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09x29 - Don't You Pick on Satan!! The Original Boo is Revived

Posted: 08/07/22 13:36
by bunniefuu
"Don't You Pick On Satan!! The Original Boo is Revived" This is strange I should have long since had enough Ki gathered Vegeta! Hey, there! Where are you planning on going? It's obvious, isn't it? I am returning to the Kaioshin Realm.

Y- you're what? Unquestionably, between Majin Boo and I, there is too much difference in our powers, and I will be no match for him.

However, even I should be able to buy them some time.

At this point, even if it's only for one second, we have to buy enough time to let Goku-san gather even more Ki.

Right now, Goku-san is our only remaining hope.

Just a minute! I'm going too! Not you, too! I am not a fighter-type, but even so, I should be of some use! Dende-san This is a crisis for the whole universe.

At a time like this, I can't just sit here doing nothing! Thanks! Well then, let's go! Right! J- j- just a moment, now! For the love of would you settle down for a second? If you boys could go and buy time, I would have long since let you go! You boys must know well enough that this situation is one where we can no longer do anything! I know how you're feeling anxious, but there's nothing we can do any more.

The only thing we can do is believe in those two, and watch over them.

Knowing those two, I'm sure they'll manage something.

Isn't that right? Vegeta! Stay back! Stay back! Of all the Who is it you think I'm going through all of this for!? You hurry up and gather your Ki! This is bad! No matter how tough Vegeta is, there ain't no way he can stand up to that! I can't stand it any more! Boo! Yo, yo, yo! I watch on silently, and you get carried away with yourself! Did you think that the world combat sports champion Mister Satan-sama would quietly overlook your brutality!? I am going to punish you! Prepare yourself! You will soon regret having an opponent you can't deal with! We didn't need this! He should have just quietly stayed in hiding! He's nervous, he's nervous! You're getting a spankie spankie! Yo, yo, yo! What's the matter!? Hurry up and come at me! Or are you afraid of Mister Satan here? You miserable coward! I- I nailed that! I nailed that so hard, it's a shame this is a dream! Y- you want to go!? E- even in a dream, this is scary! I- I'm sorry! I- I didn't mean any harm! I just wanted to show off a little! I was only playing around, and I couldn't help myself! Satan dodged Boo's att*ck! Nice going! I have to give you more credit, Satan! I'm so sorry! W- what is it? What in the world is wrong!? C- could it be that he's in awe of my resolve? I did it, I did it! I did it! Yo, yo, what's the matter!? Come on, come on! Suffer some more from the power of my resolve! W- why is this? Why is it that ever since Mister Satan appeared, Boo has been? C- could it really be a result of Mister Satan's resolve? K- Kakarrot! What the hell are you doing!? This is our chance! Gather your Ki now, while you can! Yeah, you got it! B- B- Boo!! W- what's this? W- what's happening here? I- I know! That chubby Majin Boo was friends with Mister Satan! With that Boo inside his body, he was undergoing rejection, and was incapable of attacking Satan! I see, so that's why he spat him out, is it? Well, even if that Satan fellow is done in, it won't have much of an impact.

H- how could you? He may have a number of character issues, but he is the last survivor of the human race for the time being Boo! Boo! Hey! Come on! Snap out of it! Boo! Boo Hey, come on B- Boo B- Boo And you were such a nice guy, too How How awful! How dare you do this to Boo! You'll pay! You're going to pay!! Why, you! Brace yourself! I, Mister Satan, will b*at you to a pulp! W- what's with this guy? You really want to fight!? I'm warning you, y- you'd better quit! To put it frankly, I'm too strong for you! V- very well! If you want to get hurt that badly, I'll let you have it! Come on! This is my dream, after all So it's only natural that I'm the one who will win! How's that? Have you learned your lesson? H- how can this be!? Even in my dream, this still hurts! W- why, you! Cut that out! Are you trying to get me really angry!? Do you really want to get hurt that badly? If you're going to apologize, now's the time! W- well, that's okay! Maybe I'll just let you off.

Mm-hmm! I might have been partly in the wrong as well.

What!? B- Boo I hate you! Don't you pick on Satan! Boo! Y- you're alive? How long is this going to take, Kakarrot!? Still not yet!? I- I know! But it's strange I've gathered up Ki to just about my full power, b- but the stored-up Ki is starting to decrease! I- it's what!? Kakarrot, enough already! How long will this take!? That fatso isn't going to hold out that long! Aren't you done yet!? Aren't you done gathering up your Ki!? Damn it! Damn it! This ain't This ain't supposed to be happening! M- my power My power is d- dropping off! W- what's this!? T- this can't be! Boo! T- thank goodness! That's my Boo! Hang in there! Bust that guy's chops! T- this is trouble.

I can't really win.

Looks like this has become the worst of all games.

Far from storing up Ki, Goku has instead powered down.

Is there no way left to defeat Boo? The universe is meeting its greatest crisis!