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12x14 - m*rder in Tempo

Posted: 08/07/22 07:14
by bunniefuu
Tonight on m*rder, She Wrote.

Seth Hazlitt has mortgaged himself
to the hilt to make this concert happen.

I resent owing you bloodsuckers!

I want that million bucks back.

I remember reading something about
a stalker tracking Tommy in Denver.

It's like watching a cobra
with an Easter Bunny.

If you let him,
he will hurt you.

Tommy, you're still married.

All I want to do is
move out of here!

He's not a loser!

I am not quitting!

I want to keep you alive, at
least through Saturday night!

We're adding concessions
for nachos, espresso

and non-everything yogurt,

so we're gonna need
more power up that end.

Okay, sir.

Oh! That goes in Section D.

And get the danged
splinters out of it!

Yeah. Okay.

You, too.

Be here at your side

Feel the strength
that love can bring

Together we will
stand for all eternity

In the sharing of love
that comes from me to you

In the essence of love
there is nothing we can't do

In the presence of love

There is peace and harmony

Sharing of love that
starts with you and me

So let's sing our song of love

That lives within us all

Together we will plan

What's wrong with him?

Go again.

You're pushing it
too hard, Tommy.

No, the arrangement
is all wrong.


Jessica! I wasn't
expecting you so early.

Well, Ted Hartley
canceled our appointment,

so I caught the morning plane,

worked on my little
fund-raising speech on the way.

I'll go back tonight.

My goodness, you
have done so much!

Well... The outdoor
concert permit.

Since you were late
with the paperwork,

I had to fight 'em for it.

It's quite a load you
took on here, Doc.

Nobody else wanted the job.

If it weren't for Seth, I think we
might have lost the woods by default.

Oh! I got to get back. Later on.

Come on, let me
show you. Show me.

Do yourself a favor.

Let Udella carry the melody.

Wylie, you make the deals,
I'll make the music, all right?

Dad? Hey, Blue.

Your dad?

He's still teed off I didn't
study engineering like him.

How long since
you left Cabot Cove?

Five years.

Jessica, good to see you again.

Our paths haven't
crossed very much lately.

You're a busy man, Jim.

That is true.

And I'm sorry to say that our
friend, Seth here, isn't helping any.

You're past due with one of my
subsidiaries for all these amplifiers,

and the floodlights, and all the
wiring, and they're bugging me.

They'll be paid by Saturday,
as I've already told them.

He's here every day trying to
manufacture some kind of catastrophe

so that Maddox Electronics
can move in and buy the woods.

I don't make the problems,
Seth, that's your department.

And as far as
wanting these woods?

I've never made
any secret about that

and I'm sure not ashamed of it.

That's because you have
the conscience of a termite.

Excuse me, Jessica.

Some people prefer
jobs to trees, Jessica.

Jim, you can build
a factory anywhere.

But these woods have been
here since the last ice age.

I certainly hope they'll
be here for the next.

No, I'm talking to you for
my health. Yeah, I'll hold.

What? What?

It's about time. After all this,
I was beginning to wonder

if you were even gonna
come through with the permit.

Oh, man. MAN 2: Come on!

What is the deal here?

Now, I'm real sorry, Mr. Vaughn.

I'm afraid we got
another short circuit.

There must be something
you guys can do right.

Well, Mr. Vaughn, it is a 220
volt set-up and that's a lot different.

You're supposed
to be electricians!

Except none of you seem
to know what you're doing.

Now what?

Man, these amateurs!

Maybe the bulb shorted out.

Get down! Somebody's
sh**ting at us!



He needs a doctor!

I am a doctor!


Get a doctor!

Good heavens! Oh!

Probably take a week
or two if that's all right.

Can you get that,
Rachel, please?

Sure thing, Hal.

Palmer's. Hello, Rachel?

Listen, I just picked up your
message on my machine.

I was so worried about Seth.

I tried to reach you at
the emergency room.

Well, Dr. Morrison told him that he
had to take it easy, but, of course...

Tell Rachel I am sending over...

One minute, one minute.
A batch of invoices

and that I expect her to
make out checks for them.

I heard that.

Tell him we're low on funds.

She says they're
running out of money.

Tell her that won't happen!

Seth, I suggest that
you tell her that yourself.

As soon as I find that
duplicate lumber bill!

He's looking for a lumber bill.

Jessica, have you ever
met Tommy Vaughn?

Yes. In New York. Blue
introduced me to the group.

He's got that "Bad Boy" label,

but that's because he's a
perfectionist and an artist besides.

I've seen quite a bit of
him these past two weeks.

Don't you have the
feeling he's, like, special?

Ask her about the
Phone-Ticket sales.

Tell him we got
a long way to go,

and Phone-Ticket won't release
any funds until after the event.

Rachel, we'll try to get
everything straightened out

and call you right
back, all right?

Okay. All right. Bye.

Seth, I really think, considering
the extent of your injuries,

that we should try to
postpone the concert.

Can't. First, we'd lose the band
and with it the recording proceeds,

which is a real chunk
of the money we need.

And the Cabot Cove Trust won't
budge on the option deadline.

I'm wondering...

The rain insurance
for Saturday night

costs as much
as a triple bypass.

And since Mrs. Carthandler's
lumbago hasn't flared up at all...

Seth, if it rains
on Saturday night,

there won't be any
walk-up ticket sales,

and if you don't
buy the insurance...

Mrs. Carthandler's lumbago is as
dependable as the Rock of Gibraltar.


How's the patient doing?

Just a couple of
scratches, is all.

Along with one cracked rib, one sprained
wrist, he's not being careful with,

and one head wound, for which
Dr. Morrison ordered a CAT scan.

But, of course, Seth...

Dr. Morrison is a
frustrated brain surgeon!

Well, he did put 10
stitches into your scalp!

It looks to me like you've got a lot of
work of your own to worry about, Mrs. F.

You can say that again.

Of course she does.

And I'm being very careful not
to take advantage of her, too!

Oh, I'm sure.

Mort, how about a cup of coffee?

Thanks, I'm meeting
the game warden.

We're doing a check on
all of the licensed hunters

who were in the area
during the sh**ting.

From what I know
about Tommy Vaughn,

it might pay to ask him
if he or any of the band

have any enemies at the moment.

I remember reading something about a
stalker tracking Tommy in Denver last year.

Thanks. Take care, Doc!

You can't split up now.

It's the worst possible time!

I can't stand being with him!

You think that's not mutual?

That's why I gave you
separate bedrooms.

How about separate worlds!

Will you stop that
stupid braiding!

Leave me alone!
That keeps me calm!

You know he's on
the chase again!

He's been after that innocent
chick from the music store.

It's like watching a cobra
with an Easter Bunny!

I'm not after her.

She's different than
anybody I've ever known.

I really dig being around her.

All right, look, just before you
went on the mother of all binges,

you two made a giant step.

You went from hard rock,
where you were good,

to contemporary popular,
where you're great!

It's new, it's big, it's
got huge potential

if Comet Records
doesn't pull your plug!

I'm not worried about it.

Well, you'd better be!

Because they've had it with
"dysfunctional misfits" and that's a quote!

Wylie, all I want to
do is move out of here!

Oh, that's good.
Now that's terrific,

because then the tabloids
can go crazy with it.

Let me make it simple.

Comet wants out of the contract
unless they have assurances

that the bad boy days
are gone for good.

That In Tempo is all about a
young, beautiful married couple

in love and sharing
the limelight.

How cute.

Why don't they just
worry about the music?

Don't even think about it!

You'll end up back in rehab.

With what you owe in back
taxes, if Comet puts you on ice,

you'll be in hock
the rest of your life!

Hey. Scotch, rocks.

You got it.

Wylie Trey.

Drink's on me.


Jim Maddox, right? That's right.

Lot of excitement today, huh?

Oh, yeah.

You know, I wouldn't
be a bit surprised

if Tommy just decided
to forget the whole thing.

You don't know Tommy.

Well, I know that somebody
probably took a shot at him today.

And I know there's a lot
of tension in that group.

And I also know that
Tommy's voice isn't right.

And he probably wouldn't want
the whole world to know about that.

Tommy's got a lot of pride.

Wylie, what if...

What if Tommy got
an offer so lucrative

that under the circumstances

it would be absolutely ridiculous
for him to go on with this concert.

An offer brought to
him by his manager,

who, of course, would
share in that good fortune?

He's a man of moods. The
timing would have to be just right.

Enjoy that drink.

Okay. What can I do for you?

Well, just answer a few
questions, Mr. Vaughn,

for your own good.

Have you been on the receiving
end of any threats lately?

Sheriff, don't make a
big deal out of this, okay?

The sh*ts were wild. I
heard it was a deer hunter.


Tell me about that
stalker in Denver last year.

A weirdo.

A weirdo who was after you.

Now the Denver police told
me they found a souvenir pin,

a replica of your guitar.

Okay, he was a weirdo
after me. So what?

The weirdoes come
and go in my business.

And not being the most
beloved dude in the world,

you may attract
more than your share.

Especially considering the
well-reported episodes of drunken brawls

and assorted groupies.

I don't have to listen to this.

I agreed to do a freebie
in Cabot Cove as a favor

because I believed in
what you were doing.

You and your manager came here

because you wanted a publicity-rich
start-up after getting out of rehab!

I want to keep you alive at
least through Saturday night.

So let's play it straight
with each other, okay?

Yeah, okay.

Hey, Blue. How's it going?

No. Dr. Hazlitt hasn't decided
about the rain insurance yet.

Okay, thanks.

It never rains on our concerts.

Except rarely.

Hey, the t-shirts are in!

I told you they would be.

Great display.

You can thank Rachel for that.

Hey, Blue. Rachel's been showing me
all the places where you guys grew up.

You sure had a break being
raised in a place like this.

Makes for good people.

You know, I'd really like it if you
wore one of those fancy new t-shirts

at the fundraiser tonight.

Maybe the maroon one, huh?

You got it.


Okay, Tommy, enough.

Something wrong,
Blue? We're friends.

I'll see you tonight, okay?


Okay, how far has it gone?

Aren't you a little
out of line, Blue?

You heard Tommy. We're
friends. He's a very special guy.

Yeah, so I've heard from a
couple of hundred other women.

You lost your right to worry about
me that summer after high school.

I had a reason for leaving.

You didn't bother to
tell me what it was.

I didn't know that I was
gonna be gone for good.

My dad was pressuring me to try
to give up music. I couldn't do that!

Look, Tommy's married. He doesn't
care about anybody but himself.

If you let him, he'll hurt you.

Don't let these cats
get you down, Rachel.

Took me 30 years to pay
off my last mortgage, Abner.

Now I resent owing you
bloodsuckers all over again.

Gave you a prime
deal there, Seth.

Yeah. Sure.

It was almost 150 years
ago that Henry Thoreau,

who was famous for his
essay on Walden Pond,

also wrote about the need
to preserve our Maine Woods.

Which have now become
a part of the ecological

struggle being waged
around the world.

A small part, but even
small battles are important,

because we love these woods,
because they are part of our lives,

we're gonna win this
battle and save them,

for ourselves and for
those still yet to come.

Thank you.

Well done, Jess.

Very good, Mrs. F.

Oh, Jessica! That was so
inspiring, right from the heart.

Thank you, Jean.

You know how to
weave a spell, Jessica.

It's what I try to
do with my music.

Thanks, Tommy.

Your sheriff over there thinks I don't
care about what you're trying to do.

But he's wrong.


You should stop by the library.

I've put together an
exhibition on Cabot Wood.

I will. Excuse me.

Who's there?

Hi. One, please.

Welcome, Jim. Every
dollar helps the cause.

Well, Seth, I made it a point to come
by and let people know how I feel.

We're all friends
and neighbors here,

and we're gonna continue to be,

no matter what
happens to the woods.

My wife, Ellen,
was a fan of yours.

She was really into
preserving the woods.

Ah, I wish I'd
gotten to meet her.

Oh, she was a lovely woman.

Rachel's got that right.

Ah, if you youngsters
will excuse me...

The t-shirt looks great.


Even if I do say so myself!

How about we get some air? Sure.

It's true.

I have a lousy reputation
and I deserve it.

Tommy, we've been through this.

You always put yourself down.

I'm just trying to be
honest about myself.

Look, I don't read the
tabloids and I don't watch MTV.

When you arrived in
Cabot Cove, two weeks ago,

that was day one for me.

Oh, I can't believe this.

I didn't even know a place
like Cabot Cove existed.

My dad played sax in cheap
clubs, he died in an alcoholic ward.

I guess part of me always
saw things through his eyes.

But now...

Now that you and I have
gotten to know each other,

I feel like everything
can be different.

Tommy, you're still married.

You're sharing a suite
with her in the hotel.

I don't know where that puts us.

There's nothing between
Udella and me anymore.

Nothing, except business.

And that can
change awfully quick.

Tommy's voice is
worse than he thinks it is.

It's gonna take
surgery to make it right.

Go on.

I pick my moment to
convince him to take a walk.

Phone-Ticket refunds
the advance sales,

Hazlitt loses his front money,

and you get the woods.

How much will it cost me?

A million dollars for Tommy
and 100,000 for myself.

A million dollars?

That's minimal. He owes
three-quarters of a mil to Uncle Sam.

And we want it in cash.
But, you get the woods.

Okay, Wylie, I'll
get you the money.

All in all, a successful
evening I should say.

What time's your plane tomorrow?

Oh, I'm not leaving
until after the concert.

Why not? I'm fine.

You should have had
that CAT scan, Seth.

Oh, Jessica, my
head is all right.

Is that why you've
mortgaged your house?

Jessica, Maddox
told you, didn't he?

Oh, he must have
a spy at the bank.

Well, some of the
contractors reneged,

Maddox being responsible I'm
sure, and demanded front money.

Now there's no way I can put on
an outdoor concert without electricity,

food concessions,
private police,

Jiffy Johns, and a
dozen other things.

Seth, your house is
your only real security.

It's not as dangerous
as you think.

When the concert is over,
Phone-Ticket transfers the money

and I repay the
mortgage. That is my plan.

Well, my plan is to stay
here and to help you do it.

Thank you, Jessica.

Been in love too long they say

It's time to start anew

And since love is so
personal, it had to be with you

If I'm to fall in love again

It has to be with you

Oh! Now I don't
need to fall in love

Again Again 'Cause
I'm still in love

All right, let's just take
it back. Take it back.

Oh! Now I don't
need to fall in love

Again, 'cause I'm still
Again, 'cause I'm still

In love

I still say if you
attached the TV sound...

Seth, this system is
just not designed for that.

Now that sounds
really good, Hal.

Gosh, I'm glad to have
that back. Thank you.

Ah, just keep Seth from
experimenting, it'll be fine.

Come in.

Hey, Hal. How's it going?
- Sheriff.

Hello. Mrs. F.

Doc. Got that public gathering
permit amended for you.

Now do you really think you're
gonna have that big an audience?

Oh, we'd better have...

This stereo doesn't need a
repairman, it needs an exorcist.

Sounded like Ted Nugent.

Mmm, more like Metallica to me.

Whatever happened
to Guy Lombardo?

So, you're just gonna stand
there, strumming your guitar,

while Udella
carries the concert?

What's that gonna
do for your rep?

I can't just walk
out on these people.

You've got to. It's

That way it'll just look like Tommy
"Bad Boy" having one of his sulks

instead of a drunk
who lost his voice.

And you get enough
bread to take a year off

and have the
surgery if you need it.

How much are we talking about?

A half a million bucks.

I'll get it.

Hello. Palmer's.

Oh, yeah, Tommy.
Rachel's here. Rachel.


I've got to see you.

Tommy, what's wrong?

We gotta talk, or I'm
not gonna make it.

I'll pick you up in front of the
store in about five minutes, okay?


I don't expect you
to approve of this.

Just try to understand.

Because I don't
want to lose you.

This is my first concert back.

I can't afford to flop.

I can't afford to go out
there and not sing at all.

Have you talked to Doc Hazlitt?

No, I haven't.

If this is what I think it is,

I'm gonna need more
than a country doctor.

He can tell you who to see.

I know who to see, and
I know what I have to do.

Tommy, if you quit now,
you'll never come back.

You'll fall apart and you'll
drink yourself to death.

Maybe you're just looking
for an excuse to do that.

No, that is not true.

You do it that way,

and you'll regret it forever.

Check that last one, Seth.

As I recall, I saw it in the register
as having been paid last week.

Here it is.

Dang! Well, you're right again.

I wonder how Mrs. Carthandler's
lumbago is doing today?

Oh, I talked with
her. She sounds fine.

Not even a little twinge?

I suppose I'd better get that
rain insurance for Saturday.

Dancing in a rock video
is a lot harder than it looks.

That's why we'd have to give
you what you call an audition.

Wylie, I am not quitting.

Listen to me, Tommy...

No! This time you listen to me!

We found these two shell casings in
the area where the sh*ts were fired.

Hunting rounds.

Also very efficient
at k*lling people.

We also found this.

Seems like whoever
fired the sh*ts lost it.

A souvenir replica
of Tommy's guitar.

It's the same thing
the Denver police found

when the stalker
took a shot at him.

I'd better go warn him.

Let's do it.

Sharing. From the top.

When I look in your eyes

I see the love you feel for me

So I take your hand
and share love's unity

I'll be here at your side

Feel the strength
that love can bring

Together we will
stand for all eternity

In the sharing of love
that comes from me to you

With the essence of love
there is nothing we can't do

In the presence of love
there is peace and harmony

Don't touch him!

Tommy was wearing
leather-soled shoes.

The wet stage turned him
into a human ground wire.

With 220 volts he
never knew what hit him.


Well, getting
shocked isn't that rare

when you're working
with electric instruments.

Being k*lled is something else.

But I did hear about a bass
player in Nashville last year.

He should've been wearing
something like you've got on.

Plenty of rubber on those.

Yeah, I picked them
up in town yesterday.

I don't know if they're gonna
want us to go back to work or not.

Just tell the men to stand by.

All right.

Yeah. The press is
gonna be all over us.

Dan, could you tell me
what these droplets are?

Could be solder,

but none of my boys have
been working on this amp.

Maybe we should have
them analyzed, right, Mort?

Will do. Thanks. Dan, let's
take a look inside the amplifier.

Yeah, I'm kinda
curious myself, Sheriff.

Look, I don't mean
to be cruel, but...

You're gonna do a
lot better without him.

Yeah, it's been fooled with.

Tell us about it.

Well, there's not
that much to tell.

It just seems to me
that the solder was used

to keep a new
relay switch in place.

As Tommy played,
the solder melted.

Releasing the switch which
created the circuit that k*lled him.

Well, evidently somebody
wanted to make certain

that the victim was Tommy and not
just anybody who touched the guitar.


But simple enough to set up

for someone who's used to
working with electric instruments.

Dan, I'm gonna have
this amplifier checked out.

I may have a few more
questions for you though, okay?

Always glad to help if I can.

Well, considering the
difference in the MOs,

the perpetrator and
whoever fired those sh*ts

are probably two
different people.

I wouldn't be so sure of that.

I mean, the stalker left behind
a replica of Tommy's guitar

and the guitar became
the m*rder w*apon.

Excuse me.

m*rder, v*olence.

I never thought anything
like that would happen

when we started with this thing.

Oh. I mean, how can we go out

and put on a concert
after a thing like this.

Oh, I know how you feel,

but a lot of people are
expecting you to do just that.

Maybe we can get somebody else.

But it's too late
for that, Seth.

I mean, the whole thing
will fall apart without you.

Well, maybe it isn't
fair of me to say this,

but just try to imagine
what your reaction will be

when you're watching
them cut and burn this forest.

What do you want?

Oh, what's coming to me.

You're not trying to tell me

that you had anything to do
with what happened to Tommy?

Of course not.

Only you didn't want a concert
and there won't be one now.

Will there?

m*rder was never
part of the deal.

Mmm, just think about it.

If I just kept
slowing things down,

Hazlitt would have
brought in another crew,

then where would we be?

I'm starting to think this
might be a possibility.

But so what? What
are you gonna do?

Are you gonna go
to Sheriff Metzger

and tell him that you
k*lled Tommy Vaughn

and that I refused
to pay you for it?

What happened to Tommy could
happen to other people, too, Mr. Maddox.

Do you ever stop to think about

how many switches you
turn off and on every day?

I'll see ya.

Rachel's not here.

Oh, do you know where she is?

I have to tell her that we're
going ahead with the concert.

Well, I'm glad about that, but I
have no idea where she is, Jessica.

She lost it when she
heard about Tommy.

Well, I'm not surprised.

He called her last
night, very agitated.

They were going to the
square to talk about something.

I'm worried about her, Jessica.

So am I.

The solder came from
a company in Portland

that went out of
business a year ago.

There's not much of it around.

Oh, good, that helps. Go get
some warrants for the hotel rooms.

Okay. Good morning.

Good morning, Andy.

Oh, Jessica, I'm
so glad to see you.

I can't believe he's dead.

Hal Palmer told me that
Tommy called you last night.

Yes, he was very upset.

He picked me up
in front of the store,

he wanted to go
some place to talk.

So we ended up on the stage in
the square just before the storm.

He said that Wylie was gonna
pay him half a million dollars

to walk out on the concert.

And where would that
money be coming from?

Tommy never said.

Maybe it's my
fault that he's dead,

because I convinced him that
it would destroy him to do that.

He said he was gonna
tell Wylie "No deal."

He was gonna do the
concert as well as he could,

and then look for
medical help for his voice.

That's all I know.
I got to go to work.

All right, Rachel.
Thanks for coming in.

You'll be okay.

You're thinking that Wylie
could have k*lled Tommy,

with the idea of keeping
the money for himself.

Well, there's another
possible scenario.

That Blue is still in love with her
and wanted Tommy out of the way.

I know.

But I hate to believe
that that's what happened.

Yeah. Well, I hate to
have to tell you this,

but according to
what I've heard,

the band is getting ready
to leave even as we speak.


Listen to me, I want
that million bucks back!

And I don't blame you, except
there's nothing I can do about it.

Tommy agreed to quit the concert

and I gave him the
money just like we planned.

Then who's got it?

Whoever k*lled him! Make sense?

Look at it this way. You
got your money's worth.

Tommy isn't gonna
do the concert, right?

And you get the
woods just like we said.

Wylie, I've got
friends you won't like.

If they're good
musicians, send them by.

I'm in the Manhattan phone
book. Enjoy your drink.

Damned right, we're leaving.

I'm not into sh**t, electrocutions,
we signed up for a concert, not a w*r!

What if this joker
comes after us!

Well, then running away
isn't gonna be a solution.

I mean, it's clear from the
way that the m*rder was set up,

that the only person the
k*ller was after was Tommy.

It's just a bad gig, Mrs. Fletcher,
and that's putting it mildly.

All we want to do
is get out of here.

Yes. Well, before
you make a decision,

there's one thing
you ought to know.

Tommy told Rachel that he wanted
you to do all the vocals on Saturday night.

He intended to help you to
become a star in your own right.

I'd like to believe that.

It's true.

Blue, Seth Hazlitt has
mortgaged himself to the hilt

to make this concert happen.

You know, the Doc was always
there when anyone needed him.

I would hate to see him get
screwed up now just because of us.

Look, we don't even have
the right arrangements for four.

And it's too late to
work anything up.

Well, couldn't you
bring someone else in?

Udella was gonna do
Tommy's vocals anyway.

Maybe we could just bring a
guitarist in to do Tommy's parts.

What about Johnny-D in Portland?

He's doing a gig there. I'm
sure we could get him down here.

Come in!

Mrs. Vaughn, Mrs. F.

How can we help you?

Well, we have search warrants.

We've already searched
Cleve's room and Blue's.

Well, I guess we're not
gonna have to search this one.

We found this
used spool of solder.

It seems to be the same
solder that was used

to set up Tommy's electrocution.

We found it in your room, Blue.

I've never seen it before.

Well, you're gonna
have to come with us.

This is crazy. Jessica, I didn't have
anything to do with Tommy's death.

I believe that, Blue.

Sheriff, they're planning to
go ahead with the concert.

Blue is gonna be here anyway.

I'm gonna have to make sure
of that, my way. Let's go, Blue.

I can't believe it.

Blue is not the type of
person who would do this.

Of course not. Take it easy.

Look, Mrs. Fletcher,
I'm really sorry

but obviously we can't
bring in two new people.

He's right. It just
wouldn't work.

Of course!

Mrs. Fletcher, what's wrong?

Oh, nothing's wrong! Just
hold the packing for now.

You're familiar with solder and
soldering iron, aren't you, Blue?

Yes. But...

I mean, you use 'em all the time to
make repairs on your guitar, right?

Not when...

Not when I can get a pro.

I carry a little bit with me
on tour for emergencies.

But my solder is nothing like that other
stuff that they used in the amplifier.

Yeah, but that other stuff
was also found in your room.


Because the k*ller put it there!

Can't you see that?

You know, it would go a lot easier
on you, Blue, if you'd cooperate.

Put him in a holding cell.

How's the food?

That good, eh?

We picked him up
on the Interstate.

Yeah, so what am I
being charged with?

Well, to start with, how 'bout
skipping out on your hotel bill.

Ah, he must have
been in an awful hurry,

because he sure had
enough cash to pay it.

What do you think, Sheriff?
We stopped counting at 800,000.

There's at least a million.

Well, now that's funny.

Because according
to Rachel Weldon

you told Tommy the payoff
was only half a million.

What payoff? I got
that money legally.

From Jim Maddox?
That's my business.

Not anymore, it's not.

This is evidence
in a m*rder case.

It was supposed to go to Tommy
for walking out on the concert.

Only he never got it,

because you decided to k*ll
him and keep it for yourself.

I want a lawyer.

Let him make a
call, then lock him up.

Lock him up? That's my property.

I want a property
slip on that! Move!

Give him one of our finer rooms.

You're making a vast
mistake here, Sheriff!

And I'm gonna sue
you for false arrest!


Mort, I believe I know
who k*lled Tommy,

but I'm gonna need your help.

Mr. Maddox called.

It seemed like he really cared
about what happened to Blue.

That sounds like a good sign.


Has there been a
decision about the concert?

Not yet.

Ah, evenin', Jessica.


You look like you
could use a little rest.

You better go on
home, I can close up.

Okay, okay.

Please let me know as soon
as you hear about the concert.

I will, Rachel.

Okay. Good night.

Good night.

Jessica, is there
something I can do for you?

Yes, there is.

You can tell the truth about
having k*lled Tommy Vaughn.

Jessica, I'm really not in
the mood for black humor.

I wish that's all it was.

I began to suspect
you when I realized

you must have followed Rachel and
Tommy the night before the m*rder.

That never happened.

You had told me they were going to
the square to talk about something.

He called her last
night, very agitated.

They were going to the
square to talk about something.


But there was no way
you could have known that

unless you'd followed
them there yourself.

That's nonsense. Rachel told me.

Well, how could she have told
you, because she didn't know

where they'd be going
until after he'd picked her up.

Well, my word's as
good as Rachel's on that.

Well, perhaps.

But thinking back, there's
much more damning evidence.

I recalled from when
you installed my hi-fi.

Your hi-fi?

A little while ago, I was
watching Udella Vaughn packing.

She was cutting the braiding
that she was working on.

That reminded me of the wire that
you had used while installing my hi-fi

and the wire that was later used to create
the m*rder w*apon that k*lled Tommy.

I haven't checked with Mort yet.

But I'm quite certain that the ends
of the cut copper strands of this wire,

which I just detached
from my hi-fi,

will match the cut copper
strands on the wire in the amplifier.

Yes, they would.

I was careless to use the
same wire in the amplifier.


No one's going to know about it.

Hold it!

I'll take that, Hal, before
you hurt someone with it.

I never told Rachel,

but she was everything to me.

Without her, I never would have come
out of my depression after Ellen died.

I would have lost everything.

I fell in love with her.

Then he came.

They kept seeing each
other almost every day

and I knew they were
getting close and I...

I couldn't handle it.

See, I'd read about Tommy's
stalker in Music Today.

I got one of those souvenir
guitar pins, Tommy's guitar

and which I was gonna leave
behind and then... And then lost.

'Course, you know
I missed my shot.

I tried again from
outside the fund-raiser,

but I couldn't get a clear shot.

You were right,
Jessica, I followed

Tommy and Rachel last night.

I had my r*fle in my truck,

but I was afraid with them
together, I might hit Rachel.

And then that storm came up,

I knew exactly how I
was going to k*ll him.

I had everything I
needed in the truck.

I waited until they left,
then I rigged the amplifier.

When I finished, I
decided I'd use the solder

to just get Blue
out of her life, too.

I shouldn't have...

I shouldn't have done any of it.

But I love her so much.

Hey, Mrs. F.

Oh, Mort.

Doc, saw your car outside.

When did you
get rid of the sling?

This morning.

You don't think he'd sign the deed to the
Cabot Woods with his left hand, do you?

No way.

I'll be gentle.

Congratulations. Thanks, Mort.

Ah, listen, Blue, the state's
attorney made a deal with your father.

Conspiracy charges will be
dropped, in return for a guilty plea,

and a hefty fine for some
previous code violations.

Oh, I'll be in
Boston for a while.

Maybe he and I can get to
know each other a little better.

I heard you're gonna be
just across the Charles River.

Right. Harvard Business School.

Jessica, why are you hiding
your nose in that paper?

You made the front page, Seth!

Wait, see here. I didn't
give them permission to...

Have you got any more of these?