07x22 - Undyingly Unpleasant!? The Mystery of Spopovitch

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x22 - Undyingly Unpleasant!? The Mystery of Spopovitch

Post by bunniefuu »

"Undyingly Unpleasant!? The Mystery of Spopovitch" Videl! Videl! Videl! How gross! That guy's really occupied with something Videl! Good luck! Hey, Videl will have an easy victory against that rat.

Fight! Fight! Lovely Videl! Whaddya know? Gohan's girlfriend is unusually popular.

So it seems.

That kid is Gohan's? How about that? Gohan must know a thing or two about girls.

Yeah! And besides, I've been hearin' she's a girl from a rich family, and Gohan's so good to his Ma.

But she is the only daughter of Mister Satan.

Something like that doesn't matter.

After all, that's a matter between the two of them.

And so, the third match, between Contestant Videl and Contestant Spopovitch! Please Begin! What is it? Perhaps I'm mistaken, but m- might you be Yes? m- might you be the Grand Kaio-sama? No.

I am not.

He isn't the Grand Kaio.

This is Kaioshin-sama.

K- Kaioshin!? Whoa! Contestant Videl makes a lead-off attack! Such ferocity! She gives him absolutely no chance to hit back! Please keep this to yourself, for now.

I do not wish anyone to know just yet.

K- Kaioshin-sama Above the four Kaio-sama stands the Grand Kaio-sama I had heard stories that higher still, there was a Kami that stood over the Kaio-sama, but No wonder he should have a dimension so different than ours.

What's the matter, Piccolo? Did he say something untoward to you? If he did, want me to go over and snap at him? After all, Piccolo, you did use to be Kami over the Earth! S- stop! Don't say a thing! Please! Don't say anything! Got it!? That young man is K- Kaioshin-sama!? I've never even had the honor of meeting him.

Why would such a figure go somewhere like Earth? Oh! Contestant Spopovitch is down already! I will begin the count! Contestant Spopovitch has gotten to his feet! Looks like he still has plenty of get-up-and-go left in him! Spopovitch there sure does take a blow a lot stronger now.

I guess more than just his outward appearance has changed.


When I first saw him, I didn't realize it was him.

Contestant Videl lands a terrific attack! However, Contestant Spopovitch seems to be bearing it well.

Contestant Spopovitch is down no! He's back up! He's gotten up! How's that girl doing? She can go! Yeah, she has ability completely over his! Her techniques are landing one after the other.

Hmph, what a low level of fighting She's connected once again! She certainly is a gifted young lady when it comes to hand-to-hand! The great man Spopovitch is no match for her! Nice! Way to go, Videl! She's doin' pretty good, huh, that girl? She sure is fit to be Gohan's girlfriend, huh? You really think so! I do! We gotta get those two married now, no matter what! You gotta be kidding.

That's really Mister Satan's daughter? So? She's pretty good, isn't she? No way! Whoa! Contestant Spopovitch once again rises as if nothing has happened! What toughness he is displaying! This proves to be an unexpected development.

Contestant Videl's ferocious attack does not seem to be registering any damage on Contestant Spopovitch! You sure are stubborn! All right! It's over! It's decided! Contestant Videl lands continuous, terrible att*cks! Not even Contestant Spopovitch can possibly, possib? H- he's up.

I- impossible! She's better off withdrawing from this match.

There's something weird about him.

Withdraw? But Videl's leading him! That's right! Aah! Videl! Heh, relax! Videl's just playing around with him.

Snap out of it! I can't very well let you become Gohan's bride like that! Looks as though Chichi-san is about to become the fussy mother-in-law! Yeah.

Aa! She'll fall! Oh, no! She's stopped.

How's this? Contestant Videl is flying in mid-air! She has not yet fallen! W- what!? What's going on? Nice going! Nice going! I taught her how to do that, the Bukujutsu technique! She may have been better off falling out just now.

There's something strange about that Spopovitch guy.

He should have taken all that damage up until now, yet he ain't bothered by it, and I can't feel any life's Ki in him as such.

"Life's Ki as such?" What do you mean? Well, I don't know what it means.

What? Videl is about to get beaten by Spopovitch!? Y- yes.

There's some kind of mistake.

Spopovitch was defeated by me in the first round of the last Tournament! Videl has much greater strength than he does! Well, you see, it appears he has gotten much better since last time She's acting, she's acting! Videl, you rascal, you've learned from me, trying to stir up this Tournament, aren't you!? Are you sure that's it? That has to be it! Contestant Spopovitch's neck has been broken! She's done him in! Whoa! She k*lled him! You mustn't look! L- ladies and gentlemen, this is a most tragic conclusion.

According to the rules of this Tournament, as Contestant Videl has k*lled her opponent, she is disqualif? W- w- w- What's this!? His neck has returned to normal! How can this possibly be!? W- what is this? Goku is right.

She'd better concede! There's definitely something irregular about that punk! Oh! Contestant Videl is flying again! Yeah! That's good! Escape up into the air for a bit to recover some of your energy! H- he's flying! It can't be! Spopovitch can fly through the air too? What is the secret of this man's strength? Moreover, how will the now-cornered Videl fight against him?
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