07x01 - A Deep Impression!! There They Are! The Next World's Awesome Dudes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x01 - A Deep Impression!! There They Are! The Next World's Awesome Dudes

Post by bunniefuu »

AnimeHQ Madoshi X DBZ #195 The Strongest in the Afterlife! Hey! Stop it, Goku! Hey! Come on! You better stop it! Snake Way is still just as treacherous as before.

But Kaio-sama, can you hurry up just a little bit? Why are you always in such a hurry, Goku? We're dead! We have all the time we need! I want to hurry and meet those fighters so I can see how strong they are.

Don't say that.

Don't underestimate those fighters.

Are those guys really that strong? Don't call them "guys"! One of them is the highest in the Afterlife, Dai Kaio-sama.

Dai Kaio-sama? Dai Kaio-sama.

Dai Kaio-sama is the highest in the Afterlife.

He's above the South, East, North, and West Kaios.

He's also the strongest on the Great Kaio planet.

There are remarkable martial arts experts, who, like you, have kept their bodies.

They train every day.

Wow! I want to see how good this Dai Kaio guy actually is.

Don't say that! I can fly Not yet.

I don't know how to get to Dai Kaio's planet.

Dai Kaio's planet can only be reached by plane! Fine, I'll take a plane.


What a silly fellow.

He'll be back again.

See? He's back.

Where do I catch that plane? At the Heaven Airport beside the Afterlife City.

Okay, very well then! Zoom! Will he be back one more time? I hope he will.

Here he comes! This will be a quicker way to get there.

Not yet Goku Don't push.

Please stay in line everyone.

To heaven.

To heaven? Yeah! Yeah! I did it! Alright! Yeah! Alright Next.

Hiya! Hey, what do you know, it's Son Goku.

You're dead again? Kaio-sama is dead too? It's a long story that I'd rather not get into Enma Daio, I'm in a hurry.

Hey, just have some tea first! Just a minute.

You can't just push your way in.

You have to wait for your turn if you want to be judged.

You've got a body! So you have a free pass, don't you? I've never come across one before! How lucky can you be? This way please.

Thank you He's always so pushy.

It's embarrassing.

See you later Enma.

Take care.

He's a martial arts expert for justice, so he can keep his body to keep training in the Afterlife.

Goku saved Earth? So that's why Spirits in Group A going to heaven, please follow me.

Keep in line there.

Don't get lost.

Don't get lost.

Follow the spirit in front.

Of course! Why are we on such a shabby plane? I wanted to take a big one.

Is that Heaven? It's vast! We'll be there soon Goku.

Where? Where? Where is it? Hey, look right there.

Eh? Where? That's Dai Kaio-sama's planet.

What? It's much smaller than I expected.

Why did you go and say that? Sorry.

It's much bigger than your planet.

How rude of you to say that! Wow! There really are many good fighters here.

Kaio-sama! It's been a long time.

How are you? You're all working hard.


You're pretty well known in the Afterlife, aren't you? He came from the Northern Milky Way.

Like me? He's 2,300 years older than you.

Gah! 2,300 years!? Has he been training for that long? This is the place where Dai Kaio-sama lives.

Then I can soon see this Dai Kaio.

Be respectful to Dai Kaio-sama! You'll be punished for your rudeness! Is this Dai Kaio really that strong? -SAMA! -sama I've been around for a long time, but I have never seen the Dai Kaio-sama fight.

But, surely, words cannot describe how strong he is or how terrifying he can be.

I've always wanted such a car! Dai Kaio-sama is great! I want one too! The style is perfect! Great! Kaio-sama, let's hurry and go! You are What the? West Kaio What's this? What's the matter? What? What is this? You! What are you doing here? What are you doing here? I haven't seen Paikuhan for a long time, so I came to see him today.

Paikuhan is the strongest martial arts expert of the Western Milky Way.

What? What? Are you dead? This is Hey, how could a Kaio die? This is ridiculous! Even worse than those stupid jokes of yours! My silly jokes? My jokes are good! Besides, there's a special reason for this! It's my fault that Kaio-sama is dead.

Who's this guy? Me? I'm Son Goku.

Goku has saved the earth many times.

He's a martial arts expert of justice.

A terrific fighter! What? A terrific fighter? Surely he's no match for Paikuhan.


Goku is stronger.

That's impossible.

Paikuhan is stronger.


It must be Goku.

It's got to, GOT to, be Paikuhan! What an unreasonable guy! Impossible! It's you who is unreasonable! Then let them fight it out! That's exactly what I had in mind! Then go, Goku.

You want me to fight right here? Paikuhan, teach him a good lesson.

Just a minute Ah, that voice! It's Dai Kaio-sama! Where? Here! Lower your head Goku! Hi! Dai Kaio-sama! He's Dai Kaio-sama? Sorry to interrupt.

Paikuhan-chan, would you like to take a trip to lleh for me? What is lleh? It's hell.

Spell it the other way around.

There's trouble in lleh.

Trouble? Enma has recently sent Cell to lleh.

Cell? Cell goes to Hell! That Cell and Freeza are turning lleh up-side-down.

Cell is With Freeza? So I hope you can put them back in line.

Yes, Your Majesty.

He can't do it alone! I'll go too! Goku! It's not for you to decide! It's alright.

North Kaio, he can go too.

I don't need any help.

You said that because you don't know Cell and Freeza.

They can really fight.

They've gone too far.

Looks dead Please Please let us go! What? You must be Gozu and Mezu.

Are you the Son Goku who fell off Snake Way? What a relief that you're not with Cell's g*ng.

We're here to take care of Cell.

Really? How about that? So now you should know whom you should follow.

Who's the boss here? I can't hear you! Ce-Cell It's Cell-sama to you, got it? Cell, you're still so vicious even in Hell? Son Goku? You should all repent Great.

So you're dead too? I'm so happy to see you.

Special Force, engage! Yes! Paikuhan! What? W-When did Goku become like this? No sweat.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

I k*lled him.

Cell-sama is indeed great.

He's all yours.

What's that? What? Impossible! Paiku What speed Shit.

Still not dead with such wounds.

This is indeed Hell.


They won't do any harm now.

That's right.

He fights really well.

It's exciting to find such a good fighter in the Afterlife.

There are better fighters than Goku in the Afterlife.

Goku has become expectant of great adventures ahead.
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