07x06 - Seven Years Since Then! Starting Today, I'm a High School Student

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x06 - Seven Years Since Then! Starting Today, I'm a High School Student

Post by bunniefuu »

Seven Years Since that Event! From Today, I'm a High School Student.

Hey! Hurry up and give us the money! Do you wanna die? Don't waste our time! Put it in fast.

This looks like all of it.

Okay, let's get outta here.

When we've used up all the money you've given us, we'll be back for more.

Oops, I took too much time.


There they are! sh**t! Not again.

I don't believe this city.

I'll change so no one will know it's me.

What are ya doing? Come and get us coppers! I don't believe it.

Who the hell are you!? He's a monster! Run away! Incredible.

What's going on here? Hey.

Who did that? Don't tell me it was the police.

I didn't see.

And I came all this way! I wonder who it was.

It's Videl-sama.

I saw it all.

It was the Golden Haired Warrior.

The Golden Haired Warrior? Again? He was incredibly fast! He was able to flip over an escaping car with just a shout! That's right.

He's a student at Orange Star High School like you.

He had the same badge you have.

He's a student at my school? I didn't know there was anyone like that with golden hair Hey Sharpener, you aren't the Golden Haired Warrior, are you? Too bad.

I'm too busy with club activities in the morning to do stupid stuff like that.

Say Videl, do you think he's stronger than your father? Don't be stupid.

Videl's father is Mr.

Satan, the savior of the earth! There's no one in this world stronger than him.

Good morning students.

We have a new transfer student here today.

Come on in.

Hello! I'm Son Gohan! Glad to meet you.

Wow, he's pretty cute.

He's just my type.

Gohan? That's an odd name It feels like I've met him before.

He looks like an upright study bug.

Son-kun received perfect scores on the entrance exam in Math, Chemistry, Physics, History, Japanese, and English.

Quiet Down! He's a very good student.

I want you all to give him your support.

Son-kun, please sit down in an empty seat.


Let's see Over here! Right here.



I'm Eliza.

Glad to meet you.

This is Videl.

Today we start at page 24.

Gohan-kun, you'll be surprised, but Videl's father is Mr.



Satan? See I told you you'd be surprised.

Then you're Mr.

Satan's daughter? Yeah, you should thank her.

Her father's the reason why we're all alive.

That's it! You were there when the bank robbers got arrested.


The one you said the Golden Haired Warrior showed up at? Golden Haired Warrior? What's that? You just got here so you don't know, but in the last ten days he's shown up three times.

He looks incredibly strong.

He's got golden hair that stands straight up.

He's very famous in this city.

That's me! The two times when I was applying to come to this school, and this morning.

An eyewitness told me that the Golden Haired Warrior had on this school's badge.

He had a white shirt, a black vest, and brown pants.

What a coincidence that it is just like you.

Ah, you're right.

You see Hey! You up there! Please be quiet! Okay okay.

Let's continue.

Take a better look at him.

Does he look like a fighter to you? There's an old truth that states that he who is good at studying is bad at fighting.

He doesn't have gold hair either.

That's right.

He looks pretty weak too, I'm sad to say.

That's right.

I know it's not him, but on the videos when Dad fought Cell there were strange people whose hair turned golden.

Dad said it was a foolish trick, but Say Gohan-kun, do you commute from home or do you have an apartment in this city? I come to school from home.

Where is it? Where's your house? It's at 439 East in a small village.

Did you say 439 East? You're kidding, right? Isn't that a thousand kilometers from here? Will you shut up!? Can't you be quiet!? How do you get here? Even a jet would take five hours from there.

That's why it takes so much time.

It's terrible.


Okay, let's get someone to translate up to here.

Who wants to do it? Mr.

Satan is even in the text books.

Satan City sure is an interesting place.

Hey you! Little lord perfect score mountain boy, why don't you translate? That's you Gohan-kun.

You're the new student, right? What was your name again? He is Son Gohan of the perfect entrance exam score.

That's right.

Okay Son-kun, translate please.


What page are we on? Page 24.


Satan moved to Satan City, which was called Orange Star City, after he won the 24th Tenkaichi Budokai.

Even after becoming the world champion, Mr.

Satan still trains every day, and seeing him jogging throughout the city is a famous sight.

Someone's spreading rumors about me again.

Being famous sure is hard.

Don't you think so too? Today we are going to continue yesterday's baseball game.

Hey, do you know of baseball? Yes, I've never really played it, but I know the rules.

You've never played? That's great.

That's because you only study.

Videl, I'm giving him to your team.

I don't need him.

Why not? He's smart.

He might think of a good plan.

Maybe You protect right field.

You know what right is, don't you? Yes that's 'migi' [right hand side.

Well you're not wrong I hope Gohan's doing okay.

This is the first time he's gone to school.

I hope he makes friends.

Mom and Bulma-san both told me that if people found out who I was, it would cause a big commotion.

I'll have to do my best to hold back.

The world sure is hard.

Hit a home run, Sharpener! You won't hit this Sharpener.

Damn! He did it! It's a home run! The runner on third's off his base! In this case, if I throw the ball to third, he'll be out.

Take it easy.

About this hard should be right.

Out! I did it.

Three outs! Time to change.

That was bad! Maybe even that was too much.

That was great kid.

Was that an eight meter jump? Beginner's luck What? Beginner's luck? Can you call that luck? Next batter.

We're starting with number eight.

Isn't that you? Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm sorry.

It's him.

I wonder how he is at batting.

Let's watch.

Are you a left handed hitter? Is that against the rules? No that's fine, but you're holding the bat backwards.

What do you mean backwards? Do whatever you want.

I'll get him back for messing up my home run.

I'll give him a little surprise.

This is bad.

I'd better not get noticed anymore.

I can't hit the ball.

Here I go.

If you don't dodge, you'll die.

Watch out! That idiot! Why didn't he dodge? That's a dead ball, right? Lucky lucky.

I didn't even have to hit the ball to get on base.

I didn't stand out.

What is he? Weird Hey, which club have you decided on? I haven't decided, but Then you should join the boxing club! You're a lot tougher than I thought.

You might make a good fighter.

Actually I was planning on not joining a club.

You see.

That's right! Gohan-kun's house is terribly far away.

He doesn't have time for club activities.

That's right! Hey, Gohan-kun, would you give me a lift home? Huh? Sorry, my car only holds one.

Then move to Satan City! Uh, I can't.

This is suspicious.

If his house is that far away, why isn't he going by car or jet? What? Cities are tiring.

The Golden Haired Warrior I need something better to conceal my identity.

I'll have to consult with Bulma-san.

Gohan's first day at school is over, but Gohan has never felt this tired before in his life.
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