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06x10 - Clink

Posted: 08/08/22 07:23
by bunniefuu
Nick got kidnapped two days
ago, and what do I do?

Get high for two days.

- We both did.
- I have my tías in San Antonio.

The ones in Texas?

Renn, you're not taking Nick to Texas.

He's our brother.

- He's not.
- It's disgusting.

TOMMY: Got an idea for another job.

- Go home, all right?
- What?

Hey, don't touch me! You're fired.

- Drive safe.
- All right.

Hey, good luck.

She's beautiful... your girlfriend.

LOUISE: All you have to do
is admit to what happened.

I think you want to.
That's why you told Amy.

I followed her home that
night you two had dinner.

She didn't want to tell me,

but you made her an
accessory to the crime.

What else was she gonna do?

Andrew Cody's gonna
spend the night with us.

On what legal basis?

Confessed to the m*rder
of Catherine Belen.

You stole from us.

Your shit's loose.

- Talked to Pete.

J: He took Pete's eye out.

♪ ♪

♪ She stares deeply ♪

♪ Locked inside me ♪

♪ Burnin' brightly ♪

♪ One they know that I cannot take ♪

♪ Waitin' for it all to begin ♪

♪ Every night now, they'll win ♪

♪ Come and meet my black hole ♪

♪ Got a big black hole ♪

♪ Got a big black hole ♪

♪ I've got a big black hole ♪

♪ I've got a big black, big black hole ♪

♪ Got a big black hole inside of me ♪

♪ Got a ♪


FINNIGAN: You guys got something for me?

DERAN: We're going to
see Pope at County later.

We wanted to get an
update on protection.

People are looking out for him.

Your brother isn't exactly
a willing participant.

- What do you mean?
- Doesn't seem to want the help.

He's not thinking straight.

I'll talk to him.

Any trouble from La Familia?

No. Maybe they decided to
let the whole eye thing go.

Or there's nobody connected to Pete

in his unit at County right now.

- We're on it.
- Who's Pope bunking with?

Just my guy right now.

They're gonna try and send a
snitch in and get him to talk.

- Won't be a problem.
- He's not gonna talk.

Just make sure Pope stays with your guy.

You got it.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

JOSEPH: Looks all right.

Man's problem is that he resists,

and in doing so he
manifests more trouble.

Faith is in acceptance.

A guilty plea with no
kinda deal in place.

I mean, you must be a man of faith.

Or penance.

Either that or that bid
you did up in Pelican Bay

was what, Club Med to you?

Did my family put you in here?

Something like that.

How much does my family
have to pay you to shut up?

No one's an individual in here.

Every man is his association.

It's not my first time.

Well, then start acting like it.

You and me. Like it or not.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

How was it sleeping in your old room?

Well, someone took my pillows

and switched them out for
some shitty foam ones.

Check J's room.

You moving back in with Renn?


She's moving down to San
Antonio with her grandma.

For how long?

Don't know.

And what about Nick?

I'm gonna go down
every couple of months.

She's gonna come up here
and visit her family.

Work it out.

I guess.

That for Pope?

Yeah. Some books. Underwear.

All that county-issued stuff is shit.

- What's that for?
- His commissary.

I already put a bunch on his commissary.

All right, well, then put some more on.

You should visit him.

It's been weeks.

What the hell, Smurf?
You opened my mail?

Oh, shit. Yeah, sorry.

It said SAT. I thought it was
a credit card company.

Yeah, it's not.

Looks like you got a good score.

th percentile.

If you want to kiss teachers' asses

and spend another four years
in the library, be my guest.

I just wanted to see what I would get.

Don't open my mail again.

I need you and Pope to do a run.

Fiber-optics job.

Thought Baz was handling that.

Yeah, Baz is working his ass off
putting the whole job together,

and I need you guys to do one errand.

Come on.

It'll be good for your college essays.

Just think of it as, uh,
extracurricular activity.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

GUARD: Kitchen detail! Let's go!

The rest of you got before lockdown.

♪ ♪

Hey! The phrase is
"excuse me," you jack-off.

♪ ♪

One option is to beg for
leniency at sentencing.

Claim that Andrew pled guilty
because he's truly remorseful.

Talk about his abusive mother,
tough childhood.

Okay. So then what? He gets life?

to life. But he does .

Maybe even . Paroled
while he's still young.

What else you got?

We can seek to change the plea.

J: He shouldn't have pled
guilty to begin with.

Confession was bullshit.
Coulda fought it.

Andrew wouldn't listen.

Well, wasn't that your
job to make him listen?

Uh, no. That's not how this works.

But we can use that.

We convince the judge that Andrew
wasn't afforded effective counsel

both when he was interrogated
and during the pre-trial phase.

Especially troubling given
his mental health challenges.

Wait. Sorry.

What... What does his mental
health have to do with any of this?

We have the hospital records from
his psychiatric hold last year.

Andrew has a documented history

of being disconnected from reality.


So it's enough to raise suspicion
about his ability to understand

what the detectives were asking
him or what he was signing.

It sounds like, uh, a lot to prove.

No, we don't need to prove anything.

We just need to raise the question

why none of this was
presented to the judge

ahead of Andrew making a plea.

Okay. And that'll be enough?

As long as Andrew's on board.


And the most damaging thing they have

is Amy Wheeler's statement

that Andrew described the crime to her.

Well, who's that?

A woman that your brother
had a relationship with.

- She a credible witness?
- CELIA: She could be.

It's m*rder one, and they
have a signed confession.

It's going to be an uphill battle.

It's not gonna be cheap.

How much?

At least grand if we go to trial.

Okay. Um... thank you.

- We'll be in touch.
- All right.

- Sounds good.
- Let us know what you decide.

Pope's screwed.

- That's not what I heard.

- Yeah? Were you listening?

They just put lawyer spin on it, man.

- He's gonna do life.
- Yeah, Pope's not gonna make it.

He won't last that long.

With his mental issues,

they're gonna be pumping
him full of psychotropics.

They're gonna put a snitch in his
cell to get him talking about us.

Who knows what he'll
say on all those dr*gs?

He's not gonna say shit, J.

You don't know that.

I know my brother.

You don't know shit, because he's
already admitted to something

when he didn't need to.

He wanted to get it out. He pled guilty.

I mean, maybe he's feeling
guilty about all of it, right?

Everything that we've ever done.

No, Pope ain't no snitch.

You don't know that!


We'll keep paying Finnigan to make sure

they don't put anybody like that
in the cell with Pope, okay?

We'll take our best
shot with this lawyer.

A hundred grand?

And that's just to get us to trial.

Pope would do anything for us.

Even you.

It's not about the money, J.

CRAIG: What about the judge?

We got any dirt on him that we can use?

Or better yet, the DA.

Then we all go to jail for obstruction.

Hey, you don't want to
be part of the family, J?

- You can leave.
- God damn it, shut up.

- Anytime, bro.
- Guys, this is Pope we're talking about.

And we gotta do what we
need to do to get him out,

but this shit takes time, okay?

We got to think this shit through.

Then we break him out.


We can't just leave him inside, man.

What about this Amy?

She's the real problem, right?

And Lena.

♪ ♪

I'll talk to Pope about Amy.

But no kids.


JULIA: Where are we supposed to go?


Wow. I didn't think your
voice actually worked.

You haven't said a word
the entire ride here.


The thing with Baz... sorry, okay?

It's weird for you
'cause you're my brother,

but it's not actually weird, okay?

It's, like, normal.



Reggie says there's six
spools for you today.

You'll need this to get out.


These things are worth money?

I thought they were just
used for backyard tables.

- I'm gonna help them out.
- Andrew.



♪ ♪

I brought you the stuff you asked for.


You okay?

Yeah, just keeping my head down.

It's loud in here.

Did you hear that?

You know you got friends in here, right?

I don't need any friends.

That's okay, but just make
sure that they, uh...

they can do what they need to do.

I just want to be left alone.

Guy never shuts up. I can't concentrate.

I can't sleep.

That's why we're paying these guys,

so they can, you know, make
sure that that happens, okay?

The lawyers are saying that
they can get you out of this.

You just got to change your plea.

I don't want to get out of it.

So you're just... you're just okay
with pleading guilty, then?

What difference does it make?

years to life, that's
the difference it makes.

They give me what they give me.

Whatever they give me
is what they give me.

Hey, you need to get your
head out of your ass, Pope.

Listen to me.

We're trying to get you out
of here, but if you can't...

You can fight this thing at trial.

No, no! No!

No. I don't want a trial.

The lawyers said that they can
get your confession thrown out.

Okay? Thrown out.

The only thing standing in the
way is that they said testimony

from some woman named... named Amy.

Amy is not some woman,

and I do not want her
to have to testify.

Or Lena, okay?

Cath was her...

I don't want Lena to
have to hear about it.

Or see it.

There's pictures, you know, from
when they... dug up the body.

And... And Amy.

They threatened Amy.

They said she was an accessory.

What if Amy doesn't have to testify?

No. A lawyer can't promise that.

[SIGHS] What if Amy
doesn't make it to trial?


- Look, we're worried about this Amy.
- No!

♪ ♪

- Just think about it.
- Nothing happens to Amy.

Or Lena.

Do I make myself clear?


Don't come back.

♪ ♪

Hey, it's J. Can you call me back?

There's a couple grand in it for you.

Sorry I'm late.

I just dropped off a load of
those video game systems

everybody's been clamoring about.

- I thought this was about sneakers.
- It is.

Okay, so what's the deal?

After they come off the boat,
most of these shoes,

they... they run through
a distro center in Hemet.

Our company handles
the West Coast drops.

times out of , those
drops are my route.

So we either hit the distro center,

we hit the store, or we hit you?

You got it. Need someone to rob me.

Make it look real.

Do you stop anywhere along
the way that's not a store?

Truck stops.

No, no. That's, uh...
That's too crowded.

I mean something more like a rest stop.

Somewhere you just jump
out to take a piss.

Not too many people around.

Yeah. There's one in Central Valley.

Only got porta-potties.
No one ever stops there.


That's perfect.

You pull in, we'll do the rest.



Yeah, I need you to find someone for me.

Her name's Wheeler. Amy Wheeler.

He didn't seem like himself.

He was saying it was
loud when it wasn't.

He just doesn't look good.

I mean, wouldn't that make
you want to get out of there?

This thing with Amy, man,
if he doesn't like it, then...

we're just gonna have to talk to him.

No. Pope doesn't want this
shit to go to trial, okay?

He doesn't want to have to put Lena

through any of this stuff right now.

Well, man, I don't...

- My board.
- What?

The... The board I got
from Trey, it's gone.

CRAIG: Yo, the cash
register's all right.

God damn it.

They took a sledgehammer
to the back door lock.

Yo, you check the safe?

I cleaned out all the cash
I had in here already.

You see, man.

You know, now that Pope's gone,

people are gonna start testing us.

We got to shut this down, man. Quick.

♪ ♪

- Hey, Smurf.
- Hey, baby.


This is Jess and Melissa.

- Hey.
- Melissa and Jess.

MELISSA: Nice place.

SMURF: You lined up the buyers
for the fiber-optics job.

You set up all the logistics.

Now it's time for your reward.

I'm really proud of you, baby.


- SMURF: Drink.
- Hey, Smurf.

- This is Charley.
- Hey.

Heard so much about you.


Aren't you beautiful?

[CHUCKLES] Thank you.

Do you like to party?

Uh, yeah. Sure.


Hey, what up, bro?

I know you fell off the wagon, but damn.

A bar.

I was riding by and saw
your bike out front.

Need something?

So how you been?

Been busy, man.

Let me help you get back
on that path, man.


- I'm good.
- You sure about that?

Yeah. Man, your shit don't work.

All right. Holler at me if
you change your mind.

Once you get back on the right path,

it ain't as hard as it seems.

- All right.
- All right.



♪ ♪

♪ ♪

I want to be left alone, okay?

I'm not asking.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪




♪ ♪

- Where's the surfboard?
- What?

Where's the g*dd*mn
lightning bolt? You stole it!

- Stop!
- Break it up!

What is wrong with you? Stop.

What are you even talking about?

All I've done for you is be loyal
and kept my mouth shut.



There's a lot going on right now.

Yeah, I know.

People have heard about Pope
and what happened to Cath.

So, what, this is about Pope?

I don't know, man. It's everything.

Adrian's still missing.

Baz's Cath was missing.

People talk.

They had questions before, but
now some of them are angry.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪



Here he is.

Brought you a present.


I dabbled in it a little bit,

but, uh, there's still plenty left.




You're welcome.

I just, uh, finished this up today.


Spent two years on it.

Just got my final part today.

Gonna be nice and loud.

Come on. You gonna do this or what?

Expensive way to make a point.

Come on, man.

I know that you talk this shit, but...

I know that it calls you.

Yeah, I know this calls
you, like it calls me.

- Yeah, it does.
- Yeah.

Don't mean you gotta answer.

♪ ♪

You know what?

Change of plans.

I'mma get my stuff.

You and me are gonna take a ride.

♪ ♪


Call me if it happens again.

bucks for a broken lock.

- g*dd*mn racket.

Did you see Pope?


- He doesn't want to go to trial.

What about this Amy?

He told us to stay away from her.

So? He's in there, we're out here.

We can deal with him when he's out.

What are you saying?

I don't give a shit what
Pope wants or doesn't want.

He put us in this situation.

We decide what needs to
happen and how we do it.

Not him.


Oh, shit.



Hey, slow down. Slow down.

What? What happened?

Is he okay? Is he okay?

Oh, God.

All right, all right. Thank you.

Who was that?

Pope got stabbed.



He's fine. He just needs some stitches.

Shit. Uh... all right.
Let me talk to Finnigan.

I'll figure it out.

I'm gonna go talk to the Trujillos.

♪ ♪

Smurf sending you off with
that woman was screwed up.

She was just trying to get back
at me for being with Baz.

That was your first time, right?

That's not how it's supposed to happen.

I-I need you to know that.

♪ ♪

Look, if you want me to
talk about something else,

you need to speak up, or else
I'm just gonna keep going.

♪ ♪

I learned how to kickflip.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

See, talking to me ain't so bad.

I love talking to you.

This is what's important to
me, Andrew. Me and you.

No matter what happens with Baz

or Smurf or anybody else, okay?

It's always you and me.


Me letting something happen
to you is bad business.

Don't pull that shit again.

- JOSEPH: You okay?
- I'm fine.

Do you have a death wish?

I mean, can you just wait until
your family stops paying us

before you get yourself k*lled?

Those Mexicans that att*cked
you, those are Varrio Ghost.

- I mean, what is that about?
- I can handle myself.

- That right?
- You're like a broken record.

Listen, if they come at you
again, let us handle it.

We got more people in here than they do.

JOSEPH: Don't retaliate.
They'll put you in the hole.






The hell is this place, man?

'Bout to get our workout on.

You know I own a gym, right?

One that helps you fight that urge?




- What's up, baby?
- How you doing, big Vince?

All right.

Like we agreed.

What? So you want me to fight?

Man, everybody here is
fighting their demons.

Why else would they
fight complete strangers

in a backyard?

And it's cheaper than rehab.

I suspect you got a few
demons to fight off.

How? You... You want me to
beat the crap outta someone?

- Is that the idea?
- Not someone.

Fighting me.

I just put a rack on myself.



Yeah, I'm the secret

Oh, oh

I bet you'd like this seat tonight

It's not a show
you'll see on Sundays

YOUNG WOMAN: What? I like that.

JESS: What a spot.

What'd you do to get this, Baz?

Eh, you know.

You're a cool-ass stepmom, Smurf.

- It's a hell of a gift.
- He earned it.

You know, Baz here has a
great mind for business.

Place pays for itself.

You guys are all of age, right?



The main attraction's on tonight



Can I get you another drink?

- Sure, baby.
- Great.

I'll come with you.

Hey. Finish this up.

Can't imagine what
she'll do this time

Want another beer?

You know, um...

... than effect

This show isn't over yet

- Thank you.
- Yeah. Of course.

Thank you so much.


The main attraction's still to come

Whoo! [LAUGHS]

All right.

Hey, turn this shit up, man.


The main attraction's on tonight

So don't forget, turn out the light

Now I'll take another.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Ding, ding.


You sure you want to do this?

To get sober, you have
to humble yourself.

A good ass whippin' will do that.

Ain't gonna be no rematch.

All right. Let's get out that rage.

Yeah, thought I'd warm
them ribs up for you.



All right, man.

Get in there!



- Screw the bell!

You said you wanted to fight?!

- Hear what I said? That's the bell!

Back to your corner!

Get off me! Get off me!

I'm done! I'm done!

This is bullshit.

Hey, if you walk, you lose.

I don't give a shit.

♪ ♪

Hey, Finnigan.


Why are we getting calls
from the infirmary?

We just heard Pope was stabbed.

The jail has to notify you.

My guy says everything is good.

A few stitches.

No protection, no pay.

Your uncle told my guy to stay
back before he was att*cked.

Guy acts like he wants to die.

We put a couple of new guys with him.

It's handled.

J: We might have to figure
out a different arrangement.

FINNIGAN: Oh, yeah?

Yeah, if he's not taking
the protection...

We can't have him in there flying solo.

He's... He's mentally unstable.

What kind of arrangement?

A more permanent one.

It's gonna be expensive.

And only when I make the call.

Your family's cool with this?

No, this is gonna have to
stay between me and you,

but how does grand sound
to make that happen?

It's good.

♪ ♪

Yo. Where you going?


What's the rush?

Got a family and a kid who need me, man.

If you think you hit rock bottom,
then you don't know shit.

I am the bottom.

That's how I was raised. It's who I am.

Dying is the only thing at
the end of that path, bro.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪



Looks good.

Think I can get more next week?

We just drive and collect.

So, if I piss Smurf off,
does she send you two out?

I'd hate to get whacked
by a high schooler.

- Better not piss her off, then.

Eh, okay, okay.

Hey, load it in.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Let's go.


JOSEPH: If we confess,

he is fair and just to
forgive us our sins.

There's a time and a place,
and it doesn't involve you.

In due time...



♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Where's Pete?

He's getting fitted for a new glass eye.

That brown one keeps popping out.

He's thinking of trying blue this time.

You know, make him
look a little scarier.


No one's coming by to blast your ass.

Too many old ladies and kids.

Look, I didn't know that shit
was gonna happen with Pete.


You know Pope. He's unpredictable.

Is that it?

Our families have been working
together for a long time.


Trujillos, the Codys together.

There's gotta be a way
we can fix this problem.

What problem?

- That's your answer?
- After what Pope did,

that's my answer.

Tina. Name your price.


♪ ♪

You can't put a price on respect.

Your mom knew that.
Kept your brother in check.

Now she's gone.

Your crazy brother's in prison.

Your other brother's a junkie.

People are coming for
your weak-ass family,

and it ain't just me.

Respect, pendejo.

You can't buy that.

♪ ♪


What the hell happened to you?






Pope got stabbed today.

How bad? Is he okay?

Yeah. He'll be fine.
They didn't get him too bad.

Some North Side San Diego g*ng shit.

They're affiliated with the Trujillos.

I guess they're still pissed about
what went down with Pete.

What happened to the protection?

What are we paying them for?

I don't know.

They said they were gonna handle it.

Well, man, we got to do something.

I tried to smooth things
over with the Trujillos.

Yeah? How'd that go?

She says they're gonna try to k*ll Pope.

That we're weak...

with Smurf dead, Pope inside.

♪ ♪

People think we're vulnerable right now.


You know, Renn invited me to
join her in San Antonio today.

Thought about it.

Just don't like Texas or Texans.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Well, maybe it's time to go.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Hey. Sorry we're late.

We got food after the drop-off.



Here you go.

Everything went well?

Piece of cake.



Come here.

Beautiful girl.

I want you to pursue your dreams.

You know, school.


Just at the right time.

That's all.


You know, I've been thinking
that I should focus more

on what we have here, too.

Okay. Good.

Hey, um, why don't you go
and get yourself a drink?

Come back. Celebrate.

All right.


♪ ♪


Everything good?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

I am really glad that you
two are getting along.

It's good for all of us.

You know?

This is a family business.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


All right, open up.

No! No dr*gs.

Look, you got two choices...
a**l suppository or swallow.

All right.

Open. Tongue.





♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Still have a couple of weeks to
convince Pope before sentencing.

It's not gonna change his mind.

I have an address for that Amy.

She's up in Orange County.

DA have her in a hotel in Santa Ana.

No police protection or anything.

- No.
- Just go in there.

- I can take a g*n...
- No.

We gotta do something.

We need to break him the hell out
of there is what we need to do.

How are we gonna do that?

I don't know.

But we'll figure it out. We always do.

Using what? A t*nk?

Steal a helicopter?

It's not impossible.

It's like every other job.

We just have to find a weakness,
and we plan it out.

It's a little more
complicated than that.

Means that we're done with Oceanside.

Be on the run forever.

What about everything you've built?

Everything Smurf built?

We can still do what we
do, just without Pope.

Find a new guy. Train him up.

It's a family business, J.

That's where the trust
comes from... family.

And there's no family without Pope.

♪ ♪

He'd do it for us. You know he would.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Let's do it.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪