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09x03 - A No-Timeout Catastrophe!! Earth's Humanity Exterminated

Posted: 08/07/22 12:11
by bunniefuu
"A No-Timeout Catastrophe!! Earth's Humanity Exterminated" W- who the hell is that!? This is the transformed Boo? I knew it.

Here you are.

W- we'll be k*lled! W- what an incredible Ki! Gimme! Gimme!! Gimme? What the hell do you want us to give you? Tell us! Gimme the guy who will fight me.

He promised that guy would fight me.

I want to do it now and k*ll him.

He has to be here.

I know there's a great power here.

It's the only place he could be.

H- he's become able to seek out Ki after all.

T- this is bad! What was that voice just now!? W- who's here makin' that loud-voiced ruckus? What!? Who is that!? Gimme the guy I'm going to fight.

That guy whose hair turns golden made me a promise.

Those who you're looking for are sure to appear in three- no, two days! So until then, don't do anything, just wait! Are those guys strong? Stop k*lling people for no reason! --Gimme.

--W- wait! To be sure, those two are here.

But right now, they are sleeping.

Wake them, we'll fight! T- they just barely went to sleep! Let them sleep a little while longer! I beg you! They still aren't at their full power yet! And as long as you're going to fight, you'll want to go against warriors at their full power, right? It's just no good.

I hate waiting! T- the promise was for two days afterward.

There's still another day! I've changed my mind.

My mind changes fast.

Gimme! He's come to fight Trunks and Goten! He's gotta be kiddin'! Who's gonna let somethin' like that happen!? I'm gonna go shoo that guy away! W- wait! Chichi, if you head on out there, he ain't the kind of foe you can do nothin' about! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go, I tell you! Let me go! Pa, let go of me! Let me go! Chichi! Gimme the strong guy! If I let Goten and Trunks fight now, there's absolutely no chance of them winning.

Somehow, I have to buy us some time.

Gimme the strong guy! Please! Wait just a moment! Just a little while more will be fine! T- that's right! You said you were going to k*ll every Earthling, didn't you? There's still a great deal of people who are still alive! You can fight after you're done with that, can't you? Piccolo-san! S- sorry, those of you people still remaining! We'll be sure to bring you back to life with the Dragon Balls! W- what's this? So that's it! He's looking over the condition of the lower realm! Is he thinking of taking off to k*ll those remaining people? Still, at least it will buy us some time! What is he walking around for!? He thinks he's so great! Kuririn go wake up Trunks and Goten right now and take them to the Room of Spirit and Time.

They'll train in there.

In that place, they can do a lot of training in a short time.

Eh? Why don't you let them fight right away? Because I wasn't aware of that guy's power.

In his state, there's no way that the little squirts could b*at him, even with Fusion.

Tell those half-pints that if they don't want to die while they're still little scamps, then to train for all they're worth in there.

Okay! Now's my chance! I'm gonna push him over the side! See here, Chichi! Stop it! --Y- you dummy! --I am Chichi! Chichi-san! Hey, you! Wait there! Chichi-san! I'll k*ll you! Chichi! Are you okay? Goten-chan Goten-chan must not be allowed to fight him! Pa! What's this? He sure is a strange one, huh? I'm afraid! Wake up! Wake up, I say! Wake up! Hey! Wake up! I can't eat any more This is no time for you to be talking in your sleep! Wake up! Wake up! G- gone all the way around Why? What is this!? Wow, how pretty! What is it? What's the matter, Kaioshin-sama? J- just now, on Earth, there's something happening.

What is this? What's going on!? Ten-san! Chaozu! F- forgive me, you people.

I will surely bring you back to life with the Dragon Balls! I've k*lled all the Earthlings.

Now, I will fight.

Gimme that guy! Understood! But we have to prepare for the fight.

Give me some time! Two hours- no, just one hour will be fine! Please! One hour? How long is that? Once all the sand in this sandglass has fallen.

No!! Why not!? Why can't you wait for just an hour!? Goten-kun and him aren't going to run away or anything! You're a smart-aleck! Hold it! That girl is Mister Satan's child! Mister Satan's child says she wants you to wait! It's true.

Her smell is similar to Satan.

All right, I'll wait for you.

When time is up, I'll k*ll everyone! I'll even k*ll Satan's child! T- that was close! What is happening up in the heavenly realm? It's strange.

Fireworks at a time like this? Y- you're awake!? Go to the Room of Spirit and Time right now and train! W- what's happened? The people of Earth have just about all been exterminated.

By Boo!? But there was still a good deal remaining, right? No The Earth itself remains largely unharmed.

I don't understand.

Why is this happening? Kaioshin-sama A- aren't you done yet? It's well past time we should be finished, isn't it? Oh, is it that time already? Yes, it is time we should be finished, huh? Hoo! The fact that we aren't done yet means that you must have incredible dormant capacities! Would you please cut this out!? There's no way I'm going to be able to b*at Majin Boo with all this nonsense of yours W- what was that? That power that just seemed to boil up? W- was that me? Hurry up and sit down! If you keep fooling around, we'll lose that much more time! I- I'm sorry about that! Really, I am A- awesome! He really ain't any ordinary old geezer! Y- yes! He's the Kaioshin from For what that's worth Dormant capacities are really one's true power that's hidden away, right? That's what I believe.

That couldn't be! Just how much power does Gohan have hidden away!? This is great! Gohan is one extraordinary guy! Majin Boo has transformed into the ultimate evil.

Goten and Trunks begin training anew.

And the elderly Kaioshin's training was for real.

Will Gohan's hidden power be fully realized? The battle with Majin Boo draws closer.