07x14 - "Welcome Back, Goku! The Entire Z Team Assembles!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x14 - "Welcome Back, Goku! The Entire Z Team Assembles!

Post by bunniefuu »

Welcome Back Goku! The Whole Z Team is Gathered! Look, I've gotten pretty good at floating! That's good.

That's perfect.

Now you don't need me to teach you anymore.

How long is it going to take before I can fly like that? Well, I don't know, but it would probably take a while.

I'm going to keep coming here until I can do that well.

Just a sec.

Brother, look, look! Goten, don't fly any faster than this while Videl-san is here.

Why? That doesn't matter, okay? What was that? I was giving him some advice.

I need a break.

Hey, don't tell my papa I'm learning how to fly.

I want to surprise him at the competition.

Sure thing.

That would be best.

Also, if he found out I was coming to a boy's house, he'd get very angry.

He overprotects me.

Videl, do you understand that you can't go out with a boy unless he's stronger than me? There's no way there can be any boy like that.

After all, he is the world champion.

You're pretty good though, Gohan-kun.

But I still don't think you could beat my papa.

Hey, do you ever spar with your father? Spar with him? I couldn't do that.

He's the champion.

I haven't even watched him lately.

I've learned everything myself.

I thought so.

That's why Videl-san hasn't realized that she's stronger than Mr.


Hey, what would you do if someone beat your father? Would that be too much of a shock to you? Of course not.

He's really gotten on my nerves lately.

Even though Mama's gone, he doesn't have to abuse his position as world champion and act like a pervert.

I'd really like someone to knock him down a peg.

Okay! Okay! If I beat Mr.

Satan, Videl-san will be fine.

Okay, let's continue.

Gohan-kun, who did you learn martial arts from? From people I know and my late father.

Was your father pretty strong? Yes, he was incredibly strong.

Hey, our daddy's coming back for a single day to come to the Tenkaichi Budoukai.

What do you mean he's coming back? Isn't he dead? You idiot, Goten! I told you not to say that.

I know! Did your papa leave a long time ago? But he secretly contacted you to tell you that he's coming back for the competition? Is that right? We've both gotten a hard time from our fathers.

Forget about that! Let's train! Hey, where's Videl? She still hasn't returned.

What's she doing everyday until this late? And several days passed.

This is dangerous! I knew Videl-san was pretty strong.

She's gotten a lot of control in only ten days.

You're doing really good.

There's nothing left for me to teach you.

Thank you Gohan-kun.

Now I can go back to training for the Tenkaichi Budoukai.

Me too.

I have to go home.

I can fly home by myself now.

See you at the Budoukai.

Bye! Bye! Bye! She's finally gone.

Yeah Goten, now we can start training.

We've got to make up for lost time.


Come on Goten! At last, the day for the Tenkaichi Budoukai has come.

The various fighters capped off their training in their own ways.


And Piccolo.

And Krillin.

Being married sure has taken a lot out of me.

I'm under a lot of pressure.

Wow, that's amazing, Videl-san! She's a lot stronger than she was before.

Get me a new one.

Yes Papa.

What is it Videl? Don't you have to train? Of course I don't.

I'm sure I'll win.

It'll be easy.

It's no good.

I can't stand up to you, Brother.

It's only because I've been training longer than you.

But you're doing pretty good Goten.

Are you sure Daddy's coming to the Budoukai? Goten, this'll be your first time to meet Father.

I bet you're looking forward to it.


Where's Goku? It's almost time for the competition on Earth to begin.

Goku's over there.

He has completed all of his training and is mentally preparing himself.

Hey, is Son-kun really coming? He's coming for sure.

I haven't seen Goku in a while.

I'm looking forward to this.

Krillin-san, my father won't recognize you with all that hair.

Probably not.

This really does look fun.

I'm glad because everyone looks so happy.

Aren't you entering Yamcha-san? Why should I? I would only get embarrassed if I entered.

By the way Vegeta-san, and this goes for you too Goten and Trunks, let's not turn into Super Saiyajins at the competition.

Why not? Don't you know? Someone might remember the footage of the Cell fight and wonder where they've seen us before.

If you turn into a Super Saiyajin, people will go, "Ah that's the group from the Cell Games!" It would be bothersome if that happened TV cameras and stuff.

Why not just k*ll anyone that bothers us? We can't do that.

Okay, as long as no one else goes Super Saiyajin, the fights will still be the same.

I'll still win.

We think so too.


Alright! Thank you everyone! That'll help me out.

Stuff like that should be against the rules anyway.

There it is.

The Tenkaichi Budoukai is on that island! Okay, here we go.

I have to get into my costume.

Gohan, are you going to fight like that? Yeah.

I don't want the people at school to know it's me.

Don't you think it looks pretty cool? Yeah.

There are a lot of people here.

You're right.

This is kind of crowded.

I wonder if Goku is already here.

What's that? It's Mr.

Satan! Mr.

Satan! Mr.

Satan? The hero that saved the world has made his appearance.

He's really popular for being what he is.

It's because the people don't know what really happened.

That's Videl-san's father.

Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr.

Satan fans of the world! Mr.

Satan, how do you think you'll do in this competition? To tell you the truth, I think I have a 120 percent chance of winning! It looks like your daughter is going to enter this year too.

Is there some special reason you cut your hair? Shut up and leave me alone.

That's my girl! That old man never changes.

Don't let it bother you.

Is my father here yet? I haven't seen him.

Brother, it's Piccolo-san.

You're right.

Piccolo-san, have you seen my father? Hello Gohan.

No, I haven't seen him yet.

Are you going to fight like that? Of course.

What has happened to Goku-sa? Has he already gone to the fighter's changing room? I'll go check it out.

Me too.

Father! Son! Hey! You've all changed a lot.

But are you all doing okay? Go-Goku-sa! I'm glad you came back.

Son-kun! Go-Goku! Goku-san! Goku-sa, I've missed you so much.

Me too.

Goten, that's your daddy.

I thought he looked like me.

Is that my son? Father? Father! You look great! You look strong like me! Goku.

Just one more time.

You only have 24 hours.

Yes, I know.


Thanks Baba! Hey, if we don't sign up for the competition soon, we'll be too late.

And what's your name? The Great Saiyaman.

The Great Saiyaman? That's right.

Why are you doing that? Isn't my name and costume really cool? Ye-Yeah.


You're going into the youth division, right? Huh? The youth division? Everyone under 15 goes into the youth division.

Hey Goten, they won't let us fight the adults.

Do you have those kinds of rules now? That's not fair.

I don't care about that.

I want to fight the adults.

I can't let you do that.

It's against the rules, so that's outta the question! That's boring.

Everyone who wants to fight, please come to the changing rooms! Do your best, Goku-sa, Gohan, and Goten! Bring me back lots of prize money! Okay.

I finally get to fight for real! It looks like he's gotten a lot stronger! I'm not going to hold back! Me neither! Daddy is going to fight, so be a good girl.

Bye! Everyone, don't get hurt! Do your best! At last, Son Goku has come back from the afterlife.

The Dragon Team has reunited, and a new Tenkaichi Budoukai is about to begin!
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