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11x04 - Death in Hawaii

Posted: 08/06/22 08:48
by bunniefuu
That's nice. Now, how about you
give me something I could really use?

That's it.

This guy's as good as dead.


Island International is ready
to funnel another half million

into the Kinkaid w*r chest.

No. No. No, no, no. Listen,
this is Jeff's first campaign.

I don't want him
beholden to anybody.

Damn it, Matt, relax, all right?

Every dollar contributed
through my bank is strictly legal.


Look, tell him we're not
ready to sell the Kinkaid Oahu.

Not now, not in the foreseeable
future, not at any price.

Attention to all Hawaiian
holiday tour group members.

Today's tour will take you to some
of Oahu's most famous sights...

Aloha, Mrs. Fletcher.
Welcome to the Kinkaid Oahu.

Thank you.

Well, you've been pre-registered.
Penthouse suite number one.

Compliments of Mr. Kinkaid.

Oh, and we do have messages
for you, too. Here you go.

Thank you. You're very welcome.

The campaign money is clean.

Come on, Matt,
ease off, will you?

Look, you've got my word. I will
not do anything to embarrass Jeff.

Good, because if
you're lying to me, Brett,

I swear I won't just kick
you off this campaign.

I'll make sure that
nobody in all these islands

ever does business
with you again.

Attention, Kinkaid Oahu guests.

Tours of the neighboring
islands are now boarding in the...


You're early.

Well, we had a tail wind
all the way from Tokyo.

Well, how was the book tour?

Oh, exhausting! Six
countries in two weeks!

Incidentally, thank you so
much for your hospitality.

Well, I'll never forget yours when
we brought the boys to Cabot Cove.

Now, you will stay through
the election, won't you?

Oh, I can't.

You know, they've advanced the
publication date on my new novel.

Telephone for J.B. Fletcher.

Please pick up a courtesy phone.

Hello, this is J.B. Fletcher.

Yes, Mrs. Fletcher,
this is Bill Forsythe.

I'd like to invite you
to appear on my show.

I appreciate your invitation to
appear on your show, Mr. Forsythe,

but I'm here in the
islands for a rest.

I understand.
Maybe another time.

Thank you so much.

Sorry to have bothered
you. Bye. Goodbye.

Jess, I was the
soul of discretion

after you told me
that all you wanted

was a little bit of
rest and a lot of fun.

It was the other way around.

Well, the fun part
starts this afternoon.

We've invited a few friends

to a luau fundraiser for
Jeff at the old plantation.

He'll be there, of course,
and so will Danny and Mother.

Oh, and how is Rebecca?

Well, she's feisty as ever,
and can't wait to see you.

Oh, great!

Matt, I read about the
election on the plane,

including an in-depth article
about Randy Thompson.

It must be a difficult
situation for Danny.

I mean, his brother
running against his boss.

He'll live with it.

Jess, I've had
this dream too long

to let a little inconvenience
get in the way of my plans

for Jeff's political career.

He's going to be the first
American president from Hawaii.

Who's the girl?

We're working on it.

Where'd you get the video?

It was dropped in the mail slot.

Bull! You had Thompson under
surveillance and you got lucky.

Wrong! Where's
your evidence, Danny?

In my gut. Shred the damn thing.

He's protecting his boss.

I'm protecting my brother.

Jeff, you leak this

and you smear yourself as
a cheap, dirty-tricks politician

for the rest of your career.

There won't be any
"rest of my career"

unless I win on Tuesday.

He's right.

It's a tough league for rookies.
One strike, and you're out.

There's still time
to turn it all around.

Keep hitting the issues.
The environment, crime...

If we've got this,
why not go with it?

Keep making sense.
But this... Suggestion.

We wait for the new
poll this afternoon.

If we're still losing ground,
we'll reexamine our options.

Danny? Agreed?

I said my piece.

You use that tape,
and I'm gone, for good.

I want them held. They've seen
their lawyer. Let them yell, I don't care.

Book them and isolate them now!

I love tough cops.

You're supposed to,
especially this one.

I came for my pressure gauge, so I can
start diving again before I get too old.

We're still checking it out.

A week it takes to
check an air gauge?

Listen, buster, I'm not anxious
to become a grieving fiancée.

If someone wants to k*ll
you, I want to find out about it.

Your boss'
disposition any better

since he got ahead in the polls?

Randy's just doing his job.

You're busy. I'll see you later.

Detective Matsumoto.

Telephone for J.B. Fletcher.

Please pick up a courtesy phone.

- This is J.B. Fletcher.
- Yes, Mrs. Fletcher.

I'm with the Honolulu
News, and I was wondering...

Excuse me, Miss
Dougherty, package for you.

No, I'm so sorry.
You're very kind,

but I'm not giving
any interviews.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Thank you.

Mrs. Fletcher.
I'm Liz Dougherty,

Jeff Kinkaid's campaign manager.

Yes, and I'm very
pleased to meet you.

Well, thank you, and likewise.

And I have a confession to make.

You're a little late,
Miss Dougherty.

Several members of the
media have already told me

that it was you who told
them that I was in the islands.

Well, I will just apologize.

I thought that if you and
the right people got together,

you might mention your
old friends, the Kinkaids,

and that could
translate into votes.

No more, I promise.

Good. I'll hold you to it.

These just came in
from the Macau police.

Brett Reynolds, and of course
you recognize Martin Osborn.

I'll add them to the file.

Last week you said
you'd have a case by now.

I was wrong. But...

Damn it, Danny. We've
got Osborn dead-bang

sending a ton of cash
out of Southeast Asia

and a flood of unexplained
money coming into Hawaii.

And not enough evidence to prove
it's coming out of Reynolds' bank.

And from there right into
your brother's campaign chest.

Danny, are you sure you aren't
unconsciously dragging your feet on this?

What I started to say,
Randy, if you'll let me finish,

is that I've finally got a man
in place in Reynolds' bank.

A guy who's as good as they get
at uncovering money laundering,

no matter how hard
they try to bury it.

You're a genius, Joe.

I never thought anyone would be
able to straighten out these accounts.

Thank you, sir. It
wasn't just the arithmetic.

The computer
codes were corrupted.

Well, I'm assigning you

to the same kind of
troubleshooting at our Hilo branch

and boosting your salary 10%.

That's very
generous of you, sir.

I've got a lot of friends
in Hilo. When do I start?

They'll be expecting
you tomorrow morning.


Um, one thing, sir.

About the Kaanapali Beach file.

What about it?

If I could spend
one more day on it

and meet with you for
half an hour tomorrow?

Morning's dead.

Mr. Osborn is here to see you.

Tell him just a minute.

Tomorrow, 2:30.
I'll notify Hilo.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Osborn. I thought
you were in Hong Kong.

I decided to take a holiday

to observe your elections.

You did receive the additional
two million we dispatched

on behalf of our
chosen candidates?

It's been put to work.


Frankly, Reynolds,
we're very concerned

about Jeff Kinkaid's
drop in the polls.

I believe I have made
it abundantly clear

that it's not in our interests

to see Randall Thompson
seated in the Senate.

Look, we're doing
the best we can.

But I've gotta tell you that Jeff's
brother Danny is the loose cannon.

He could put us
both out of business.

We are very aware
of Danny Kinkaid.

Very much aware.

As you all know, like
my grandson here,

I ran for political
office once myself.

A little too aggressively,
they used to tell me.

You remember, Jessica?


I suspect they mean that you were
a woman before your time, Rebecca.

Exactly! And you damn well
better get home and mix some poi,

like a proper tutu wahine.

Well, I believe my grandson
is ahead of his time, too.

A candidate for
the next century!

Another question?
Now, no more questions.

Everybody, go have a good time.

And vote for Jeff
Kinkaid, or else!

Oh, this should have
a warning label on it.

Sharon, you should keep an eye
on your young man's fit and finish.

Now, that would have made
a great campaign photo.

If it was a candidate's collar.

Rebecca, thank you
so much for your help.

Oh, the pity is he needs
it. I love your necklace.

Thanks! I found a new
coral reef to ravage.

Gotta rescue Jeff.

Well done, Rebecca.


If I may, it's quite apparent that
Danny is still your favorite grandson.

Fortunately, other people
aren't as perceptive as you are.

Somebody in this family
has to look out for him.

Jessica! Hello, Danny.

Welcome to Hawaii. Thank you.

And, Sharon, how
lovely to see you.

Hello, Jessica. It's so
great to see you, too.

Oh, we met during my
training over at NYPD.

Sun instead of snow.
Somehow it agrees with me.

You bet.

Okay, what?

Jeff, I've got an idea.

Why don't we give all these
people a big happy surprise

and announce our engagement?

Come on, we've
talked about this.

Jeff, is this how
it's going to be?

Is your dad going to be pushing
your buttons for the rest of your life?

Of our lives?

No, he's not. But he's right.

If we go public now,

it's just gonna look like
an obvious bid to get votes.

"Rich candidate to marry girl
from wrong side of the reef"?

The way things are going,
your campaign may need it.

It's not the right time, Liz.

Honey, I'm sorry.

We've got 50 TV spots scheduled
between now and Tuesday.

But, I have to admit, I don't
like the way the polls are going.

Well, then buy
another 100 spots.

This is about winning, Jeff.

And if you need money on
Wednesday morning, it'll be there.

The Hukilau.

The net is cast out
and drawn back,

and many fish are caught.

Jeff, for the last time, Reynolds and
his bank are gonna bring you down.

Danny, enough! I've
seen the accounting.

Every penny that
Reynolds raised for me

is from individuals
all over the islands.


And the fish in the net can
get away any time they want.

Danny, the latest new poll.
We've lost another point.

I know what you're thinking.

We've got to go with
the Thompson video.

What do you think,
Liz? Where and when?

We can drop it off at
Channel 5 tomorrow morning.

Then you do it without
me. I'm out of here.

Pal, you sure
picked a great time

to let your hatred for your brother
and your old man bubble up.

You son of... Danny, don't!


Let's get out of here.

Everything we want is in Reynolds' personal
computer in a file called "Kilauea."

Hmm! Hawaii's hottest volcano.

Like the subject matter,

I figure it covers payoffs, disguised
campaign contributions, also sources.

Dirty money transferred illegally into
Hawaii from criminal organizations abroad.

Yakuza, drug
cartels, and others.

Including Osborn.

Here's our problem. I have
one shot at getting it out of there.

Late tomorrow morning,
when Reynolds is at a meeting.

Can you download
it onto a floppy disk?

No, he's got a watchdog on it.

But we can use his modem, send
it via phone to another computer.

What about you going
back to the bank right now?

Security's too heavy at night.

Business hours are better,
when I can move around.

Is your office computer secure?

Negative. It's on
an open network.

But I do have access
to a secure one.

I don't know, maybe I
shouldn't have walked out.

Danny, you acted on principle.

And you were right.

Hello? SECRETARY: Danny,
can you make the meeting?

No, I can't. Cancel that. I
won't be in till this afternoon.

I'll reschedule. Right.

Okay, bye.

I wish I could grow
orchids in Cabot Cove.

Afraid your winters
are a little harsh.

Listen, I'm gonna be trucking
these to the Botanical Gardens,

then heading up
to the sugar mill.

Oh, I thought that
was long gone.

No, no. I'm going to
donate it as an historical site.

Ben just stops by to keep it up.

And Danny uses it
sometimes as an office.

Probably your last chance
to see it as Kinkaid property.

I'd love to, Ben, but thank you.

It's good to see
you again. Likewise.

Be careful, bruddah, you hear?

I hear you! Nothing
to worry about.


You're right, Jessica, there
is something to worry about.

A great deal, in fact.

Danny's lucky to be alive.

Oh, come on, Grandma.

I had a diving accident
about a week ago.

If it was an accident.

Apparently, there's
reason to believe it wasn't?

The Coast Guard had to fly
him to a decompression chamber.

It's a miracle he didn't die.

Experienced divers like Danny

don't make mistakes
with their equipment.

My pressure gauge glitched.

There's been no evidence
found of any tampering.

As if he didn't have enemies.

She means that I've put
a lot of bad guys away.

Look, if I worried about everybody
that hated me, I couldn't do my job.

Anyway, time for a swim.

Take care.

I'll see you in an hour, okay?


Hey! Hey! What're you...

Hey! Cut it out!
What're you doing?

I want you to take three
men and I want you to go...

The Coast Guard called
for another chopper.

He can't be gone, not like this.

We used to race
in from the point.

Danny's the strongest
swimmer I've ever seen.

The press has been calling.

Do you want me to
issue a statement for you?

You know, "I have every
faith that he'll turn up safely"?

Yeah. No.

Oh, God. Right on top
of the Thompson video.

I haven't leaked it yet.

I was planning on
doing it this morning,

but then Matt
called about Danny.

Damn it, Liz, this could
cost us the election!


I don't know.

I guess I don't understand how you
could be thinking about anything but Danny.

They're doing all they can do.

Yes, of course.

Did you find anything, Jessica?

Only Danny's shirt,
towel, and shoes.

I sent them off to forensics.

Any sign he ever
got out of the water?

The tide is rising. His footprints
would have been washed away.

He's gone. No!

There's no reason
to believe that.

He could have been caught in a riptide
and carried 20 miles away from here.

I pray to God you're right.

And there's that
motorboat Jessica heard.

We may know a
lot more if we find it.

The operator might have seen
him, might have even picked him up.

Mother, why don't you try
to get some rest? I'm all right!

As soon as you hear anything.

Sure, Matt.

Always it was as if Danny
were some sort of distraction.

Keeping Matt from his real work,

grooming Jeff
for political office.


I don't know if being
in love with someone

whose disappearance you're
investigating is a plus or a minus.

They didn't give us that
scenario at the police academy.

But I do know for sure that I
need all the help I can get, Jessica.

How much do you know about
Danny's current investigation?

Who he might be antagonizing?

Very little. Danny never
talked about his work.

Never mind where
I was this morning.

This is about something
entirely different.

I've got in my hand a
recording made last night.

A little conversation Danny
Kinkaid had in his office.

Let me tell you about it.

Just what do you think
you're doing, Mrs. Fletcher?

Actually, I came to
see you, Mr. Thompson.

But your secretary
said that you were out.

So you figured you'd rummage
through Danny's office?

I'm quite sure you're
as concerned as I am

about what has
happened to Danny.

I thought it might be useful if
we talked about his current cases.

You're a friend of the
Kinkaids, Mrs. Fletcher. I'm not.

Besides, if, as it appears,
Danny has drowned,

I certainly don't
intend to give the public

access to the cases
he was working on.

So if you'd just be
kind enough to...

Mr. Thompson, thank
you for your cooperation.

This tape was anonymously
deposited in Channel 5's...

Thompson's finished.

We'll see.

The man you see is
Randall Thompson,

the current District
Attorney in Honolulu

and a candidate
for the U.S. Senate.

We have no comment at this time,

except to tell you that the young
woman has not yet been identified,

although we are
working on that now.

The afternoon news...

Cheap! Danny
was right to veto it.


Detective Matsumoto,
we did a complete workup

on Danny Kinkaid's shirt and
shoes. We couldn't find anything.


The lab. Bombed out on
Danny's shirt and shoes. Nothing.

What about his phone? His phone?

His secretary called him
when we were on the terrace,

and I saw him put his phone
back in the pocket of his shirt

before he went down to the
beach. I didn't notice it there.

No. There's no cellular
phone on our inventory.

Why don't you try his number?


The mobile customer you
have called is not available...

Either it's turned
off or out of range.


Try the sugar mill.

I'm dialing.

Sounds like a fax or modem.

May I?

Oh, yes. Please. Thanks.

Hello? Oh, yes, Jessica,
is there any news?

I can't be sure yet, Rebecca.

Could you tell me if Danny's
car is still parked out in front?

Yes, it is.

What about his bicycle?

Now, it was leaning against
the wall on the terrace.

Why, no, it's gone.

Thank you, Rebecca. I hope to
be able to explain in a little while.

The sugar mill would be
reachable on his mountain bike.

I'd better alert the lieutenant.

Listen, Sharon,
if Danny's alive,

he's obviously gone to
a great deal of trouble

to keep the police out of this.

You're right.


Put the g*n down!
On the ground! Now!

Keep your hands
high! Turn around!

I just...

I didn't k*ll him.

Back away from the g*n!

Ben was...

Sharon, Ben was my best friend!

I saw the g*n outside.

I wasn't thinking that it was the
m*rder w*apon. I picked it up.

I came in here. That's
when I saw Ben's body.

You can put your hands down now.

Danny, they'll be
running a paraffin test.

Detective Matsumoto. I need
a homicide forensics team.

The old Kinkaid sugar
mill on Weaver Road.

I'm sure you had
your reasons, Danny,

but you put
everyone through hell.

I'm sorry, Sharon, but I...

How long have you been here?

A couple of minutes.

Where did you
leave your bicycle?

It's out there
behind Ben's truck.

Did you see anyone?

Five of six.


Danny, what the
hell is going on?

So, the computer at
the mill received a file

transmitted by an undercover
man at Brett Reynolds' bank.

Evidence enough to put Reynolds
away for currency violations,

corruption of public officials,

election fraud, you name it.

Information that was probably
copied onto the missing disk.

And someone tried to k*ll
you this morning out in the bay.


I was about halfway
out into the bay,

and I saw this outboard
motorboat coming at me,

one of those
rubber-inflatable jobs.

Which means it
could've been deflatable.

That's probably why
we haven't been able

to locate it. Right.

Anyway, the pilot of the
boat started circling me

and he was leaving
this trail of chum.

Shark bait? My God!
Can you identify him?

Well, he was
wearing a full mask.

The dive suit was black. It had
a silver stripe on the shoulder.

After he finished
spreading the chum,

every shark in the Kauai
Channel came in for dinner.

I was supposed to be the entrée.

I survived because I knew the
only hope I had was to not move

and to hope that they'd
be too busy to notice me.

Well, after a while, they
finished and swam away.

Thank God.

I knew I'd be
generating a lot of grief,

but right then I didn't feel
like I could confide in anyone.

I hoped that if I could
get back to the mill

and examine the
new computer file,

maybe I could find a clue about
who was trying to take me out.


But someone beat me to it.

And k*lled Ben, who was at the
wrong place, at the wrong time.

Your undercover man,

did you by any chance have
a meeting with him last night?

Well, yes. But how... I
stopped by your office.

I noticed a notation on
your calendar, the letter "Y."

His name is Joe Yoshinaga.

Well, could he have
tipped someone?

Or come up here by himself?

Well, anything's
possible, but...

Did anyone besides you and
Yoshinaga know about the transmission?

No one.

Joe and I hatched the idea
together last night in my office.

Thank God he's okay.
But why protective custody?

I can't get into it right now,

but Ben was k*lled
at the sugar mill.

I'm sorry, I know
how close you were.


Oh... Um...

Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Thanks, Sharon.

She wouldn't go
into details right now,

but Ben was k*lled
at the old sugar mill.

I can't believe it. I mean, Danny,
Ben and I, we were always together.

It was probably
vagrants or squatters.

That mill is deserted
for months at a time.

We're up four percentage
points since the video.

And we still don't
know who the girl is.

Wait till somebody
gets a line on her.

What is it, Jeff?

I'll tell you what it is.

Maybe I've just gotten
religion or something,

but a good friend of mine's been
m*rder*d, my brother was almost k*lled,

and we're cackling
about popularity polls

and some poor girl's
about to get skinned alive!

Oh! Good evening.

I heard that Danny's
in police custody.

And I saw he left a
pass for you downstairs.


That is between Danny
and me, Mr. Thompson.

Do you have any idea what's been
happening to my wife and children

since this morning?

reporters... I'm so sorry.

I know all about your call
to the Immigration Service.

Mr. Thompson, because of the
tension between you and Danny,

and what happened to him today,

I felt that I should learn
all that I could about you.

And when I saw you with that
young woman on television,

I knew that your kiss
wasn't that of a lover.

You see, on the plane, I read
a magazine story all about you.

About your exemplary
service in Vietnam

and your later visits there
concerning prisoners of w*r.

Those dates, and
what I saw on TV,

prompted my call to
the Immigration Service.

And according to them,

you brought a child and her ailing
mother back from Vietnam in 1979.

The young woman I saw on
television is that child, isn't she?

She's your daughter.

No. No. No, she's...

Mr. Thompson, if I
already know the truth,

how long do you think it's going to
be before the press learns it, too?

Anna's a sweet girl. Sensitive.

She wants to go to college.

She doesn't deserve to
be badgered and hassled.

I'm sure that's true.

I can't let them hurt her.

There's only one
way out of this thing.

I'll have to withdraw
from the campaign.

Look, I'm still a friend of
the Kinkaids, Mr. Thompson,

and obviously I want to
see Jeff win on Tuesday,

but not this way.

We checked all
the other islands.

Nobody makes or stocks any wet
suits with stripes on the shoulder.

What about the listening
device? Strikeout.

No fingerprints and
no way to trace it.

Well, at least we
know how Ben's k*ller

learned that Danny was
planning to transfer the file.

Yes? Mr. Kincaid.

- Yes, bring him in.
- Yes, ma'am.

We got an anonymous phone tip
about an hour ago. The caller said

that Matt Kinkaid's car was on
Weaver Road near the sugar mill

at about the time
Ben was k*lled.

Hello, Matt.

What do you got?

We found this red dust on the
hood and the tire rims of his car.

It matches the soil
at the sugar mill.

This was in his
glove compartment.

A floppy disk, Bravo brand.

There's enough in here
about illicit money transfers

to put Reynolds away for good.

Where were you this morning
after you left Rebecca's?

Well, I went to the
suite at the hotel.

For how long? A couple of hours.


I didn't know what
happened to Danny.

I didn't want to be with anyone.

Surely you can't
think I k*lled Ben.

Matt, don't leave Honolulu.

Those are the five good
bruddahs of Ben Kamaka, Jessica.

They've scattered his
ashes on the sea he loved so.

Knowing Ben, he
would've approved.


How you holding up, Mother?

I'm so happy about
Danny, but Ben...

I know. I loved him, too.

I'm sorry we're late.

My bodyguard.

You okay, Gram?

You scared the life out of me!

You're my darling, you know.

We're gonna miss Ben, aren't we?



What is it, Danny?


We just got word on
Danny's air gauge.

The O-Rings were
deliberately fouled

with some kind of acid
that made them porous.

And we found the
boat hidden in a grove

about three miles away
from here, deflated.

Any luck tracing the boat?

We're trying, but also we found
something on the beach nearby.

A small tube of
antibiotic salve.

Over the counter,
but powerful stuff.

What is it, Jessica?

Sharon, I think I know
who k*lled Ben Kamaka.

What are you doing here?

I've got an appointment
in three minutes.

I suggest you cancel it.

We thought you'd
like to join us.

Someplace quiet,

where you won't be bothered

by people asking
embarrassing questions

about Island International
Bank and its clients.

I don't understand...

Jeff Kinkaid's campaign
is back on track.

I've erased the Kilauea file.

The pity is, there's
still a living history of it.


I'm not going anywhere, Osborn.

The young woman with whom I
was shown on television yesterday

is Anna Rawlings, my
daughter. She was eight years old

when I brought her and her
mother, who has since died,

over from Vietnam.

I kept her a secret
from my dear wife

and my children

for fear of losing them.

Well, I was wrong.

And now it's up to
you, the voters at home,

to decide at the polls whether you,
like them, can understand and forgive.

Thank you very much.

Well done.

Won't help Thompson now.

We're in.

Everything all right, Jess?

Thanks, Matt.

Liz, I notice that you wear
your watch on your right wrist.

Why, yes.

I've never known a
right-handed person who did that,

but left-handers often do.

You are left-handed?


But, when we first met,

I noticed you signing a
delivery with your right hand.

Is that because your
left hand is injured?


Well, not my hand. My shoulder.

Where you cut it on some
coral while you were diving?

And, of course, coral
wounds readily infect

and have to be
treated with antibiotics.

What is this about, Jessica?

Coral would certainly have
torn your diving suit, wouldn't it?

This morning at the funeral,

I noticed that one
of Ben's friends

had repaired his guitar case
with a strip of silver duct tape.

And I thought of
the silver stripe

that Danny said was on the
diving suit of his would-be m*rder*r.

A stripe that
wasn't a stripe at all,

but a length of silver duct tape

used to temporarily
repair a rip in the wet suit.

I don't understand.

We found your black
wet suit in your apartment,

slashed on the left shoulder
and repaired with silver duct tape.

And I'm sure that by tonight
we'll have traced the boat to you.

Tell us about Ben Kamaka, Liz.

I had nothing to do with
what happened to Ben.

Wrong! We also found
this in your apartment.

The entire Kilauea file

incriminating Reynolds and a
lot of other people, including you.

It was the same disk
you planted in Matt's car.

Only on that one, you erased
anything that could incriminate you.

Liz, there's only one place
you could have gotten this disk.

And that's at the mill,
where Ben was m*rder*d.

That's ridiculous.

How could I have
even known about it?

Boone Aldridge
bugged Danny's office

and told you what he had heard.

That isn't... Save it, Liz.

Boone Aldridge already
gave us a sworn statement.

All right.

I went to the mill.

I didn't have any idea that Danny was
still alive, or that Ben would show up.

But I knew I had to get
my hands on that file,

and I had to get it out
of Danny's computer.

It was still downloading
what Yoshinaga was sending

and I was copying
it onto the disk

when I heard Ben's truck.

I hoped he wouldn't see me,

but when he came in and
headed for the computer,

I had no choice.

No. No!

I had to make certain that no one would
ever be able to access Danny's computer.


I did it for you.

You know that, don't you?

It's what we wanted, together.

But I guess when
it came down to it,

I wanted it more than you.

Jess! Oh, I wish you
could stay for the election.

Unfortunately, I can't.

I think we can win it all.

Now that you've publicly
disavowed Reynolds

and hired me as your
campaign manager.

Good, huh?

Have I got some news! Brett
Reynolds and Martin Osborn

have just been picked up in
Hilo on their federal warrants.

Aloha, Jess. Thanks
for everything.

Be sure to come back
next time you need a rest.