06x19 - The Tragic No. 16!! An Enraged Super Gohan Begins Taking Action

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x19 - The Tragic No. 16!! An Enraged Super Gohan Begins Taking Action

Post by bunniefuu »

No way Damn it! What? Damn it! Over here.

The unknown fighters are now taking on these seven newly arrived monsters.

The fighting is so intense that it is hard to determine what exactly is taking place, but it is definitely an incredible battle! Mr.

Satan, how are you feeling? It seems your stomachache is better.

Ouch! Ouch! What are you talking about? Until now, I just wasn't mentioning how much pain I'm in.

Oh, really? Because of who I am, I can survive this incredible pain.

A normal human would have fainted by now.

Wow, you are so impressive Mr.

Satan! Umm, what about your stomach pain? Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.

Umm, should I get you some medicine? Shut the hell up! G-Goku! Tienshinhan, Yamcha Goku has used up all of his stamina in his fight with Cell.

Go help Goku! Yamcha! Thank you.

This isn't really the time for saying thanks.

Piccolo! Krillin-san! S-Stop! Except for Trunks, nobody else can be brought back with the dragonballs.

Ahh, your ki has begun to slightly rise.

Good, you're finally releasing your anger.

But if you don't hurry up and show your true power, it will be too late.

Look closely.

With Vegeta and Trunks it's an even match.

The worn out Son Goku is in danger though.

What power! How can these midgets do this to me? D-Damn! Everyone, I'm sorry.

It wasn't supposed to It wasn't supposed to end like this.

Everyone's going to be k*lled.

If I really have incredible powers hidden within me, I want to release it.

I want to defeat Cell with that power.

But what do I do? How do I get angry? I don't know how to do it! W-Who are these guys? I can't be playing around with you pieces of trash forever! Disappear and be gone! Those people aren't normal.

Let's not throw away our lives.

They aren't human.

You're right.

Staying longer would be dangerous.

Let's use this opportunity to leave.


Satan, let's run away too! That's ridiculous Why the hell would I, the champion, have to run away? So you're going to stay? No, I'm going to go to the hospital and get my stomach pains cured, then I'll come right back.

Okay, it's been decided, let's go.

W-Wait Please wait Please Before you leave, can you take me to that boy? He's only a head, yet he's talking I knew it.

It's a monster.

Please, it's for the earth.

Stop joking around.

The boy is right by Cell.

Exactly! We can't have Mr.

Satan going to such a dangerous place.

Don't you want to be useful? Aren't you the world's champion? Mr.

Satan is the human champion.

He can't continue fighting you monsters anymore.

Idiot! No matter who the opponent is, they are no match against me! Its just I need to go to the hospital first.

Please champion.


Satan, theres no need to listen to that monster.

Exactly, lets hurry up and get out of here.

You need to go to the hospital.


Satan Okay, I'll do it.

You shouldn't, you'll be k*lled.

Shut up! Unknown guys and even a kid are fighting.

If I, the champion, ran away, I'd be a laughing stock.


Satan I just have to take you close, right? Yes, thanks.

Ahhhhhh! I'm scared! When you get close enough, you can just throw me.


Stop it! I'm telling you to stop it.

Looks like one more small push Hey, Cell Juniors, enough playing around.

k*ll them all if you have to.

Good, just a little more, just a little more Do it! k*ll them all! O-Okay, here it goes.


16 Shit, I threw him too far.

S-Son Gohan Fighting for what is right is not a crime.

Talking things out doesn't work against some opponents.

Let your angry spirit be free.

I understand your feelings, but there is no need to hold back any longer.

Hmm That's good advice, but we're doing this my way.

Gohan, protect nature and the animals that I loved so much.

Please Stay out of my business, you useless piece of junk.

Gohan! Has Gohan's rage finally surpassed its limit?
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