06x25 - From Goku to Gohan... The Spirit of the Father is Handed Down

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x25 - From Goku to Gohan... The Spirit of the Father is Handed Down

Post by bunniefuu »

Earth will perish along with everything else.

There'll be no trace left.

It will become the hell of the universe! It can't be Cell has returned with unlimited strength! I'm sorry, Father.

I couldn't protect the earth.


If I hadn't been such an idiot, I could have protected the earth.

It's a trick! A finely tuned trick! Cell is sending forth some strange rays! There are very strong winds! It's like a typhoon! As a reporter, I'll go on narrating even though we can't broadcast! It's too bad that I've become such a burden.

I'm a Saiyajin, a member of a warrior race! I'm sorry, Gohan.

What? Vegeta-san is apologizing to me? He must have realized there's nothing I can do this time.

Gohan Damn it! Sorry we can't be of any help! Kami-sama, what's wrong? There's a terrifying ki.

I've never felt such power before.

Is it Cell? How does the fight go? Gohan-san Senior Elder, what is happening? That's a bad omen on the distant planet Earth where Dende went.

Maybe Earth will perish What perfection! I never dreamt I could be perfect like this! Is this the perfection that Dr.

Gero sought? Dr.

Gero, when will your research end? Oh, it's you two.

If you want to defeat Son Goku, we can do that.

Don't touch that! It's the data on the perfect android! Perfect? Will it be stronger than us? Of course! So much so that you two will be mere children compared to it! Now go away and take a rest.

If you don't, I'll use the controller.

Idiots! No matter what you do, you'll both be swallowed and become part of my perfect android.

Why should we care about that? I don't think it's all that cute.

Is this the perfect android? Dr.

Gero must have been mistaken.

Very sorry, but this laboratory is no longer needed.

Chop chop.

I want a new dress.

It's dumb always wearing the same outfit.

Even though Dr.

Gero died, I was raised by the computer.

Cell, you are the perfect android with the genes of all the greatest fighters.

You can become perfect after you absorb #17 and #18.

A few years later I returned to Earth, but by that time #17 and #18 had already turned Earth into a dead planet.

Still, I absorbed the remaining bio-energy on the ground and kept growing, aiming to achieve perfection.

But for no apparent reason, #17 and #18 had disappeared.

I badly wanted to achieve perfection, and so to find #17 and #18 I became a larva again to take Trunks' time machine and escape 10 years into the past.

Come out monster! I won't run and hide until I k*ll you! I've come out just as you wished! Damn it! That's how I achieved perfection, although at the time I didn't understand the perfect power that Dr.

Gero was after.


Gero's ambition was not as trivial as beating Son Goku.

It was to have the perfect power to rule the universe.

I have learned from this fight that to have a small nucleus like Piccolo is to have the power to grow again.

Like the Saiyajins, my power grows even stronger when saved from a life-or-death situation, All are exactly as Dr.

Gero had calculated.

He was wrong on only one point: That the earth would perish a decade from now.

Earth will perish much sooner, and with my teleportation technique I can then move on to another planet.

The strength of this perfect power is way beyond what I could have imagined.

Damn it! Is there really no way to stop this? Will the earth just die like this? I've gathered enough power to destroy the earth, and even the solar system! Cell's strange rays are getting brighter! The earth is shaking violently! What's going on!? I just don't know! It's a trick! It's all just a trick! Run for your life! Run! What's happening? The TV broadcast has stopped! The earth is shaking! Gohan-chan! Gohan-chan! Gohan-chan! Chi-Chi! Chi-Chi! You need to calm down! I know, but I can't control myself! Gohan-chan! Gohan-chan! Chi-Chi! Chi-Chi! Is Chi-Chi in? That voice It's Uranai Baba! It's good that you're home, Chi-Chi.

I want to show you how your son is.

I know you must be worried since the TV broadcast is dead.

Hurry! Show me quickly! Quickly! Don't be so agitated.

Gohan Gohan, what happened to your arm? Chi-Chi! Gohan What's wrong, Gohan? Show me your last resistance! Come on.

I know it's useless to resist.

I won't let my father die alone.

The others all feel the same way.

That's too bad.

What an anticlimax.

Then I won't wait and destroy everything now! It's over.

This is the end.

Earth will perish.

That's rubbish, Gohan! Saiyajins never despair, Gohan! Father? Where are you? I'm in the afterlife.

I can speak to you with Kaio-sama's help.

You have the blood of the Saiyajin, a warrior race.

Attack with your best Kamehameha and you'll win.

I'm certain about that.

But I only have one arm, and half my ki is gone.

Who's he talking to? He must be talking to himself because he's scared.

You can do it! Have faith in your own power, Gohan.

You're the strongest in the entire universe.

I-I understand, Dad.

I'll do my best.

I'm happy in the afterlife with Kaio-sama, so you have to live well on the earth now.

Although he's just as annoying as a little kid.

I'm sorry, Dad.

You died because I was too sure of myself.

Gohan, don't be sad.

Even though I'm dead, I'll still be beside you whenever you think of me.

But If this is what you think, then avenge my death and destroy Cell! Yes! Gohan He's going to strike! KA ME HA ME So you want to strike now? What's wrong, Kami-sama? Gohan-san, good luck.

Gohan-chan D-Damn, he still can't do it! Gohan's ki is too weak! Go to hell! It's the final battle for Gohan.

Goku has appeared, but is it an illusion or is it really him?
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