06x20 - Devastating True Power!! The Cell Juniors Pulverized

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x20 - Devastating True Power!! The Cell Juniors Pulverized

Post by bunniefuu »

Real Power Blowup! Exploding Cell Junior's.

W-What the? It's Gohan's ki is increasing Gohan That's it, Gohan.

Is that it? You're just like Trunks.

You can't beat me simply by increasing your power.

Cell Stop it! I said stop it! I see now.

This is it! H-He's doing it.

They're like monsters! Chi-Chi! I won't allow you to go unpunished for this.

Finally you've unveiled your full power.

Now it's getting interesting.


You took the senzu! Damn you! I can't believe this.

He destroyed it with just one punch! Incredible Incredible, Gohan-san! You did it! G-Gohan What? His speed I can't believe his speed.

He's as fast as Cell maybe even faster.

Gohan, don't worry about me.

Destroy them.

Do it, Gohan! I don't believe this.

This can't be real.

What? What happened? Chi-Chi, you passed out.

Dad, how's Gohan doing? What's happening to my baby? He was doing very well.

Then the coverage was interrupted all of a sudden.

How could they possibly keep such a small boy fighting for so long? And what do you mean he's doing very well? It's too much! I'm going to complain to Goku about this! Be quiet, Chi-Chi! Gohan is no longer a little boy.

He's a fine fighter.

He's even stronger than Goku now, and he's our only hope! Remember, your son and your husband are fighting for us and for this planet.

Why can't you understand that!? I wish I could fight with them too if I could, but only Gohan can defeat Cell.

Now, calm down.

Let's pray for Gohan, alright? Are you finished? Have you finished your little speech? W-Well Dad, he's my son! You don't understand anything! He can't get into a good university by saving the planet! He won't become a scholar by fighting with people! He may beat Cell but he'll fail academically against the other kids in school! W-Wait, Chi-Chi.

Calm down! Shut up! That boy is already behaving like a juvenile delinquent, and all you have to say is "He's doing very well"? Goku, you idiot! What have you done to my baby?! I see.

So this is the power of anger.

Very well, let me be your audience for a while.

That boy is above everyone else.

He's gone beyond the level I've been trying so hard to achieve all these years.

This can't be happening.

This can't be true H-He may win! Ladies and gentlemen, this is an incredible turn of events! That boy is fighting against the small creatures and winning.

Hey cameraman, don't miss this! The camera isn't working anymore! What!? This is the story of the century! Do something! Fix it! He's fighting against the Cell Juniors as if they were nothing.

And he hasn't weakened.

Even after using all that energy, he's not tired.

Are you alright, Son? What do you think, Piccolo? I told you he could do it.

Gohan I won't allow you to go unpunished for this! He k*lled all of my children! He's no longer hesitating.

His anger is overriding his reason.

Now indeed, he is the strongest fighter.

Cell, you fool.

You've caused your own destruction.

Give this to everyone.

Right! Gohan unveiled his incredible power.

But no one has seen Cell's full power yet.

Who will finally triumph? Cell or Gohan?
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