08x01 - The Man Behind the Curtains Appears!! The Evil Madoshi Babidi

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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08x01 - The Man Behind the Curtains Appears!! The Evil Madoshi Babidi

Post by bunniefuu »

"The Man Behind the Curtains Appears!! The Evil Madoshi Babidi" That went well! When we bring him this much energy, Babidi-sama will be most pleased! We are sure to get a fine reward! Let's hurry! Yeah! In other words, in the distant past, this incredibly terrible monster, Majin Boo, conjured up by Madoshi Bibidi, was sealed up somewhere here on Earth, is that right? Yes.

The only one able to break that seal was Madoshi Bibidi, and so we were relieved.

However, as we recently learned, Madoshi Bibidi had a child.

That child has now come to Earth.

And he's the one who's manipulating Yamu and Spopovitch? Yes.

Madoshi Babidi has the same heart of evil as his father Bibidi.

Majin and Madoshi and such.

Nothing but bizarre guys popping up, huh? So, in short, we have to see to it that this Majin Boo ain't revived, right? That is correct.

That means we must defeat Madoshi Babidi.

Babidi is the only one who can break the seal on Majin Boo now.

So is he strong, this Babidi? He uses formidable magic, but he doesn't have any great power himself.

His father Bibidi was the same way.

However, a Madoshi can seize upon the hearts of evil men such as Yamu and Spopovitch, and manipulate them.

It'd be nice if he didn't keep such tough people at his side.

So what did Spopovitch and Yamu come to the Tenkaichi Tournament for? What is it they did to me? In order to revive Majin Boo, who has been sealed up for such a long time, it seems they need a great deal of unpolluted energy.

Unpolluted energy? Babidi sent those two to the Tenkaichi Tournament, with the aim of collecting such energy quickly.

Once you turned Super Saiyan, your energy became their greatest target.

Both myself and Kaioshin-sama knew that Babidi would probably do so, so we slipped in as well.

We wanted to know where Babidi was.

Once we had come to Earth, we searched around some, but the ball that Majin Boo had been sealed in was no longer where it was in the past.

It had been moved somewhere else.

That's why we wanted to follow those two, so we could learn where Babidi is.

V- Videl-san You okay? Y- yeah If this Majin was so terrible, why did you leave him alone when you k*lled Babidi's dad way back then? It could not be helped.

If we had caused him any trauma without being precise, we might have accidentally broken the seal.

Besides, we were at ease.

The ball Majin Boo was sealed in was in a place where mankind on Earth, who had just barely started walking upright, .


would find it impossible to go to.

What happened to the matches!? Start them up now! Don't you try making fools of us! Please, wait a moment! We are currently in conference! Please wait a moment longer! What's going on!? Both Videl and Son Gohan just took off flying somewhere.

It's been a strange day, huh? Videl got beaten senseless, then suddenly she's okay again, and even flying around You don't suppose it's all some kind of trick? The way Mister Satan said before? I- it has to be.

This has got to be a trick! Never mind Son Gohan, it's unthinkable that Videl could fly through the air.

Oh, so that's what this is!? Everyone's joined together to play a trick on us! When you take a good look at it, this is such a waste! I'm going to give them a piece of my mind when I see them at school.

Hurry it up! We came to see a match! Please do not throw things! Please don't throw things! Goten, what's going on? I dunno At this speed we will not be able to catch up to Kaioshin-sama.

We're going to raise our speed a bit more.

R- right! Uh, just a second Videl-san, I don't think you should overexert yourself.

I hate it but I can't do any more.

We're already going so fast I can't keep my eyes open.

Videl-san, you've just barely started flying is all.

You really should go back.

We don't know what's going to happen from here on.

It looks like it's going to be far worse than we can imagine.

I guess that's all I can do.

Any way I think it through, I'd just be in the way.

Regrettable thought it may be Thanks.

Go back to the tournament grounds.

If you find Goten or Mother there, explain to them what's happening here.


But Gohan-kun, you were the Golden Warrior after all, weren't you? Y- yeah.

I'm sorry I had to lie to you.

I didn't want anyone to know.

Seven years ago, during the fight with Cell, those strange people there at the ring were you guys, huh? That child who was there together with them was you, Gohan-kun, right? Yeah.

And it was probably you guys that beat Cell, not my Papa.

Well, that is I knew it! It's okay.

You don't have to worry over it.

I'd always thought it was a little strange that Papa defeated him.

It's a load off clearing that up.

Hang in there, Gohan-kun.

Beat this Madoshi Babidi and save us all! Mm-hmm.

Gohan-kun! I'll be waiting for you at the tournament grounds! Right! Is it all right now? Yes, please excuse us! Well then, let's raise our speed.

We must catch up to Kaioshin-sama.

Right! W- what speed they have! Don't die, Gohan-kun.

If you come back safely, I want to date you and stuff Ah, we've caught up! Father! Oh, it's Gohan! Hurry on up here! Gohan, we've been waiting for you.


Have you heard? Our enemy this time seems to be some incredibly terrible guy! Yes.

Well, it's been some time.

Should we get rowdy? I'm sure of it.

Goku is all eager, but are we all right? It sounds like it's going to be pretty bad.

They're here There it is.

They've started to descend.

Around here? Odd.

I thought we'd investigated this area once.

Gentlemen, please hold your Ki.

Is that clear? There's someone there.

Is that Babidi? No, it isn't.

He must be one of Babidi's henchmen.

Say, there's something strange about the ground, but just in that area.

It's like it's been dug up.

That's it! Babidi must have buried his spaceship in the ground to hide it.

That's why we searched all over and still didn't notice it.

Which probably means that Babidi knows we've come to Earth.

Otherwise he wouldn't have taken the trouble to hide his ship.

Shouldn't we attack now? Before they can revive Majin Boo with the energy stolen from Gohan? It's all right.

Majin Boo's revival should be conducted outside the spaceship, in order not to damage it.

Let's watch and wait a little longer, until that time comes.

Someone's coming out.

Dabura!! It couldn't be Dabura!? Babidi has placed the King of the Demon Realm within the palm of his hand? Dabura? Which one, the big one? Yes.

Is he pretty awesome? Of course.

He is the King of the Demon Realm of Darkness, after all.

W- what's the Demon Realm of Darkness? There's another world on the opposite side of this world.

In this world, one of you guys is probably Number One, but Dabura is absolutely Tops in this other, Demonic world.

King of the Demon Realm, you say!? Such a world really exists? This guy must be incredibly dangerous! All this can't be real! Which means that little one must be Madoshi Babidi, right? Yes.

That guy? That's the guy? Of his own power, he's certainly helpless, but he uses fearsome magic, so you must not underestimate him.

It's strong enough that he made Dabura one of his henchmen.

Then Babidi's magic is strong enough to make even.




the kingpin of the Demon Realm surrender to him? No, we believe he probably takes hold of the evil and greed in his victim's hearts, and uses it to steer them as he pleases.

In that sense, Dabura is the most suitable henchman there is.

Truth is, that's the most horrifying magic Babidi possesses.

Yamu, Spopovitch and all his other henchmen are governed by that magic.

That's why those of us like yourselves without evil in their hearts are the only ones who can fight against him.

Those without evil in their hearts, eh? But doesn't that rule Piccolo out? He was born a Demon clansman and all That was a long time ago! You have a full t*nk of energy here? Y- yes! You know, having Dabura here was a great miscalculation.

To think of having Babidi and Dabura together Are you trying to say our chances of winning have all but disappeared? Hmph, if Majin Boo is revived, it's the end of the world, huh? I won't have it! I won't be beat by them! T- this is going to be pretty dangerous, all right.

Kuririn, you'd better go back.

This is a lot more tough than we thought it would be.

I- I think I might just do that.

This doesn't appear to be the level where I can help out.

That and not many days have passed since you got married and all Y- yeah, I've got a wife and cute little daughter too Well, I hate to do so, but You've done well.

This brings us considerably closer to Majin Boo's revival! Hey, with our powers, it was an easy job, not even worth mentioning! Your use to me has now passed.

"Boom!" Every time I hear it, it sounds good, huh!? Yes.

I think so as well.

Well then, I will do him Puipui, I bet you'd like a try, right? Yes! Nice shot! T- they did in their own! What kind of guys are these? At last, the ringleader of evil, Madoshi Babidi shows himself! The King of the Demon Realm of Darkness is together with him! There's a vile sense that extraordinary events are about to occur!
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