06x29 - One More Conclusion!! I Will Defend the Future

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x29 - One More Conclusion!! I Will Defend the Future

Post by bunniefuu »

The Other Ending.

I Will Protect the Future! Peace has returned to the earth.

But back in Trunk's future, artificial humans #17 and #18 continue their evil doings.

Mother! I'm home.

Welcome back, Trunks.

Wait a sec What happened? You've gotten a lot taller.

Yes, Mother.

In Kami-sama's palace there is a strange room called the Room of Spirit and Time.

You can spend a whole year in there in just a day.

I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm glad that you're back.

So, how was it? By the look on your face, I'd say it was good.

Yes! That's really strange, isn't it? I see, so Son-kun died, but Gohan-kun was able to get revenge? Yeah.

Father fought with us.

Ve-Vegeta did? Just like you said, Father wasn't entirely a cold person.

When I was k*lled by Cell DAMN! He got really angry See, I told you he was like that.


Eh, I didn't know that Vegeta had that side to him.

Sorry to interrupt this program, but we have information about the artificial humans.

#17 and #18 have appeared and are attacking Parsley City.

Damn those artificial humans.

This time Trunks It's all right.

This is the reason why I went back into the past to meet Goku-san.

This time I have to get revenge for Gohan-san and everyone.

I have to bring peace to this era as well as the past.

Be careful, Trunks.

Don't do anything you may regret.


Hmm, how childish.

Getting angry over loosing in a video game.

Shut up! Stay out of this! My grandson was k*lled by them They're too strong.

Not too bad, old man.

I'll play too.

How about this? Devils! What the Trunks? #17 and #18, this is as far as you go.

I'm going to stop you.

I didn't know you were still alive.

No one looks good wasting their strength.

#17, do you mind if I take him down? I'm sick of him ruining my fun already.

We'll lose a good game, but I guess it's okay.

Do what you'd like #18.

This is much more interesting than a computer game.

Watch out, #18! Damn it! Now you've done it! What's wrong? This isn't like you, #18.

Damn! This is unforgivable! You had to have grown a lot to get #18 really mad at you.

You two have continued to k*ll people.

Your counterparts I met in the past weren't this bad.

But you guys keep destroying cities, and making so much trouble.

I cannot allow you to continue this! What are you saying? Let's finish this, #17! Im-Impossible How were you able to defeat #18? That was for all my friends you k*lled.

And this is for What you did to Gohan-san! Disappear! It's over No, not quite yet.

There's still one more important person left.

Time passed, and now that #17 and #18 were gone, peace returned and people were able to start rebuilding the city.

At last enough energy had been ready to once again take the time machine back in time.

Mother, I'm going to go tell everyone about the demise of #17 and #18.

Be careful, Trunks.

Give my greetings to everyone.

Sure, mother.

Mother, go back inside.

Eh? What? Do you have a guest? You've got a girlfriend, don't you? When did you have a chance to do that, you lady k*ller.

Cell, come out! I know you are there.

You plan on k*lling me, and turning yourself into an egg.

Then use my time machine to go back in time and absorb #17 and #18! So you can achieve your ultimate form.

What?! How the hell did you know that? That plan is a mistake.

It will end now.

You're saying my plan is a mistake? You're talking pretty big.

Cell, your ultimate form certainly had incredible power.

But I should be more than strong enough to defeat you now.

Is that so? You sure do have a lot of confidence right now.

I see, you went back in time, so that's how you're oddly informed.

You see, it's impossible that you're strong enough to defeat me.

Trunks, I've gotten complete data about you from the spy robots.

With your power, you aren't even able to defeat #17 and #18, who are much weaker than myself! Then why are #17 and #18 dead? I see, it's your fault why #17 and #18 are gone.


You k*lled #17 and #18.

You've gotten in my way! Because of you I can't achieve my perfect form in this era! Now I have to k*ll you, steal your time machine, and absorb #17 and #18! I don't want to fight in this Western Capital.

They've rebuilt it a lot.

Let's go somewhere else.

You foolish boy.

You have gotten better, but to say that you're going to defeat me makes me laugh.

I'm the ultimate artificial human created by Dr.


There's no one that can beat me! You think so? I won't allow you to go back in time, no matter what! How can this be happening? Damn I'm the ultimate artificial human.

There's no way I can lose to this boy! Cell! I have to I have to k*ll you to protect the peace on the earth! You bastard Now you've forced me to use this.

KA ME HA ME I'll make you disappear! Da-Da-Damn! It's finally over.

Thank you, everyone.

Thank you, Goku-san.

Come on, Bubbles, Gregory! Hurry up and catch me.

You guys should've been able to catch me! You haven't exercised enough though.

There, it's finished! That's great Kaio-sama.

Oops, I'm sorry Kaio-sama I don't have enough energy to make another house.

That's perfect Kaio-sama.

I never wanted to live here anyway.

Let's go somewhere else.

That's right.

Where are the fighters in the afterlife? Uh, where are they? That's no fair.

You promised you'd take me to the fighters in the afterlife.

Unless you don't know where they are.

Of course I know where they are, but Goku They are Hurry it up or we'll get there too late.

And this is how Goku and Kaio-sama started their tour of the afterlife.

But what are the fighters that Goku is talking about in the afterlife like?
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