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11x18 - The Dream Team

Posted: 08/06/22 16:35
by bunniefuu

Oh, come on, Travis!

I don't know. It
sounds fabulous.

It's just what the area needs. Your
nephew is to be commended, Jessica.

For what? Are you kidding?

It's gonna be a disaster.

I have no idea. Wait!
Wait! Wait! Just a minute!

What are we talking about here?

You know, Jessica. This new monster
automobile plant they're gonna build.

Wait! Wait! Wait!

What plant? It's
a cultural center.

I heard it's a gambling casino.

You're both crazy.
It's a car factory.

That's right. I mean, can you
guys imagine the pollution?

And the traffic?

Where did you hear all this?

Oh, from Seth
Hazlitt. Seth Hazlitt.

It's all over town.

It's awful is what it is.

Okay, which, Jessica?
What did Grady tell you?

Listen, I'm going
to get up a petition.

Yeah! Yeah!

Travis, stop. Now, Grady
hasn't told me anything.

I mean, he has been
sworn to secrecy.

Right. So until these
Columbus Ventures people

make their official
announcement tonight,

everybody should
just cool it, okay?

Okay. Now go on about
your business. Let's go.

Go to the town meeting hall.

Go on! Go on! Go on.

Get going. Let's go.

Thank you, Mort.

No problem, Mrs. F.
So, uh, just between us,

it is a big league
hockey franchise, isn't it?

Mort! Hey, I just want a shot

at some good seats, that's all.

I just took this photo of
little Frankie, Aunt Jess.

Grady, do you remember what
young Frank's first sentence was?

Where did my nickel go?
Where did my nickel go?


Before that, he couldn't
put two words together.

Oh, boy! It's hard to
believe he's five years old.

What's harder to believe is

why you're being so all-fired
secretive about this new job of yours.

This Columbus Adventures outfit.

Oh, excuse me.

Hello? Yes, Mr. Carmody,
he's right here.

Grady Fletcher speaking,
Mr. Carmody. Welcome to Cabot Cove.

Yes. Is everything in place?

The works. No, no.
Distribution's all arranged.

Good job, Grady. Is there any
sense that there've been any leaks?

Nope, so far not
a cloud in the sky.

Yeah. I'd say it
looks promising.


There you are, Miss Shaw, 105.

Mr. Carmody, 107.
And Mr. Buffum, 109.

And the best of luck with your
project. It sure sounds exciting.

And believe me, as
much as I pleaded,

Grady wouldn't divulge
any of the details.

But there's sure a lot
of rumors flying around.

And you'll hear all about it
at the reception, Mr. Farmer.

Well, you've got yourself one hard charger
there in Grady Fletcher, Mr. Carmody.


Hill House. Oh, yes.


I'm terribly hurt. The least
you could do is return my calls.

Oh, terrific!

Lorna. Lorna, it's over.

No! You can't do this to me!

Look, darling, nothing
has changed with me.

I mean, I'll still take you back on
whatever terms, no questions asked.

We've done this.

Go back to Bar Harbor. And I
suggest you speak to an attorney.

Everett, I'm not going to
lose you! Not to that tramp.

Well, Grady, whatever
it is you're working on,

it can't be more
important than our beacon.

Your what? It's the old
Cabot Cove lighthouse.

It hasn't been used for
years, it's falling apart.

Tragic. A landmark,
part of our history.

The county's calling it
an attractive nuisance.

They're going to tear it
down the first of the month.

Listen, Seth, what I'm
working on could possibly...

After a lot of soul-searching,
I've decided it really isn't them.

I was probably using
the wrong approach.

That may be a first.

And so, I have come up with
what I think is an irresistible appeal.

One that will result in an
outpouring of money and volunteers.

Money to buy the rocks and
volunteers to throw them at you.

Honest to God, Pete, I
haven't said a word to anyone.

Not the manager, not
even to my Aunt Jess.

The manager really
didn't know anything, Pete.

Okay. Get down to the banquet
room and check the arrangements.

Yes, sir. Thank you, Toni.

Hey, you're part of the team.

Oh, hi, Everett. Grady.

Hey. Hey.

Ooh! Do you know
how to pick 'em, Pete.

Between all that

and his connection to the
area's most famous citizen,

he is pure gold.

We'll see how big
of a turnout it gets us.

Everett, have you
gotten rid of Lorna yet?

Look, Peter, I...

Do it, before she
makes real trouble.

I never said anything about
a car factory or a casino.

My guess is, they just lost
control of their imaginations.

Oh, yeah. There seems to
be a lot of that going around.

Jess, did you get some material
for me about the lighthouse?

Oh, yes, I certainly did. I
came across these at the library

and they've got a lot about the
early history of the lighthouse,

including some good
illustrations. Thank you.

Oh, my, we'd better
get over to Hill House

or we're gonna
miss the big moment.

Yeah. Well, if I've forgotten
anything, it may not be all that big.

Now, I've tagged several pages
that might give you a good hook.

The hook I showed you last
night will do just fine, thank you.

Oh, yeah, Doc, except, uh,
maybe for the worm hanging from it.

Our plan for this
magnificent coastal area

between the towns of Cabot
Cove and Craggy Neck,

with its boat basin, condos,

golf courses, hotels,
theaters, and convention center

has been scrupulously designed

to protect its natural
beauty and ecology.

And now I'd like to introduce a
gentleman known to many of you.

Our financial muscle, and the
man who's paying for all this,

Mr. Everett Buffum.

Again, please, let's
hear it for Everett Buffum.


Now, if I wasn't
totally convinced

that this is going to be a
marvelous plus for our community,

bringing a dramatic
increase in tax revenues,

jobs, property
values, and prosperity,

well, there's just no way

I would have become
even a minor investor.

I hope that answers your
question, Miss Higgins.

Now, please help yourselves
to our bar and buffet,

while my associates and I try
to address any other concerns

you might have on a
one-to-one basis. Thank you.

Doesn't sound very good to me.

I'm telling you, this is
really gonna work well with...

This is it? - Yeah.

So what? We're talking
800 condos here?

And then there's these
hotels and theaters.

You know, we've only
got two-lane roads here.

Well, we plan to widen them,

and build our own off-ramp from the
interstate at no expense to taxpayers.

Well, most people
seem to like it.

Well, what do you think, Aunt
Jess? Pretty impressive, huh?

I think overwhelming
is more accurate, Grady.

Uh, pardon me,
Mrs. Fletcher, Doctor.

Grady, darling, I need to
speak to you immediately.

Sure thing, Mrs. Buffum.

God, whose bathtub did this
come from? Grady, please.

So what I was wondering is, what's
your projected start date for construction?

Well, that's a good
question, Noah.

Well, all I can say, Jessica, is
either you're awfully forgiving,

or your memory's starting to go.

Are you talking about the
time I came home from college,

borrowed your husband's
car and wrecked it?


It still bugs me that you
and Frank never believed

I only hit that tree because
another car forced me off the road.

Everett, it's old news.

Mrs. Fletcher, I trust that doesn't
include Columbus Ventures,

and I do hope you
enjoyed our presentation.

I thought it was very
professional, Mr. Carmody.

Please, it's Pete, and your
nephew really outdid himself.

Dr. Hazlitt, you look like a
man with a few questions.

As a matter of fact, I do
have a question or two.

Now, I don't think
that's too much to ask.

Look, Mrs. Buffum, I
can't tell you how badly

I don't wanna get in the middle
of what's going on between

you and your husband
and Toni Shaw.

I've got news for you, Grady.

You're in there
whether you like it or not.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, I'm sorry you feel that
way about the project, Doctor.

And it looks like I'm needed
across the room. Excuse me.

So, is everything okay?

Oh, did Pete tell you how
he plans to help you out

in your lighthouse restoration?

He what?

Actually, Grady,

Mr. Carmody never quite
got a chance to mention it.

Yeah. I think he was rendered
speechless by the Doc's party trick.

Putting both feet in his
mouth at the same time.

I don't doubt that you'd like to
see your husband dead, ma'am,

but I'm not so sure you'd be
real fond of the consequences.

Plus, I've got my own
reasons for wanting him alive.

Heard you were
looking for me, Sheriff?

And for this. Mrs.
Buffum complained?

Several witnesses saw
you take it away from her.

People toting g*ns around
town make me nervous.

I went looking for you last
night, but you disappeared.

Nobody knew who I was till the day
clerk came back on duty at the motel.

He told me.

Well, thanks for the w*apon.

I guess Everett Buffum
owes you his life.

Ah, maybe. The lady seemed
too drunk to sh**t straight.

- How's she doing?
- Ma'am, I told you.

Sheriff will explain everything.

Morning, Mrs. Buffum.

I'm listening.

Mr. Martin, your motel
registration said you're from Tucson.

What brings you to Cabot Cove?

Just business.

Thanks again. Sure.

Am I being charged with
some sort of crime here?

Is that what this is? Well,
as a matter of fact, no.

Because your husband
pleaded with us not to.

But I am confiscating
your w*apon.

And I gotta tell you, ma'am,

one more stunt like you pulled
last night, and I am booking you,

no matter what he says.

My husband.

In spite of the fact that you
allegedly pointed a loaded g*n at him.

Now, I'd say the guy
really cares for you.

The only thing Everett Buffum
cares about besides himself

is to make sure
that I fully experience

every bit of the humiliation
he's exposing me to.

Ma'am, I was only gonna
advise you to leave town.

But that just became
an order. And fast.

Jess, where's the apple pie?

I think you finished
it off last night.


I think you're making them
smaller than you used to.

Now, I have looked at
all sides of this matter.

I have weighed the
good against the bad,

the pluses against the minuses,
the pros against the cons...

Seth, what are
you trying to say?

Now that you're living in New
York, you're becoming as impatient

as the rest of those
people down there. Seth!

Fact is, the way I see it,

this project is going to be a wonderful
boon for all the communities around.

A petition against the
marina project by the CCAMA.

I believe that stands for "Cabot
Covers against the Marina Americana."

Travis dropped it
by a little while ago.

You appear to be a co-sponsor.

Good grief!

Well, Travis has
one hell of a nerve.

Where does he come
off thinking I'd support

a hare-brained scheme like this?

Well, I don't suppose it
could've been last night

when you told him that
if the petition didn't work,

you'd consider financing,

I believe you said "a naval
bombardment" of the project?

Hello? Donna, how are you?

No, Grady's not here
right now. A message?

Oh, certainly. Uh-huh.

Uh-huh. Really?

- Well, of course I'll tell him.
- Thank you, Jessica.

Right. Goodbye for now.

Grady's wife? Jess, what is it?

Well, she and Grady were turned
down for a home improvement loan

because their bank
can't find any evidence

that the company he's working
for, Columbus Ventures, even exists.


I want to explain.

Lorna, I have to go
to a meeting. I, uh...

Wait. I know I don't
deserve it, but please,

just give me a
minute, all right?

I am so very sorry about last night.
The business with the g*n and...

Yeah. Well, that's lovely.

I guess I had just
a little too much to...

I haven't been thinking
awfully straight lately.

Lately? Lorna, be
real, for God's sake.

How many years have I been
pleading with you to get help?

I know. I know. And I've decided
to put myself back in the program

the minute that I get home.

Well, wonderful.
I hope it works.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Everett! You still
care about me.

I mean, can't you admit
that even to yourself?


Why else would you stop the
sheriff from pressing charges?

I didn't do it for you, God
help me if I made a mistake.

I did it for the sake of my partners
and for Columbus Ventures.

And you're talking
to me about reality?

Shut up! Why should I?

I can think of about a
half a million reasons why.

Not a penny of which
you're gonna see

if you don't let the divorce go
through and get out of here now.


Goodbye, Lorna.

You know, I must've
looked at 20 places,

and this comes closest
to fulfilling our needs

in terms of size and location.

Ev, what do you think?

It's good for me.
Nice work, Grady.

Let's go for it.

Hi, Miss Higgins. Well, it looks
like we're ready to sign a lease.

I don't think so, Grady.

I'm not interested. There
are just too many questions

that didn't get answered at your
dog-and-pony show last night.

Uh, if there's anything
specific we can clarify for you.

Okay, for starters,

what about all those shops
and stores you're going to buy?

How exactly is that
going to help business

in Cabot Cove and Craggy Neck?

Well, we probably didn't make
that as clear as we might have.

The fact is, we plan to offer
merchants from both towns

first crack at leasing that space
for branch stores or new ventures.

And further, we're
willing to consider

appointing you
our exclusive agent.

Well, now we're talking.

Excuse me one moment,
won't you, gentlemen?

Uh, Pete, I thought you said those stores
were gonna be chains and name brands?

Yeah. I guess I forgot to
mention that to you, Grady.

We've had a little
change in game plan

and we'll discuss it later.

Everett, if I could talk
to you for a second.

Pauline, that's
the best I can do.

It's not good enough.

Look, Noah, I'm sorry,
but I don't wanna bargain.

I'm beginning to get some
nibbles on this place, so...

Please, don't even call me until
you can meet my price. Okay?


All right, gentlemen, I guess, um,
we'll be doing business after all.

When would you
folks like to move in?

The sooner, the
better. Sure thing.

Grady, let's see how fast
you get us some furniture, huh?


Hmm? Furniture. Yes, sir.
I'll get on it right away, sir.

Yes, ma'am. 5:00.

I'll send the bellboy right up.

Well, hello, Mrs. Buffum.
Uh, my key, please.

Oh, and would you prepare
my bill? I'll be checking out later.

This evening? Sure thing.

I, uh, hope you've
enjoyed your stay.

Martini. BARTENDER: Yes, ma'am.

Oh, don't worry,
Toni, I don't bite.

I discovered I'm allergic
to my husband's women.

But I might suggest...

Lorna, do yourself
a favor, cut the cord.

Everett hasn't belonged
to you for years.

I was about to say, I
suggest you grab a lifeboat

because I'm gonna do what I
should have done months ago.

Blast you, Everett,
J. Peter Carmody,

and Columbus Ventures out of the
water and into prison where you belong.

Look at this, Jess, just as
they say in their brochure,

Columbus Ventures has projects going in
Darwin Key, Florida, and Cambria, Oregon.

The police chiefs
in both towns give

Carmody and Everett Buffum
sparkling recommendations.

And, look, Aunt Jess, they
have offices in both places,

with a staff and bank
accounts totaling $100,000.

Yes. But does that explain
why your bank manager

was unable to run a credit
check on Columbus Ventures?

Well, no. Jessica, you heard

Phil Jordan over at the bank.

He said that this operation
is probably so new,

it's not on anyone
else's computer.

According to this, the
permits are in place,

and the building
contracts signed.

Well, does that mean that
the construction isn't finished?

Uh, I guess not. Let's see.

Uh, it says here that they're
ready to go in Darwin Key

the minute the hurricane
season ends, and it...

Here in Cambria, Oregon,

they're being held up by some
kind of an environmental group.

Let's see. Police chief says the
local judge is gonna throw the case out.

Meanwhile, real estate is
booming all over the area.

Never mind how I
got 'em, Mr. Carmody.

I want to hear you explain
how this $75,000 deposit

ended up in your
offshore account

exactly two days after my
mother withdrew the same amount

from her bank in Darwin Key

and one day after she
died from a heart attack,

which the doctor said was
brought on by emotional trauma.

Mr. Martin, I did have the
pleasure of meeting your mother,

and yes, I'm terribly sorry to
hear that she passed away,

but this is a total, total coincidence.
Now, if you'll excuse me...

Hold on! What did you
meet with her about?

Ask her to go to the movies?

The lady was 80 years old.

Like most of the
people on Darwin Key,

your mother came
into our presentation,

just like the one you
attended last night.

Okay, pal, that's your story?

Why don't we just
run it by the sheriff?

I'm sure you'd be wasting
your time, Mr. Martin.

First, you have no receipt,

nothing but this brochure with
my business card attached to it,

which you claim was in
your mother's belongings.

And second, I think the
law's liable to take a dim view

of how you got your hands
on those bank statements.

You're right. They're
not in your room.

Okay. I haven't exactly
figured out how the game works,

but I know and you know

that when my mother realized what
a bunch of crooks you people are,

the shock k*lled her.

I realize that's not much of a case that
somebody could go to court with. Yet.

Ah, Mr. Martin! The
man who saved my



Just another obstacle, though,
tell me how you dealt with Lorna?

Well, I, uh...

I don't think she'll
be a problem.

You don't think? She threatens
to expose us and you don't think?

Don't you ever talk to
me... Guys, come on,

please, not here.


You all right? Look, Aunt Jess,

it's just work, that's all.

I've got a zillion things I gotta
deal with in the next few days.

And yet I have the feeling that
you still have some sort of doubts?


If you want to talk about it,
there might be a chance we...

Come on, Aunt Jess,
you heard the sheriff.

He said everything checked
out perfectly. Now, don't worry.

Don't stay up too late.

I won't, Grady.

Here's your martini, ma'am.

Hold it!

Looks to me like death
by drowning, Mort.

I'd guess sometime between
9:00 p.m. and midnight.

Well, do you figure she was
conscious, trapped inside?

Maybe not. Pretty good
size bump on her head.

Well, she may have
been under the influence,

but she didn't drink a
whole lot of this stuff.

They found it in her handbag.

Didn't she phone your
office at 7:15 last night?

Yeah. She called. Said she wanted to
come over to the office and talk to me.

Said she'd be there
in about 20 minutes.

I waited around till 10:15.
She never showed up.

And the bruise on her forehead?

Doesn't look like it
could've been fatal.

Probably caused by bumping
her head on the steering wheel.

Well, wasn't she strapped in?

Yeah, she was.

The mechanical device that
keeps you from flying forward,

I guess it wasn't working.
So far, no witnesses.

Except for her
handbag and luggage,

there's not much in the car.

Just the usual junk in the
glove box and on the floor.

Uh, a few coins, a few
sticks of chewing gum,

paper clips... And this.

Sal's Roadhouse. Route 17.

Maybe she stopped in there and
then forgot why she called you.

But if she was on her
way to your office, Mort,

why would she detour
clear over to the highway?

Andy, bag this stuff,
and just in case,

let's dust the car for fingerprints
and get it over to Stuckey's garage

so he can check it out.

Uh, Mr. Buffum, when was
the last time you saw your wife?

Uh, yesterday afternoon, around
2:00 or so in the Hill House lobby.

You weren't with her last night?

No, Sheriff.

Well, you ask me, the town
council ought to take a look

at the lighting down
there by the waterfront.

Here you go, Sheriff.

Mrs. Buffum checked
out at 7:22 p.m.

Who was on duty?

Wayne Hatton was
working the desk at that time.

And I show a call to your
number from her room.

-15, like you said.

And she was alone?

Well, according to Wayne
Hatton. He was working the desk.

You can reach him at
home. Um, the bartender said

that she had several
martinis and left about 8:30.

Thanks, Jim. Well, that explains
the .23 blood-alcohol level.

Thanks, Noah. What
do you got, Andy?

Oh, that was Jim
Stuckey over at the garage.

He said there's nothing
wrong with the car,

that nobody tampered with it.

Well, there you go, an
accident, just like we said.

Well, maybe not.

Mrs. Fletcher asked the right
question. About the seatbelt.

Stuckey claims that the
mechanism works fine.

You yank on it and it locks,
just like it's supposed to.

Well, that means Mrs. Buffum couldn't
have bumped her head on the steering wheel

when she crashed the car.

So maybe somebody
knocked her unconscious.

Then strapped her in and sent
her and the car into the drink.

Metzger. ADELE: Hi, honey.

Oh, hi, honey. I heard
Marina Americana is kaput.

You're kidding. When?

I just heard it on the radio.

Thanks, sweetheart. Later on.

That was Adele. She just heard on
the radio that Marina Americana is kaput.

Columbus Ventures
is pulling out.

Oh, man. Did they say why?

Well, the only thing she caught was
that their money man, Everett Buffum,

lost his stomach for it.

Look, Andy, I want you
to check with the coroner.

I want to find out about this
bruise on Lorna Buffum's forehead,

and just in case, let's make sure that
none of the players leave town, huh?

Where's the report
on the crash? That's it.

Everett. Everett,
for God's sake,

I know I said get rid
of her, but not that way.

You're really psychotic,
you know? I'll be in touch.

Everett, wait...

Yes, Miss McCoy,
I'm afraid it's true.

Right, yeah. Well, believe me, I
feel the same way as you. Yeah.

Okay. Thank you.

That's about the 20th
call we've had today.

Well, anyway, according to Pete,

it was a combination of things
that discouraged Mr. Buffum,

uh, the costly delays in the
Florida and Oregon project and...

Yeah, those petitions of
Seth's were partly to blame.

Interesting. Because I
really didn't get the sense

that there was that
much opposition.

Yeah. Well, without Everett's
backing, Pete had no choice.

So, I'm back in the job market.

God, it's so damned frustrating,

I mean, I really believed
in this project and, well,

obviously so did a
lot of other people.

Hey, I guess between the weather
and the visibility and the cheap booze,

Mrs. Buffum didn't
stand much of a chance.

Anyway, Pauline, can't
we at least discuss this?

Noah! A deal's a deal.

I am not returning your
deposit and that's that.

Pardon us. Sorry.

Uh, Pauline, be reasonable.

This is an attractive property,
you'll find another buyer.

Oh, yeah. Right.

I'm really sorry, Grady.

I mean, it's a shame
there isn't some alternative,

something that,
uh... Wait, wait, wait.

You know, maybe there
is. An alternative, I mean.

Excuse me, Aunt
Jess. I'll see you later!

No, no, Sheriff, I understand.
You're just doing your job.

Don't leave town.

Yes. Thank you, Mr. Carmody.


Well, it appears we're
here for the duration,

and they've just put
out an APB on Everett.

I'd like to get my
hands on him myself.

Look, both of you, I've
been in this game a while,

and one of the
tricks is to recognize

when it's time to cut
your losses and get out.

But what I'm trying
to say is there's...

There has to be other
ways to raise money

than from fat cats
like Mr. Buffum.

I don't know, Pete,
maybe Grady's got a point.

So, what are we talking about?

All right. Didn't
you tell me that,

that Martin fellow's mother
badgered you into letting her

put money into that project in
Darwin Keys and you refused?

Yes, but I... Well,
small investors, Pete.

Look, one of my first jobs was
working for a Broadway producer,

and that's how he
did it, selling shares.

I mean, it's a natural.

I mean, with the interest
we've already generated,

people are gonna jump at this!

Well, that might be worth a try.

Okay. I'll tell you what, Grady,
why don't you go back to the office,

begin to put together an ad for the
local newspapers, an announcement,

and then we'll see
if anybody bites.

That's terrific. Oh, and
how about some radio spots?

And there's a couple of
brokerage houses and realtors.

I'm sure they can drum
up some business for us.

Great idea. Toni and I
will get on that right away.

You know, I think we just
may have a shot at this after all.

Thanks, Grady. You're welcome.

Toni, I think we are on our way.

You gotta give him
credit for imagination.

If we would have had him in
Oregon, we could've retired by now.

Maybe swindling and m*rder isn't
the same in the eyes of the law, Sheriff,

but as far as I'm concerned,
that's what k*lled her,

just as sure as if they'd
shot her with a g*n.

Uh, Mrs. F, Doc, like I
told you on the phone,

Mr. Martin here has zero
proof that his mother even met

any of the people connected
with Columbus Ventures.

And yet her $75,000 vanished.

And I know where it went.

Excuse me, Sheriff.
That was the coroner.

He said, yes, the blow that caused
the bruise could have been sufficient

to knock Lorna
Buffum unconscious.

So, we're looking at m*rder.

Mr. Martin, you may have
to come up with a better alibi

than being alone in your
room at the Lighthouse Motel.

Why would I k*ll Mrs. Buffum?

Good question.

And while we're
looking for an answer...

Don't worry, Sheriff, I'm not going
anywhere till I've nailed whoever k*lled...

All right, all right. Whoever's
responsible for my mother's death.

Mrs. Fletcher.

Well, Mrs. F, it looks like
you had it figured right.

The perpetrator reaches in the
window, knocks the victim out,

starts the engine, and...

The k*ller may have been
sitting beside her, Mort, in the car.

Oh, that's good.

The bad is, we don't
have a whole lot to go on.

Everett Buffum has disappeared,

but Miss Shaw insists that he
was with her at the time of death.

They both had possible
motives to k*ll her.

And wait. Uh, the matchbook.

The one from Sal's Roadhouse.

Matchbooks are always clues.

I had Andy check with Sal.
Apparently, Mrs. Buffum stopped there

a couple of days ago
for a sandwich, by herself.

Well, at least there's
some good news.

I guess Grady's pretty
revved up about that, huh?

Oh, yes, he is.

Our phone hasn't stopped
ringing since this appeared.

Yes, ma'am, that's right.
Your investment automatically

makes you a member of our health club,
just as soon as it's built, of course.

Oh, matter of fact, Mr. Griggs, we're
accepting units as small as $1,000.

Uh, yeah. Just
one minute, please.

Hi, Pauline. Hi.

Written to Columbus
Ventures, right?


Gordon, you're the legal expert.

What about getting us an injunction
against the damned environmental group?

$5,000? That's
great. Absolutely.

I'm sorry. Can I just put
you on hold for one second?

Thanks. Columbus
Ventures. How can I help you?

$15,000. That's perfect.

And here's your receipt.

Thank you. Oh, excuse me.

Hi! Columbus Ventures.

Yes, we can fax out
our literature. All right.

I'll have it to you right
away, Mr. Vogel. Okay.

Yeah. Well, you can tell
the city council from me,

they've got 48 hours
to make it go away,

or we're gonna yank
the project. Right.


Yeah. Those damned
tree worshippers.

Telephone. Yes, sir.

Good afternoon,
Columbus Ventures.

$5,000? That'd be terrific.

I tell you, Aunt Jess, it's
fantastic. In what, in five days,

we have sold over four
million dollars worth of shares

and the phone is still ringing
off the hook. Oh, listen, I gotta go.

Now, don't wait up
dinner for me, okay?

Well, I really hadn't planned
on it. Have a good day, Grady.


Well, what's eating you, Jess?

Story problems? No.

Nothing really. Uh,
Lorna Buffum's m*rder.


And this... This
whole marina project.

I'm worried for Grady
and for everyone else.

I mean, there's something
about it that isn't quite right.

And yet for every one of my doubts,
there seems to be an explanation.

Maybe that ought
to tell you something.

What with the investigating
that Mort has done,

and now Grady's banker
satisfied to give him a loan.

Well, I do have patients
scheduled in about 10 minutes.

What is it, Jess?

Young Frank's first sentence.

Uh, let me see, "Where
did my nickel go?"

Exactly. Denver Martin said he
knew where his mother's money went,

but he never told us.

Can you give me
a lift to the motel?

Well, sure.

I think you do know what
I'm talking about, Mr. Martin,

and I think the reason
that you didn't tell the sheriff

how you knew where
your mother's $75,000 went

is because you came by
the information illegally.

Okay. I suppose you're right.

Well, then I may
be able to help you.

These are statements from
Carmody's offshore bank.

I took 'em from his
room. That's all you took?

Yeah. I was lucky to get those.

Look, I know they
don't prove anything,

except that he moved a lot
of money out of the country

where the authorities
couldn't touch it.

And in my book, that
makes him guilty as hell.

Was there anything else in that room? I
mean, anything that stuck in your mind?

Like ledgers? Papers?

No. Not really. There was
some, uh, credit card receipts,

there was a bank book, there
was some business station head,

things like that. Was that
Columbus Ventures stationery?

Yeah... No, uh, there
was more than that.

It was, like, from an
environmental outfit called

Save the Oregon
Forests, I think.

Denver, you may have found a way

to send Mr. Carmody
and his friends to jail,

and also get your
mother's money back.

Yeah, uh, I guess
Mr. Carmody's gone, too.

Mort, uh, can you tell
me what this is about?

I'm afraid it's about a lot of people
being cheated out of a lot of money, Noah.

Carmody, Miss Shaw and
Everett Buffum are all con artists.

Oh, my God, then...

They never intended to
build anything. Thanks.

Andy, get out APBs
on 'em and quick.

Hopefully they
haven't gotten too far.

Uh, Mr. Jordan at the
bank said about a million two

had already cleared
into an offshore account.

He was able to stop
payment on the rest.

Well, you sure
had it nailed, Mrs. F.

I've been on the horn with
Oregon, Florida, the NCIC.

Carmody turns out to have a
major record as a bunco artist,

along with a string of aliases,

one of which he used to
start that environmental group.

So, he was actually
preventing his own company

from going forward
out there in Oregon?

And in Florida, the inclement
weather did the job for them.

It was all choreographed.

Everett Buffum claimed
to be discouraged

and withdrew his
non-existent funding.

Like he did here.

But the locals were so
fired up with the project,

they became easy game when Pete
and Toni started selling the shares.

God, it was right
there in front of me.

I mean, I sensed it.

I just chose not to
ask the questions.

Well, if it's any
consolation, Grady,

I mean, you were
not the only one.

So, which one of them
did k*ll Lorna Buffum?

Her husband,
Carmody or Miss Shaw?

Take your pick.

Hopefully, if we can catch these beauties
before they get out of the country,

we'll catch ourselves a k*ller

and nobody'll be
out any serious cash.

And, Andy, how many times have
I told you to close the stamp pad?

Oh, sorry, Sheriff.

Well, Jessica, I
think I'd better...


Mort, I think I know
who k*lled Lorna Buffum

and why she drank
so little of that gin.

And I think a quick call
to the county clerk's office

will tell us why she was k*lled.

No. No news about
Toni, Pete or Everett.

Uh, but there is a development.

Yeah. Well, the sheriff has
learned that the state police lab

has a way of getting DNA
and hair and fabric samples

from the car Mrs.
Buffum was driving.

Yeah, so he's shipping it down
there in the morning and he figures

in a few days he'll have this
Denver Martin dead bang.

Yeah. Right. Okay. Good night.

Done and done.

Hold it right there, Noah!

I'm placing you under arrest
for the m*rder of Lorna Buffum.

You have the right to remain
silent. If you give up the right...

Thank you, Mort,
but I know my rights.

I guess there's not much point
in trying to deny it, is there?

Not a whole lot, Noah.

You had Grady call me.

I guess I must be the
original patsy for setups.

How did you know?

There were several things.

Actually, the smudge
on your blazer

that you got when
you lost the cap

to one of those inexpensive
felt-tip pens that you carry.

Andy here found it
where it fell in Lorna's car.

Probably as you were trying to make
her death appear to be an accident.

I'd been looking at it every
time I'd seen you in that blazer,

but I didn't connect it
till earlier this evening,

when Mort got an
ink-smudge on his hand.

You wanna tell him
about the gin, Mrs. F?


Yeah. The cheap
generic brand you bought

to help you try and talk her
out of spilling the goods to me.

I mean, that was right
there in front of us, too.

The other night
at the presentation.

Lorna made it pretty clear
that clothes and jewelry

weren't the only things for
which she had expensive tastes.

God, whose bathtub did this
come from? Grady, please.

And then, a few days ago,
in Pauline's storefront...

Hey, I guess between the
weather and the visibility

and the cheap booze, Mrs. Buffum
didn't stand much of a chance.

It went right past
me at the time,

but only the k*ller would have known
about the cheap generic brand of gin.

It also explains why
she'd drunk so little of it.

Anyway, on top of that, we
checked with the county clerk

and he tells us you're
in the process of buying

12 pieces of real estate
in and around Cabot Cove.

Way more than you can afford.

Including Pauline Higgins' storefront,
the one leased by Columbus Ventures.

Property that you
were counting on

to quickly triple or quadruple
in value in a big hurry,

which would've gotten you off the hook,
unless Lorna Buffum blew the whistle.

I suggest you grab a lifeboat,

because I'm gonna do what
I should've done months ago.

Blast you, Everett,
J. Peter Carmody,

and Columbus Ventures out of the
water and into prison, where you belong!

And you couldn't
allow her to do that.

I don't know.

It seemed like such a
sure-fire way to get rich.

But then, when I heard Mrs.
Buffum say that she was gonna

report the whole thing
to the law, I panicked.

Hell, I had dug a hole
for myself so deep

there was no way I was
ever gonna see daylight again.

I had to talk to her,

to find out how much she knew,

if she was serious.

I knew she had already
checked out of the hotel.

When she left Hill House, I
waited for her in the back seat.

And when she got to a street
that was near the waterfront,

I got her to pull over and
we talked, a long time.

She showed me proof.

All I could see was
that I'd be ruined.

I was desperate. I
pleaded with her, but, it...

It was no use. She wouldn't
touch any of that cheap gin.

But I'd had too much of it.

The more we argued,
the angrier I became.

I guess I lost all control.

She was unconscious,
so I propped her up.

I took the incriminating
documents she'd brought with her.

I guess that's when
the pen top fell off.

I tried to wipe
everything clean,

the door handles,
the gin bottle.

And then I put
the car into drive.

All I asked her for was
a couple of more days.

Well, that's terrific, sweetheart.
Yeah. Me, too. Okay, I'll see you tonight.

Yeah. And kiss Frankie
for me. Okay. Bye-bye.

The job in New
York came through!

Wonderful. Now could we please
get going to the railroad station?

Seth, will you just relax?
We've got plenty of time.

Mrs. F? Hi! Oh, Mort!

Hey, Grady, am I
glad I caught you.

You remember that business card
you saw in Pete Carmody's briefcase?

You mean for the
air charter company?

Yeah. Well, the state
police have just apprehended

Carmody, Miss Shaw, Everett Buffum
boarding a seaplane in Bar Harbor

headed for Canada.
God, that's great!

Well, does that make
Grady eligible for the reward

that was posted by
that man in Oregon?



Wow. Listen, I'd like to contribute
it to the lighthouse restoration.

Well, that's very
gracious of you, Grady.

And the best news is that
everybody who invested in their scams

will get their money back.

Yeah, Doc, you're
gonna get yours back and

I'm gonna get mine.

That makes me feel
a whole lot better.