03x35 - Home of the Fave

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Loud House". Aired: May 2, 2016 - present.*
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Series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of a boy named Lincoln Loud, who is the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children.
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03x35 - Home of the Fave

Post by bunniefuu »

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[birds chirping]

- Hey, kids! Anyone up for
a trip to the market

with ol' Dad-o?

- I'll go!
I'm out of banana peels.

Lincoln's about to
use my last one.

- What? No, I'm nooooot!

[toy thunks]


- Ha ha ha ha! I'm also
gonna need a dozen eggs.

- I'll go too.
Lily ate all the macaroni

off my necklace.

- [belches]

[engine turns]
- Hey, Dad,

wanna hear
some knock knock jokes?

- Does Cliff poop
in my shoes?

Heck, yes, I do!

- Well, here we go...


- Okay,
here's another one.

Knock, knock.
- Who's there?

- Europe.
- Europe who?

- No, YOU'RE a poo!


- Stop! Stop! I can't drive!

[upbeat music]

- Hey, Dad, I think
we need a different cart.

This one's got a leek!
Ha ha ha ha ha!

- Are zu-cchinime?

Did you get it, Lola?
Like, "Are you kidding me,"

but I said
"zu-cchini" me! Ha ha ha.

- [groans]
I get it.

If anyone needs me,
I'll be in the pasta aisle.

- Attention, shoppers!

Please excuse this

- And settle in
for some Lu-antics!

[loud laughter]

- Went to the store
for a loaf of bread,

bought a can of beans

[fart sounds]

- [sighs] Just be glad
you missed the song

at the meat counter.

- [sighs] I didn't.

- Hey, Dad,
what did the left eye

say to the right eye?

Between you and me,
something smells!

- Because of the nose!

- Ugh!
- You okay back there,

You seem a little quiet.

- I'm fine.

- Do you need help getting
out of your seat belt, Lola?

- I can get it myself.

Actually, I-I need help.

- [whistling]

Hey, sweetie!
Here's your macaroni!

We've also got some
whole wheat penne

if you want to
make dangle earrings.

- Brown earrings?
Hard pass.

- Uh-oh.
Someone's upset.

Did Lana
eat her mud mask again?

- No, she's mad at me.
I...I think I messed up.

- What makes you say that?
- Well, I took Luan and Lola

to the store earlier,
and you know how Luan and I

come up with some of
our best material there?

- Mm-hmm.
- Well, I think we got

carried away, and Lola might
have felt left out.

I-I don't want her to think
I'm favoring Luan over her.

- Oh, honey. I'm sure
she doesn't think that.

- No, no,
my dad used to play favorites

all the time,
and it drove me nuts.

Hey, Dad! You ready to make
some Key Lynn Pie with me?

[tires screeching]

They must've had other plans.

I guess I can make it
by myself.


I can't believe I did
the same thing to Lola.

I have to fix this!

- Well, I'm sure
you can make it up to her.

Just please don't get
her another pony.

That did not work out.

- Hey, sweetie,
a-are you busy?

Well, I just happened to
come across

these matching princess
dresses at the mall,

and I thought...

- [gasps]

That's my color!

- Of course--powder pink!

But wait, there's more...

- [gasps] Stick-on earrings!

[wild giggling]

Yay, Daddy!


- Whoa!

- Did you hear
the Goosemans got into it

with the postal worker?

- No way. Tell me more!

- Okay, so,

apparently one of their
packages showed up wet,

and they just lost it!

Be careful!
The floor is lava!

- Aah! I'm burning!
- [gasps]

- You saved me!

- [gasps] I forgot!
There's snakes on the couch!

- Aah!

- Now blot.

- Mmm.

Wow! This is my color.

- Told ya so. Ruby red.

♪ ♪

- Wow! A nine!

- Oh. Whoopsie. Sorry.

That was a six.

- You up for one more episode
of "Prison Pageant Wars?"

- Obviously!
We have to find out

what talent
Lil Juice goes with!

- I had fun, too, sweetie.

Okay. Have a good nap.

[exhales] Problem solved!

- Hey, Dad.

I thought we were gonna
work out together.

- Oh! Oh, no!
I'm sorry, LJ!

I must have spaced it.
I-I don't know

how that happened.

B-but I'm free now!
Let me just change outta this.

- Eh, never mind.

I'm just gonna hit the showers.

- Oh. O-okay.

Ding-dang-darn it!
Now Lynn's feelings are hurt.

Don't panic.
You can fix this.

LJ, wait!



That's what I get
for running in heels.

[exciting music]

- Walk it off, Dad!

- Slow down, honey!
I'm trying to keep up here!

, tapioca,

Charles...hut-hut hike!

- Ha ha ha ha ha!

- ♪ We did it, we did it ♪
- Whoo! Yay!

- Whoo-hoo!
- All right, all right!

- Huh?

[energetic music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- Yes!
- Whoo!

- Wow!

[moans] Ohh...

"In prophase,
the nuclear envelope

"breaks down
as spindle fibers emerge

"from the cen...

cen... cen..."

- Sound it out.

- Centrosomes!

♪ ♪


Ha ha ha ha.
It's funny how that hurt!

- [laughing]

- Uh-huh.

- [laughing]

- And this was your great-
great-great grandfather,

Lynwood Loud. He was
the first Loud with flat feet.

Bomp bomp bomp,
way to go, Daddy-o!

Now my kids know
I don't play favorites.

- Ooh, you made
my favorite!

- What?!
- Oh! Beef stroganoff!

My fave!
- It--it is?

- Yeah, Dad.

You know I can't get
'anoff' of it!

[both laughing]

- Lol, sweetie.
Ding dang darn it to heck!

If I make Luan's
favorite dinner,

the kids will think
she's my favorite,

and we'll be back
to square one! Ohh...

[gasps] Easy fix.

Kids! Dinner's ready!

[triumphant music]

Dig in, fam!

- Wow! Dad, did you make
different dishes?

- Yep! No big deal.

Just wanted to do
something special,

so I made all yourfaves!

- Even my worms au gratin?

- Aucourse! Ha ha.

- Au right!!
- Uh, would you mind

consuming that
in an alternate location--

say, the garage?

- Wait--if I sit by Lisa,

it'll look like
she's my favorite.

Uh, kids, I-I'm just going to
sit in the corner tonight.

That way I can see
and hear you all equally.

- Ouchie!

- Oh, oh, oh, oh, no!
Did you bite your finger,

sweetie? Hang on, Daddy
will fix your boo boo!

Here we go. Muah!

But you're not the only one
Daddy cares about, Lily.

Boo boo kisses
for everyone! Ha ha.

Muah! There you go,

Muah! there you go,
Uh, muah, there you go.

One more--
- Might not wanna do that, Dad.

I've been on quite
a picking spree.

- Well, I'll keep your kiss
in my pocket!

[anxious music]



- Are you feeling okay,

- Oh, yeah, I'm fine!
Never better!

How was your afternoon,

- Sigh. Fine. Dug a grave,

contemplated getting in it--
- Hold that thought!

I mean, how was everyone's
afternoon, not just Lucy's,

but, you know, also Lucy's.

- So who should go first?

- Uh--I-I know!
We'll pick numbers from a hat!

- Who do you want
to pick first?

- Uh, well...[stammers]

we'll pi--we'll pick numbers
from another hat

to decide that.
Ha ha.

- Oh, okay!
So, who should pick first

from the second hat?

- [muttering]


[door slams]

- Hey, Dad.
Everything okay?

- [sighs]
I'm sorry, kids,

but no matter what I do,

I'll never be able
to keep things fair.

I tried not to play favorites,
but obviously I failed...

- What are
you talking about, Dad?

We know
you don't play favorites.

- But, but--Lola,
weren't you mad at me

for giving Luan so much
attention at the store?

- That's not why I was mad.
I mean, yeah,

shopping with you two
is always annoying,

but my beef
was with the check-out lady.

She wouldn't
give me a free balloon.

She said I didn't "deserve it".

She doesn't know my life!

- Huh. But LJ,

weren't you upset with me
for spending time with Lola

when I was supposed to be
working out with you?

- I wasn't upset about that.

I just found out my favorite QB
broke his collar bone!

He's out for the whole

- Wait, so none of you kids

thought I was playing

- Negatory.
We all feel equally assured

of your affections.

- Yeah, Dad, it's actually
kind of embarrassing

how much you love us.

- Oh, kids.
Thank you.

I'm just so glad none
of you feels left out.

- Aw, come on, Daddy,
bring it in!

[upbeat music]

- [sighs] So it turns out
that the kids were fine!

I guess I really don't play
favorites the way my dad did.

- See! I knew you had
nothing to worry about.

You're a wonderful father.

- Aw! Thanks, Rita.


Oh, Cliff! Who's daddy'sbig boy?

- [purring]
Who's daddy's bi---

[dramatic chords]
- [grr]

- [gulp]

[military rhythm]

♪ ♪

- Come on, Margo.
Better get our protein on

before the game.

Those Beaverton Bees
are going down!

- Down to Loser Town!

- Down!
- Huah!

both: Whoo, whoo, whoo!

- Lynn Loud,
what's a star like you

doing standing in line
on game day?

You should be saving
your energy for the field.

- Yeah. You gotta keep that
ten-game scoring streak going!

- Actually, it's .

- 'Sup, LJ?
Your usual pre-game special?

- You know it!

- Two Double Belchers,
extra pickles,

extra onion,
triple hot sauce!


- Thanks for turning me on
to this burg.

I think it's really
taken my game up a notch.

- Oh, I know, right?

It's all about converting
fire to fuel.

- Don't mean to bother
you gals,

but my little one would love
to meet Lynn Loud!

She's a huge fan.

She even made
her own jersey.

- Honored to meet you.
You coming to the game today?

Cool. I'm gonna score
a goal just for you.

Sorry about all this.

It's not like I'm the only
player on the team.

- Pshhhh! You deserve
all the credit you get.

You're amazing.
- And you're an amazing friend.

Burger high five!

[both laughing]

[whistle blows]

- [panting]

[crowd cheers]

- Paula, Paula!

♪ ♪

[crowd cheers]

- Take a knee,

Paula, you can stand.

Okay, scores tied,
but we have just enough time

for one last play.
Just get the ball to Lynn,

and let her do her thing.

[percussive music]

♪ ♪

- Quadruple teamed?

Are you kidding?

Take the shot, Margo!

- Ooh...ah...

- Wow, Margo!

- I...I can't believe it!

- That was incredible!

- Margo! Margo! Margo!

- Is this weird for you?

- What? Why?

- We're usually carrying
you after a game.

- Pffff. It's not weirdat all.

I'm happy to share
the spotlight.

- Margo! Margo!

- Amazing!
- Wow!

- What are you guys

Is it that video where the
dolphin takes down the shark?

'Cause I fall asleep
to that every night.

- No. It's Margo's play
at yesterday's game.

Check it out!
- I saw it.

I was there.
- Shh! Be quiet.

Here it comes.

[video game music]

- That's cool.
- Amazing!

- Sick!
- Uh, the special effects

seem a little
over the top, but--

- Look! There she is!

- Margo! Margo! Margo!

[dramatic chords]

- Are you sure
this isn't weird?

'Cause we're usually
cheering for you.

- Paula, I'm fine. Don't you
have German right now?

Hey, I know you know this,

but I just wanna say
how happy I am for y--

- [twirr]
Yo! Forget the sit-ups

and circle up.

Margo, come on over here.

I have seen some amazing
athletic feats in my day,

but nothing like that kick!

Tell us how you did it!

- Oh. I-I don't know.

- Ah, don't be shy.

Modesty's for losers!

- Okay. Well, I've been
practicing for a while,

and a lot of it is timing.

- [twirr]

Kumar! Quit picking
your wedgies!

A star's talkin'!

- [growls]


- Okay, people, pencils out,
books away.

We're starting with
a pop quiz on polynomials.

Quiz for you,
and quiz for you.

No quiz for Margo.

You get a pass for whooping
those Beaverton Bees!

[chuckles] My ex-wife
is their assistant coach.

- Oh! Uh, thanks,
Mr. Bolhofner.

- Quiz for you
and quiz for you.

[thumping, pressure
hiss increase]

- You're Margo Roberts,

aren't you?

- Yes. I know,
I have a fine.

- Oh, no, not that.
I saw your play on the news.

It was so inspiring, I started
a librarian soccer league!

Consider the fine
taken care of.

- Wow, thank you!

- Uh-oh. I can't let you

check this out--you owe
. in late fees.

- You know,
I play soccer too.

I'm in the midst
of a -game goal streak.

- I didn't see that
on the news.

- [growls]
[thumping, pressure hiss]

both: Whoo, whoo, whoo!

Whoo, whoo, whoo!

- There she is--Margo!

- Hey, what's it like
being on a team

with a superstar,
huh, Lynn?

- Psshh! As Lynn and I
like to say,

there's no "I" in team.

- But there is an "M,"
and it's for Margo!

- Sorry about all this
weird attention

I've been getting.

- Oh, don't worry about it.

You totally deserve it.

Hey, where's
the Double Belcher?

- Oh, we just renamed it
the Margo Miracle.

It's been our best seller

- Wow! Really?
We'll take two.

- Greaaaaat.

- Sorry, Margo,
my little one

would love to meet you.
She's a huge fan.

She even made
her own jersey.

- Aw!

- [grunts]

- Are you okay?

Your anger vein is doing
that thing it does.

- No! I'm not okay.

[panting] I've been carrying
my soccer team all season.

I'm the top goal-scorer.
I bust my butt every game.

Then one fluke shot,
and poof!

Everyone loses their minds!


- Sorry, Lynn,
I got distracted.

I was just watching a video
of Margo's amazing kick.

- Oh, that does it!


People want fancy sh*ts.

LJ's gonna give them
fancy sh*ts.

- Hey, how come you weren't
at the Burpin' Burger today?

You feeling okay?
- Yeah. Wasn't hungry.

That's all.

- That's weird, isn't it?

She's always hungry.

[exciting percussive music]

crowd: Oh!

- No sweat.
Lotsa ways to make a big play.

♪ ♪

- Over here!

crowd: Oh!

♪ ♪

[crowd murmuring]

- [groans] Come on, Lynn.
Only one minute left!

♪ ♪

- Here, here!

♪ ♪

[crowd cheers]
Whoo, whoo!

LJ all day, baby!

- Lynn, Lynn, Lynn, Lynn,
Lynn, Lynn!

- Sweet goal

- Up top!
[locker closes]

- Yo, yo, Margo!

Guess she didn't hear me.

- Lynn, I got your playin HG!

I'm adding special
effects right now!

- Ha ha ha. You don't
need to do all that.

Though maybe when I hit
the ball,

it can make like a...

- Oh, yeah!
- Good note!

[school bell rings]

♪ ♪

- Oh, hey, Margo.

- [twirr]
Gather round, guys.

Lynn's gonna tell us
about her miraculous play.

- Well, if you insist.

There I was,
a minute left on the clock,

the whole game
riding on me.

- Well, well, if it isn't
Royal Woods' star athlete!

Oops. You've still got
that fine.

But we can take care
of that.

[beeping, line ringing]

- Go for Margo.
- Ugh. Hey, it's me again.

Just wondering where you are

and if you wanted
to get a burg with me.

Haven't seen you all day.
Okay, bye.

- Look, it's Lynn Loud!

Soccer star selfie!

- We thought Margo's
kick was amazing.

But your move
blew us away!

- LJ, check it out.
We renamed the Margo Miracle

the Loud Rebound
in your honor.

Now it comes with fries
and a drink.

- I'll take a dozen!

[crowd noise]

Protein for my players!

Loud Rebound for you
and for you.

Heads up, Margo!
Loud Rebound comin' at ya!

What gives?
You don't just let good meat

fall to the ground
like that.

- I'm not hungry.
- Do you wanna work out

some plays before the game?
- No, thanks.

You'll probably just end up
doing your own thing anyway.

- What's that
supposed to mean?

- So you didn't spend
the whole last game

trying to make a big play

so you could get the spotlight

- Okay, maybe I did.
So what?

I deserve that spotlight.
I've worked really hard for it.

- That's not the point,Lynn.

I never minded being
in yourshadow.

But it seems like you can't
do the same for anyone else.

Even for a second.
Even for a friend.

- So...you and Margo
used to be besties,

but now there's a literal
beef between you.


- Hey, Margo!

Can I talk to you?

Wait up!

Margo, I know I can
be really competitive--


Can you guys lay off?

I'm trying to apologizehere!

- Okay, girls,

there's one minuteleft.

Just get the ballto Lynn.

- Well, don't forget
about Miracle Margo.

This is a team sport.

[twirr, twirr]

[percussive music]

♪ ♪

Margo, take it!
- What are you doing?

- It's all you, Margo.
- Why?

You had an open shot!

- Listen, you were right.

When you were getting
all that attention,

I shoulda just been
happy for you

the way you always are
for me.

I'm sorry.

- Well, thanks.

I appreciate
the apology.

Here. Go win
the game for us.

- No. I want you
to take the shot.

- No. I want you
to have it.

- No, seriously,
you really should.

- I insist.
- Please, you go!

- That's my Paula!

- Paula! Paula! Paula!

- Well, looks like the
spotlight's off both of us now.

- Eh. I don't mind.

Let her enjoy
the attention while it lasts.

- Huah!
- Huah!

Paula! Paula!

- Look, it's Paula!

- First, this was
the Margo Miracle.

Then it was
the Loud Rebound,

and now, it's the
Holla for Paula.

It must be really weird
for you guys.

- Pshh!
- Naw.

It's delicious no matter
what you call it.

- Burger high five!
- Burger high five!

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
- ♪ Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house ♪

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line
to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with kids ♪

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
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