02x22 & 02x23 - Out of the Picture/Room with a Feud

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Loud House". Aired: May 2, 2016 - present.*
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Series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of a boy named Lincoln Loud, who is the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children.
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02x22 & 02x23 - Out of the Picture/Room with a Feud

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom
on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house

♪ In the Loud house

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud Loud Loud

♪ Loud house

- Poo-poo.

[rock music]

[school bell ringing]

- Gentleman, here are copies

of your school portraits
for the yearbook.

Group photos start in five.
Here's the schedule.

If you're late, tough toenails!

- Do you get the feeling
that Coach Pacowski

doesn't like doing
the yearbook?

- Why do you say that?

- [indistinct grumbling]

- Ah.
- Wait, Clyde,

why isn't our ghost hunting
club on here?

I thought you registered it
to the school.

- I thought you did.
- Now we aren't gonna

get to be in
any group photos.

- I guess you're gonna end up
like Marty Malach.

all: Who?
- Exactly!

He weren't in
any group photos neither.

All he had was
his itty bitty portrait.

And you know no one
looks at them.

That's why he's the forgotten
man of Royal Woods Elementary.

both: Ahh!

- Lincoln, we can't
be forgotten!

- Hey, wait.
If he's so forgotten,

how do you know who he is?

- He lives behind my barn.

both: No!

- Clyde, we can't end up
like Marty Malach.

- Yeah, I don't wanna live
behind Liam's barn.

His chickens are mean.

- [yelling]


- Uhh, everything okay there?

- Coach Pacowski ruined my life!

He took the worst
photo of me ever!

both: Ahh!
- If this disaster

gets in the yearbook,
everyone will see it.

If everyone sees it,
my rivals will destroy me.

If my rivals destroy me,
my pageant career is over!

Ohh, believe you me.
I will be fixing this.


- Did you see that, Clyde?

We need to be more like Lola.

- Rah!
- No, Clyde.

I mean we also need
to fix our problem.

- Ah.

Okay, so seems to me,

we just need to sneak into

as many group photos
as possible.

Then we'll never be forgotten.
- What's first?

- First photo
is student council.

- Let's do this!

both: Operation Sneak Into
A Yearbook Group Photo

So We're Not Forgotten
Like Marty What's-his-face

is a go!

- Okay, everyone, get ready.

- Psst. Your powdered wig
is crooked.

Here, let me fix it.

[camera shutter clicks]

- No biggie, there's more than
one group photo in the yearbook.

- What's next?

both: Chess Club!

- Okay, everyone, get ready.

- Don't mind us. Just two
chess guys coming through.

Why is no one else
dressed for chess?

- Not everyone
has our commitment.

both: Oops.

[fighting sounds]

[camera shutter clicks]

both: Ahh!
- Oof!

Well, sh**t.
- What else we got?

- Okay, not my first choice,
but we're desperate.

both: Morticians Club!

We're in!
- No, you're not.

both: Ahh!
- You guys are

not part of this club.
- Hold on, Lucy.

both: Ahh!
- We can always use

some more bodies.
[both gulp]

- Okay, smile or whatever.

both: Oh, come on!

[camera shutter clicks]

- Leni, I need
a new yearbook picture.

Can you help me?
- At your service.

Duck lips!
[camera shutter clicks]

- Oh, no, I mean for me.

- Oh, okay. Here, you take it.

- No. I want you
to take a photo of me.

- I don't think
my phone does that.

- Ugh.

- Well, this is
an interesting development.

Get it?
- Please, just take the picture.

- You're the boss.
One, two, three.

Oops, sorry. Wrong camera.

- Okay, we're done.

Finally, someone sensible.

- Mm-hmm. Very good.
Hold still, please.

Try not to move.
- What?

- Hold still, please

One, two, three.

- How's my smile?

- I can't tell,
but your anterior fontanel

is abnormally wide.

- Ahh! My future
is at stake, here!

Can no one in this family
take a proper photo?

- [laughs]
[camera shutter clicks]

- That's so beautiful!

Ohh, Lily!

It's perfect!
I am back, baby!

- Well, Clyde,
group photos are over.

And we're in exactly zero
of them.

- We might as well go join
Matty Malach behind Liam's barn.

- I thought it was Manny Malach.

- Thanks for nothing!

Coach Pacowski wouldn't
switch out my photo.

He says he's too overworked.

Then hire more staff,
dodo brain!

- Hire more staff.
Clyde, that's our in!

- Operation Get Coach to Hire Us

So We Can Edit Ourselves
Into Yearbook Photos is a go!

- Now remember,
we gotta stay strong.

- Right. We're not
taking no for an answer.

- You two,
I need yearbook staff now.

And I'm not taking no
for an answer.

- Oh yeah? We're not taking no
for an answer either.

- Clyde, he just hired us
for the yearbook.

- Ah.

- Ah, the yearbook
needs to go to the printer

by the end of the week.

You two work on captions.

I have to go check
if the school hamster's name

is Skippy with a "y" or an "ie".

[door closes]
- Mission accomplished.

- Wait, that was only
Operation Get Coach to Hire Us

So We Can Edit Ourselves
Into the Yearbook Photos

Now we actually have to work
ourselves into the photos.

- How do we do that?

- Computer magic, Clyde.

Grab the yearbook file.

- Oh, Coach Pacowski,
I brought you some muffins!

Linky? What are you doing here?

- Uh, Clyde and I joined
the yearbook staff.

- [gasps] This is great.

I don't even need
that dodo brain anymore.

You guys can
switch out my photo.

It's right here, on this cute,
little flash drive.

- We'll take care of it.
- Thanks, Linky!

- "Coach Pacowski,

a Man With Many Secrets."

What's this?
- That was in case

the muffins didn't work.

I'll just save this
for the next time

I wanna get out of dodgeball.

- Now look, all we gotta do

is copy these handsome dudes,

grab a photo
from the yearbook file

and paste them here.
- Mission accomplished.

- Is it, though?
I mean, how many people

really look at
the Math Club photo?

- Only these eggheads, probably.

Maybe their parents.

- Maybe we should put ourselves

in a few more pictures.

Just to be safe.

[mouse clicks]
There, that should ensure

that we're remembered
by animal lovers, jocks,

band kids, theater geeks,
techies and the lunch ladies.

- Now it's mission accomplished.

- Our immortality rests softly
on this little flash drive.

- Clincoln McCloud forever!

[door opens]
- There they are!

My heroes.

Thank you so much
for switching my photo.

Can you imagine if that
horrid shot made it in there?

My pageant career
would've been over!

And with it, all my hopes,
my dreams and reason to live.

- Let's get to the school
and upload these pictures.

Coach? Uhh, what are you
doing here so late?

- Last minute change.
Yearbook has to be done tonight.

Like I had nothing better to do.

both: Tonight? But we have a--
- Tough toenails!

I already hit send.
Just waiting for it to upload.

- Clyde, we have to get him
away from that computer.

- If you're gonna stick me
with the dang yearbook job,

how about giving me some
equipment from this century?!

- I think I got this.

Coach, you seem to be dealing
with some anger issues.

I have nine years of therapy
under my belt.

Do you want someone to talk to?

- Yes!

- Let's go somewhere quieter.

- Okay. Gotta work fast.

And now, time to upload.

Oh, plenty of time.

Open, select all, grab
and re-upload our pics.

Uh! This thing is slow.

Now I see why Coach
wears a hat.

- You think I wanted
to be a gym teacher?

My real passion
was Irish step dance.

But my father told me
with my fallen arches,

I was kidding myself.

Oh, sorry.
- Interesting.

And how did that make you feel?

- Uh, come on, come on.
We need more time!

- So I said,
"It's my life, Dad.

I'll do what I want!"

But Mom was like,
"Listen to your father."

But did I listen to him?
Well, I'm here, aren't I?

Trying to get a yearbook
out at : p.m.

All these years, I could've
been Irish step dancing.

But here I am,
my dancing career over.

And with it my hopes, my dreams
and my reason to live!

Anywho, I better check on
that progress bar.

- Wait, Coach. I think we're
really close to a breakthrough.

- Quit tailgating me, McBride.

I got a yearbook to get out.

Now, where'd I leave off? I--

- Did you do it?
- Well, I did.

- It's still loading?!

Huh, normally I'd be
very angry about this.

Oh, thanks, McBride.

- I can't wait to see all of
our thousands of photos.

Clincoln McCloud forever!

- Well Clyde, I've had something
that I've needed to tell you.

It's been eating at me
for three weeks.

There just wasn't
enough time to--

- Linky, you're the best
brother ever!

Oh, I love you, I love you,
I love you, I love you!

You too, Clyde.

My pageant career is saved.

And I owe it all to you!

- Yup, we're all
immortalized in--wait.

Where are all of our pictures?

- Well, that's what
I wanted to tell you.

When you were
distracting Coach P,

I remembered how much Lola's
pageant career means to her.

And well, I had to
make a choice.

At the last minute,
I stopped copying our files

and made the switch
for Lola instead.

- Now, where'd I leave off?

- Sorry, pal.
- But we'll be forgotten.

- Guys, what you did
means everything to me.

I know I may act like a little
crazy-pants sometimes.

But I'll never
forget you for this.

Never, ever.

- Well, that's one way to keep
from being forgotten.

Even if we'll be living
with the chickens

like Mindy Malach.
- I thought it was Marshall.

Hey, you guys made it
into the yearbook.

both: What?

- Coach blew it, though.
Check it out,

you're in the crease.

- Yearbook staff photo?
I can't believe it.


both: Clincoln McCloud

- We're famous!
- Sweet immortality!

[Irish music]
- Make way, boys!

See? It's never too late
to follow your passion!

My arches.

[rock music]

- Well, it's the moment
you've all been waiting for.

Which baker will take the cake
and the trophy

on "Operation Dessert Storm"?

Will Linda's soufflé
rise to the occasion?

Or will Tony's puffs
cream the competition?

- [growls]

- The judges have voted

and the champion is--

- Ugh! Lana's been
driving me crazy!

Her animals stink up our room!
And look what she did

to my dolly!
- Mama.

- Why would she do that?

- Whoo-hoo! I got pit hair!

- [screams]

- And the champion is--

- Lucy won't keep her bats
off my side of the room.

Now one of them's bit me and
he's got the taste for my blood.

- Aren't you being
a little paranoid?

I'm sure the bat


Uh, you might wanna run.

- Ahh!

- And the champ--

- Ugh, Lori is the worst
roommate ever!

Her huge hair
broke my favorite clip.

- That's, uh--
- Ooh, you're watching

"Operation Dessert Storm"?

[gasps] Isn't it awesome
that Linda won?

- Uhh!

[computer chiming]

- Lincoln, did you see
who won the finale?

- No, but I heard about it.

- I'm so glad it was Linda.

Tony's cream puffs looked so
dry, didn't they?

[rumbling, overlapping chatter]

- Are you okay?

Is there an earthquake there?
- No, it's just my sisters

having another roommate rumble.

- Psh, too bad they don't get
along as well as we do.

Right, Mr. % Compatible?
- You know it.

- If not for
our condiment preferences,

we would've been matched %!

- Wait, you just gave me
an idea!

- You're gonna give up mustard
and come over

to the good life
on the mayo side?

- I'm gonna fix
my sisters' problems.

It's no secret you guys

are having
some roommate trouble.

Well, I think I can help.

Clyde and I took this amazingly
accurate compatibility test.

If you guys take it,
maybe we can find out

which sister
you're best matched with.

Then you can change roommates.

- I'm willing to try anything.
This is my last dolly with hair!

- Relax.

It grows back.

- No, it doesn't!

[fighting sounds]
- I'd use my own hair, but--

- Ah, let's take that test.

- Great.
I'll read the questions,

then write down your answers.

Number one:
what's your favorite color?

- Oh, dang it.
I got that one wrong.

- Guys, I've got the results.

The new roommates are:
Lana and Lynn,

whose rugged personalities
were a % match.

Luna and Lisa,
whose expl*sive personalities

were an equally strong match.

- [yelps]
- Ow!

- Lola and Lucy,
'cause they both

have a flair for the dramatic.

- Us matching is the craziest
thing that's ever happened.

[gasps, exhales]Ever!

- I am so shocked,
I could die.

- Luan and Leni, due to their
shared love of laughter.

- Chuckle up, Leni.
There's no giggling out of this.

all: Ugh.
- [laughs]

That was so funny!

- And lastly, Lori and Lily.

- Uh, what could we possibly
have in common?

[phones chirping]


[overlapping chatter]

- Hey, guys! How's rugged
roommate life going?

- Lynn let me bring my mud.
- It's perfect

for rugby practice.

- Good stuff.

- [laughs]

- [laughs]

- Yo, Lis, is this volume okay?

- Aces! How's this volume?

- Thanks, but he only
drinks blood.

- No problem!

Does he take O positive
or B Negative?

- Hey, Mr. Coconuts, what did
the sushi say to the bee?


- [laughing]

Luan, stop it!


- Hey, Clyde.
- Oh, hey, Lincoln.

I was just giving myself the
ten minute trifle challenge.

- So guess what?

I gave my sisters
the compatibility test,

they changed rooms,
and it's working like a dream!

You hear how quiet it is?

- Dang it, Lana!

- Uh, probably just
a little glitch.

I'll call you back.

- Get your dumb snake off of
my lucky jersey!

- If she's so dumb, how'd she
find all your protein bars

when you were asleep, huh?

- [growls]

- You monster.

What have you done to Edwin?

- Brought him into
the st century.

You're welcome!

- That's my least favorite

[baby crying]

- What's going on?
- I accidentally stepped

on Lily's phone
and she's making a huge deal.

[camera shutter clicks]

Don't you dare post those!

- [laughs]
[phone beeps]

- Ahh!

[glass shatters]

- I specifically told you never
to play any note above a D !

- Better check that 'tude, dude.

Nobody tells me how to shred.

- [laughing]
- Leni, stop laughing!

- [laughs]
- All I said is I have to pee.

- How do you
come up with this stuff?

- Uh.

- Ah, Lincoln's lame test
didn't work.

- Yeah, there's no way I'm
compatible with spooky.

- Oh, you wanna go, princess?

- Easy, easy.
We can fix this.

There must be a flaw in
Lincoln's testing algorithm.

Hmm. "Ace Savvy's
Superhero Duo Quiz:

Find Your

This is the amazingly accurate
compatibility test

that led you to uproot
the entire household?

- It was dead-on
about me and Clyde.

- Yes, you two are compatible
because you're both dunces!

Everyone, remain calm.
We can still determine

the optimal
roommate arrangement.

Just need to use actual science.

I invented this baby
to help Pop Pop

find a soul mate, but he wasn't
ready for love again.

I simply input everyone's data
in the form of report cards,

journals, medical records
and DNA samples.

- Uhh, how'd you get
our DNA samples?

- Did I say DNA samples?

[machine chimes]

And voila!
Our perfect matches.

Lori and Lola will be together

since they both excel
in social situations

and possess
an authoritarian nature.


- Drop it, Lana!
- Drop it, Charles!

- Leni will be
rooming with Lynn.

- Both: Wait.
Why are we together?

That doesn't make any sense.

We don't even
have anything in common!

- Luna will be with Lana
since both enjoy

garage-based hobbies
and wield a wicked axe.

Luan will be with Lucy
because of

their shared creativity
and unusual proclivity

for befriending
inanimate objects.

Lily will be with Lincoln.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Why am I included?
- It's self-evident.

To find the most accurate
sibling matches,

one must include
all the siblings.

- Wait, I see what's going on.
Isn't it convenient

that everyone has a roommate
except you?

- Actually, I prefer

so that I have a built-in
test subject.

But it seems I match
with no one.

It's a head-scratcher.


[all gasp]

- Darn Lisa thinks
she's so smart

just because her brain's green.

Now, Lily, if we're gonna
be roomies...

- Peek-a-boo!
- You'll need to

set down some...
- Yah-boo!

- Ground rules and--
- [sneezes]


- Finally.

- [farts]

- Oh, no!

[pounding at door]

- Guess what, Ms. Smarty Pants?

There must be a flaw in your
testing algorithm

because Lily and I are
definitely not compatible.

- Oh, dear.

This is what
we in the scientific community

call an oopsie.

Everyone matched at over %,
but it appears

you and Lily
only matched at %.

- Aha!

Then this whole thing
is bogus,

and I'm calling it off.

We are switching back.


We make a great team, Lans!


- Whoo! [laughs]
- [grunts]

Thanks for letting me
bench-press you.

You're, like,
the perfect weight.

- Well, thank you.

'Cause you're helping me
decorate the ceiling.

- I have ace high.
Edwin has two pair.

- I've got a full house.
And I've got a four of a kind.

Just like us, right g*ng?

[both laughing]
- You're so funny, Mr. Coconuts.

- No!

Not that shirt, Bobby.
The one I got you!

- You better
still have it, Bobby!

- Good. Now let's call
that pageant judge

who gave you a four.

- Ohh, this should be good.

- [sighs]

Ugh, Lily!

[computer chiming]

Hey, Clyde.
- Hey, Lincoln.

How did that roommate swap
turn out?

- Not so great for me.
I ended up rooming with Lily.

- What? That's not fair.

You have to get your sisters
to switch back.

- I was going to, Clyde,
but they all seem so happy now.

I don't wanna ruin it for them,

so I'll just take one
for the team.

- You're a great brother,

I'm gonna make you
the best crêpe suzette ever.

- What's happening?
Am I dreaming?

- No, dummy. We moved you
while you were asleep.

Well, Lynn and Lana did.
[both exhale]

- We all moved back
to our old rooms.

- But I thought the new pairings

were working great
for everybody.

- They were, dude,
but when we saw

that you were willing
to take one for the team,

we thought there might be a way
that we could all be happy.

- Instead of changing rooms,
maybe we can try a little harder

to change our attitudes.

- Thanks, guys.
You're the best.

- Oh by the way, Lincoln,
I'm not certain

I removed all my chemicals
from your room.

There's still a few
unaccounted for.

So just let me know
if you see anything.

[expl*si*n booms]

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house
- ♪ Loud house

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee

♪ Never any privacy

♪ Chaos with kids

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house
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