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04x02 - Awakening Powers

Posted: 08/04/22 07:34
by bunniefuu
The Clover Kingdom.

In this kingdom where magic is everything,

there is one boy who can't use magic.

His name is Asta.

With guts and hard work, he made it into the Magic Knights,

and he never gave up, despite how much he got hurt.

He continues to diligently aim for the top!

Even if you are a peasant,

or even if you're poor...

Anyone in this world can still shine!

He's working hard to prove that,

and to become the Wizard King!

In order to learn the Mana Method and acquire new powers,

Asta and the others train their hardest in the Heart Kingdom.

This time, I'll get you!

The power to nullify magic is unrivaled.

But your vision is so narrow that you can't use your powers to their full potential.

Not yet!

And this man was making his move, too.

Looks like they're all trying to surpass their limits.

So I guess I need to work a bit harder, too.

Awakening Powers

Lightning Magic: Tenjiolia.

I've been sparring with him for days now, and I still can't get a hit in!

If I wasn't holding back, you'd be in far worse shape.

The extremely rare power known as anti-magic,

physical strength that you've trained to your limit, and your friends

are what have led you to victory thus far.

But the enemy we're about to face is far too powerful.

If you cannot defeat me on your own, you will not be able to defeat the devil.

Please let me have another try!

Is it his unwavering willpower that has strengthened him to this point?

No, it's not just him.

Some of the mages who came from the Clover Kingdom

have already started creating techniques of their own.

Faster... I need to be faster.

I need to be stronger!


I know I should be able to do more... More!

Those were great moves, Leo.

You're able to use the Mana Method faster now, too.

It's just...

Hmm, how do I put this?

Every now and then, you seem to waver a bit when you're fighting.

It feels like something's making you hesitate.

Is there a reason why?

I have an older brother and an older sister that I look up to.

Their strength is burned into my eyes. I cannot unsee it.

The stronger I become,

the more I realize how much higher up my brother and sister are.

Stand up.

Lions should never look so pitiful.

The more powerful I get, the more out of reach they seem to become.

No matter how hard I try, I can't help but think that they're stronger than me.

Flame Magic: Calidos Brachium!

Man, it's hot.

Heya, Sisgoleon.

Who are you calling Sisgoleon, you fool?

Did you come for a dip in the hot springs, too?

Why not go defeat one of the magical beasts around here while you're at it?

Jeez, were you fighting so you could enjoy a nice, long bath?

You sure are violent, aren't ya?

Hah. I couldn't even call this a warmup.

I'm sure you couldn't.

So in that case...

How about fighting me?

Oh? What brought this on?

Yeah, about that.

In that last battle with the devil,

I was able to use the Mana Zone or whatever it's called.

But I still don't really get it, and I think I could take it a bit further,

so I wanted to give it a try.

Give it a try? With me?

Well, you're more experienced with Mana Zone, aren't you?

Help a newbie out, will ya?

Very well. I was just thinking I hadn't had enough.

But are you sure about this? Before you even get to try,

your body might not even hold up!

Yikes. Not only is she ready, she's ready to k*ll me.

Yeah, I'm going home. Sorry to bug you.

I guess that's not gonna work, is it?

Looks like you're ready to be devoured by a lion.

Then again, if you don't come at me like that,

I won't be able to surpass my limits, either.

As you wish, I'll burn you to a crisp!

Black Meteorite!

Is he tracking my mana?

In that case...


If I can figure out how your technique works,

I can figure out many ways to deal with it.

Would you like to continue fighting until you cannot use your anti-magic anymore?

What the heck am I supposed to do?

How do I get my anti-magic to reach him?

Mana and anti-magic...

They are fundamentally different,

but the power to create and the power to nullify

are similar in that they are both a form of power.

Which means the way to use them shouldn't be that different, either.

The basic technique in using the Mana Method

is to feel the flow of mana.

Which means the thing you need to do right now... to feel the flow of anti-magic!

She's faster than my ki can track.

Is that all you've got?

You can't win if you just keep running away!

How the hell is she so fast?!

But if that's also

thanks to Mana Zone, I should be able to do it, too!

Too slow!

Here, get an up-close feel for what you can really do with Mana Zone!

Well... what to do?

Hot! Hot!

I guess I should've expected that from the Mana Zone expert.

She's definitely something else.

I guess you're as crazy as ever, you violent lioness.

There's no fun in catching weak prey.

Try struggling more!

If we're just fighting with speed, I'm definitely at a disadvantage.

Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Black Blade!

Black Divider!

He disappeared?!

So you're trying to make your blade longer to reach me.

But you're too slow.

Even if I can sense him with my ki, I can't keep up.

As long as I use the Mana Method to increase my speed,

I'll have no problem dodging.

The mages of the Heart Kingdom

borrow power from natural mana.

Depending on the level of their Mana Method,

they will have unlimited use of their mana.

Which means that so long as your att*cks don't reach me, my mana is limitless.

If I keep using up my anti-magic, I'm going to lose.

What was that?

This is pathetic.

Before the devil has a chance to end you,

I wouldn't mind giving you your last rites here and now.

I'm already grateful that you're helping me out with my training.

There's no need for you to do that, too.

I guess I can't even get in the ring with you unless I can use

that superhuman walking-through-the-air bit.

Think... I need to figure out an attack that can reach him,

but one that's fast enough so he can't dodge!

I've now seen the powers of the Demon-Slayer Sword and the Demon-Destroyer Sword.

Does that sword have some special power, too?

That's right. The Demon-Dweller Sword...

It must have some power that I haven't drawn out yet.

That reminds me. Back then,

I was able to unleash the mana that I borrowed from Noelle.

I might be able to do the same thing with my anti-magic!

It appears as though you've found your answer.

I'd like another try, please!

Very well.

I won't be holding back as much on this attack.

If you can hit me even once, I will declare you the winner.

I'd prefer if you didn't hold back at all!

If you're not going to make a move, then I will!

And now, I'm gonna kick the air!

Lions hurl even their young into bottomless valleys.

I'll have no problem hurling you into the lava!

Are you seriously chasing me right now?!

But, I mean... Sisgoleon's right.

If I lose here...

I'm not gonna stand a chance against a devil!


Guess we're finally on equal ground.

Equal ground? What are you babbling about?

I'm just saying we're in the same position now!

You're a babe who just learned how to walk! Know your place!

I've gotta do something about that superhuman punch.

Just like when I borrowed Noelle's mana last time...

I need to infuse the Demon-Dweller Sword with my anti-magic!

Now, as you wish, I will show you my true strength.

I just need to keep increasing my speed with Mana Zone,

and not give her a chance to use magic!

I see. Looks like you can use Mana Zone somewhat now.

I guess there's no reason for me to hold back any longer.

You actually thought you were holding back? Seriously?

I'll now thank you for showing me a good time.

Try not to die from it.

Can I actually stop all of that?

Well, I'm gonna have to!

Don't doubt that you can do this!

You're just gonna have to!

Right here, right now... I'm gonna surpass my limits!

Mana Zone: Dark Magic: Black Hole!

This is...

Is he nullifying my mana?

Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Lightless Slash!


Well done.

Heck yeah! I got a hit in!

Things are finally getting interesting!

I'll turn you into ash and enjoy a nice, long bath!

Nah, I got the gist of it, so I'm gonna go.

What? Are you scared?

Anyway, see ya.

Well, that's no fun.

If you'll now begin your reports. Potrof?

Rill and Charmy are getting the hang of using the Mana Method.

They're geniuses, to be honest.

The best thing I can do is help bring out their potential

and prepare their meals.

Huh... Charlotte and Mimosa are amazing, too.

They're fighting like, "kaboom," and getting better like, "fabam"!

If we're talking about how much they've grown,

I'd say Noelle and Nero have grown the most.

Of course, they are being trained by the

Queen of the Heart Kingdom and the Water Spirit,

so of course they're going to get stronger.

Looks like you're proud of your students.

Smurik, how is Finral doing?

For the time being, let the wind guide us

and help us nurture the storm within him.

You can never just get to the point, can you?

Did you say something?

I couldn't hear you over the whispers of the wind.

N-Now, now...

Floga, how about you?

It appears that Leo is doubting his own strength.

Why not concentrate on your strengths?

My... strengths?

You may not be the most talented, but you're patient and don't give up.

Your technique is getting more powerful every day.

You have the strength to endure.

You're you, remember, Leo?

The strength... to endure?

I want to draw out potential that he hasn't realized yet.

That's my idea.

Yes, I'm counting on you.

How's Asta doing?

Since he wields anti-magic, he is our trump card against the devil.

It appears as though he's becoming stronger in his own way.

We don't have much more time.

Please focus everything you have on this training.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Let us defeat the Spade Kingdom and the devil.

Spade Kingdom Garrison

There are so many of them.

Their preparations for the invasion are almost complete. We don't have much more time.


Rejoice! You will contribute to the prosperity of the Spade Kingdom!

Hey, where are we going?

Shh! Quiet!

Come on, now! Get up!

We can't go out there right now, Ralph.

I know.

If we can get through that strong magic region, and even one of us

can reach the Clover Kingdom...

That's the little hope we have left.

We'll just have to hang on to that!

Let's go!

Hello, foolish rebels.

Your friend told us all about you...

in exchange for their precious daughter's life.

Let's make a break for it!

I'll move up the ranks if I bring back your head!

It's that simple.



What are you—

We leave you with our mana.

Please, Ralph...

For him...

You must follow in your father's footsteps...

You're not getting away!


I promise I'll get there!

I'll get to them...

Just beyond this cliff is a strong magic region.

Will I be able to get through?


I can't let their sacrifice go to waste.

I am my father's son!

I will see this through!

There he is!

Get him!

I cannot be defeated here.

Lord Yuno!

Did we do it?

I'm not sure.

But even if he's still alive, that's a strong magic region.

It won't be long before he perishes.


Foolish Resistance. Serves them right.

Let's head back.

We're too close to the strong magic region.

Who knows what will happen if we hang around too long?


Spade Castle

The son of the former commander of the Mage Defense Force's st Division?

Yes. According to what another one of the rebel scum told us,

apparently his name is Ralph.

His name appears in—

It doesn't matter.

A single fly isn't going to bring any harm to our plans.

Who am I, you ask? I guess I wouldn't mind telling you a little about me.

Next time on Black Clover , Page : "Five-Leaf Clover."

Five-Leaf Clover

Within the clover's fifth leaf resides a devil.