06x07 - Seek Out Kami-sama!! Goku's Great Instantaneous Movement

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x07 - Seek Out Kami-sama!! Goku's Great Instantaneous Movement

Post by bunniefuu »

Why is that guy taking such a long time? Maybe he died in there I-It hasn't been 24 hours yet, so he still has time.

Damn it! I won't let him be even one second late.

Otherwise I'll break down the door and drag him out.

He's coming out.

So he's finally coming out? Alright, it's my turn now.

Piccolo-san is much more powerful than before.

What's the matter with you? You haven't changed at all.

Have you been sleeping inside? Watch out, Kakarotto.

I'm going to be better than you! I promise! My people, our defensive army will do their very best to stop the monster Cell.

Please don't panic and just remain calm.

The army can't beat Cell We must depend on Son-kun.

But #16 really is something.

He's even more powerful than #17 and #18.

And he has a device for detecting ki.

I wonder what kind of material he's made of.

I see one look.

There are big fish in this lake.

Hey, Dad.

Can we really live such an easy and relaxed life? Why are you so laid-back? Don't worry.

It'll all work out.

Will it? Don't worry, I told you that we can win.

It's pointless to go on practicing now.

We've reached the highest level.

Right! Well, since Goku said so, I can only believe in him.

Everyone, the food is ready to eat.

Thank you.

Forget about everything for now and live the easy life.

Wow! This looks delicious! I'm just really surprised.

When did Goku get a drivers' license? It was two years ago.

He got it with Piccolo.

Pi-Piccolo?! Right, but They were too naughty and gave the instructors a hard time.

They didn't pass it the first time.

I I think I understand what you mean.

But I tried very hard to convince the driving school to teach them again, so they both finally got it.

What about the written test? I spent all night teaching Goku-sa.

Go-Good for you.

Only with his license could Goku-sa drive us around.

I was so happy.

It was like a dream.

Goku-sa really is a good husband.

Lets go see Muten Roshi-sama before we go home.


Damn it, what's keeping you! Shut up or Cell will come eat you up! The traffic is terrible.

Everyone is escaping from town.

Everyone thinks it's safer to leave town.

Maybe so.

It looks like they've closed all the shops.

Probably because seven days from now all the people will die.

So nobody wants to work.

Ah, now we can't buy anything.

I wanted to buy Kamesennin some presents too.

We interrupt you for a special report.

Hey, someone is still working.

It's time to destroy the monster Cell.

The defensive army of area five is ready to start their attack soon.

What? To our audience at home This is our army.

No matter what that monster is, it will be unable to resist this attack.

Army? Idiots, what are they doing? Don't they know they will die in vain? Alright, has the stupid army arrived? Attack! He's running! Idiots.

I just don't want to damage the stage that I built with such hard effort.

Don't let him go! Attack! Strike! The massive attack has begun! Listen to the bombing sounds! The vigorous attack is still going on.

With an attack by such a strong force, I bet he will be totally crushed! R-Run now! Hurry! Alright, stop! Stop, that's enough! Don't attack! Cell is doomed.

I-Impossible! I-It can't be! He's still alive.

Monster! I must punish these idiots very badly.

U-Unbelievable! He's still alive! It seems that Cell wasn't hurt at all! S-Stop! Cell, don't k*ll them! Stop it! Damn it! At least that k*lled my boredom.

Sorry, please go home.

I have to go see Piccolo.

Y-You're going to see Piccolo? What's wrong? Strange.



Wow, Piccolo.

You've gone into the Room of Spirit and Time too? Yes.

Good for you.

I can feel that you've become much more powerful.

Make it clear.

Though I'm more powerful, am I good enough to beat Cell? Hmm, no you're not.

You're an honest guy.

Why are you here? Oh yeah, can you and Kami-sama split into two beings again? What? After you and Kami-sama united, the dragonballs disappeared.

I want to bring the people k*lled by Cell back to life.

And maybe they'll be of more use later.

I see, but I'm sorry.

It's not possible.

We can't split into two beings after reuniting.

Otherwise I wouldn't have hesitated so much.

You're sure? It's really impossible? I learned from Gohan that the Nameksei-jins who have survived have gone to another planet.

Let me go and find them.

What? If I succeed and if one of them can stay on the Earth forever, Kami-sama and the dragonballs can both come back to life.

I'll go and find the Nameksei-jin's new planet.

Popo will be happy if you find a new Kami-sama too.

But Goku, how will you bring him to Earth? It might take a long time for you to bring him here from another planet.

Don't worry.

I can use Instantaneous Movement.

I can look for a ki similar to Piccolo's.

Then I can find the Nameksei-jins.

Can you detect a ki from such a distance? Maybe I can if it's not too far away.

Let me try now.

Be quiet.

Sorry, I can't sense them.

That's right! Maybe Kaio-sama can find them.

Come on Kaio-sama, Kaio-sama Got it! Things should work out.

I just wonder if he will succeed Where is Kaio-sama? I found him.

Hey, Bubbles, it's been a while.

How are you? Kaio-sama.

Can you please get up? It's me, Son Goku.

Goku? Goku? You're a Super Saiyajin? Are you here to chat with me or something? What? Your life is too calm.

Do you not know that the earth is in grave danger? The human beings are totally helpless in front of Cell.

But why is Goku so calm?
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