03x23 - House of Lies/Game Boys

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Loud House". Aired: May 2, 2016 - present.*
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Series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of a boy named Lincoln Loud, who is the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children.
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03x23 - House of Lies/Game Boys

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom
on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles ♪

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls ♪

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud Loud Loud ♪

♪ Loud house ♪

- Poo-poo.

[upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, Lori, can you
take me to the dump?

All the good trash gets
dropped off today.

Flip's, the hospital,
the hazardous waste plant.

- Ooh, sorry, Lans.
I can't.

I have to, uh,
stay home and do homework.

- Aw, okay, guess I'll just
dig through Lynn's trash.

Sometimes there's
good stuff in there.

[sneaky music]

- Eldest sister,
where are you going?

- The mall.
There's a clearance sale

that is literally
calling my name.

- But you just told Lana
you had homework.

- Well, yeah, I didn't wanna
take her to the dump,

so I told a little white lie.No big.

- Interesting development.

Lori has blatantly lied to Lana

and seems to have
no remorse over it.

[overlapping chatter]
[tires screech]

- Hey, you guys, what do you
think of my new look?

- Oh, uh, uh, love it.

- Rockin'.
- It softens your jaw line.

- Thanks, isn't it great?

- What was she thinking?
- Literally no clue.

- Yuck, her hair looks like
the old carpeting in Vanzilla.

- Hmm, more lies.

- [sniffs] Do you guys
smell something nasty?

- Hey, hope you're hungry,

I've finally perfected
my new cabbage casserole.

[casserole glops]

- Wow, Daddy, smells great.

- Some of your best work,honey.

- Wait, I forgot
the fish sauce.

It really brings out
the sulfur notes.

- Quick.

Ditch it before we have
to eat the fish sauce.

[upbeat jazz music]

[casserole glopping, plopping]

- The lies continue.

[tense music]

I fear for
my family's wellbeing.

Truth is the foundation
of any functioning society.

Whereas lying can only lead
to chaos and ruin.

I must rectify this problem.

♪ ♪

[mask clanks, glasses clack]

♪ ♪

- Just tell me where it is,

- Well, I'm sure I don't know
what you're talking about.

- Hmm, what seems
to be the problem here?

- Luan's always
borrowing my gong

to "punctuate comedic moments"
and now it's missing.

I know she took it.
- No, I didn't.

[glasses buzz]

- Luna, you're right,
Luan is lying.

- No, I'm not.
[glasses buzz]

- Oh, yes, you are.
Behold, my latest invention,

lie-detecting glasses.
They allow me to track

micro-expressions, pulse,
pupil dilation,

and perspiration
to determine untruths.

This family is guilty
of excessive lying,

and I must correct the problem
before it's too late.

[dramatic musical flourish]

- All right, which one
of you water buffalos

destroyed the bathroom?

- Wasn't me, Dad.
[glasses buzz]

- That's a lie.

- So, what'd you think
of the new chapter?

- Um, I really liked it.

[glasses buzz]
- Fib.

- [blabbering]
- Ooh, it's beautiful, Lily.

I love it.
[glasses buzz]

- Untrue.

- Leni, there's no
hot water left.

Did you take another
minute showed?


- No, I was in there,
like, five minutes.

[glasses buzz]
- Brazen falsehood.

[bottles clink]


Uh, greetings, family.
Can I help you?

- You sure can.

You can stop using your
terrible glasses.

- They're literally
driving us crazy.

- Look, I'm simply doing what's
best for this family.

Every lie drags us
closer to chaos and ruin.

- Sweetie, I agree, but

a little white lie
helps smooth things over.

- I firmly disagree.

There's no such thing as a good

- [sighs] Okay, it's clear
what we have to do.

- Tell the truth?
- No!

Destroy those
ding-dang glasses.

all: [whispering]

- [snoring]

[upbeat spy music]

♪ ♪

- [grunting]

♪ ♪

[glasses crunch]

♪ ♪

- [clears throat]

Anyone care to explain this?

- [gasps] Are those
your special glasses?

[sympathetic chatter]
- Oh, I feel so bad.

- Lie, lie, lie.

- What is that?

- I anticipated pushback to my
effort to stamp out lying,

so I created a backup system
of lie detecting cameras.

You'll find them
conveniently located

in every room
of the house.

- Not for long.

- I anticipated this as well.

Hence the protective shields.
- This isn't right, dude.

You can't just
force this on us.

- It may sting at first,
but eventually you'll see

I'm doing this
for your own good.

A new day, a new chance to
restore truth

to the Loud house.

- Hey, Lincoln, what do you
think of my new haircut?

I went to this new place where
they cut your hair

in under three minutes
or it's free.

- Um, it's great.
You look amazing.

[alarm blares]
- That's a lie.

- Uh, I mean,
it's not terrible.

[alarm blares]
- He is still lying

through his
chipped teeth.

- Just tell me the truth,

- Okay, okay, it's the worst
haircut I've ever seen.

There's bald patches

and then just this
random rat tail in the back.

- Ugh!

- Excellent. This is why
the truth is important.

Now that Leni knows
her hair looks awful,

she can remedy the situation.

- So, don't keep me
in suspense.

What do you think?

- Maybe we should talk
in the car.

- I also installed cameras
in Vanzilla.

- Fine, it's boring, Mom.

You spent ten pages
describing a garden.

- That was supposed
to be a metaphor, but fine.

- Harsh, but every writer
does need truthful feedback.

- Hey, Lori, are you free?
I need a ride to the dump.

On Thursdays, the hair salon
throws out the extra hair,

and it makes the perfect
stuffing for a beanbag chair.

If you can tolerate the smell.
- A ride?

Uh, well, uh--

Technically, yes, I am free
to give you a ride.

- Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
- Come on.

- Mm-hmm. Well, it seems as
though everything's on track,

and now, as everyone continues
to tell the truth,

it's time for my midday
cellular rejuvenation,

street name, nap.

- I re-gifted your present
to Pop Pop.

- I laughed,
but I don't get it.

- Your bedtime stories
feel phoned in.

- Your poems are the worst.

- Your breath smells
like the undead.

- I can't remember
your middle name.

- I wasn't still at work.

I was hiding in the laundry
room eating pudding.

- Apologies for my tardiness,

I was having quite
the REM cycle.

So, what's on the menu, father?

- Cabbage and fish sauce.
Back by popular demand.

Hey, what's the matter?
Are--aren't you guys hungry?

- Dad, I hate to say this,

but thanks to Lisa,
we have no choice.

This dish is gross,
and not in a good way.

- It's super gnarly.

- It smells like
Walt's bird cage.

- But--but the other night,
you all--

- We didn't
like it then either.

After you went to bed,
we ordered take out.

- Well, have fun eating cereal
for dinner.

- [groans]

all: [munching]
- [clears throat]

So, Luan, got any jokes to
liven this dinner up a little?

- Well, since some people find
my jokes pretty forced,

I'd rather not.

- Mother, any compelling
work stories?

- Some say my voice
makes them zone out,

so I'll pass.

- Okay. Uh, uh, Lori,

how about treating us
to some juicy gossip?

- Oh, I wouldn't want to annoy
anyone with my stories

that go on and on.

- Ugh, I'm out of here.
Lost my appetite.

[alarm blares]
- That is false.

You still have it.
- Fine, I'll eat in my room.

- Me too.
[overlapping chatter]

- I probably
don't eat cool enough.

- [sighs] I admit
eating alone isn't ideal,

but I still think
this is for the best.

[alarm blares]
- Lie.

- No, it isn't.
I'm doing my family a service

and I'm certain they'll
thank me some day.

- False.
You no longer believe that.

- Okay, fine, you're right.

This experiment
has been a disaster.

I thought enforcing honesty
would save my family,

but instead it
brought them to ruin.

- Talk about irony.

- Attention, family,

could you please gather
in the living room?

- What now? Did you make
fart-detecting glasses?

- [giggles] No. Listen,
I wanted to apologize

for subjecting you
to my experiment.

While I still think
the truth is best,

I see now that
little white lies

do help maintain
social harmony.

- Oh, thank goodness.
- That's a relief.

- No backsies.

- So with no further ado, I
will now destroy the cameras.

Father, a boost, please.

Only a few hundred of these
to remove.

- Oh.

- Ah, yes, I forgot
they're protected

with military-grade
self-defense systems.

- Oh, no, are we stuck
with them forever?

- Hmm, there may
be another way.

Okay, everyone, ready?

- One plus one is six.

[alarm blares]
- That is a lie.

- The moon is made
of bleu cheese.

[alarm blares]
- Falsehood.

- The Earth is literally flat.
- Fabrication.

all: [deep inhale]

[overlapping chatter]

- Lie. Fib. Whopper.
Doozy. Fiction.

Fable. Disinformation.

System overload.

- And that's how you do it.
all: [cheerful chatter]

- Yeah!
- Success.

- Phew, all that fibbing
worked up an appetite.

[gasps] Who's up for some of

famous squid ink surprise?

- Um, Father,
that sounds delightful.

- Whee! Coming right up.

- Now you're getting
the hang of it.

- I'll get the takeout menus.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[tense music]


♪ ♪

- [growls]
both: Ah!

- It's like that zombie
was coming right at us.

- I know, that's
the p LED touch screen.

- Can I give it a try?

[suspenseful music]

- Ye--yeah, sure.

- Wow, feels like
it was built for me.

- That's the memory foam
handle grips.

They conform to each
individual gamer's hand.

Little grease spot.

[wipe squeaks]

- I can't believe
you got a Super Snap .

They've been sold out
for weeks.

- Yeah, my Nana Gayle
won it at bingo.

Though she thought
it was a postage scale.

- Game over.
- Well, game over.

- Mind if I play again?
- Oh, sure.

I was gonna suggest putting it
back in its case

and admiring it from afar,
but go ahead.

- Guess you've got your weekend
all mapped out.

- Well, actually, I can only
play with this

until : p.m.
Tomorrow is Screen-Free Sunday.

It's a new McBride house rule.

My dads think we need one day
a week to completely unplug.

- I guess that fits right in
with your Meatless Mondays

and Wheat-less Wednesdays.
- Game over.

- Dang it.
You know, Clyde,

since you have
to unplug tomorrow,

maybe I could borrow the Snap.

[suspenseful music]
- Uh, you mean,

like at your house?

- As long as
you're cool with it.

♪ ♪

- Is that the Snap?
- Gimme, gimme, gimme...


- Game over.

- Okay, Clyde, you know you're
not comfortable with this.

Just tell him the truth.

You don't want him
to borrow it.

Of course you can borrow it.

I'll bring it over tomorrow.
- Thanks, buddy.

- Dang it, Clyde,
what was that?

- You know what, Clyde?

- You changed your mind about
borrowing the console?

No worries,
these things happen.

- No. I probably don't say
this enough,

but I'm really lucky
to have a best friend

who's so cool about
sharing his stuff.

- Game over.
- That's me.

Mr. Very Cool About
Sharing His Stuff.


- Is that the Snap?
[riotous chatter]


- Gimme, gimme that Snap.

[calm music]

[tense music]
- Gimme, gimme that Snap.


- This is ridiculous.

You have to talk to Lincoln.

Just let him know
he's a good guy.

No, no, best guy.
And you like him.

No, you love him, but you can't
let him borrow your Snap.

♪ ♪

What are you, nuts?

If you tell him
he can't borrow it,

it'll be the end
of your friendship.

You'll be destined to walk
through like alone,

and end up like
one of those people

who only talk
to their cats.

- [meow]
- Oh, no.

It's happening already.

Okay, I have to lend him the

but I need a plan
to keep it safe.

I know, I'll just spend
the day at Lincoln's house.

That way I can protect the
console and my friendship.

- Hey, pal, thanks
for loaning me the Snap.

Uh, where is it?

- In this briefcase.

[clicking, clacking, zipping]

- Thanks, buddy.
I'd ask you to join me,

but I know you're not supposed
to be playing today.

I'll have it back to you
first thing tomorrow.

- Actually, I'd like to get
off my feet for a second.

My orthotics are worn down

and I got blisters
from walking over.

- But you rode your bike over.
- Right.

Did I say blisters?
I meant pedal warts.

- Oh, well, come on in, bud.

[zapping, beeping]

[drop plinks]
[dramatic musical flourish]

- [gasps]

[droppings squirt, plop]


Man, this foot is k*lling me.

Would you mind
grabbing me some ice?

- Anything for the guy
who loaned me his Snap.

[wink clinks]

[sneaky music]

Clyde, why are you on my desk?

- Uh, there was a draft.

And I wouldn't want you
getting a cold.

- And your foot?
- It's a miracle.

My foot is feeling
much better.

- Great.
Well, I'll walk you out.

- Uh, actually,
can I have a sip of this?

I'm showing the classic signs
of dehydration.

Dry mouth, dull headache,
decreased urine output.

[juice box squirts]

Oh, man,
would you look at that?

Mind if I wash this
before I leave?

I don't want the stain to set.
- Uh, sure.

I'd lend you a clean shirt,
but I haven't done my laundry,

- I'll do it.

I mean, I'm already doing mine.

[zapping, beeping]

All done.
- Wow.

Thanks for doing
all of our laundry.

Guess you'll wanna be
heading out now?

- Uh, uh, uh...
I've never noticed

how thin this blanket
on your bed is.

You must be freezing at night.
- Well, actually...

- They don't work.
I'll knit you a new one.

[zapping, beeping]

[video game music]

- [meow]
- Not today, Clifford.

[suspenseful music]

- Bathroom break.
- With the Snap?

♪ ♪

- Ah, Clyde!
What the heck are you doing?

- Uh...

Thought I'd grab a shower
while you, you know,

do your business.
Bathroom buds.

- Okay, Clyde,
I know what's going on here.

- You--you do?
- It's obvious.

The hovering, the laundry,
the blanket, your foot.

You're just dying to break
Screen-free Sunday

and play with the Snap.
- Well, actually...

[eyes ring]
Uh, you're right.

That's exactly what's going on.

- I know you pretty well,Clyde.

Luckily, I have a surefire way
to save you from temptation.

[door slams]

This is for your own good,buddy.

- Oh, no, what have I done?
My Snap is history.

Okay, okay,
don't spiral, Clyde.

Maybe it'll be fine.
Lincoln hasn't done

anything that bad with it yet,

and as long as
it stays in this room--

- Lincoln, you almost
spilled my nail polish.

[cat growls]

- [whimpering]

[cat growls]
- [croaks]

- No!
[cat growls]

Hey, Dad, uh, Lincoln invited
me to stay over for dinner,

so I'm gonna be here
a bit longer.

Yes, I have my antacid.

- And then Becky was like,
"I don't know if I even

"wanna go anymore," and...
- Loud crosses the blue line.

Throws a deke on the defender.
Winds up for the slap shot.

She sh**t, she--

What the heck?

- [blabbering]

- [gasps]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- [blabbers happily]
- Shh.

- Huh?

♪ ♪

- Uh-huh, uh-huh.

No, no way.

- [slurping]

♪ ♪

- Uh-huh.
No dang-tootin' way.

[video game music]

Lincoln, stop drinking
my kale juice.

[calm music]

- [gasps]

[hip-hop music]
- Biology, geology.

I don't make no apology.

[suspenseful music]

- [squeals]

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


- I'll apologize to Lisa later.

- ♪ [whistling] ♪

♪ Da-da-da, doo-doot-doo-doot
doo-doo ♪

♪ Making dough
throw it high ♪

♪ Never low
Throw it high ♪

Watch closely, son.
The key to a good pizza crust

is loft.
You can't be afraid

to give it a good toss.

[leaf blower whooshes]

Okay, maybe a bit
too much loft.

Hands off that pizza, Grouse.

- [grunts]


- Phew.
- Kids!


- Oh, no.

Okay, Clyde, just ride this out
till everyone is done eating.

[inhales deeply]

Actually, this isn't so bad.

It's kind of cozy under here.

[flatulence rips]
- Whoo!

My compliments to the chef.
- [muffled groans]

- Oh, oh, hey, Charles.
Who's a good boy?

Want a snackie?
Come on, Charles.

Eat it.

- [munches]

- [growls]
- Charles, no, no, no.

I don't even like sausage.
Here, you can have it.

- [growls]
- Ah!

[table thumping]
- Charles, why are you so mad?

Clyde? Why are you
under the table?

- [gasps] Lincoln, you invite
your friend to dinner

and you don't even
give him a chair?

That's rude.
- I didn't invite him.

- That's even ruder.
Clearly he's hungry.

- Uh, Clyde, what's going on?

- Lincoln,
can I talk to you for a sec?

In private.

- What's up, Clyde?

- Well, I've been following
you around all day

because I was
worried about the Snap.

I never wanted to let you
borrow it in the first place.

- Ooh, drama.
- Fight, fight, fight.

- Will you guys grow up?

- Says the guys having a confab
under the dining room table.

- Come on, Clyde.

So why didn't you want me
to borrow the Snap?

- I was afraid something
was gonna happen to it.

I'm pretty particular
about my stuff.

And you're, uh, um,
a little less particular.

And then you throw in
your ten sisters and--

- Clyde, if that's
how you felt,

why didn't you
just tell me?

- I was afraid you'd be hurt

and our friendship
would be over

and I'd be destined to walk
through life alone

and become one of those people
who only talk to cats.

- [meows]
- Gah! It's happening again.

- Clyde, that's ridiculous.
I might've been

a little hurt at first,
but I would've understood.

I know I'm not as careful
with my stuff as you are.

No one is.
- Fair point.

So we're still friends?
- Of course we are.

[hands slapping]

- Thanks for understanding.
I promise to be more honest

in the future.
And you've given me a lot

to talk about on
Therapy Thursday.

- Here's your Snap back.
- Thanks, buddy.

Well, I should
probably get home.

- Here you go, Clyde.
Take some deconstructed pizza

for the road.
- Dad, watch out.

- Gah!

- No!
[pizza glops]

Lincoln, are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm good.

Uh-oh, got a little sauce
on there.

- Uh, it's nothing.
Thanks for the save, buddy.

All right,
see you later.

Take it easy, Clyde.

- Dad, I'm on my way home.

I'm gonna need
a lint-free cloth,

and some white vinegar.
Meet me at the front door.

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
- ♪ Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house ♪

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line
to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with kids ♪

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[tense music]


- [growls]
both: Ah!

- It's like that zombie
was coming right at us.

- I know, that's
the p LED touch screen.

- Can I give it a try?

[suspenseful music]

- Ye--yeah, sure.

- Wow, feels like
it was built for me.

- That's the memory foam
handle grips.

They conform to each
individual gamer's hand.

Little grease spot.

[wipe squeaks]

- I can't believe
you got a Super Snap .

They've been sold out
for weeks.

- Yeah, my Nana Gayle
won it at bingo.

Though she thought
it was a postage scale.

- Game over.
- Well, game over.

- Mind if I play again?
- Oh, sure.

I was gonna suggest putting it
back in its case

and admiring it from afar,
but go ahead.

- Guess you've got your weekend
all mapped out.

- Well, actually, I can only
play with this

until : p.m.
Tomorrow is Screen-Free Sunday.

It's a new McBride house rule.

My dads think we need one day
a week to completely unplug.

- I guess that fits right in
with your Meatless Mondays

and Wheat-less Wednesdays.
- Game over.

- Dang it.
You know, Clyde,

since you have
to unplug tomorrow,

maybe I could borrow the Snap.

[suspenseful music]
- Uh, you mean,

like at your house?

- As long as
you're cool with it.

♪ ♪

- Is that the Snap?
- Gimme, gimme, gimme...


- Game over.

- Okay, Clyde, you know you're
not comfortable with this.

Just tell him the truth.

You don't want him
to borrow it.

Of course you can borrow it.

I'll bring it over tomorrow.
- Thanks, buddy.

- Dang it, Clyde,
what was that?

- You know what, Clyde?

- You changed your mind about
borrowing the console?

No worries,
these things happen.

- No. I probably don't say
this enough,

but I'm really lucky
to have a best friend

who's so cool about
sharing his stuff.

- Game over.
- That's me.

Mr. Very Cool About
Sharing His Stuff.


- Is that the Snap?
[riotous chatter]


- Gimme, gimme that Snap.

[calm music]

[tense music]
- Gimme, gimme that Snap.


- This is ridiculous.

You have to talk to Lincoln.

Just let him know
he's a good guy.

No, no, best guy.
And you like him.

No, you love him, but you can't
let him borrow your Snap.

♪ ♪

What are you, nuts?

If you tell him
he can't borrow it,

it'll be the end
of your friendship.

You'll be destined to walk
through like alone,

and end up like
one of those people

who only talk
to their cats.

- [meow]
- Oh, no.

It's happening already.

Okay, I have to lend him the

but I need a plan
to keep it safe.

I know, I'll just spend
the day at Lincoln's house.

That way I can protect the
console and my friendship.

- Hey, pal, thanks
for loaning me the Snap.

Uh, where is it?

- In this briefcase.

[clicking, clacking, zipping]

- Thanks, buddy.
I'd ask you to join me,

but I know you're not supposed
to be playing today.

I'll have it back to you
first thing tomorrow.

- Actually, I'd like to get
off my feet for a second.

My orthotics are worn down

and I got blisters
from walking over.

- But you rode your bike over.
- Right.

Did I say blisters?
I meant pedal warts.

- Oh, well, come on in, bud.

[zapping, beeping]

[drop plinks]
[dramatic musical flourish]

- [gasps]

[droppings squirt, plop]


Man, this foot is k*lling me.

Would you mind
grabbing me some ice?

- Anything for the guy
who loaned me his Snap.

[wink clinks]

[sneaky music]

Clyde, why are you on my desk?

- Uh, there was a draft.

And I wouldn't want you
getting a cold.

- And your foot?
- It's a miracle.

My foot is feeling
much better.

- Great.
Well, I'll walk you out.

- Uh, actually,
can I have a sip of this?

I'm showing the classic signs
of dehydration.

Dry mouth, dull headache,
decreased urine output.

[juice box squirts]

Oh, man,
would you look at that?

Mind if I wash this
before I leave?

I don't want the stain to set.
- Uh, sure.

I'd lend you a clean shirt,
but I haven't done my laundry,

- I'll do it.

I mean, I'm already doing mine.

[zapping, beeping]

All done.
- Wow.

Thanks for doing
all of our laundry.

Guess you'll wanna be
heading out now?

- Uh, uh, uh...
I've never noticed

how thin this blanket
on your bed is.

You must be freezing at night.
- Well, actually...

- They don't work.
I'll knit you a new one.

[zapping, beeping]

[video game music]

- [meow]
- Not today, Clifford.

[suspenseful music]

- Bathroom break.
- With the Snap?

♪ ♪

- Ah, Clyde!
What the heck are you doing?

- Uh...

Thought I'd grab a shower
while you, you know,

do your business.
Bathroom buds.

- Okay, Clyde,
I know what's going on here.

- You--you do?
- It's obvious.

The hovering, the laundry,
the blanket, your foot.

You're just dying to break
Screen-free Sunday

and play with the Snap.
- Well, actually...

[eyes ring]
Uh, you're right.

That's exactly what's going on.

- I know you pretty well,Clyde.

Luckily, I have a surefire way
to save you from temptation.

[door slams]

This is for your own good,buddy.

- Oh, no, what have I done?
My Snap is history.

Okay, okay,
don't spiral, Clyde.

Maybe it'll be fine.
Lincoln hasn't done

anything that bad with it yet,

and as long as
it stays in this room--

- Lincoln, you almost
spilled my nail polish.

[cat growls]

- [whimpering]

[cat growls]
- [croaks]

- No!
[cat growls]

Hey, Dad, uh, Lincoln invited
me to stay over for dinner,

so I'm gonna be here
a bit longer.

Yes, I have my antacid.

- And then Becky was like,
"I don't know if I even

"wanna go anymore," and...
- Loud crosses the blue line.

Throws a deke on the defender.
Winds up for the slap shot.

She sh**t, she--

What the heck?

- [blabbering]

- [gasps]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- [blabbers happily]
- Shh.

- Huh?

♪ ♪

- Uh-huh, uh-huh.

No, no way.

- [slurping]

♪ ♪

- Uh-huh.
No dang-tootin' way.

[video game music]

Lincoln, stop drinking
my kale juice.

[calm music]

- [gasps]

[hip-hop music]
- Biology, geology.

I don't make no apology.

[suspenseful music]

- [squeals]

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


- I'll apologize to Lisa later.

- ♪ [whistling] ♪

♪ Da-da-da, doo-doot-doo-doot
doo-doo ♪

♪ Making dough
throw it high ♪

♪ Never low
Throw it high ♪

Watch closely, son.
The key to a good pizza crust

is loft.
You can't be afraid

to give it a good toss.

[leaf blower whooshes]

Okay, maybe a bit
too much loft.

Hands off that pizza, Grouse.

- [grunts]


- Phew.
- Kids!


- Oh, no.

Okay, Clyde, just ride this out
till everyone is done eating.

[inhales deeply]

Actually, this isn't so bad.

It's kind of cozy under here.

[flatulence rips]
- Whoo!

My compliments to the chef.
- [muffled groans]

- Oh, oh, hey, Charles.
Who's a good boy?

Want a snackie?
Come on, Charles.

Eat it.

- [munches]

- [growls]
- Charles, no, no, no.

I don't even like sausage.
Here, you can have it.

- [growls]
- Ah!

[table thumping]
- Charles, why are you so mad?

Clyde? Why are you
under the table?

- [gasps] Lincoln, you invite
your friend to dinner

and you don't even
give him a chair?

That's rude.
- I didn't invite him.

- That's even ruder.
Clearly he's hungry.

- Uh, Clyde, what's going on?

- Lincoln,
can I talk to you for a sec?

In private.

- What's up, Clyde?

- Well, I've been following
you around all day

because I was
worried about the Snap.

I never wanted to let you
borrow it in the first place.

- Ooh, drama.
- Fight, fight, fight.

- Will you guys grow up?

- Says the guys having a confab
under the dining room table.

- Come on, Clyde.

So why didn't you want me
to borrow the Snap?

- I was afraid something
was gonna happen to it.

I'm pretty particular
about my stuff.

And you're, uh, um,
a little less particular.

And then you throw in
your ten sisters and--

- Clyde, if that's
how you felt,

why didn't you
just tell me?

- I was afraid you'd be hurt

and our friendship
would be over

and I'd be destined to walk
through life alone

and become one of those people
who only talk to cats.

- [meows]
- Gah! It's happening again.

- Clyde, that's ridiculous.
I might've been

a little hurt at first,
but I would've understood.

I know I'm not as careful
with my stuff as you are.

No one is.
- Fair point.

So we're still friends?
- Of course we are.

[hands slapping]

- Thanks for understanding.
I promise to be more honest

in the future.
And you've given me a lot

to talk about on
Therapy Thursday.

- Here's your Snap back.
- Thanks, buddy.

Well, I should
probably get home.

- Here you go, Clyde.
Take some deconstructed pizza

for the road.
- Dad, watch out.

- Gah!

- No!
[pizza glops]

Lincoln, are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm good.

Uh-oh, got a little sauce
on there.

- Uh, it's nothing.
Thanks for the save, buddy.

All right,
see you later.

Take it easy, Clyde.

- Dad, I'm on my way home.

I'm gonna need
a lint-free cloth,

and some white vinegar.
Meet me at the front door.

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
- ♪ Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house ♪

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line
to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with kids ♪

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
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