06x15 - A Conclusion to the Deathmatch!! Goku's Declaration of Surrender!?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x15 - A Conclusion to the Deathmatch!! Goku's Declaration of Surrender!?

Post by bunniefuu »

G-Goku I-Incredible! What happened just now? Yes! He did it! I see.

Goku finally won using Instantaneous Movement.

Hey, Goku has won it! What happened everyone? Aren't you all happy? Mr.

Satan, it looks like he defeated Cell.


Satan! Well, yeah.

He did a decent job.

Too bad though.

I wanted a shot at him.

It's really upsetting.

We weren't able to display Mr.

Satan's splendid and brutal techniques to the whole world.

Isn't that so? Yes.

Ladies and gentlemen of the world, this is certainly regrettable.

Before Mr.

Satan could go into the ring and claim glory, this young man managed to defeat Cell.

Is this the end? It was kind of unexpected and unsatisfying.

Hey mama, won't Mr.

Satan fight? I guess not.

How can this be? He's pretty hurt, but I can sense a lot of ki.

Watch out, Goku! I think Cell is starting to revive! What? W-What is going on?! Cell's lower body just stood up! He's back together again! Cell has revived! Is this some sort of trick, Mr.

Satan? Of course it's a trick! I see that you can resurrect yourself.

That's right.

Just like Piccolo.

Damn bastard! I knew I couldn't have k*lled you so easily, but by doing that your ki has went way down.

Yours has also.

You're growing more fatigued by the minute.

Let's continue.

Be warned though! You won't be able to use that again! Don't bore me by wasting your power on futile techniques.

I know that! Are you sure? They have begun another round of violent combat! Cell att*cks, and the unknown fighter counterattacks.

It is shaking everywhere! Even where we are standing! What will happen next? Hmm Goku Why? Hello! Oh, Bulma-san.

Oh, they are still fighting? I came over here because I thought it would be better to watch it with someone, rather than watching it at home alone.

What's wrong Trunks? They have spent a great deal of ki since that Kamehameha attack.

Regardless, they have managed to go on this long.

What's wrong Goku? Is that all? Damn it! Yes! It's working! Go Goku-san! Good job, Goku! He has almost beaten Cell! F-Father The young and unknown fighter has launched an incredible attack.

Cell is in big trouble! But with the smoke from the explosions we are not able to report anything right now to everyone watching.

I can't see! I can't see anything! What's going on? No, nothing is broken! We're doing everything we can.

Really Everyone: Cut the phone lines! Goku, you can win! Goku-san! Yes! Goku Are you ok, Mr.

Satan? Y-Yeah.

I was just warming up.

Impressive! You're never lazy when getting ready for a big fight! As expected from the World Champion Satan-sama.

Uhh, yeah Announcers don't let go of the microphone even in the face of death.

But, what in the world is this huge ball? Son Goku.

What an exquisite attack! I had to create a barrier to halt it, which is not what I expected.

I've been wounded somehow.

Incredible I don't understand what's going on.

But still, it's amazing.

Hey mama, is this a movie? Darling, isn't that Chi-Chi-san's husband? Oh right, remember he said that he recently dyed his hair.

Yeah, it looks like him.

Oh yes, he is always wearing those showy clothes.

Someone is talking about me.

Fight hard, Goku-sa! Ahh, almost! He almost got him! It wasn't almost at all.

It's true that they appear to be almost equal.

But unlike Goku, Cell has even more power to go.

What? Is that the case? It's just too bad, but Goku can't win.

It looks to me like Goku knows that, but he continues to fight anyway.

I don't know what could be going through his head Cell is weakening, but Goku's ki is draining rapidly.

It appears that you have used your power, Son Goku.

Eat that senzu thing.

Then we can move onwards to more delightful carnage and destruction.

It's a chance! It's like Cell said, let's give a senzu bean to Goku-san.

Then we can all fight against Cell and surely defeat him.

That's right! That's a good idea! Krillin-san.

Krillin-san, hurry and give him a senzu.

Shut up, Trunks! Apparently you don't share the pride of the Saiyajin warrior race.

Goku would rather die than win like that! Right now he's not fighting to protect this planet or anything resembling that.

Remember that! But, at this rate Cell will beat us certainly.

I'm mad, but even I will admit that I was unable to surpass Kakarotto, even with the extensive training that I have had.

That bastard is a genius! But Cell is a thousand times stronger than Kakarotto.

Then what should we do? Just shut up and watch? You said it yourself.

He has some secret plan for this battle.

Let's hope it's a good plan.

Goku-san, what kind of plan do you have? What's wrong? You won't eat a senzu bean because of your pride? My power is incredibly low now.

Once you power up, you may have a slim chance of beating me.

I want to savor this battle between us more and more! I give up.

I surrender.

I know how strong you are, Cell.

I quit.

W-What? Surrender!? I-Impossible! Goku surrenders? This has never happened before Father What the hell is he thinking!? Why? Son-kun's never shown any weaknesses before.

Why did you surrender? Goku has lost.

What fate shall befall the earth now?
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