06x24 - A Nightmare in Broad Daylight!! The Terror Becomes Even More Perfect

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x24 - A Nightmare in Broad Daylight!! The Terror Becomes Even More Perfect

Post by bunniefuu »

C-Cell is back alone.

What happened to the young man who disappeared with him? Cell is both incredible and horrible to behold.

His strength is simply beyond our imagination.

Why am I still doing this? How is this possible? Cell is still alive? What do you mean Kaio-sama? He blew himself up! You saw it! I don't know how it happened, but I'm quite sure he's still alive.

This can't be! You mean I did all of that for nothing!? That's right.

Including getting me blown up also.

Damn it.

Kami-sama, is something wrong? Cell Cell has been revived.

What? And now he is even more powerful.

But can Son Gohan beat him again? I don't know if even Gohan-san can do it this time Surprised? Well I'll tell you what happened.

This was quite unexpected and was a lucky turn of events.

Inside my brain, there is a small lump of nerves.

It is my nucleus, so to speak.

As long as the nucleus is undamaged, I can keep regenerating my cells and recreate my whole body! Sorry, Kaio-sama, but I didn't have a choice.

But to bring him here? My nucleus survived the expl*si*n.

I didn't even know such a thing could happen.

It was totally unexpected.

And that's not all.

I have my perfect body again, even without the androids in my system.

And this is not just the "perfect body" that I used to have.

It is a far more powerful one, as powerful as Son Gohan.

It's probably due to the Saiyajin cells that I have in my system, since the Saiyajin cells are said to increase their strength when it faces death.

Furthermore, I had a chance to absorb Son Goku's teleportation technique.

In other words, I have obtained everything I wanted because of the expl*si*n.

I should thank Son Goku.

He gave me a wonderful farewell present.

G-Gohan What's so funny? I'm happy.

Happy? Yeah.

I'm happy because you're back, and now I can get my revenge on you for my father! I wanted to k*ll you myself.

For my father.

I don't know about that.

I don't think you can beat me like you did before.

Trunks! Trunks Bye bye everyone.

Dad! K-Kakarotto I should thank Son Goku.

He gave me a wonderful farewell present.

Happy? I'm going to take revenge on you for my father! G-Gohan I wanted to k*ll you myself.

D-Damn! What was I doing? I should have been the one to k*ll Cell, not Kakarotto! Definitely not that that low-class fighter or his son! Damn! A fierce new battle is raging, ladies and gentlemen! V-Vegeta! Vegeta Cell! I, the prince of Planet Vegeta, will be the one who destroys you! What was the prince of Planet Vegeta going to do? Cell has beaten another one What the hell is happening? Go to hell, Vegeta! Well well, how about that? G-Gohan! Gohan! Vegeta you idiot! We could have revived Trunks with the dragonballs! Well, you look like you still have some fight left in you.

But I won't play around with you anymore.

I've had enough of this.

Cell's power has increased tremendously! The senzu.

Where are the senzu? We used them all This is the end! Gohan can't continue to fight with that injury.

I won't show you any mercy! You'll die along with this planet! Cell is going to destroy everything.

With that injury, can Gohan do anything to prevent this?
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