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02x13 - Angels on Horseback

Posted: 08/08/22 19:42
by bunniefuu
CHARLIE: Once upon a time,

there were three little girls
who went to the police academy,

two in Los Angeles...

the other, in San Francisco,

and they were each assigned
very hazardous duties...

but I took them
away from all that,

and now they work for me.

My name is Charlie.


Sunwest Dude Ranch.
Climb aboard, folks.


All righty.

Well, folks,

it's an all-night
ride to Sunwest,

so, uh, relax, and there'll be

hot breakfast

when we get there
in the morning.



Oh... What the devil?

Tres chic?

Whoo... Tres chic!

Boy, we've really
run up a bill too.

That is sensational.

Do you like it?

I love it.



Now, you heard Charlie, right?

Are you sure we may
be going to the Bahamas?

That's right. I made
him repeat it to be sure.

He's considering the case.

What's the case?

SABRINA: Well, he didn't say.

He did not say because
he was negotiating

with a potential client

the matter of a fee.

Oh, you mean to cover our cover?


And unfortunately, they
did not come to terms

so we will not be
working on this case.

Oh, Bosley.

Are you saying the
whole thing's off?

You grasp my meaning perfectly.

Oh... Charlie can't do this.

I mean, he can't do it, Bosley.

He can't lead us into heaven

and then just pull the plug.

I am sorry,

but the venture was
economically not feasible.

With clothes like these,

who needs to be feasible?

BOSLEY: But it
was not a total loss,

because Charlie
did accept a case,

and a certain wardrobe
will be needed.

Yeah, but not like this, right?

No, not quite.

CHARLIE: Well, Angels,
it seems to go like this.

Joseph Frisch

was apparently k*lled by a blow

with some sort of
blunt instrument.

So we must assume

someone on that
bus is a m*rder*r.

At the moment, all we have

is a name with
each of the pictures.

BOSLEY: Now, this lady is
Jean Trevor from New York.

Mr. Ed Miller from
Phoenix, Arizona.

Ed Cole, the Sunwest
Dude Ranch foreman.

Mr. George Jackson,
from Los Angeles.

Mr. Jackson I
know about, Angels.

He once worked for me
as an assistant investigator.

Well, that could be interesting.

What's he doing on the bus?

That's a good question, Sabrina.

I can tell you
this... Jackson is not

one of your
higher-class gumshoes.

And nobody got on or off the bus

from the time
it left the airport

until the time

it got to Sunwest Dude Ranch?

According to the driver,
the bus never stopped.

What about the local
authorities, Charlie?

There's a sheriff named Hayden.

He's questioned everyone
who was on the bus.

It seems no one saw
anything, heard anything,

and no one seems, in any
way, related to the dead man.

Charlie, who is hiring us?

The man who owns the Sunwest.

He doesn't like the idea

of one of his
guests being a k*ller,

and his guests apparently
don't like it either.

Most of them have left or
canceled their reservations.

Now, I think you
should all pretend

you don't know each
other... At first, anyway.

You can move easier.

Your contact will
be Sheriff Hayden.

By the way, Bosley,

besides some
rather startling bills

for hats, boots, and clothes,

you've submitted
one for golfing?

Oh, that's, uh...

That's for rolfing,
Charlie, with an "R".

Rolfing? You mean
as in deep massage?

Well... Yes.

Yesterday, when I found
out what our assignment was,

I rented a horse...

I've, uh, brushed
up on my riding,

then, last night,

the, uh, the part of my
body that touches the saddle

was suffering from, uh...

excruciating cramps.

So you got yourself rolfed?


I went to an elderly
Chinese gentleman.

But, Bosley, $85?

Well, I was there for
several hours, Charlie.

Well, it was an elderly
Chinese gentleman.

And he was working
on very elderly muscles.

I think you grasp
the picture, Charlie.

Yes, I grasp the picture,
but do me a favor, Bosley.

Yes, Charlie?

Either firm up that
part of your body

we've discussed,
or forget the saddle

and get a very soft horse.

My accountant and
I are very distressed

about these added expenses.

Good luck, Angels.

Bye, Charlie.

Sheriff Hayden?


I'm Sabrina Duncan.

This is Kelly Garrett,
Kris Munroe, John Bosley.

Oh, yeah.

Mr. Townsend's people.

Yes, sir. That's right.

Boy, you three are prettier
than fresh-foaled fillies.

You really know how
to turn a phrase, Sheriff.

How's that?

KELLY: You have
a way with words.


Uh, Sheriff, the
man who was k*lled

on the bus,

have you found a
motive for the k*lling?

Well, now, he had
no boodle in his poke.

Say that again?

I think he means

he had no cash in his wallet.

Oh, well, then...

then robbery could be a motive?

Say, that's an idea.

SABRINA: Uh, yeah.

What did you find
in his wallet, Sheriff?

Oh, some of them
there credit cards.

No driver's license.

And where is Frisch's body now?

Coroner's office.

Soon as they confirm
up the identification,

they're gonna
notify his next of kin.

Oh, there's our ride.

We'll contact you if
we make any progress,

and by the way,
we're all incognito.


Undercover, remember?

Oh, yeah. Very good.

Well, you keep in touch, now.

If you get confused or
anything, just give a holler.

I'll do everything I can
to straighten you out.

Well, thank you, Sheriff.

Are you with the
Sunwest Dude Ranch?

I'm Ed Cole. I run the
place for the owner.

Well, then we're with you.

Kelly Garrett, Philadelphia.

Heard of it.

Sabrina Duncan, Butte, Montana.

My, you look so, uh... Western.

I just can't wait to
get into my duds.

That is what you call
them, isn't it? Duds?

Whatever you like, Mrs. Garrett.

I wish my husband
had been that agreeable.

Last week, in Las Vegas,
I became a "Miss" again.

I'm here to get
over the pain of it all.

Well, we'll do all we
can to ease your pain.

I know you will.


I forgot your name.

Oh, uh, Kris Munroe.
I'm from Des Moines.

That's in Iowa.

And I...

I think you said your
name was Bosley, right?

Right, Bosley. John Bosley.

Pharmaceuticals, Chicago.

"A pill for your ill?"
A little slogan we use.

All right, if you're all ready,

let's make tracks for
the old bunkhouse,

as they say.

I bet you say that to
just about everybody.

Comes with the territory.

You want to meet
later? I'll explain it to you.

I'll give that some thought.

So will I.

Now, the first thing to remember
is stay away from Old Sawtooth.

You can recognize him

by the white
diamond on his back.

You know, all the cowboys
here keep betting each other

they can ride Old Sawtooth,

but nobody's done it yet.

WOMAN: What an
interesting name...

Old Sawtooth.

What gender is that?

KELLY: I think Miss
Trevor wants to know

if it's a boy or a girl horse.

BOSLEY: Miss Garrett,

I believe out here
in the wilderness,

the term "boy" or "girl"

is not applicable to horses.

Old Sawtooth is a gelding.

He's about 10 years old.

Looks like he's probably
been a rodeo bronc.

Well, this ain't the first
time you ever seen a horse.

No, I use to ride
some rodeo myself.

Jackson Hole, Butte...

What are you doing here?

Well, I had a little accident.

I thought I'd just
lay back for awhile

while I was on the mend.

BOSLEY: You said gelding.

Is that a boy or a girl?

Oh, neither...

Or, I think, as you
say here, "neether."

I taught grammar in Des Moines.

Oh, oh... Oh. No.

There he goes.

COWBOY: Hold his head in.

He ain't gonna bite you.

Hey, hey, hey. Hang on.

Easy. Easy. Watch it.

Hey, hey, hey. Hold it.

Whoo! Let her loose.




COLE: Old Sawtooth's won again.

Hey... Nice ride.

Like the man said,

nobody rides Old Sawtooth.

Well, since Old
Sawtooth is eating,

why don't we?

Don't like hay much.

I like a fella with
a sense of humor.

Come on.

All right, we'll meet
back here for the trail ride

at 2:00, all right?

Mr. Bosley,

maybe we could discuss
Old Sawtooth's gender

over a plate of
grits or something?

My pleasure.

Miss Trevor, I
believe in these parts

grits are out, beans are in.

How quaint. Yes.

This place is like a ghost town.

If they don't get
any guests soon,

they're gonna go broke.

Yeah, you're right.

You know what?

I think I'm gonna take
another run at Jackson.

Okay, I'll stay with Cole.

You and your friends,
real social types, huh?

My friends?

Miss Munroe, Miss
Duncan, Mr. Bosley.

They're not really
friends of mine.

We met on the
bus at the airport.

Oh, I got the feeling
you all knew each other.

Like you said, we're
the social types.

Well, let's saddle up
for our trail-ride, g*ng.











Are you okay?

Are you all right, Bree?


Careful. Why'd he spook?

I don't know.

Come on, come on.

Hey, what happened?

Well, it's just my
special new way

of dismounting, Bosley.


Well, it's the old

"burr under the saddle" trick.


You okay?

No problem.

Old rodeo rider like yourself,
surprised you got tossed.

Well, like I said.

I'm, uh... I'm on the mend.

Yeah. Like you said.

Well, I'll get you
a fresh mount.

Yeah, I'd appreciate that.

Thank you.

You think he's the one
that set you up for a fall?

Well, let's face it.

Any one of our suspects

could have slipped
me this little jewel.

Well, then, what do we have?

KRIS: Well, I talked
to Jackson at lunch,

and he didn't say too much to me

except "pass the ketchup,"

which he put on his steak.

And let's face it, Mr. Cole
is a little uptight himself.

He might have something to hide.

What about Miss Trevor?

Well, she... I think
she's attracted to me.


She... she said, "I like
the cut of your cloth."

She likes the cut of your cloth?

Yeah, those were her very words.

She said, "like the
cut of your cloth."

Well, maybe she
wants to borrow a shirt.

What about Miller?


Miller is a business man.

He says he's a businessman,
and that's all he says.

Well, then, we've got zilch.

Or worse.

What does that mean?

Well, it means

that we don't know
who the k*ller is,

but he... or she, may
know who we are.




Jackson? Sloan.

Been waiting for your call.

Yeah, I got the message
you left on your service in L.A.

What is this number?
Where are you at?

Place called Sunwest
Dude Ranch, north of Baja.

He's here.

You sure?

Would I kid you at these prices?

The Sunwest Dude Ranch.

Forty miles north of the border.

We'll be there
in five, six hours.

We found him.

All right. Let's go.

Okay, what have we got?

Still zilch.

All right, then let's take it
from the top one more time,

everybody on the bus.

Okay, what about Miller?

Did you get anymore on him?

Yeah, well, I found out
what kind of business he's in.

He's a plumbing
contractor from Los Angeles

and he owns his own business.

KRIS: Okay, we got a
plumber from Los Angeles.

Now, what about our silent
ranch foreman, Mr. Cole?

KELLY: He keeps
asking questions about us,

insinuating that
we knew each other

before we arrived here.

I don't like the sound of that.

Me neither.

I'll play my
fancy-free divorcée bit

on him some more.

Maybe he'll confide in me.

What about our cut-rate
gumshoe, Mr. Jackson?

SABRINA: Well, he's
still putting ketchup

on his steak, and very nervous.

Well, I don't think
he came out here

for the sagebrush
and the fresh air.

He doesn't look

like the outdoor type to me.

Okay, who do we have left,

but Miss Jean Trevor?

KELLY: Who's also
not the outdoor type,

which tells me she's not
here for fun in the sun.

BOSLEY: Okay, thanks, Charlie.

You've been very helpful.

You got something, Bosley?

Well, I think so.

Now, listen to
this little scenario.

First, Mr. Cole...

It seems that a few years ago,

he worked for a company
called Fantasy Valley.

Which was?

Phony land speculation,

just worthless Arizona desert.

The Government shut
the operation down,

and guess who ran the
operation from New York?

None other than

our dead man on the
bus, Mr. Joseph Frisch.

SABRINA: You mean
Cole worked for Frisch?

You got it.

And guess who ran
the public relations angle

for the same company?

Jean Trevor?

Right again... so
we have all three,

Mr. Cole, Joseph
Frisch, and Jean Trevor,

all with the same history.

So I think that I
shall join Miss Trevor

for dinner.

You think we're
getting a handle on this?


Well, at least we're
one step beyond zilch.

You know, I just remembered.


Yeah, it's been nagging me,

but you and I met
a few years ago.

I don't think so.

Oh, yeah, I'm sure.

Just briefly.

It was in Arizona.

I was going to buy
some desert land

from a company named,
uh... Fantasy Valley.

You worked public relations.

Yes, that's right.

The company was owned

by a man named Frisch, I recall,

Mr. Joseph Frisch.

Yes, I think he was one
of the people involved.

I knew, that he
being your employer,

you'd remember him.

Well, not really.

See, the executive
offices were in New York.

We never met.

Why do you ask?

Oh, because I understand
he was k*lled two days ago,

near here.

Yes, on the... on
the bus coming over

from the airport,

the local law has been
asking a lot of questions.

Small world.

Isn't it?






Mr. Cole?



Now, let me see
if I got this straight.

We figure someone
shot this fellow Cole,

then tried to make
it look like su1c1de?

Well, if a man's
gonna commit su1c1de,

he's not gonna use a
pillow to deaden the sound,

and there was
somebody in this room

when I got here.

So the su1c1de note was a fake?

Sheriff, you understand

why the k*ller added
the fake su1c1de note,

don't you?



Maybe you should
explain it again,

so I'm sure you got it straight.

Oh, right...

You see, something
was due to happen.

Cole got in the way.

They had to get
him out of the way,

but... if a m*rder investigation

was started here,

liable to mess
up their schedule,

so they had to make the
m*rder look like a su1c1de.



And you want me to
officially call it su1c1de

for a while.

because if you start

a m*rder investigation,

well, Cole's K*llers are
liable to panic and run.

We need some answers,

and we need our suspects

to be where we can get to them.

That makes sense.

Yeah, well, I'll
give you something

that doesn't make any sense.

Such as?

BOSLEY: I just
caught Jean Trevor

in a clinch with Mr. Miller.

A little dude-ranch romance?

Yeah, well, it sure
came up all of a sudden.

Bosley, you can't win them all.

It was just an
objective observation.

There is nothing
personal in it...

KRIS: Don't feel bad, Bosley.

Apparently Jean Trevor
spreads herself around.

Meaning what?

Well, I just talked to Charlie.

He checked the lady out.

Seems she and our dead
man on the bus, Joseph Frisch,

had been a romantic
item for some time.

SHERIFF: Well, now, that doesn't

make any sense at all.

When I questioned her,

said she didn't know
anyone else on the bus,

least of all Frisch.

And she told me
that when she worked

for Frisch's phony land company,

Frisch was officed in New
York, she never met him.

It seems to me we better have

a heart-to-heart
talk with Miss Trevor.

Maybe I ought to slap
that little lady in a cell,

like real quick.

Well, if you weren't
as smart as you are,

you'd probably do
that, I would guess.

You mean I shouldn't?

KELLY: Well, you
probably figured out

that we might get
further if we level with her,

tell her who we are
and why we're here.

Oh, yeah. I'm probably right.

We bring her up short,

and she might catch
a case of the smarts

and cooperate.

Yeah, they're going over
to confront Jean Trevor now.

What about Mr. Miller?

You get any more on him?

Well, Sabrina, Miller
seems quite legitimate.

Well thought of, married.

But he likes to play?

Play? You mean like Miss Trevor?

I mean with Miss Trevor.

Oh? When did that start?

I don't know.

Perhaps you should
speak to Miller.

He might give you a new
insight into Miss Trevor.

Good idea, Charlie.
I'll get back to you.

Are you people arresting me?

KELLY: We're just hired
by the management.

If there's any arresting to do,

that's his ballgame.

Then why am I here?

Because I want to know

why you lied about
knowing Joseph Frisch.

According to our information,

you two were more than friends,

shall we say?

All right.

I lied because I didn't
want to get involved.

Someone kills a
man you care for,

and that's all you wanted,

not to get involved?

Joe ran in rough company.

He's been in trouble
with the government

and his business associates.

Business associates?

Oh, I think the popular phrase
is he is "syndicate connected."

Well, we never
knew that about him.

The big ones keep
a very low profile.

And Frisch was a big one?


And the people he ran
with, if they get mad at you,

they can be very rough

on you and your friends.

And you still say

you saw nothing on the bus?

You have no idea who
k*lled Joseph Frisch?

I told you before. I was asleep.

I didn't see anything.

I guess you oughtta
ask her about Cole.

Right. What about him?

Well, what about him?

You never knew Cole?

All I know is that he
was the foreman here.

Why should I know him?

Because he worked

on Joe Frisch's
Fantasy Valley project

at the same time you did.

200 people worked that project.

It was spread
over half the state.

So you're saying
you never knew Cole?


Why are you asking about Cole?

Do you think he k*lled Joe?

His su1c1de note said he did.

KELLY: If you cared so much

about Joseph Frisch,

what did you have
going with Mr. Miller?

What do you mean?

I saw you and Miller
just a little while ago,

in front of his cottage.

Well, Joe and I... things
had cooled between us.

I mean, we were
still good friends,

but, well, we had agreed

and gave each other
freedom to do what we wanted.

With whom you wanted?

Well, you can't arrest a
lady for being liberated.

I didn't know we were
talking about a lady.


Just a minute, honey.

Right knock, wrong party?


I was expecting someone else.

Miss Trevor?

What makes you say that?

Well, it's just a lucky guess.

May I come in?

Well, as I said, I, uh... I'm
expecting someone else.

Mr. Miller, if you're
waiting for Miss Trevor,

it's going to be a long wait.

You see, she's sweating
it out with the local sheriff.

I think you really
ought to let me come in.

Be my guest.

You planning to take a ride?

Why is Miss Trevor
with the local sheriff?

Why do you care?

What makes you think I care?

Listen, if we keep answering
question with question,

we're never going to
get anywhere, Mr. Miller.


Ah, you see, I was
expecting someone.

Maybe the local sheriff

is finished with Miss Trevor.

Well, well, well.

How did you find me?

It wasn't easy.

Check the door.

And it really don't make
no difference, does it?

Uh, look, maybe I better go now.

Just sit tight.

Look, I really don't know
what's going on here

and I really don't care.

So why don't I just leave now?

I'll forget everything
I ever knew,

which is nothing anyway, right?


Look, I don't know who you are

or what you're doing here,

but you've seen too much,

so you ain't going anywhere...

Unless, of course, you
go with Frisch and us.


Joseph Frisch?


You didn't tell her?


Now... Now I've
done it, haven't I?

I've told you just about enough
to make you permanently quiet.

Are you sure you have
nothing else to tell us?

I'd like you to believe

that I'm not really as
hard as I seem to be.

Make us believe it.

I'll get back to you.

What's wrong?

That was the coroner's office.

The dead man, it
wasn't Joseph Frisch.

It was a man named
Miller, Ed Miller.


Are you sure?


Wait a minute.

Then our Mr. Miller...
Your new romance...

It's a switch.

It's really Joseph
Frisch, right?


Oh, terrific.

We'd better get over there.

No, please. Just...
Please, let me explain.

Joe and I have been on the run.

The Attorney General's office

has a warrant
out for his arrest.

His syndicate friends are afraid

that he will roll over
and sell them out.

That's why they're
looking for him.

Seems like Mr. Frisch
is in a rough situation.

Miller was one of the
men they sent after him.

Joe k*lled him in self-defense.

Self-defense, huh?

You're sure of that?

I didn't actually
see it, I was asleep.

Later, Joe told me
that he switched wallets

so that he could

throw the others off our trail.

You can't let it go, can you?

You can't stop lying.

I'm telling you the truth.

Then Frisch has
been lying to you.

The man he k*lled,
in "self-defense,"

married, three children,

ran a small plumbing company

in Los Angeles,

and never did anything
meaner in his life

than get a speeding ticket.

That's impossible.

It is, huh?

Ed Miller's wife just
identified his body.

Well, then Joe made a mistake.

Frisch didn't make any mistake.

He needed time...

so he k*lled an innocent man

so we would think
that he was dead.

Joe wouldn't do
that. I know him.

You don't know him,

because I think
he also k*lled Cole.

Cole committed su1c1de.


Cole was m*rder*d.

JEAN: Why would Joe...
KELLY: He probably

recognized you and Frisch

from the Arizona
days, when he worked

for Frisch's phony
land-development company.


Where'd you get
the car, Mr. Jackson?

I rented it.

In a hurry too.

I think we better talk.

What about?

KELLY: Concentrate,
it'll come to you.

Listen, I'm in a hurry.

KELLY: Jackson, we
already know about Mr. Frisch.

We also know

some people have
been looking for him.

You wouldn't by
chance be helping them,

would you?

Look, I don't know anything
about what's happening.

I ain't stepped over the line.

I'm a licensed P.I.

Look, you got no right.

Kris, look.

KELLY: Jackson, who
are those two men?

I don't know.

I think you do.

And if you do, you
best tell us, pronto.

They're the ones who hired me.

To find Frisch, so
they could k*ll him?

It's not my business

what my clients do when
I'm through with them.

It's not my responsibility.

I think it's a no go, fellas.

Oh, no, no. That's no good.

He'll have the roads blocked

in five minutes.

Listen, I vote for giving up.

Told you to shut up.

Sheriff, you take
care of these two.

You get on the radio

and you get the roads blocked.

They're going to
run for it. Let's go.

Hurry. Okay, Frisch,

you wanted to ride out of here?

Let's all ride.

They're going to get
the horses. Come on.

Here. Take these.

Get on!

Get up!

I said, get on!

Get up. Okay.

Hyah! Hyah!

Okay, let's go.

Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

No more mounts.


It'll do. Come on.

Hey, lady.

Sorry, partner.

I've got to borrow your rig.

Oh, jeez!

Old Sawtooth? Oh, no.

Oh, no!



Let's stay together there.



Let's get out of here.


Come on!



Hold it.

You lose, partner.

You okay?

Not something I'd
like to do every day.


Hey, you been playing
in the dirt again?

Just a country girl at heart.


Okay, come on. Into the wagon.

Why don't you join
them, Mr. Frisch?


Oh, no.

SABRINA: Hey, you did it, Bos.

You rode Old Sawtooth.

Piece of cake.

Just a moment.

I really thought that
Joe k*lled that man Miller

in self-defense
to protect himself,

to protect us.

I want you to believe that.

The point is, do
you believe that?

CHARLIE: Angels, I understand

why Frisch k*lled Miller
and switched wallets,

but why did Frisch k*ll Cole?

Did Cole see the m*rder?

No, Cole was asleep,

like the other
passengers on the bus,

but he recognized
Frisch from years before,

when he'd worked for Frisch's
phony land-development company.

Cole began to realize
what was happening,

and he decided

to take advantage
of the situation.

You mean blackmail?


When Frisch decided to run,

he took all the cash
he could get a hold of.

Cole found out about it
and wanted a piece of it,

so Frisch k*lled him

and tried to make
it look like su1c1de.

The Sunwest Dude Ranch
was the perfect place to hide.

Frisch and Jean Trevor

were going to steal the horses

and ride into Mexico,

until Sloan and
Farrell showed up.

I see.

Now, Bosley, there's
another bill here

for rolfing.

Oh, uh, yes, Charlie,

well, I had another session

with the elderly
Chinese gentleman.

But, Bosley, $112?

Well, yes, Charlie.

You see, there was this
horse called Old Sawtooth.

Very tough horse.

But I told you to
get a soft horse.

I know, Charlie,

but there are horses,
and then there are horses.

Perhaps we should
meet with my accountant,

sit down, and
discuss this, Bosley.

Charlie, I am perfectly
willing to meet with you,

to discuss with you,

but I will not sit down with
you under any circumstances

for some time.

You get the picture, Charlie?

Yes. Yes, Bosley. I
think I get the picture.

Thank you, Charlie.

To Old Sawtooth.

To Old Bosley.

Piece of cake. Oh... Ah!
