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09x21 - Nightmares or Illusions!? Goku and Gohan's Father-Son Confrontation

Posted: 08/07/22 13:31
by bunniefuu
"Nightmares or Illusions!? Goku and Gohan's Father-Son Confrontation" Kakarrot! My stomach hurts! Of all the You're such an idiot! And you told me not to make such a commotion! He's sure to have found us out from that! M- maybe so.

And I was even trying to hold back quite a bit, at that! Big brother! Big brother! Big brother! Big brother! Poppa! It's Big brother! P- Poppa? I've got an awfully bad feeling about this! K- Kakarrot! Despite how I may seem, I cannot stand squirmy things! Sure enough, here he comes! I think I'm gonna vomit! Poppa! Those guys were bullying us! Hey, Kakarrot! We've already been found out from what happened earlier! No need to worry about that any more, right? Well, I don't know H- hey, Vegeta! W- what!? Poppa, hurry up and put those guys away! Yeah, yeah! What did you do that for, Poppa? You've done something naughty again, haven't you!? How many times do I have to tell you before you understand? I told you, you can't go straying off so far from the herd! You really don't listen to a thing your Poppa says! Um, has this boy committed any misdeeds? Misdeeds? I- if that face moves any closer, I'll k*ll him! You see, this boy has the bad habit of taking off after anything he sees moving.

I am not about to be att*cked because of someone's habit! For the love of Ah, that's right! Say There are these people that are dressed like we are.

They would have looked a bit less handsome than me.

I wonder, have you seen anyone like that? I know who you mean! There was one who was green, too! Piccolo, huh? Say, where are those guys now? Y- you turn into a toilet! All right W- what's this? What's Boo making a toilet for all of a sudden? Maybe he's upset his stomach or something.

Is that so!? All right, then! J- j- just a minute! This is our chance! Right now, even I might be able to b*at him! T- that's crazy! You can't! Let's not do this! It's obviously not sensible! No! Today, for sure, I, the strongest man in history, Mister Satan, will Pee-yew! T- that was a fart every bit worthy of the name "Boo" The green person went up above here.


The people I saw went up above here too.

Up? It's Boo's toilet-time! Why is that!? This is earlier than he usually is! Hey! Tell us more! Where do you mean by "above here"? I'm sure I heard him say it's toilet-time, right? Yeah! Which, you don't suppose means that we Aw, crap! is what we're going to become!? Hey, Vegeta! Hey! Still, to think that while I was sealed up by Bibidi's spell, so many guys as strong as them would appear on Earth However, now they have all become my power! My muscle! My blood! Looks like we've finally come to the inside of Boo's head.

This is the only place left.

Gohan and the others must be inside here somewhere.

Kakarrot, which way do you think? Let's see The left way, I guess! Is that so? In that case, I'm going right.

Hey, you can't just do that! When I'm together with you, nothing good happens.

Fine, suit yourself! Who's that!? Who's over there!? Gohan! You guys! Are you okay? Come on, we're breaking out of here, quick! Hurry! What? They've done it! Everyone is safe! Now, quickly, outside of Boo you go! Don't you think it's strange? Why do you suppose those little squirts have undergone Fusion? Gohan! I've been looking for you! W- what are you doing, Gohan!? Why, you You're not Gotenks at all, are you!? Now that I know that I'll show you no mercy! It's the whole lot of you! Mess around with me, huh? H- how come!? What are Gohan-san and the rest doing to Goku-san and Vegeta-san? Is that it? That is indeed Boo's brain.

The Gohan and Gotenks and such that are in there are not the real items.

They're memories! Those are Gohan and the others from among Boo's memories! From among Boo's memories? I figured it out right away that you ain't the real Gohan! Just by looking in your eyes! Though it seems you have the same power as the real thing.

You really have gotten stronger! W- where am I!? R- rotten Boo! You will face me! Come on! Ah, I'm so hungry.

Before I extinguish this planet, I first need to fill my stomach! That Boo! Have you once again grown afraid of me, Mister Satan, and run away? Come, let us follow after him.

Y- you can't mean it! W- w- why!? After he so graciously went away? If the Earth is destroyed, then it will be the same no matter where we are! We have to do something to him! W- w- what do you mean, do something? Boo has gone off looking for something to eat.

While he's eating, I'm sure we can create an opening! That's where That's where I go "Whammo, " huh? And then "Kaboom" and "Bam!" B- but, can I do that? I can't betray his expectations What will you do, Mister Satan? Come.

We're going already? We don't have to go so soon T- this can't be! Fighting against these two opponents is truly hard! And at a critical time like this, Kakarrot is not around! They gave me a lot of trouble! W- what's this? Ka me ha me Ha!! Kakarrot! We meet again, Vegeta! It's the smell of cake! Sheesh, these guys don't quit! No matter how many times we b*at them, they just keep getting right back up! Yeah On top of that, they ain't taking a bit of damage! T- this is bad! Shortcake! Chou a la creme over here! There's chocolate cake too! W- what!? W- w- what does this mean!? Lucky! The instant he looked upon that cake, his head became filled with thoughts of cake! Now's your chance, both of you! Where have Gohan and the others gone? Have they been done in after all? Hey, Kakarrot! This way! They're here! It's Piccolo.

Great! He ain't dead! Hey, Vegeta, over there! Gohan! Trunks! Goten! Everyone's here! Finally, with great trouble, Goku and Vegeta have discovered Goten and the others.

Rescue Gohan and the others as soon as you can, and defeat Majin Boo! Before the Earth is destroyed!