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03x38 - A Favor for Julius

Posted: 08/04/22 06:49
by bunniefuu
In Clover Kingdom

where magic determines everything,

the only boy who cannot use magic

is called Asta.

With hard work and determination,
he joins the Magic Knights.

Despite being wounded and bruised,
he is still determined

to keep fighting towards his goal
with all his might.

Peasants or nobles,

poor or rich,

anyone in this world can shine.

He's working hard to prove that

and to become the Magic Emperor.

Lord Julius.

Haven't I said that
you are not allowed to wander around?

How did you know that I will be here?

How long do you think I have served you?

Now, let's get back to the office

to handle the reports that are piling up.

I have handled the reports for today.

To understand
the situation outside the city,

the fastest way
is to go through those reports.

However, seeing is believing.

So I am going to take a stroll.

Please hold on.

I understand how you feel,

However, we are threatened
by Spade Kingdom and the devil.

Something bad can't happen to you.

You are right.
I have lost half of my magic power.

There is nothing much that I can do.

Marx, I need to ask a few things from you.


Asta, I'm going to begin now.


Water Creation Magic,

Sea Dragon's Waterball!

It's not over yet. Again!

Noelle, keep it coming!

Don't spare me
just because we are comrades!

Got it. But I won't be responsible
for the consequences.

Water Creation Magic,

Sea Dragon's Roar!

Please become stronger

and fight alongside us
in half a year's time.

This is nothing close to acceptable!

What a shame. It was blocked.

You are…


Hello, Asta. How are you?

Why are you here?

Did you escape from the prison?

No, Mr. White Mushroom brought me here.

Who are you calling Mr. White Mushroom?

You're the Magic Emperor's servant and…

Who are you?

I am Makusa
from the Magic Tool Research Lab.

-You are inventing new magic tools?

Yes. Lord Julius has eyes on
Sally's knowledge of magic science.

He hopes that she can create magic tools
that are useful for future battles.

However, I oppose the idea.

And since inventing magic tools
requires various sets of data,

I have decided to experiment on you guys.

I refuse. No doubt you seem to have
turned over a new leaf,

but who knows what you'll do?

I got it!

Hold on! Do you know what are you saying?

We had a deal, right?

When the w*r comes to an end,

you can use my body as you wish.

Asta, I'm surprised that
you still remember that.

However, I also said that no pain
can be inflicted on my body.

This is not just about pain, Idiosta.

Are you okay with getting dissected?


Is it even possible?

If she really plans to do so,
the experiment has to be stopped.

Without further delay…

I really want to say that,

but you will be the last person, Asta.


I am going to invent magic tools
that can increase magic power.

But you don't have magic power.

So I shall start with her.

As I said just now, I refuse.

I am a royal.

I won't do it even if I am not a royal.

By the way, where are the rest?

Some of them have missions
while some are having training.

Those who went training
should be back soon…

Hey, when did they come back?

Right, I just remembered
I need to do something.

Hang in there.

Well, see you.

There are many specimens for experiments.


Without the supervision of Makusa or me,
you are not allowed to do experiments!

It's the Magic Emperor.



Asta and Noelle, don't mind us.

Chase after Sally!

I got it!

I think I am safe now.

I am not going to let
that mad woman experiment on me.

Let go of me! I will k*ll you!

When the magic tool is ready,

your magic power will improve drastically,
Wacky Glasses Delinquent.

So please help me out.

Did you just call me
Virgin Mohawk Four Eyes?

That's because
you practice Fire Magic, Four Eyes.

Stop abbreviating everything!

When the math function of magic power
becomes like that,

the index number of magic power
will become like this…

I decided to use this
as the test solution.

Then we shall replace
the magic tool with Salamander.


What? What is going on?

My Fire Magic has been greatly expanded!

Right? Isn't it cool?

Hold on, it has gone too far!

Magic power expl*si*n.

That's strange.
I guess the math function is not complete.

Perhaps the test solution is too much.

Data is collected anyway.

Let's continue the experiment!

Don't worry,
I am not going to cut you open!

Transformation Magic.

Hold on, I can't do it now.

What? Why?

That is…


No one is allowed to attack my angel.

That Marie is fake. It's sticky!

Even if it is sticky,
Marie is always Marie.

As both of you practice Union Magic,

it's interesting to experiment
on both of you at once!

Why did she mention "union"? That is…

-So embarrassing!

No. I have decided
to quit drinking, haven't I?

However, it is a high-quality booze
that is hard to come by.

Vanessa, let's go. This must be a trap.


Does this dessert path

lead to heaven?


Restrain yourself. I must restrain myself.

It has exploded.

Finral and Vanessa!

Are you okay?

What happened?

I think we are one step behind.

We have to stop Sally
from getting out of control.


The result was not as expected.

I have to collect more data.

Sally, hold on!

Charmy, are you okay?

Hey, Asta.

You are the last specimen.
You can't wait any longer, can you?

A deal is a deal.

You can do whatever to my body.

Stop experimenting on them.

There you go again, Idiosta.

She won't give up until
she messes up your body.

Even so, all thanks to Sally's help,

we reached Royal Capital in time
to protect everyone.

So I have to honor my promise.

I see. One must keep their promise.

Please ensure my body is completely
under anesthetic.

Don't worry, I won't inflict pain on you.

Here I come!


Thank you for the present.
I will cultivate it once I get back.

What? You only need my hair?

You said it before.

As long as you are not hurt,

I can do whatever I want.

I think you also said that
I must not cause trouble to others.

Everyone will go back
to normal really soon.

Their magic power went beyond
the limit temporarily.

Their bodies can't take it.

Sally, you remember our deal too!

Asta, I think hair alone is not enough.

Can I have some nails?

Of course.

Why are they so close to each other?

But this is not enough.

Can I draw some blood?

Can I have your heart, lungs,
and eyeballs too?

Of course not!

Please focus on the research
and help everyone out.

Goodness. We had a really miserable time.

You are so bold.

Go to hell!

Come on, guys. You're all better now.

Please report the experiment results.

It is unfathomable
but it is quite interesting!

Makusa will bring the results
back to Royal Capital for analysis.

They will develop
the magic tools after that.

Sally and everyone from
the Magic Tool Research Lab,

please work hard for it!


We will work hard!

Since we sacrificed ourselves
for the experiment,

you must make good use of the data.

Work hard in the research.

I will k*ll you if you fail.

All right, Finral.
Open up a magical space for them.


It has been a while since I said this
but I am your senior.

Sally, it's time to go.

I am coming.

Will I be happy if
I conduct research for someone else?

Sally, see you again!

Perhaps he is right.

We are reaching Toaru Village.

I never thought that
we would leave our respective squads

and go on the same mission together.

I am not here to bond with you.

Once we find the culprit
who is harming the kingdom,

I will be the first to bring them down.

What had happened to the village?

Lord Julius, I brought the captains
of Crimson Lion and Silver Eagle here.

Thank you.

I'm sorry to have troubled you
when you're busy.

Don't mention it.

What do you need, sir?

Do the both of you know Toaru Village?

When I was wandering around

and conducting investigations
at all parts of the kingdom,

I paid a visit to this village situated
in the Forsaken Realm.

Based on reports,

it seems that the village
is swarmed with bandits.

Punitive force
should be sent there quickly.

No, it doesn't seem that simple.

I have a feeling that
there is something bad

going on in this kingdom.

Something bad going on?

What would it be?

I hope that you two can approach the
villagers while concealing your identity

and collect some information
on the bandits.

This will be an undercover investigation.

Undercover investigation?

This is nothing
but a leisure trip in disguise.

I think the disguise will stand out

in a village in the Forsaken Realm.

I can't deny that.

We are not familiar with commoners' lives.

They will see through
the disguise right away.

However, there are traveling mages

who are royals or nobles
who have forsaken their titles.

I see.

By the way, where do you guys
plan to collect the information?

I think it is sufficient to do it
at the square of the village.

I don't have any objections.

Lord Julius said that we should get along
with the people we meet in the village.

It would be easier to blend in that way.

Will we blend in?

This is just a stroll. You don't have to
take things so seriously.

How should I explain it to them?


This is…

We heard there were places
that had yet to be restored, but…

But who knew it was this bad.

It has to be improved.

However, the mission comes first.

I shall go to the other side
to collect information.

I shall go this way then.

Excuse me.

What is it? I have never seen you before.

I am a traveling mage. My name is Leon.

My name is Marque.

Traveling mage?

I heard that this place
is swarmed with bandits.

For the sake of my safety,

I hope you can tell me
everything you know.

How the hell would I know?

Go away if you are not buying anything.

Sure enough, he has his guard up
because of our clothes.

What should we do? Fuego… No, I mean Leon.

By the way,
if the investigation doesn't go well,

you may say this…



Do you know Chronovala

by any chance?


That old lady helped me out a lot before.

Whenever I didn't have enough customers,
she would help find me some.

My business was so good that day.

However, before I knew it,
she had gone missing.

How is she doing?




I get it now.

Chronovala is a fake name
used by Lord Julius

when he wandered into the village.

You know that lady?

That old lady is really nice.

Here, take it.

As my fields have been destroyed,

I don't have much.

I can't take it without paying.

Is this enough?

This is so much!

It is more than enough
to buy everything available.

In that case, donate the balance

to reconstruct the village.

Are you serious?

You are so generous.

Who is he?

It seems that he is
Mrs. Chronovala's friend.

Lord Julius indeed lives up to his name.

He was still very well-received
even when disguised as an old lady.

We intended to investigate
the matter as spies

but now we have come into the limelight.

I wonder if Captain Nozel is doing well.

So you know Mrs. Chronovala?

She is the savior of my son.


I went into labor out in the fields

and she called a doctor for me.

By the way, you can carry the baby.

I named him Valar.

What? No…

I remember the last time
I ever carried a baby

was when Noelle was born.

Lord Noze.


It seems that everyone knows Juli…
I mean, Chronovala.

It seems so.

I am the village head, Ossa.

We don't have anything to offer

but we'd like to invite you guys
to stay the night in this village.

This is a good idea. Stay overnight.

We can't afford to treat you to a feast
but we can cook some delicious food.

What should we do?

We don't have a reason to turn them down.

That person did tell us to try our best
to get along with the villagers.

Okay, let's just accept it.

In the end, we didn't manage to obtain
any information about the bandits.

What exactly does Lord Julius mean

by something that brings harm
to the kingdom?

What is wrong?

As expected.

It seems that they are asleep.

Let's attack.

You must be the bandits
who are terrorizing the area.

So what? Hand over your possessions.

Otherwise, you will be doomed.

Put them down!

You are…

The villagers?

I really hope that none of this is real.

I think that is the end.

Mr. Ossa.

We knew this would happen,

even though we were just
trying to survive.

Due to the
Eye of the Midnight Sun's attack,

the village was ruined.

However, the Royal Capital
has not sent any aid until now.

Because of that, our impoverished life
has become worse.

However, stealing from others
in order to try to restore our village

was far too selfish of us.

It's me who led the villagers
to rob people.

Please spare the rest
and turn me in to the Magic Knights.

-No way.
-What are you talking about?

Mr. Ossa did that because of us.

They were forced to commit crimes.

If we could send aid in time,

things like these wouldn't have happened.

We can't let him
take all the blame for this!

If you are going to arrest him,
then take us in as well.

How could you say that?

You are

-Master Fuegoleon and Master Nozel!
-The Magic Knights?

The captains of Magic Knight squads?

I've understood
the impoverished condition in the village.

We can still turn the situation around.

You are as naive as usual.
Crime is always a crime.

Don't be emotional.
We must rule the matter rationally.

You are not being rational but cruel.

You are responsible for reconstructing
the village and the surrounding areas.

Crime is always a crime.

Make up for your own mistakes
by doing labor work.

Then we…

Royal Capital has not forgotten you all.

However, we were not aware
of the real situation.

Please trust that we will work harder
to reconstruct the kingdom from now on.

Thank you.

That's all for the report pertaining
to the investigation on that village.

Thank you for the hard work.
You have done a great job.

I have sent my squad members
to the other villages

to check on the reconstruction progress
and lend the villagers a hand.

Our duty is to protect the kingdom

and live in peace with the people.

After seeing the real situation
with your own eyes,

have you changed your mind
about the kingdom?

As expected.

That's why he sent us…

Nozel and Fuegoleon.

I hope both of you can work harder

to help the kingdom move forward
with the Magic Knights.

-Please leave it to us.
-Please leave it to us.

Yes, I shall leave it to you.

It makes me feel like
wandering around too.

-No way.

I guess I'll have to seek help
from Yami and the g*ng.

After all,
I can't do much in my current state.

Even so,

the kingdom still needs you dearly.

Yuno struggles with the Golden Dawn

since they are made up
of nobles and royals.

Black Clover, Page ,

"The Golden Family."

Just like Asta,

Yuno's magic is in never giving up.