07x21 - What's the Matter, Piccolo!? An Unheard-of No-Fight-Forfeit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x21 - What's the Matter, Piccolo!? An Unheard-of No-Fight-Forfeit

Post by bunniefuu »

"What's the Matter, Piccolo!? An Unheard-of No-Fight-Forfeit" Mister Satan, the board with the matches for this Tenkaichi Tournament has been drawn up.

Can we have your impressions at this time? Well, this time, from where I see it, I would say that many high-level contestants have come together.

I hope they will stick it out well in the cause of advancing and expanding the techniques of hand-to-hand fighting, as they take aim at such a large star as myself.

As might be expected of Mister Satan! Always thinking about the world of hand-to-hand, aren't you? Of course, as Champion, it's only natural.

Champion, could you tell us your aspirations for this Tournament? Well, there can be only one person that arrives at the World Championship, right? Can we take that to be a declaration of victory, then? Oh, no, you never know what might happen during the matches.

Carelessness is forbidden.

Such modesty! Moving along, does anyone know who my opponent is? She's a lady contestant, named No.


Ho, a lady? No, this is too much! He's known all along, and I told him.

Piccolo-san Say, Gohan-kun, that person has been just like that for some time now.

He's unusually uptight, isn't he? That's not it in the least.

He does that to heighten his Ki is all.

Piccolo-san, why are you so uptight? Is it your next opponent? You're sure fired up, aren't you Goku? I just can't seem to wait.

Considering your first match is against Vegeta, it'll be like holding the final round right there.

I'm already excited! Piccolo Yeah, he's pretty fired up too.

Indeed, looks like you'll be my opponent in the second round, Piccolo.

Take it easy on me, okay? Right, Goku? And as for you, your opponent is the World Champion for now.

Spare him enough face accordingly.

Leave it alone! I know, already.

Videl's in the third match? For some reason, I'm starting to get excited too! Not to worry.

Videl winning is about as sure a thing as Mister Satan winning.

That's a good point.

Oh, The Great Saiyaman is here! That means the second round will have a match between the two friends of justice! That'll be interesting, huh? Hmph, I'm not even sure that yokel boy will even get past the first round! Listen up, raise your voices! We, the Satan City Police will support Videl-san with everything we've got! Here! What's up, Bulma? You're having an unusually fun time of it.

After all, Trunks just won the Junior Division.

With that having sunk in, of course I'm happy.

Vegeta will win the Senior Division, and father and son will have won the Tenkaichi Tournament.

That'll be impossible! His opponent is my Goku-sa.

Forget victory, Vegeta will lose in the first round.

Oh, we don't know that.

After all, Trunks-kun beat out Goten-kun.

It's an absolute certainty that Goku-sa will be the victor! As sure as the sun comes up in the west, Goku-sa does not lose! I'm sorry, but you know, Vegeta has been undergoing ferocious training with my newly-modeled hyper-gravity device for five years now.

This time Vegeta will win for sure! Goku-sa knows our family's livin' rests on him winnin'! Not like some people I could mention who are here to fight as their hobby! Vegeta will win! Goku-sa! Vegeta! Goku-sa! H- hey! Cut it out, you're both acting like children! You shut up! Ooh, ow! We apologize for the delay.

Who from among this group will it be that stands at the pinnacle? And so, we commence the matches! First up is Contestant Kuririn vs.

Contestant Punter.

Good luck, Kuririn.

Well, guess I'll be back in a moment.

Whaddya think you're Oh, so that's where you were! I thought maybe you'd run away again! You've gotta have no luck to be my opponent right away! Well, don't worry yourself.

With any luck, you'll just have to be taken to the hospital.

And so, the two contestants take the ring.

Contestant Kuririn placed very well in this Tournament during his younger years, and this will be his first appearance in a long while.

He faces Contestant Punter, known for his ferocity, who last Tournament made it all the way to the semifinals, where he unfortunately met with a loss by ringout.

This Tournament, he naturally came with his eye on victory! That man fighting with Father looks big and strong.

Is he okay? Relax, relax.

That guy is nothing at all.

Your father is the strongest man in the world! Really? Yeah, really.

Among earthlings, anyhow.

What's the deal with that difference in body size? This is no excuse for a match! That poor Contestant Kuririn! Oh, Contestant Punter! Even with that much difference in their size, he doesn't appear to be going easy on him one bit! Contestant Punter is here with a purpose! So, how will Contestant Kuririn face off against him? It's obvious! I'll have to make him understand that the Tenkaichi Tournament is no place to play around.

It's no place for a pipsqueak pappy like yourself to come to.

Man, this is no time to be wasting my energy on a bonehead like him.

Once you set flame to Punter's brutal way of fighting, he has no mercy.

And so, please begin the match immediately! As you can see, I may be large, but I'm also fast and nimble.

Got that!? You know that it's useless for you to try to scamper away from me! I got it, I got it.

I won't run, I won't run.

It's too soon to lose heart yet! I'll show you how tough I am next! Go ahead and try punching me.

What's the matter? Don't be shy! Well? Well? All right.

I accept your gracious offer! Right, Ringout! Contestant Punter, Ringout! Contestant Kuririn wins! Awesome! He did it, he did it! Father is strong! Told ya.

Way to go! As good as ever! I've been waiting for this! The Tenkaichi Tournament has got to be just like this! Nice going, Kuririn.

No problem.

Piccolo, your turn is next.

Good luck! Hey, what are you so nervous about? This isn't the kind of match you should be getting nervous over! What's up, you guys? No fair, Trunks-kun.

Let me have some too! No way, we'll be found out! After the match! But it's hot in here, I can't stand it! Ah, watch out! You can't just let go! Here, have some.

Ah, that was good.

Continuing to the second match, we will have Contestant Shin vs.

Contestant Ma Junior.

Both contestants, will enter the ring.

I see now.

This would appear to be quite an entertaining tournament.

And so, both contestants, if you would.


This is Contestant Shin's first Tournament appearance.

He faces Contestant Ma Junior, who showed us an extraordinary final round battle in a Tournament long ago, one that I remember quite well! Uh, er, please don't destroy the stadium this time.

Hey, isn't that one of the guys that got in the way when Mister Satan fought Cell? You're right! Unmistakable, it was on the TV! What's the matter? Does he really bother you that much? This Shin character? Yeah, guess so.

I don't know He doesn't look all that great.

Finally, we'll find out exactly the extent of this guy's battle power, which so far we can't even guess at.

And so, our second match! Please begin! My power is failing me W- why? For some reason, it's difficult to fight him Yet I've just met him.

What's wrong!? Why aren't they fighting!? What's happening? What's the matter? Please begin! Stop messing around and go, already! We came here to watch a match! We didn't come to see some staring contest! Time is running out! Please, hurry and start! U- unbelievable! What's the matter with you, Piccolo-san? That rotten J- just who is this guy? What is it about him? You will know soon enough.

But now, let's just enjoy the game.

Piccolo! What is the matter? E- excuse me.

I withdraw.

W- withdraw!? By withdraw, you mean you aren't fighting? That's correct.

That's right, he used to be the Kami over this planet.

Perhaps he has already begun to sense who it is I am.

Since Contestant Ma Junior has withdrawn, Contestant Shin wins without a fight! What was that? What's going on!? Doesn't he feel well? You're right, he does seem awfully pale.

Piccolo-san! Hey, Piccolo That bad, Piccolo? Yeah.

Our dimensions are too different.

You're kidding, right? Stop joking around! I have to fight against him next! Well, let's keep on going.

Next is the third match.

Contestant Videl vs.

Contestant Spopovitch.

Videl! Videl! Videl! Videl! You're incredibly popular, huh? G- good luck, Videl-san! Hey, Spopovitch! It's your turn! Hey, you hear me? It's time.

Gohan-kun I'll be waiting for you in the second round.

Contestant Videl is, as everyone knows, Mister Satan's daughter, as well as a friend of justice, who in cooperation with the police, has helped punish many bad people.

At the Tournament seven years ago, despite being a little girl, she prides herself on winning the Junior Division.

She faces Contestant Spopovitch, who was eliminated in the first round of the last Tournament, but having undergone an Image Change, is up to the challenge again.

Videl! Videl! Videl! The Tenkaichi Tournament reaches high tide with the appearance of the ultra-popular Videl.

However, there is a mysterious contestant, against whom even Piccolo is powerless.

What is the nature of this Shin? And what is the meaning behind his gaze?
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