07x23 - A Tragic Videl!! Are You Coming Out, Angry Super Gohan?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x23 - A Tragic Videl!! Are You Coming Out, Angry Super Gohan?

Post by bunniefuu »

"A Tragic Videl!! Are You Coming Out, Angry Super Gohan?" H- how can this be!? Contestant Spopovitch is also flying! It can't be! H- hey, do you suppose this flying thing is becoming a trend? U- unbelievable! He can do that? Spopovitch? Absurd! How is it he too can fly? A Kikoha blast!? What kind of guy is this!? T- that lousy creep! It wasn't all that powerful, but he used a Kikoha on her! Not quite! By k*lling her, he would lose.

He purposely kept the blast weak.

Why would he? He seems to have a lot more power than his own abilities can account for.

He shouldn't have the kind of power it takes to use the Bukujutsu and Kikoha techniques.

So what does it all mean? I don't know.

How is it he came to possess such power? I don't care who or what he is! I'm Videl! I'm the daughter of Mister Satan, who defeated Cell! I am going to beat him for sure! Contestant Videl is down! Was that the decisive blow? Oh, Contestant Videl has not yet given up! With her indomitable fighting spirit, she's trying to get up.

W- who were you expecting would give up? What!? T- this is terrible! What kind of guy is he? Stop, already! If this keeps up, it'll mess up Videl's face! It doesn't look like she's going to get off as easy as just that! Hmm, they say my first round opponent is a woman, so when I win, I'd better not strike too much of a "guts pose" or it'll look like I'm being sarcastic This would be playing it up too much to the spectators.


It sure is hard having a woman for an opponent.

Mister Satan! Videl-san is having the daylights beaten out of her by Spopovitch! You've misspoken.

You mean Spopovitch is having the daylights beaten out of him by Videl.

No, that isn't I'm very busy right now! I don't need these updates, just tell me what the outcome of the match is.

The outcome that Videl has won, that is.

R- right Don't toy with me! Contestant Spopovitch has thrown Contestant Videl! This could be all for her.

Defeat by Ringout! I- it's no use! I don't have the power left to fly.

Oh! Contestant Spopovitch has saved Contestant Videl from a Ringout loss! What could he be thinking? Videl-san He's just playing around now.

However, Contestant Videl is not getting up.

Could she be unconscious? Reluctantly, I must begin the count.

That's enough! That's enough! Just keep lying there like that.

Don't get up! You can't get up! Oh, she's up! Contestant Videl has gotten up! Such perseverance! What wonderful force of mind! She's gotten up It's senseless! He's out of the ordinary! Concede, already! V- Videl-san! T- this is terrible! Contestant Spopovitch is beating Contestant Videl black and blue! That bastard That's enough! Please, concede, Videl-san I guess Videl-san's match must be over by now.

That's too bad.

It's all right! Videl-san will last until the final round, so she has plenty of matches to go.

It's terrible, it's terrible! Videl-san is getting beaten senseless! What!? Hurry up! With our support, we can cheer some spirit back into Videl-san! Yeah! Dammit! Stop already! Videl-chan is going to die! You've held up long enough! Concede! Concede, already! Videl-san! Videl-san, I agree with what the Great Saiyaman-san is saying.

Don't you think it best if you concede? N- no way! I'll never concede! W- why are you being so stubborn!? You're really going to get k*lled here! He's not holding back because you're a girl, he doesn't have that kind of compassion! That's awful! How could he!? V- Videl! You bastard! Damn you! Any more and I'll arrest you! H- hey, Gohan, relax! It's all right, she ain't going to die.

T- this is terrible! Contestant Spopovitch, I can't believe these are the actions of a human being! A- ain't there anythin' left that can be done? If this keeps up, that girl will be dead before she marries Gohan! Gohan No! I don't I don't want to lose! Why you You're going to pay now.

You damned bastard! H- hey! This isn't right! Calm down, Gohan! No way! Stop!! The goofing around ends now, Spopovitch! I don't believe this is what we came here to do.

Hurry up and win! R- Ringout! Contestant Spopovitch wins.

Videl-san! Um, should I call for a stretcher? No, I'll carry her.

Spopovitch! You'll pay for this! Every last bit of you! You got that!? Kuririn, do you have any Senzu? No.

We all came here half for the fun of it, so I see.

All right.

I'll go up to where Karin-sama is and bring some back.

Relax, Gohan! Goku has just gone off to get some Senzu! Senzu? Really? All right! W- w- what!? Videl has massive injuries and was defeated? Y- yes.

B- but that's impossible! Videl should be the strongest in the world, second only to me! That fool! She must have got caught up in her techniques and dropped her guard! Videl! Videl! Videl! T- this is awful! It's all right.

There's no threat to her life.

Who the hell are you!? Are you the one who did this to my daughter? No, not him.

This boy kindly carried her in this far.

O- oh yeah, that's right.

Her opponent was Spopovitch, huh? Nice job.

I'll give you an autograph later.

Right, thanks.

Well, you're in our way here, you can leave now.


G- Gohan-kun Get get him for me Once I win this next match, I'll meet him in the second round! What are you saying, Videl? That crazy kid doesn't have a chance! I will be the one who takes out Spopovitch! I- i- it can't be! You two aren't together, are you!? I- I won't allow it! Especially not that aggravatingly weak looking boy! I say it all the time, don't I? You can't have a boyfriend unless he's stronger than your Papa! Silence.

Here are your Senzu.

Thank you, Karin-sama! Now then, you mustn't let your defenses down, Goku.

I have a bad feeling about what's about to happen.


So do I.

What is this "bad feeling" that Karin-sama also has? Is there something extreme waiting to happen at this Tenkaichi Tournament?
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