08x04 - Goku's Power Wide Open!! Blow Away Yakon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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08x04 - Goku's Power Wide Open!! Blow Away Yakon

Post by bunniefuu »

"A Great Miscalculation!! Satan vs.

Three Super-Warriors" I wonder just what kind of guy is going to come out next.

Gohan, it's your turn now.

Goku-san, this is not a game.

Babidi only selects the very strongest henchmen from the far corners of the universe! It is fine that we have won up until now and all, but from now on, how about we all fight together? Ah, don't worry about it, Kaioshin-sama.

Besides, it wouldn't be fair, would it? Unfair? Yeah! If only me and Vegeta get to fight alone, while Gohan has to fight with everyone else He's right! Kaioshin-sama, please, leave this up to me.

Okay, Dabura.

Go! They will surely fall at my hand! Oh? Dabura-sama, where are you going? The lift to the Stages is this way.

He's all right how he is.

T- the meditation chamber? I get it.

Dabura-sama is going to heighten his Ki before fighting.

We absolutely must not open that door until Dabura says it's okay.

Right! He's sure set his mind to it! If he goes all out, it will be a simple matter for him to beat all three of them.

It's taking too long.

How long are they going to make me wait? Don't be so impatient.

They're surely getting a first-rate warrior ready for you.

By the way, I wonder what's happening at the Tenkaichi Tournament.

Good question.

All of us pulled out of there together.

Hmph, rather than going up against the trivial scum that pass for opponents in a place like this, I wanted to fight you in the Tenkaichi Tournament! I was looking forward to fighting against Father myself.

Same goes for me.

I wonder if No.

18-san is doing well.

These people revel in battle The Saiyans really do love to fight.

Hey! What's going on!? - How long are you going to make us wait!? - Hurry and start the fights again! Oh, what's goin' on? Are they fixin' to start again? Not yet.

It doesn't look like Goku and the others are back yet.

Really, where has Goku-sa gone off to? Hmm, it appears as though something is happening.

There are large Ki gathered in a distant location.

They haven't come back now in nearly an hour, surely they must be disqualified.

But with only five others remaining This is a problem, all right.

What, everyone's together already? It's a good thing we got back in time.

Hmph, those guys who left have done so in fear of Satan.

In that sense, it's fair to say that you who have remained have true courage.

W- we are greatly honored, Mister Satan! Speak for yourself.

Oh, I know! Oh, it's Mister Satan! Mister Satan! Satan! Satan! Satan! Don't worry, ladies and gentlemen! There can be no problem as long I remain here! Didn't you come here to see my strength!? That's right, Mister Satan! Way to go! You said it! Show us your elegant techniques! Pops is at it again.


He never learns.

What do you think, guys? I, Mister Satan, have a good idea.

Oh, what is it, Mister Satan? A Battle Royale.

Battle Royale!? Yeah.

Disqualify those spineless guys who have run off right now, so the courageous five of us who remain can all fight together in the ring.

No one will get excited over a tournament with only five of us, right? Having a Battle Royale will be a smash! A smash!! I- I see! Clever as always, Mister Satan! That's a great idea! However Mister Satan, in a Battle Royale W- what is it? Do you have some kind of objection to an idea from Mister Satan? N- no, it's Fine.

If that's the case, I'll just head on home.

N- no, not at all.

It is a fantastic idea.

Good, it's settled.

Make the announcement.

Right! Ladies and gentlemen, we are terribly sorry for the delay.

It has just been decided, at Mister Satan's proposal, to hold a Battle Royale with the remaining five contestants! All five will fight within the ring, and whoever remains at the end will be the victor.

Way to go! That's our Mister Satan! You said it! Wow, a Battle Royale.

As might be expected of Mister Satan.

I greatly admire you making such a courageous statement.

Hm? Courageous? That's right, Mister Satan! After all, as the anticipated winner, in a Battle Royale, the other four will first come at you en masse.

If I were to be worried over such a thing, I would not be able to call myself a true Champion.

Indeed! Mister Satan, you truly are a great Champion! Right, everyone? Oh, hell Battle Royale, he says.

I wonder if it'll be startin' before Goku-sa and Gohan-chan come back.

Hmm, we won't be able to help it if it does.

In that case, we won't be earnin' any prize money at all! Our family budget! We're broke! So then, let us now introduce the five contestants who will be appearing in the Battle Royale! First, as you all know, the Champion Mister Satan! I'm going to artfully score this one! Satan! Satan! Satan! To continue, the only female contestant this time, the oddly-named Contestant No.

18! Oh, you cute chick, hang in there! No.

18! Good luck! Win, Mommy! And, defeated during the first round in the last tournament, Contestant Mighty Mask! Oh, that's us.

All right, let's make this look smooth! Yeah! Don't overdo it, Mighty Mask! Further, defeated in the second round in the last tournament, Contestant Killa! Killa, get out of there! Finally, he's quite popular with the ladies unfortunately defeated last tournament by Mister Satan in the final round, Contestant Jewel! You're so handsome, Jewel! That's it! These five contestants will compete in the Battle Royale! Well, here we go! Let's win the Adult Division as well, Trunks-kun! Yeah! Who among these five contestants will it be that attains victory!? Hey, why don't we both send Mister Satan-sama to a ringout loss first, eh? Don't bother me.

That guy doesn't matter.

The only real threat is No.

18-san, yeah? Yeah.

W- what the He's got a strange way of speaking.

Bonjour, my lovely princess.

I cannot bear that a lady such as yourself should have to fight.

What do you say? After the match, just the two of us could get something to eat, or Get lost, you eyesore! W- what did you say!? So then, the final round will have no time limit! Let us have this five-man Battle Royale begin at once! I- if you're coming, then come on! I'll take you! Well, bring it on! That woman! How dare she refuse my explicit invitation! Rotten Mighty Mask! When did you start having such a sassy mouth? Damn you! Begin the match! Oh, what is this? Very early into the match, Contestant Jewel and Contestant Killa have both dropped out! That lady has a cute face, and she's incredible! Contestant Mighty Mask is pretty good too! Yea! Mommy, nice going! Stick it to 'em, No.

18! Attaway! Mommy, nice work! H- how lucky! I don't know how, but two of those dismal characters are out of it! All that's left are those two lowlifes! V- victory is mine! That strange long-torsoed creep he's no slouch! Those short arms have greater punching power than I would have thought.

Stay sharp, Goten.

They say Kuririn-san's wife used to be stronger than our papas were a long time ago.

Yeah, got it! Come on, both of you! I'll take you both out at once! Just ignore him.


And so, three contestants remain! Contestant Mighty Mask! Contestant No.

18! And the Champion, Contestant Mister Satan! Who among these three will remain and be victorious!? My victory is all but assured! All I have to do is settle it all while looking cool! That's it! First, I'll defeat that masked goon with moves far more flamboyant than they need to be! Then, as that cute girl cowers at my strength, I'll tenderly escort her like a gentleman to a ringout loss! Both the cute girl and the spectators will be captivated by it all! Oh, Mister Satan! He is already proclaiming victory! Magnificent! That was absolutely magnificent! What is he, stupid? Just let him be! Okay, then! You, masked goon! You will be the first to fall! Forgive me, but there is no sentiment in the world of fighting! All right, our opponent is No.

18-san! Got that, Goten? Okay! She's strong, all right.

Fight back! I know! Here goes! They're good! Incredible! If Goku-sa isn't fightin', we'll cheer for No.

18 instead.

Hang in there, No.

18-san! Mommy, hang tough! Hmm? Mm? Can it be? Idiot, not that way! Right! Right! Easy for you to say! Oh no! We're going to lose! Okay, then! They're flying! The two of them are flying through the air! Just what is going on here? That does it, let's break through here! You must not do such a thing! We can't just wait here forever! B- but you can't just break it! If we irritate them for no reason, it is instead likely to place us in danger! They're getting impatient! Is Dabura ready yet? Sir, he's still in the meditation chamber.

Good, good! Dabura, raise that Ki even higher! More, more! Dabura, king of the Demon Realm, has entered the meditation chamber to heighten his Ki before doing battle.

Gohan eagerly looks forward to his attack! This is hard to fight in! Elsewhere, who will it be that dominates the Tenkaichi Tournament's Battle Royale? No.

18? Mighty Mask? Or for that matter, Mister Satan?
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