
at the Grove was att*cked.

I think we might have cracked the code.

We just need a tech
expert to corroborate.

- Let's take this to Mark.
- Yes. Okay.

The Feds aren't going
to let this go, Callan.

And why should they,
given the incompetence

that this office has been showing.

Now I've got the mayor blowing me up

because the United States
attorney is blowing him up.

- I mean this is becoming...
- Callan.

Ms. Lopez.

This case needs to be dismissed.

We all know that without
the evidence found at the house,

everything falls on Maddy's testimony.

The jury will find her compelling.

I know a thing
or two about Juries, Callan.

And generally,
they don't put much weight

on testimony of a teenager.
You know this.

Do not do this to her.
She's scared out of her mind.

We will protect her.

My apologies for not finding
that exactly comforting.

Okay, one of your witnesses
was m*rder*d two years ago.

I'm sorry, but it is the truth.

Everything has changed now.
I don't need a promise.

I need... I need assurances.

Ms. Lopez, you have my word
we will protect your client

with every resource of this office.

What does that mean?
What exactly are you saying?

A full security detail outside
the witness room at trial.

Which will also protect
Miss Hernandez outside

of HOJ and continue until
the conclusion of the trial.

And then we can call
the sheriff to discuss

the specifics of your
client's protection needs.

That sounds like an assurance.

Thank you.

I will take this back to my client.


[Callan sighs]

Please tell me you have something.

Keep the change.

NESS: This is Ness, leave a message.

- [beep]
- Ness, it's Amy again.

We were supposed to meet
at the Gavel and Go.

Where are you?
Meet me on the first floor.

- Which floor?
- First, thanks.

[cell phone buzzing]

[heavy breathing]

[moans in pain]

Your Honor,
the defense is ready to proceed

with preliminary hearing
and object to any continuance.

I would also like
to be heard regarding bail.

Your honor, a hold

was placed on the defendant
at arraignment.

So, the defendant cannot
bail out, unless the court

conducts a hearing that
the money to be used for bail

was not generated by
the commission of a felony.

Mr. Armstrong?

I request that the hold be lifted.

Mr. Callan is correct.
You need to file a formal motion

if you would like request the
hold on your client be lifted.

Wait, what just happened?

Minor bump, don't worry.

- [softly] And don't talk.
- You work for me, bro.

You Honor, I really
don't think it's a good idea

- to keep me in jail.
- [laughter]

Why is it not a good idea,
Mr. Armstrong?

Your Honor, he didn't mean to...

Let's just say that the Brandon Nation

is very loyal and protective.

And I don't know how they will react

to your uncool treatment of me.

I do not take kindly to threats,
Mr. Page.

Council if I hear
your client speak again

in such a manner, he will
be removed from my courtroom.

And the preliminary hearing
will occur in his absence.

- Are we clear?
- Yes, your Honor. Crystal.

People, I'm denying your request
for a continuance

you announced already.
Please call your first witness.

- Have a nice day.
- You too.

Man: Ms. Byrd,
you're a social media expert.

How do you think Brandon Page
was able to communicate

to his followers using a board game?

The roll of the dice
was the designated time.

The neighborhood he landed on

indicated the location for the hit.

Thank you. No further questions.

Mr. Armstrong. Your witness.

Miss Bird,
isn't this simply Shakespeare?

Objection, Your Honor. Relevance?

Sustained. Mr. Armstrong,
is there a question,

or are you simply grandstanding?

I'm making a point, Your Honor.

Everyone that reads Hamlet
has a different interpretation.

Rephrase the question, Mr. Armstrong.

Miss Byrd, how did you
come to this conclusion?

By reviewing Brandon Page's
TikBait videos.

And in any of these videos,
did my client ever mention

the words smash, rob or steal?

- No.
- How about destroy,

loot, break in, hold up, pilfer?

- No.
- Then isn't this merely

your misinterpretation of my
client playing an innocent game?

- No, sir.
- No further questions.

- People, any redirect?
- Yes, Your Honor.

Miss Byrd, why do you believe

that Brandon Page was sending
these videos to his followers?

Because every video he recorded
mentioned the place

that was later hit
by the smash-and-grab mob.

Exhibit , previously marked People's .

What conclusions were you able to make?

On January th at : p.m.,

Bespoke men store on Melrose Avenue

was hit by a group of teens.

Three hours before that hit,

Brandon Page recorded this message.

Yeah. All right. Number
six in Melrose Avenue.

One LA's Best. Your challenge?

Discovering for yourself. We need a reason?

Two words, hot chick.
As in pizza at Lucifer's.

You need clothes? Be crushed on bespoke.

You wanna hang with celebs, go to Craigs.

Need I say more? I think not.

Get out there, Tribe. Make me proud.

"“Be crushed on bespoke."”

This past year has seen
smash-and-grab robberies.

Over $ , in stolen merchandise.

And for every robbery,
there is a TiKBait video

from Mr. Page that coincides
with the exact location

of the robbery,
as well as him mentioning

the store that was later robbed.

Thank you. No further questions.

It's all fiction, man.

The powers are twisting my words, Tribe.

Making up stories.
Trying to use an innocent.

Someone I trusted and let into my home

I thought was family. Can't. Won't happen.

Judas must not betray.
Justice will prevail.

- I gotta get out of here.
- What? Why?

Honey, he's just talking, honey.

It's just a video. He can't get to you.

Can you hear him? He just threatened me.

You know? Look.

Hi. You see, we're protected.

We're all good.
And Brandon Page is in custody.

He can't do anything.

It's not him I'm worried about.

It's Leo. He's coming for me,

- and I know it.
- Maddy... It's gonna be okay.

Okay? It's going to be okay. I promise.

[ominous instrumental]

I can't believe Mark wouldn't
allow me to sit second chair?

Look, we broke the code and got
Mark the evidence he needed.

- He'll be fine.
- Oh, you're right.

We basically saved the day.

I should have figured
everything out sooner.

God, Teddy!

- You think Mark will forgive me?
- No, Teddy.

I don't think Mark
will ever forgive you.

I don't like when you joke about that.

- [phone whistles]
- Oh, dang.

Another video TikBait just posted.

Who's posting? Brandon's in custody?

- Leo Sikes.
- Our boy Brandon is in trouble.

He's being set up. All lies.

We gotta make this go
away. Time to fight like hell.

- He's telling them to attack.
- What? That's ridiculous.

"Time to fight like hell."
What else could he mean?

Look, we're in a courthouse.
There are deputies everywhere.

- It would be su1c1de.
- I gotta warn Mark.

MARK: Mark Callen, please leave a message.

Damnit! Voicemail. I'll do it in person.

What? Teddy. [sighs]

You forgot your badge.

- [sensor beeps]
- Put your bag down.

Step over here, man.

- Stop.
- Now, now, now.

No crowding! Stop.


[loud yelling]


You must stop!

[crowd clamoring]

I think Mark should
be calling any minute.

After you testify,
the deputies will get you

out of here and into
a temporary safe house.

How long before I can see my sister?

I don't know exactly,
but the D.A. promised

to work something out with the feds.

[phone ringing]

What happens if I don't testify?

Your testimony
can put Brandon Page away.

And if not, he's gonna keep doing this,

and more people could get hurt.

I know too much.

I know about the robberies,
the TikBait code.

- [expl*si*n sound]
- What was that?

I don't know.

Lock this door. Don't let anyone in.

What's going on? What's going on?

[phone ringing]

- Uh, Luke, what's happening?
- We're on lockdown.

The building's being overrun
by a bunch of teens.

- It's Sykes. I told you.
- No. You don't know that.

- Is she referring to Leo Sykes?
- Yeah.

She thinks that he's coming for her.

- What should I do?
- I'm on my way.

- [glass shatters]
- Stop. You can't go that way.

Go back to your offices and stay there.

No, no. We gotta get to courtroom .

The person responsible
for all this is in there.

MAN: Hey, get off of there.


Oh, my God. Ness? Oh, my God.

Oh, God. Ness, can you hear me?

- Ness!
- Amy... I passed the bar.

Oh, my God. Okay. Okay.

Um, I'm going to get you help, okay?

Just... just stay with me, Ness, okay?

Okay! Oh, my God.

Mr. Callen, are you ready
to call your next witness?

I am, Your Honor.
The People would like to call

Maddy Hernandez to the stand.

We're on lockdown. Get
everyone to safety, now.

Your Honor, I need
to get you to your chambers.

- Why? What's happening?
- No time. Please your Honor.

- In your chambers, please.
- What about everyone else?

You get in the gallery.

Mr. Callen. Mr. Armstrong, this way.


[loud yelling]



[siren sound]

[indistinct conversations]

Which part of the DA's office
not being able

to handle this case
didn't they understand?

- Federal agents.
- Glad you're here to assist.

If by assist you mean
resolve a situation

that could have been
prevented, then, yes.

Who's responsible for this little party?

Not sure. A g*ng of teenagers

rushed the entrance,
tossing smoke bombs,

causing an uproar.

Any of the suspects armed?

We're still sorting it out,

but deputies are taking the necessary

precautions not to cause
a teenage bloodbath in there.

Sheriff Diaz,
my wife is a judge in there.

What's your plan?

MAN: Requesting confirmation.

How many bleeding and wounded victims?

Please confirm. Over.

[siren sound]

Thank you.

I can't believe this is happening,

but I shouldn't be surprised.

Every time you are in
my courtroom chaos ensues.

But that's who you are.

It is who you have always been.

Always putting your own selfish
ambition above everything else.

Why don't you just
say how you really feel,

Lola Carmichael?

Don'’t '‘Lola Carmichael'’ me!

You are not the man I knew years ago.

Because that man
that I knew had integrity.

Oh, you'’re right about that.
I'm not the same man you knew

because the man I am now would
never let you out of his life.


You don't get to rewrite history.

Not today.

I just didn't know if I would

be enough for you back then.

How could you even say that?

- I was the one who tried to make it work.
- Think about it.

If I had been enough for you,

you wouldn't have left
me in the first place.

You ended it! You did!

You decided that your
path was the only path...

That was you.

And you never looked back.

Do you even
understand how much you hurt me?

I loved you... and that
should have been enough.

I loved you, too.

Damn! You're right. Uh, you're right.

I'm sorry.

And I will forever regret that.

Well, it'’s years too late for that.

Come on! Is it?

Because not even you can
deny what's been happening.

Just checking in
on you Judge Carmichael.

[tense music]


[overlapping shouting]

MAN: Hurry up. Move.

Get out, go.


[indistinct shouting]

Okay, that should
slow the bleeding, okay?

What's taking so long?

Hey, you passed
the bar, and... and I plan

on putting a shit ton
of cases on your desk, okay?



Okay. Okay.

Are you sure we're all safe in here?

Mob seemed pretty angry about something.

Everything's going to be okay.

The authorities have
everything under control, okay?

It really shouldn't
be much longer before...

- [phone ringing]
- Hey, where are you?

- Are you safe?
- I'm fine.

But, Ness, I think she was stabbed.

It's really bad.

I found her in the stairwell,
she's losing a lot of blood.

Amy, tell me where you are.

Down the stairwell.

I think between
seventh and eighth floor.

Okay, I'm heading over.

No one leaves this area. Back.


Come on, come on, come on, come on.

[elevator dinging]

[indistinct shouting]


What the...


ROBIN: You'’ve reached
Robin Taylor, please leave...

[hurried footsteps]

[phone ringing]

ROBIN: You'’ve reached Robyn Taylor...

Lo, why don't you take a breath,

put away the phone
and work on keeping calm?

I can't just continue
to sit here and do nothing.

How about I poke my head
in on some of the other judges.

Stay in the chambers,
lock the deadbolts.

You heard the man.

I'm just checking
in on the other judges.

[tense music]

This is a very bad idea, Teddy.

I'm a knight! I'm a knight of the court!

May my sword be heavy
and my shield raised high...

What are you saying?

Whenever I get scared,
I recite knights honor code

from Dungeons and Warlocks.

Lets me channel my bravery
then I become less fearful.

Okay, well, that is so great.

But can you recite
on your way back to the...


Sara! Sara! Sara!


[ominous music]

Hey, Maddy.

We are in the safest
part of the HOJ, okay?

And we've got two armed sheriff deputies

right outside that door.

We're going to be out
of here in no time, okay?

Yeah. Okay.


MAN: You can open up, we're
going to get you to safety.


- Hello Maddy.
- No, no, no.

- Maddy, let's go.
- No, no, no, no.

- Now.
- Wait, please, please!

Drop the g*n now! Sykes, drop the g*n.

Drop the g*n now Sykes.

I said drop the g*n!


- [g*nsh*t]
- [screaming]


Don't move.

Stay down.

Oh, my God!

[Maddy screaming]

Oh, God.

Stop, stop. It'’s all right baby.


AMY: You wrote defamation for the claim.

What did you write
for potential damages?

Come on, that'’s essay question two.

Don't leave me hanging.

Ness... Okay.

In all standard defamation cases

the potential for damages start...


Oh, thank God.

Please help me get her up.

Slow down. Are you okay?

I'm fine, but she
needs medical attention.

Should we be moving her?

She was just talking a second
ago but then she stopped.

- Mark, we have to help her.
- Okay.

All right.

EMILY: I can give you our
exact location in the building.

Em, I'm good. It's just a flesh wound.

No, it's a through and through, Luke.

You need to go to the hospital.
Stay down.

Don't f*cking move.

Maddy, you're doing great. Okay?

WOMAN: Ma'am, can you
tell us where you are located?

Yes. Uh, witness room eight.

Left wing, just past the stairway,

third door on the right.

WOMAN: Thank you. They're on their way.

Okay. Thank you. Please hurry.



[ominous instrumental]

MAN: Go! Here come the cops, run!

Freeze! Put your hands up.

Up against the wall.
You, up against the wall!


[banging on the door]

- Just stay behind me.
- Like hell.

All clear Your Honor.

Everyone all right here?

Any injuries?

All good here, bailiff.

Thank you.

[gentle music]

- Hey.
- Oh!

I'm okay, I'm okay.

Oh, thank God.

Thank you. Thank you.

I got it, baby. I got it.

I got it, okay? It's over.

You did so good.
You were so brave. It's over.

Mr. Sykes, we have been looking for you.


Stay with me. Stay with me.

- Mm.
- Okay?

Thank you.

Listen, Luke, you're
going to go to the hospital.

I will be there every step of the way.

- Okay?
- Em.

Don'’t worry about me. I'm fine.

I am fine.

I love you, Em.

I love you, too Watkins.

You'’ll be fine, okay?

It's all right. They're getting
her to the hospital now.

- I'm gonna go with her.
- All right. I'll meet you there.

- Okay.
- Amy, I love you.

I love you.

Hey. Have you seen...

Lola? Uh, she should be in her chambers.

All right. Thank you. Thank you.

I'm going to find my wife.

[ominous instrumental]


Man! I knew you were an idiot,
but trying to bust out

of the courthouse and going
after our star witness,

that'’s a whole new level of stupid.

Look, I'm just as surprised as you are,

Mr. Callan, it really makes a guy

lose faith in the system,
if I'm being honest.

- That's being honest?
- Yeah.

Lucky for me, I've got a good lawyer.

Thousand dollar suits get you
country club deals, am I right?

Unfortunately, you're probably right.

You played a good game.

Try not to beat yourself up.

That's why we're not
trying you in the state courts.

I'm gonna hand you over to my
new friends

in the federal department.

You've got nothing on me.

You think empty
threats are gonna make me talk?

It's amazing how motivated
people are to talk

when they've got a b*llet
lodged in their shoulder.

You att*cked a courthouse, Brandon.

That'll land you in a federal supermax

where you can spend the rest of

your natural life in
solitary confinement. That's...

That's if you're lucky.

You got outplayed, buddy.

Try not to beat yourself up.


♪ Something inside of me

♪ Changes the weather, I

♪ Can't figure out why my type

♪ Gets too deep to swim in sight ♪

WOMAN: Help!

Is someone... Please help!


I... I told him we had to wait here,

but he... he insisted on finding you...

No, no, no.

And... and I lost him in this crowd.

Hey. Hey. Teddy?




Thank you, Moses.

Um, can you just stay with her, please?

And I'll be there soon.


♪ Lightning instead of light ♪

ROBIN: You've reached Robin
Taylor, please leave a message...

You can let the stapler go now, Lo.

♪ Changes in paradigm
I've gotten way too far... ♪


I'm okay.

You can go now.

♪ Watch your mood swings

♪ It's like you've got no heart strings ♪


Hey. Hey. Hey.

I'm fine.

I'm fine, really.

You don't have to be fine. Okay?

Not all the time.

Not right now.

Just let me be strong for you, okay?

I've got you, Lo.

♪ Watch your mood swings

♪ It's like you've got no heart strings ♪

♪ Baby, when your mood swings

♪ I always say the wrong thing ♪