04x18 - Hitsugaya Moves! The att*cked City

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x18 - Hitsugaya Moves! The att*cked City

Post by bunniefuu »

Woke up with yawning, it's dawning

I'm still alive

Turned on my radio To start up new day

As goddamed D.J. chattered

How to survive

Amazing news got over On that air wave

Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

She's a sh**ting star

Good-night, good-night

She's a sh**ting star


Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

See you some other day


Hello, it's me… I've just arrived…

Yeah… Yeah, is that so? I ate dinner before I came…

We're too late! This is Karakura !

We found the target!

We're going to capture it!

Oh no!

Are you all right?!


We've failed to capture the target! One of us is injured!

Send the Med Crew immediately! It's serious!

What in the world are they planning…?


Stop repeating the same thing to yourself…

I’m getting so irritated!

I saw it on the news this morning…

People from all over have gone missing…

That means…

Those monsters they let loose might be attacking people…


As usual, Lirin and the others' sensors didn’t catch anything either…

Where are those Bounts hiding…?



Has any information come from Soul Society?

The Stealth Force seems to be here, but I haven't received any information…

At any rate, we can't do anything

until we find the Bounts and those creatures…

Is there a way?

Right now, Urahara is making a powerful sensor at my request.

Until it's finished, we're just going to have to take our chances

at coming across them in the streets.

Will Ishida be all right…?

He seemed really shocked about Yoshino…

He stayed silent even when I talked to him…

I'm a bit worried…

There's nothing we can do…

He's fallen in love with that Bount woman, huh? Gosh…

Don't make fun of him…! That's not very considerate…


You're one to talk about being considerate!

What did you say?!

Stop it!

Really. Why are you two always like this…?

Now's not the time to be quarreling among friends!


Several hundreds of years ago,

we lost many friends in this underground capital.

I am especially moved that we will begin our final plan here.

Though it is an ambitious plan,

the spite of our fallen allies will give us unlimited power.

It seems that Soul Society has made their move,

but there's no need to worry.

The mineral here eliminates all Spiritual Pressure.


Our newly born dolls also contain large amounts of that mineral as well.

Let's take the time to refresh ourselves!

Now then, gentlemen,

there are a few who don't know the results of my research.

I shall show you.


They suck out the souls of living humans and bring them here.

This is a doll that was created from Ugaki and my technology.

Ooh… That's what you were doing?

Well, we ended up trading the life of one of our friends, though…

But how is that different from us directly sucking people's souls?

It can't just be that there's no danger…

The souls that Bitto bring are of high purity.

In other words they're concentrated…

We shall begin sucking souls,

a practice that was considered taboo by our tribe.

That energy will be gradually stored up in our bodies.

With this, our abilities should leap to more than ten times our current level.


What did you say?!

More than ten times… Is that true?

Of course. This is the truth.

With this power, we will fulfill our long-cherished wish.

I'll go first.

Burn this into your mind!

The moment that our tribe's laws and history change!

I have no feelings of pain or regret…

All I feel is joy and power!


I see… The collected souls are concentrated within the Bitto's body.

I never thought it would produce this much power…

That's not too bad…

I'll pass… Are you serious?!


You’re not planning to do that as well? Are you?

So you’ve chickened out? You baby!

That's not it!

I'm asking what you think about breaking our tribe's laws!

Say, Sawatari…

What is it, Mabashi?

I know. Long ago, you sucked many living souls…!

That was quite long ago…

The side effects! That's why you've aged so much!

That's why it was a taboo!

How annoying! It doesn't matter if it means we gain power!

It's not as if we're going to die!

What did you say…?!

Calm down, everyone.

Let's not say things that'll ruin Kariya's historical moment.

Please allow me to—

Shut up!

The laws are one thing,

but things like this are…

Stop, Mabashi!

There are always controversies in the world.

There's nothing wrong with asserting your opinions.

It doesn't matter…


Mabashi, the next time you accuse me of something,

you do it at the risk of your life!

Then you can say whatever you want!

Didn't I tell you before?

Right now, I am the law of the Bount tribe!

The Stealth Force…was defeated?

They couldn't have…

Not all of them, but a few have…

It seems that their stomachs were pierced by those monsters.

Furthermore, the monsters that the Bounts released

removed living human souls and escaped…

How cruel… The way they do things isn't beautiful…

Captain Hitsugaya, what are they planning to do?

Gathering information is the job of the Stealth Force.

We're going to the World of the Living?


You four will go.

I have already spoken to the Captains' committee.

Why us?

A monster has appeared. That's our specialty.

Even if it isn't a Hollow…

Then our targets are those monsters?

No. We're targeting the Bounts.

Excuse me…

What is it?

That's pretty messy work, isn't it…?

Unlike the other lieutenants, I don't like ugly things.

Why was I chosen?

When I asked Zaraki, he said you had the most free time…

N-No way!

What about it?

N-Nothing. Is that so…?

I have the feeling that they're planning something even worse.

We can't leave it to just Ichigo Kurosaki and Abarai.

I'm counting on you!



It's not bad for last minute preparations…

It's wonderful, store owner!

Now then…

I'm very sorry for interrupting you.

Not at all.

So what did she say?

This is a message from Madam Yoruichi.

“I will be investigating in Soul Society for a while.

Be careful of the Bounts' movements”

I see… So how are things on the other side?

Various posts are gathering information on the Bounts.

But they’re still uncertain.

All right.

Thank you for your help.

I will excuse myself now…

I have to return to Madam Yoruichi immediately…


What is it?

I can't believe that Madam Yoruichi lived in a rundown shack like this…

What did you say?

Calm down… I'm sorry… But it's pretty comfortable here…

Keep in mind that if something happens to Madam Yoruichi,

you won't get away easily!

My, my…

I'd like to avoid being chased by the Punishment Force…

Hey! Ururu! Jinta!

Sorry it's late, but…

Could you go out for me for a bit?


But to call this place a rundown shack…

Excuse me…

You should go in your room.

It would be bad if you were targeted…

Thank you…

Umm, are you all right? You look pale…

I'm all right… Urahara is calling you…


I’m counting on all of you tonight as well.

Let's all split up and be on the look out!

Someone who is fighting a monster

should exhibit elevated Spiritual Pressure…

All right…

Will they really come out?

Nothing will happen if they don't.

It's pretty tricky now…

Say, why are you two like that?

Protecting Orihime is the duty of the Hikoboshi,

who would be me, Kurodo!

I wouldn't be of any help in a fight as a stuffed animal…

It's dangerous for her to go by herself…

That's not fair! Then I'll go into a gigai as well…

Lirin, that's enough! We're going!

Ooh… What is this…?

It's amazing…!

How is it, gentlemen?

It's better than I imagined, Kariya!

This isn't bad.

I feel as if I've become younger by a hundred years, easily…

What a feeling!

Even though this is a doll I created,

this is definitely a great achievement

that marks the coming of a new age for Bounts!

This is still just the beginning.

If we continue to absorb this,

an even more wonderful world will open itself for us.

This is addictive!

I think I shall have some more…

Well, this was worth taking the effort to research…!


What's wrong? There's nothing to be afraid of.

I don't want to do this!

Master Kariya, will you allow me to treat his wounds?

There's no need for that.


He'll be cured… in an instant…

S-Stop! Let go! I…



I told you

there's nothing to be afraid of…

Welcome, Mabashi, to the new world.

Lirin, any sign of them?

Nothing at all… I wonder what's going on…

Can't Urahara finish that sensor already…?

I give up…

I've always been curious about it, but…


What kinds of things do Sado and Noba talk about

when they're alone together?

Who knows…?

It's probably, “What should we have for dinner?”

or “The weather is nice today.”

Oh yeah, maybe something like,

“It's delicious if you top your ramen with chocolate.”

That would be you…


I can't imagine them having a conversation…

Do they even talk?


Ichigo that bastard…

Where in the world did he go…?!

The same with Sister!

How could they leave me behind…?


You bastard! What do you think you're doing?!

Why, if it isn't the mysterious critter from Ichigo's place…

Mysterious critter? Don't underestimate me!

What are you doing here?

I was just taking a walk!

A walk?

That's right!

I just wanted to get a bit of the night air!

You were left behind, felt lonely, and chased after Ichigo, didn't you?!

H-How could you say that?!

I was worried about Sister…

I was so worried…

So I wanted to help her a little…

H-Hey! I'm not finished talk…ing…

Roar! Zabimaru!

Someone’s Spiritual Pressure just increased!

It's Renji!

It seems he's fighting…!


Let's go!

Where are you going?

Revenge…for her?

That's not it…

You need to recover your Quincy powers in order to do that…

That's a thorny path.

The Bounts said earlier that they needed a Quincy's power.

And afterwards, they said that they had no need for a Quincy…

Didn't they?

Which do you think is true?

Which do you think?

Who knows…?

Did you ever think about what would happen

if you were able to recover your power?

If I wasn't there, she might not have died…

Was that the case?

I have to find the truth.

With your pride as a Quincy at stake?


That's the kind of tribe we are…

He's young.

But that's not bad at all…

You kid! You're all right now!

Stay still!


These guys really are targeting the souls of living humans…!

I'll slice down every one of you!

Master Kariya…

What is it…?

A Soul Reaper is destroying the Bitto.

How impertinent…

He’ll soon learn what happens when you damage a Bitto.

Hey, you don't look like you have any wounds…

You can't even hear me, huh?

Wh-What is this?

What is this?!

Don't leave my side!

Bring it on!

or …

I'll crush you all!

Sky blue dreams shine and flicker, dancing away into the sky.

The flowers glow and fade away.

The sky falls silent,

as a pair of dreamy fireworks (Hanabi) lit up.

I will sing my piercing love to you.

Can you hear my voice?

Blooming in an instant are fireworks (Hanabi)

Sky blue dreams shine and flicker, dancing away into the sky.

Blossom away in full bloom, high above

Protect and keep those feelings thriving

Strongly, at least till the very end.

These flowers will glow and fade away

Kurosaki, Urahara said that he completed the tool to track Bounts!

All right! Now we'll know where they are!

He said he designed it to match you perfectly.



He said he can’t wait to see your surprised face.

I've got a really bad feeling about this…

The Golden Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers after these messages!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!



Thank you very much…!

Oh my. Rangiku, are you going on a trip?

I'm going on a business trip to the World of the Living!

The cosmetics there don't really match me…

Women always have a lot to pack at times like this.

Don't you hate it?

I actually wanted to cut my hair a little before the trip,

but my captain is so noisy…

Who's noisy…?


Get going already!

Look at me…
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