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11x17 - m*rder a la Mode

Posted: 08/06/22 16:34
by bunniefuu
I will... I will avenge you.

I swear.

Jessica, I've got the best
advertising agency in Paris

working on your book.

Jessica? Can I have your
attention for just a minute?

Oh, of course.

On the money, right?

Wow! Well, I like
the concept, Dan,

but I think that red
is just too much.

I'll let them know.

Now, your publicity itinerary.

It's busy, but
I've tried to get us

into as many of the ready-to-wear
showings as possible.

It'll be a perfect
tie-in to your book.

Good, I want to
see the collections,

that'll be a real treat for me.

Now, for your photographer,
I've brought in Rick Evans.

No paparazzi.

Thank you, Dan. He's
a really good friend.

Oh! Where are my galley proofs?

You won't have time!

But I'll make time!

I'll have them sent over.


Now, I'll pick you up
at 8:00 for the reception.


Ow! Denise! God! You're
worse than my dentist!

Hello? JESSICA: Carrie?

Jessica! You're here?

Yes! I got in last night.

Oh, great! I can't
wait to see you.

Listen, Carrie, I just picked
up the new Paris Mode

and your cover
shot is a knockout.

Yeah, there's still no
one better than Rick.

Yeah. Everything is
right with the world.

I'm in love.

How is he?

Oh, well, it's not
Rick, Jessica.

He went off to Milan for a
couple of months for work

and then the real
thing came along.

His name is Edmond
Faragere, and you'll meet him.

Well, I'm looking forward to it.

So, I'll see you
this evening, right?

Okay. Bye-bye.

God! Denise, enough!

Forgive me, Carrie,

but Paul has been on
my back all afternoon.

Put this in the show, take
that out, change the order.

The vinyl looks good. Yes.

We took the beaded
Lurex dress out!

Your wife put it back.

Thea knows better
than that. It's stunning.

But we can't manufacture it
back home at ready-to-wear prices.

Carrie, the silk crepe instead.

Hey, it's cool with me, but Thea
said... I will talk to Thea about it.

If I can ever find her.

Hello? Thea! Hon,
where have you been?

All I've been getting
is "out of the area."

I've been worried
sick. What's going on?

Oh, I had the
power off by mistake.

I'm at the Louvre.

I wandered in after lunch and
started to look for the Mona Lisa.

I had no idea
where the time went.

Look, look. Thea,
I need you here.

The order of presentation
is all fouled up.

I don't know what's
going on. Come on back.

Okay. I'll get there
as soon as I can.

Poor Paul.

"Poor Paul" doesn't
appreciate you.

You have the talent of
a world-class designer

and he's got you in Los Angeles

doing $100 dresses.

It's a damn crime.

What's the alternative, Edmond?

To make Thea an
international name

like Nina Ricci, Donna
Karan or Chanel.

To make you very rich.

What I suggest is that,

after you've shown your
collection in New York next week,

I want us to make a
joint announcement

that you are leaving Paul
and affiliating with me.

Sounds great.

But it would take millions to start a
first-class fashion house in New York.

Trust me, the
financing will be there.

Thea, I have something for you.

I want to give you something
that will bring us closer together.

A small gift, Thea.

A token, just between us.

Because we do belong together.

I'm fond of rubies,
Edmond, but not of tokens.

Evidence of financing would
be something else again.

And the fact is that I do
share you with another woman,

so let's not talk
about belonging.

Carrie Quinn is very
much on her way to the top.

She'll be exclusive to us.

And outside of that,
she means nothing?

I think I believe that of you.

And I don't care either way.


It's imperative that I get all
the items to New York now,

so that I can turn
them into cash.

If you can't do
the job, just say so!

I don't understand. I came
all the way from Bangkok

at the invitation of
the Style Council.

Well, I can't find his name.

He's not on the list.

I am sorry for the delay.

Oh, that's quite all right.

Please sign.

J.B. Fletcher and Dan Morgan.

Claude, I was so
surprised to hear

that you weren't
showing this season.

It's a great disappointment.

For 30 years, ever since I
moved my family from Montreal...


The House of Faragere has
always presented a collection.

This year, I made the mistake

of leaving it to
the wrong people.

Well, I'm back.


I read where you'll be
facing some new competition.

Your stepson, no less,
and an unnamed partner.

Edmond and I are not
on the best of terms.

He'd like nothing better than to
meet me in head-on competition.

How well do you
know Carrie Quinn?

Well, Carrie actually contributed a
great deal to my book Runway to m*rder,

when I was researching
it here in Paris.

If you're at all close,
then she should know

that Edmond never
involves himself with anyone,

man or woman, unless
they serve his purpose.

Carrie is a bright young woman.

I think she can handle her life.

You had no right to
make changes without me.

The beaded Lurex was
too expensive for our buyers.

Well, then raise
the damn prices!

Stay with the designs, Thea.

I'll run the business.

How did you like the Mona Lisa?

How does anyone
like it? It's superb.

That's a safe assumption.

But as it happens
it's not at the Louvre.

It's out being cleaned.

Who is it this time, Thea?

That's a very
talented lady, Paul.

Yeah, so I'm told.

I'd appreciate the opportunity to
discuss a business proposition,

with both of you, sometime
before the week is out.

Call me.

Good evening, Father.

Isn't it time we
at least behaved

as if we were in
the same family?

I noticed you chatting
with Paul Vaughn.

I hear his collection
is excellent.

His wife's very talented.

You know her, of course.

Casually. We met last year.



Hello, Carrie!

Mmm. I envy you.
You have the attention

of all the handsome young
men, the magazine covers.

Believe it or not, was there
once. A top Parisian model.

It seems like ages ago!

I remember.

Of course, if I had
been making the money

that the girls are
making these days,

I wouldn't have to
be a seamstress.

Oh. Will you ladies excuse
me? I see an old friend.

Of course.

You know, I remember her in
Vogue, and she was a knockout!

Oh, she had to be.

Edmond confessed they had a
thing going when he was first starting.

Jessica, I saw you speaking
with Claude Faragere.

Did he feed you a lot of
baloney about Edmond?

Well, let's just say he
was expressing an opinion.

Edmond never lived up
to Claude's expectations,

and he hated his
autocratic ways.

And Claude, well, he
never forgave Edmond

for walking out of
the family business.

Jessica! Welcome back.

Hello, Rick. Thank you!

I'm not interrupting, am I?

Oh, certainly not.

Dan Morgan tells me that you're
gonna be with us for the duration.

Oh, yeah. I'll be
sticking to you like glue.

Carrie? Are you okay?

I'm fine, Rick.


Oh, damn it, we've got a
rehearsal tomorrow and...

I really don't see any
serious damage, Paul.

It will be all right.

I want Faragere's residence
checked. 37 place de la Liberté.

Whoever it was
may turn up there.

Forgive me, Mrs. Fletcher.
You were saying about the g*n?

Well, from what I saw of
it, it was a 9mm Beretta.

Very helpful. Anything else?

Well, it may not be important,

but this Kim Huan, or
whatever his name really is...

Well, he certainly didn't have the
slightest idea of how to tie a bow tie.

And, well, he just
didn't seem to belong

in the evening attire
that he was wearing.

I see your point. I'll have
the rental shops checked.

Excuse me.

I'm gonna call a
press conference.

Dan! Jessica,
you risked your life!

This is a heaven-sent
opportunity to promote the book!

Look, I don't think
that I risked my life.

Mr. Morgan, so far we have
been extremely fortunate.

Those few who saw anything
have agreed to be discreet.

That's their business.
It is also mine.

It would be most unfortunate
to create a sensation

on the eve of the
Paris Collections.

So let my colleagues and myself
do our job quietly and efficiently,

so that Paris may prosper.

You were right about the g*n.

A 9mm b*llet was
recovered in the floor.

Mug sh*ts in the
morning, Mrs. Fletcher?


Thank you, then.


I would appreciate your
accompanying my colleagues

to headquarters to
formulate a statement.

I already told you. I
have no idea who he was

or why he wanted to k*ll me.

I know it's a nuisance, and I
don't want to bother you with that...

Very well. Just one moment?


I'll call you as
soon as I get home.

Come to my place instead. I'll
worry about you all night if you don't.

Yeah, of course.

If you hurt her,
you'll pay for it.

Don't promise more
than you can deliver.

That's your style,
Faragere, not mine.

Why don't you let me take
you back to your apartment?

Thanks, Rick, but I'll be okay.

Carrie, there's just
something I want to say to you.

I don't wanna hear it.

I've seen Edmond go out
with a lot of these top models

and sooner or later...

When are you gonna get it
through your thick head, Rick,

that it's over between us?

And bad-mouthing Edmond
is not gonna change that.

I just don't wanna see
you get hurt, that's all!

Give me a break!

Ever since you
got back from Italy,

all you've been doing is following
me around like some lost puppy.

Hoping that Edmond will dump me.

Well, you want to
know something?

That's not gonna happen,
'cause Edmond loves me.

So do I.

Yeah, well, you've got a
funny way of showing it.

Just disappearing
for two months.

Look, you know how important
that job was to me. Come on!

Yeah, well, Edmond's
important to me, too.


What do you want?

I mean no harm, I assure you.

I heard your name
at the invitation desk.

Mrs. Fletcher, I need your help.

Well, forget my help.

Look, the most sensible
thing you can do right now

is to turn yourself
in to the police.

I... I can't!

I have never hurt anyone.

Sorrow and hatred
took over my being,

and I shall be grateful
for the rest of my life

that you prevented me from
k*lling Edmond Faragere.

Well, that is good
news. But I repeat...

I cannot go to the police!

I still have plans for Faragere.


Perhaps I've spent too long
away from my own company.

However, I hesitate to
say that I've lost the touch.

But, you see, I need fresh
ideas. Your vitality, Thea.

You're talking a merger. Vaughn
Fashions with the House of Faragere.

With an ample line of credit
from the Banque Financière.

More money to do what
you've always wanted to do.

Raise the level, go
for a pricier market.

I'm not sure you'd
accept my terms, Claude.

Why? The creative
controls would be yours,

Paul would run
the business side,

and you'd have the
House of Faragere name.

But would you take
Edmond as an equal partner?

Yeah. I take it
the answer is no.

This may come as
news to both of you,

but Edmond's already
offered me a deal

that gives me everything I want.

And a few incidentals
thrown into the bargain.


I knew of their affair.

It's small consolation, Paul.

But if your wife puts
her faith in Edmond,

she faces nothing but disaster.

My stepson has contaminated
everything he's touched.

Oh! Please, come in, Inspector.

I brought you a copy of
your statement, Mrs. Fletcher

and to tell you that
the rented tuxedo lead

provided us with an
identity for Mr. Huan.

Oh, yes! That's the fellow.

Did you manage to locate him?

Unfortunately, no,
no. He's a Cambodian,

detained briefly last
year for illegal entry.

And like many Cambodians here,

he was employed in
an illicit dress factory.

Sweatshops, you Americans
call them? Sweatshops, yes.

Like the one that burned
down the other night.

Yes. Hmm.

You know, there's a common
denominator here, Inspector.

The Faragere name in
fashion, the illegal dress factory,

which might begin to explain Mr. Huan's
involvement with Edmond Faragere.

Possibly, but I'm very troubled
by Huan's intrusion last night.

I know. I've seen the
guards outside the door.

Please be very careful
where you go, never be alone.

For J.B. Fletcher
to be k*lled in Paris...

I know. It would be a
blow to the honor of France.

Precisely. Besides,
I'd lose a good flic.

Oh, a cop.

Last night, you suggested that we
behave as if we were in the same family.

Well, I'm prepared
to do just that.

You're here because you
want something so badly

that you're
willing to beg for it.

Not beg, Edmond. I'll pay.

Thea Vaughn is not for sale.

I'm prepared to finance you in
another business of your choice.

Outside fashion, provided
it is legal and above board.

And I'll buy you out of
whatever trouble you're in here.

Thea must be even more
talented than I ever imagined.

With her and her husband,

you'd rebuild the
House of Faragere.

I don't think I could bear that.

Do you think I've forgotten
how you shamed me?

It was my shame, Edmond.

You stole from our company.

Those were the lies you spread!

The answer is no!

And Thea will stay with me.

The allongé.

Tell them to speed
it up backstage.

We're running two minutes
behind schedule. Let's go!

Hold everything.

Just Carrie, the rest
of you can take five.

Thea, what is it?

The crepe is boring. I like it.

That, I'm afraid,
means very little.

I don't care how
cheap it is to produce.

It is dull, it's
dreary, it's lifeless.

Get into the Lurex gown.

Wait a minute, damn
it! Just wait a minute.

Thea, when we show a garment,

we are telling the buyers
that we can deliver it.

And we cannot deliver the
Lurex at a reasonable price.

If I may, the crepe is not bad.

It has a certain chic.

But to be a true Thea Vaughn
creation, it needs some spirit.

What if I take it more
off the shoulder?

Mmm, perhaps some ruffles.

What about making it shorter?

We're just wasting time.

I could take it in at the waist.

Jessica, what do you think?

Sorry, Paul. Pass.

I believe I have it. The dress,
it just should have some flair.

Do you have time? Oh,
yes. Excuse me. I'll show you.

You see. We will
make it shorter,

and then I will weight the hem.

Look, why complicate our lives.

We've got a nice
little crepe number

we can sell by the thousands.

Damn it, Paul, I have had it.

Denise, just do it. Okay. Good.


I just wanted you to know
that everything will be all right.

The showing will go on.

There will be no difficulties.

Good, Denise. Is
everything okay?

Yeah and I
appreciate your calling.

See you, Edmond.

Here you go, Denise,
work your magic.

It will be formidable.
I promise.

No need to wait, it
will take quite a while.

I'll call you when it is ready.

Good. I know exactly where I
want to spend the next couple hours.

Then you've made up your mind?

Well, I can't work
with Paul anymore.

Edmond, I do want to make that
joint announcement in New York,

just as you wish.

But I must have verification
that the financing is in place.

You will have your verification.

Together we'll be
marvelous. I promise.

Take madame home.

They'll be in New
York next week.

You can get them here?

Yes. I have a way.

It's settled, then.

Very well. Five
million, plus or minus,

subject to an
independent assessment.

We found these.
One was on the floor,

and the other one
under the body.

They are rubies,
several karats each.

I came as quickly as I could.

Where were you at
6:30, monsieur Faragere?

Sadly, Edmond and I had
our differences, Inspector.

But surely you can't believe I had
anything to do with my own son's m*rder.

Will you please
answer my question?

I was at my place of business.

With? I was alone!

What in hell does that prove?

Monsieur Faragere, I haven't
accused you of anything.

I've asked you over here
because I thought you'd want to help

with our
investigation, that's all.

Mademoiselle Quinn, I
know you must be distraught,

so I'll make this
as brief as possible.

Only one or two questions.

First, will you tell me when you
were last at Edmond's house?

Um, about two weeks ago.

He had some people
over for cocktails.

And when did you see him last?

This morning.

We had breakfast
together at my place.

Mademoiselle Quinn, you are
not an inconspicuous person.

How do you explain an
eyewitness saying that he saw you

at the rear of Edmond's
house this evening,

very near the car in
which he was m*rder*d?

My God! I didn't
k*ll him! I loved him!

But you saw him
with another woman

with whom he was
obviously involved.

A crime of passion.
Extenuating circumstances.

Now, a confession would
make things a lot easier for you.

I have nothing to confess.

I went back to my apartment
and I stayed there until you called.

Nevertheless, you
will not leave Paris.

I must have your passport.

Suddenly, without my passport,
Paris seems like a prison.

Well, what the inspector did

is routine in a
situation like this.

I don't feel like anything
is routine right now.

But, I shouldn't have
run away like a child.

Maybe Edmond would
have had an explanation,

maybe he wouldn't
be dead right now.

Carrie, don't t*rture
yourself. It won't do any good.

Was I a fool to fall
so hard for him?

You're the only one who
can answer that, Carrie.

And it's... It's going
to take some time.

I don't see how I can
do the show tomorrow.

You know, I found in my
own experience with grief

that work is the best medicine.

Hello? Carrie? It's Denise.

Yes, Denise? I'm
ready for the fitting.

All right. Good-bye.

Well, it looks like I get to try
some of your medicine right away.

She says the dress is ready.

Good! Then I'll get to
see you in it tomorrow.

You will. Thanks.

Well, I'm glad you
decided to come.

You sounded rather
indefinite on the phone.

Well, let's just say I was
surprised at the invitation.

And, even more surprised

to see that you're
not in mourning.

Now, you must know what
was between Edmond and me

was purely business.

On Edmond's part, yes.

I, um... I don't
know you that well.

Only that you are a
remarkably talented woman

with little heart and
less conscience.

I'll take that as a compliment.

And given that, I'd
like to reconsider

the proposal you
made Paul and me.

But where is Paul?

He's still being
questioned by the police.

But we really don't
need Paul, do we?

Ah. I see.

You'll connive, scheme,

do whatever it takes to make
your way as a top designer.

Let's just say I'm a pragmatist.

Indeed, you are.

And a woman I
couldn't possibly trust.

If Paul is by your side, we'll
talk again about my proposition.

Sorry I had to
bring you in tonight,

but I had to see it on you.

Sure, I know.


I stopped by your apartment...

Look, there's no question,
I could never forgive him

for taking you away from me.

Look, Rick, I have to change...

I just wanted to tell you that I
know that you cared a lot about him,

and I'm sorry.

You know, Rick, I'm having
a lot of nightmare thoughts.

If you're thinking that I...

Carrie, look, I don't deny
that I hated the guy's guts,

but I didn't k*ll him.

Well, Denise,

we've both suffered
a loss tonight.

Strange you should
put it that way.

You were once very close.

Yes, we were.

And I have always
considered Edmond a friend.

But how dare you presume

that you and I share the
same feelings about him

when you've dedicated
yourself to destroying him?

That's a lie.

I had always hoped that one day
we'd overcome whatever difficulty...

Don't. I know all
about your latest rivalry.

Denise, I've lost my stepson.

And eliminated a rival.

That's your grief talking.

One of the reasons I came here
tonight was to make you an offer.


You're very good at what you do

and I want you as
head of production

of the new House of Faragere.

I have other plans.

At triple what
you're making now.

I could never work for you,
monsieur Faragere. Never.

Now, if you will excuse me...


The police are hunting for me.

They think I m*rder*d
Edmond Faragere.

Look, Huan, I haven't
changed the way I feel.

I mean, the best thing that
you can do is to surrender.

I did not k*ll him!

Look, if you want me to arrange a
meeting with the inspector in charge...

No! It is you I
must see tonight.

It is urgent. Time
is running out!

All right. I will meet with
you on one condition.

Afterward, I will surrender.

I'll be at 549 rue Marcoz.


How'd you do with the police?

The inspector thinks I had a very
good motive for k*lling Edmond.

What do you think?

That you k*lled him.

I saw you follow
me to his apartment.

Don't really care
one way or the other.

The important thing is that
you and I keep working together.

There's no way.

You know, I have put up with
your insults, your impossible ego,

your sleazy affairs.

But what I can't
and won't accept

is your dumping me for
another business partner.

And now, what? Now...
Now you've tried it twice?

With Edmond and Claude Faragere?

Look, I was... He
told me exactly...

He told me exactly
what you were up to.

What is this? "We
don't really need Paul!"

No! We don't.

God, you disgust me!

We're finished!

Claude wants in on
the mass markets.

After the showing tomorrow,
I'm joining the House of Faragere.

Oh! Yes, and he has this new
designer that he wants me to meet.

Look. You're wrong,
okay? Honestly!

All wrong! We're
still a winning team.

Thea, you can
go straight to hell.

Madame Fletcher,
thank you for coming.

I read in the paper
about the fire, Huan,

and your four countrymen
who were k*lled here.

There were no fire
extinguishers, no fire escape.

One woman who died
here, her name was Huan.

My wife.

For a while I lost my mind.

All I thought about was
k*lling Edmond Faragere.

He owned this place?

Huan, why did you
pick me to help you?

I did not pick you,
madame Fletcher.

It was fate that picked you when you
saved me from becoming a m*rder*r.

I need you to take my story to people
who can stop this from happening again.

Now I am ready to give
myself up, Mrs. Fletcher.

Raise your hands.

You promised to surrender after you told
your story, but you haven't told all of it.

The coroner retrieved the
b*llet that k*lled Faragere.

It came from the same g*n he carried
in the showroom. Where is that g*n now?

I no longer have it. I
lost it in the showroom.

You're lying!

You used it to k*ll Faragere when
you stole the jewels he was carrying.

I know nothing about any jewels.

He deserved to die,
but I did not k*ll him.

I believe him, Inspector.

What is this about jewels?

We've suspected for some
time Faragere was involved

not only in the smuggling of
human beings, but also of gems.

I read about a case
recently in New York.

Asian gemstones
smuggled in from France.

We found evidence
in Faragere's car

that he was engaged
in that business.

Huan either k*lled Faragere for
them or he got an unexpected bonus.

You are under arrest for the
m*rder of Edmond Faragere.

Take him downtown.

Here we have a soft,
petal-pink lamé body suit

with matching skirt, worn with a
platinum, iridescent chiffon silk cape.

Very feminine,
flirty and fabulous.

Next, we have our
evening glamour look.

A gentle taffeta gown with
chiffon sleeves and sheer bodice,

and burnished copper
Fortuny pleated silk,

off the shoulder again. It's
new glamour at its prettiest.

Elegance of black and white.

Iridescent silk, black
chiffon pants, tuxedo bustier,

accessorized for
a night on the town.

Color and fabric are
important this season

as in these two young, easy,
and simply accessorized outfits,

with lots of
iridescent shine and...

Let's go, ladies!
Ladies, quickly, quickly.

Move please.
Don't... Don't bump...

Classics are strong in the '90s,

as we see here in the splash
of color, shape and curves.

Head-to-toe glamour that's
simply perfect, simply elegant.

Next, we have a fine dressed-up
look for high-heeled wear.

Teal silk crepe with
matching chiffon shawl.

Lots of leg and the barest of
shoulders. Focus on the neckline.

Spring is near...
Excuse me, Dan.

Are you all right?

I'm going to find out.

- Inspector Gautier, s'il vous plaît.
- One moment, please.


Inspector? Have you located
the m*rder w*apon yet?

No, not yet.

Then I wonder if you could
check something for me.

Because I believe I know
who k*lled Edmond Faragere.

Well, please tell me
who, Mrs. Fletcher.

It's the "why" that
may surprise you.

Jessica! I thought
you had left already.

I forgot something, Denise.

May I look at that
little silk dress?

Right there.

May I? Yes, but...

What is it, Jessica?
Yes, I'll take it.

I don't understand. The
crepe is going to New York

with the rest of the collection.

Well, Paul said that I
could have it as a gift

for a friend that I'm
meeting in London.

That was a mistake.
Paul wouldn't say...

She's right, Denise.

I did say that she
could have it. Yes.

Paul, you know, you were
absolutely correct about this dress.

I mean, after
seeing it in the show,

I really prefer the way it was
originally, without the flare.

Please! It is going with the
rest of the collection, Jessica.

Why so desperate about
one single dress, Denise?

Unless, as I suspect, it has something
to do with Edmond Faragere's m*rder?

You are accusing me?

I hardly knew Edmond
Faragere anymore.

It's true that we
were lovers once...

On which occasion he must have
given you that very special key,

the one with number
37 engraved on it,

the number of Edmond's
house on place de la Liberté.

Carrie has a similar key,

which made me wonder why
you would have kept yours

so many years after
your affair with Edmond,

unless you still had reason
to see him on a regular basis.

Your phone record indicates you
called Edmond Faragere quite often.

Several times this
past week, in fact.

They were phone calls
between old friends.

Or business associates engaged
in one of Edmond's illicit activities,

such as smuggling jewels
from here into New York,

by means so far
undetected by the police.

Then I recalled the
rehearsal yesterday

when Carrie modeled
this crepe dress,

how skillfully you'd
put forward the idea

of adding weight to the hem,

so that the dress would have
more spirit for the showing.


I imagine that
the police will find

a wealth of other
gems in this collection.

You know, Denise, hand stitches
like these are like fingerprints.

And you can't deny that
these are your stitches.

Yes, I was transporting
stones for Edmond,

but I don't know
anything about his m*rder.

Madame, ballistics has
proven Edmond was k*lled

with the same g*n that
Kim Huan accidentally fired

on the night of the reception.

A few minutes ago my men found
that w*apon in your apartment.

I smuggled for Edmond
for several years.

Usually it was one or
two stones at a time,

but now, he needed money badly

for this venture with
madame Vaughn.

So he wanted me to move
all of these stones all at once.

I was taking an enormous risk.

He was using me, and he
would continue to use me.

So, when the opportunity
came to acquire the g*n,

I took it.

After the rehearsal,
I called Edmond.

He said that he would meet
me and give me the jewels.

We agreed on a time.

I waited for him to come out of
his apartment and get into his car.

And then I shot him.

I knew who he dealt
with in New York.

No questions would be asked.

I would have all the
money, not just the fee.

I took the jewels and hurried back
here before anyone missed me.

With those, I thought perhaps
I could enjoy my life again.

Weren't you
enjoying life, Denise?

Come to think of
it, I suppose I was.

Au revoir, Inspector.

Well, Huan is going to
be a government witness

in a probe of the sweat shops.

It's about time.

Jessica! Where in the
dickens are you going?

I've set a giant
press conference!

Oh, I'm sorry, Dan. But
I really must get home.

Here are the galleys, and
our plane leaves in one hour.

We're on the same flight.

I can hardly wait. I haven't
seen my dad in five years.

He's got everything arranged,

I'm gonna paint the
barn and wash the dog.

And then?

And then back here for covers
of Elle and La Femme Aujourd'hui.

Hmm. Who's your photographer?

Oh, well, they'll pick someone.

Oh, Carrie, don't be cruel.

I heard her tell her agent
that she absolutely insists

on the what's-his-name who
did the cover for her Paris Mode.

That's my girl!