07x16 - No Small Matter!! Little Trunks

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x16 - No Small Matter!! Little Trunks

Post by bunniefuu »

"No Small Matter!! Little Trunks" Aw, he wrecked it I- I'm going home, if he'll be competing.

Can't take him anywhere H- hey! Aren't you surprised at that? That guy destroyed the Punch Machine, after all! Y- yeah, I was surprised.

I don't believe it! That whole group I think they're all in the same party, and they all got around 200 points! Yet up until them, the 137 points recorded by my Papa was the highest score! Oh, really? Those of you who have yet to go through the preliminary, please wait just a moment.

We are preparing a new Punch Machine for you.

Hey, Vegeta! There's a Junior Division, where the kids are entered into, that's about to start.

Wanna go watch? Hmph, sure, why not? It beats hanging around in this crummy place.

Here they come.

I'd like to know what the story is with this group.

Huh!? Hey, the friend you mentioned was a girl? This is a girl, right? Y- yes.

This is my friend Videl-san.

Nice going, there! She's pretty cute, isn't she? No see that's not Trunks and the other's matches are about to start, so we're gonna go watch them.

You hurry up and get your preliminary taken care of.

Right! How long before they start the preliminaries again? You know them? Hm? Yeah.

The one wearing the bright orange-colored gi was my father.

Huh? Y- you said your father was dead! Y- yeah, that's right.

That's why he had that ring over his head, see? What is the deal with you people? And so, the reopening of the long-closed Tenkaichi Tournament is about to begin! First, the younger kids, those 15 and under, will compete for victory in the Junior Division! And though it may be the Junior Division, The prize for first place is 10 million Zeni! The prize for second place is 5 million Zeni! Further, the youngster who wins the division will, as a special attraction what's this? How wonderful! He will get to fight with him as a special present! And by him, of course I mean The Champion of the Tenkaichi Tournament, Mister Satan! Satan! Satan! Satan! Satan! Satan! Satan! Are you all right? Joke! Joke!! Great! Nice joke, Mister Satan! It wasn't bad Now then, in the time we have before the preliminaries are finished and the Junior Division gets underway, Please enjoy this special event we've kept especially for today, featuring Mister Satan! What can it be, but a motion picture.




recreating the role Mister Satan played during the Cell Games! We present to you "Our Savior Mister Satan: A Record of Glory" What? I haven't heard about this! Awesome! A recreation of the Cell Games! All right! I've always wanted to see this! Hey, they say there's a movie.

Stop! This is something the TV station made by themselves! This isn't something I had made so I could brag about it! How modest of you to say.

Everyone, do you want to see the movie? Okay, in that case, everyone do the Satan Call! Hey, hold on now Satan! Satan! Satan! Yea! And so, ladies and gentlemen, enjoy the show! What do you call that!? We're gonna defeat you! Oh, man! You'll lose again! Let's go! This is absurd! Don't get so upset.

It's pretty fun to watch, ain't it? What's the matter? Is that all you've got!? D- damn you! In that case, I am the winner! Wait! How embarrassing! I wish they hadn't used that face! You fool! Who's the fool now? What!? H- how did you get over there!? Your tricks won't work on me! Get him, Satan! Finish him! That's enough! I told you this won't work! I- I was wrong! Forgive me! I won't do any more bad things! Nothing doing! You're going to pay for your evil deeds at my fist! I- incredible! Just what we'd expect from Satan-sama! Justice wins! Sure is amazing what happens when you let a fib go on this long! Wow, that was wonderful! Absolutely wonderful! Hmm? Mister Satan? Satan-san? How embarrassing! Yes, just what we would expect from our Champion! Most elegantly done! You hush up! All right! I'm going to win for sure, and get Mister Satan's autograph! Say, what are you going to buy with your prize money? Toys and candy! You're such a kid, Goten.

What about you, Trunks-kun? I'm not sure what I would do with it Trunks-kun, your family is the richest in the world, so there's probably nothing you want, huh? Hmph! Look at them all! There's nothing but weak, provincial-looking types here! Who's your first opponent? Lucky, lucky! It's that runt over there! Oh, that'll be an easy win for you! Let's go have some fun with him! Sounds good.

Now that you mention it, I haven't thought of what I want.

Hey, pee-wee! Hey, you! I'm gonna beat you senseless! Did you remember to put on your diaper? Don't wet yourself, now! Get lost, you idiot! Wha-!? You, and your jerkwater hairstyle.

What did you say? Why, you You've really said it, didn't you!? Now I've decided I'm gonna leave you half-dead! Oh, really? So how was our Special Event, "Our Savior Mister Satan: A Record of Glory?" And now, let's begin the Junior Division of the Tenkaichi Tournament! Looks like even the Tournament couldn't keep itself from getting all flashy.

The ring's a lot bigger than it was before, too.

Hmm, it's all just an insignificant show now.

Look, there's Trunks! As you know, the Junior Division has no preliminary round.

tournament to show off their skills for us.

The rules are the same as for the adults- Give-ups, ring-outs, ten-count downs, and being knocked out will constitute a loss.

Good luck, Trunks! Goten-chan! Whatever, just start this, already! Here we are! Ah, good.

I've finally found an open seat.

I should see Idasa-chan well from here.

Why you.


So, let's get started right away, then! Our first match is between Bart-kun, age 12, and Peppero-kun, age 14! Aw, they're starting! I wish they'd hurry this up! That's right, Goten-kun will be participating in this too! Nice! Way to go! As expected, Mister Satan, your movie was a great hit! Thanks to you, the video version has sold out in one day! That's only to be expected.

Oh, my! He has started crying! Will he give up? Hey, hey! Ah, ringout! This is remarkable! A come-from-behind victory for Kadpi-kun! This really is just a bunch of kids fighting.

And so, onto Round 7! This is between Koryu-kun, age 10, and Imamu-kun, age 8.

Begin! Hold on there, son! Ringout! That's as far as it goes! Young man.


Don't cry! Mister Satan! Stick out your chest! Boys must not be made to cry so easily! Okay! There, that's a good boy.

Oh, what a delightful happening this is! That's our Mister Satan! What a heartwarming sight! Nice going, Satan! That was cool, Satan! Heh, that was perfect! That was better than perfect! I'll have to try using that again sometime.

What was all that? You've got me.

He manages to think up something for every occasion.

Sounds like something eventful is going on.

Why can't they hurry this up? Ringout! Karashnikov-kun wins! Now, onto the ninth round! Trunks-kun, age 8, versus Idasa-kun, age 15.

Oh, it's lil' Trunks! Give him your best! Ah, if he gives his best, things could get ugly.

Keep it under control! You ready for this, you little turd? "Silence", I'm ignoring you.

You're really starting to annoy me, kid! I'm still ignoring you.

I feel sorry for that poor kid! Age 8 versus age 15! Good luck, Trunks! Idasa-chan, it's your Mama! What are you doing!? Against a little opponent like that, poor Idasa-chan won't even be able to show his true ability.

You know, it's really too bad.

Why did my camera have to get broken like this? Now I can't sh**t Idasa-chan's valiant form! Trunks! Knock a hole in his dumb-looking face! I never! How vulgar! Begin! Bring it on, you little turd! Come on! You talk too much.

I don't need you to tell me what to do.


Maybe I got a little too serious there.

Guess I'm still a kid too.

H- he's unconscious! Trunks-kun wins! Incredible! Idasa-chan! Hoo, boy.

This is going to be dull until Goten and Trunks go at it.

They said I was in the match after this one.

This is why I asked them to let me fight with the adults.

You know? The Tenkaichi Tournament finally begins, with the Junior Division.

Just how powerful are the little super-warriors, Trunks and Goten?
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