07x07 - For Love and Justice — Enter the Great Saiyaman

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x07 - For Love and Justice — Enter the Great Saiyaman

Post by bunniefuu »

The Debut of the Champion and Lover of Justice, The Great Saiyaman! Hmm, you want to perfectly transform so no one will know who you are? Yeah, I thought you'd have a good idea, so I came here.

Is there a way? Of course there is.

After all I am a genius.

All I'll have to do is create a transformation suit like we do with capsules, and then you can wear it whenever you want.

Really? Please then.

That's just like you, not being able to let evil-doers get away.

Okay, I'll do it.

Just wait about two hours.

You can do it in two hours? I'm sorry.

Thank you very much.

Wait just a bit.

Where's Trunks-kun? It's boring just waiting.

Trunks is probably with Vegeta training in the gravity room.

Heh? With Vegeta-san? He said Trunks was about the right age to start toughing up for real, so he's teaching him fighting techniques.

It looks like he wants Trunks to be stronger than you, Gohan.

That's scary.

Heya Trunks.

Gohan-san! When did you get here? I just got here.

I heard your dad was training you.

Yep! Hello, Vegeta-san.

Glad to meet you.

Gohan, you're wasting your body.

You should still train no matter how peaceful the world is.

Right Hey, what should we play? Gohan-kun, it's done.

All I have to do is push this red switch, right? That's right.

That's neat.

Mom, make me one too.

This is pretty cool.

See? This is really cool.

I don't need one after all.

Thank you very much.

Come back again.

Bye bye.

Bye bye.

Let's go home, Kintoun.

It's late, so go as fast as you can.

Now no one will suspect it's me.

I know.

If I transform, I can fly to school by myself a lot faster.

We'll have a race if you think I'm lying, Kintoun.

Here I go! What's wrong, Kintoun? I'm going a lot faster.

I've already gotten to Satan City.

No one will know it's me.

Crazy driver discovered! Hey hey hey, outta the way! Show 'em how it's done! I'm already transformed, but TRANSFORM! You dumb shit! Do you wanna die? Where in hell did you come from? You shouldn't drive like that! You could've k*lled someone.

Promise me you won't drive like that in the city.

What did you say? You're dressed up like an idiot, you crazy bastard.

Who the hell are you? Huh? Who am I? Let's see What is he? A freak.

That's it! I'm a lover of justice, The Great Saiyaman! Great Saiyaman? Not only is he dressed up stupid, he's got a stupid name.

What a geek.

Let's get him.

Don't make fun of me! I thought hard about that name! I'm sorry.

Now that I've thought about it, that's a cool name.

We'll drive safely from now on.

Goodbye Great Saiyaman.

-Drive safely.

-That's right.

They understand the difference between good and bad now.

Where'd you get those clothes? Don't you like them Mother? Sometimes you're just like Goku.

I'm back Mom.

Brother, you look cool.

You think so, Goten? I'm going to school.

Have a good time.

Gohan, go straight to school and watch out for airplanes.


That's really neat.

You look cool.

That's right.

When you're old enough, I'll ask Bulma-san to make you one too.


I don't need Kintoun anymore so you can ride it.

He looks so happy.

He practiced transforming all night last night.

Brother, you look cool.

This little kid that looks just like Goku is Goten.

This is Goku's second child, who was left behind by Goku right before the Cell Games.

I should be able to get there in twenty minutes like this.

This is great.

Now I'll be able to sleep in a little longer.

Therefore, the new type of energy is very unwieldy.

Did you hear? A new champion of justice showed up yesterday.

He's not the Golden Haired Warrior.

I heard.

They're talking about me.

He's dressed bad, but he's very strong.

I think his name is the Great Tire-Man.

You're wrong! It's Great Saiyaman! How'd ya know? Uh, I heard it from someone who was there.

Do you mind if we continue class, Son Gohan-kun? Yes! Hello, this is Videl.

Come immediately! There's a bus jacking going on! A g*ng of three has taken a Senior Citizen tour bus hostage and are threatening the lives of their hostages if their demands are not met.

Hurry up and bring a bag full of money or these old men and women will be dead.

Please help.

Roger, I'm leaving now.

Teacher, I have to leave.

Do your best Videl.

What just happened with Videl-san? Videl's hobby is being a champion of justice.

A champion of justice? She's the true daughter of Mr.

Satan who saved the earth.

She's strong, so the police often ask her for help.

What? Her? Don't underestimate Videl.

She's a lot stronger than me.

She's strong enough to fight Mr.


Strong enough to fight Mr.

Satan? This could be dangerous if she's like Mr.


Hey you! I've got to go to the bathroom.

Transform! Where's the bus terminal? Boss, we've got everything now.

We've given you the money you asked for.

Now free the hostages.

Fools! Let's move! Okay.

Don't sh**t.

You might hit the hostages.

We've started at last.

I wonder where they're taking us.

I don't know.

This is my first kidnapping.

I hope this doesn't take too long.

Will you pose for a picture? Shut up! Don't forget you're hostages! Say cheese! Idiot! Don't take your eyes off the road! Damn it! That's Videl-san's helicopter.

Videl-san! Boss, above us! What? It's the champion of justice, Videl-san.

Grandma, take a picture.

There they are.

She's not doing too bad.

Shit! Over there Videl-san.

Way to go Videl-san.

Can I take one as a souvenir? The bus! That can't be That was fun.

It was the tour bus from hell.

Who are you? I'm the hater of evil, the champion of justice.

The Great Saiyaman! That's it! That's perfect.

That's ugly.

So that's the Great Saiyaman.

Farewell Videl-san.

How did he know my name? The birth of a new hero.

His name is the Great Saiyaman.

His cover won't be blown, will it?
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