05x24 - Save Your Father!! Trunks' Fury, Which Scorches Even the Heavens

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x24 - Save Your Father!! Trunks' Fury, Which Scorches Even the Heavens

Post by bunniefuu »

"Save Your Father!! Trunks' Fury, Which Scorches Even the Heavens" What's this? Trunks! H- he still hasn't gotten fired up, yet what a terrifying Ki! W- what is going on with these Saiyans? Every time an awesome opponent appears, they rapidly get much stronger! Are there no limits to the warrior Saiyan race? What sort of guys are they? Kuririn-san Would you take Dad, and go to Muten Roshi-sama's place or somewhere for me? Thank goodness.

You can talk like normal, then.

I was worried that you had gone nuts, Iike Goku and the others did when they became great apes.

I'm all right.

Never mind me, here When you think the timing is right, give that Senzu to Dad.

S- sure.

But are you sure you're okay? Are you sure you have a Senzu for yourself? I will not need a Senzu for myself, because I will be sure to win.

F- for him to say something like that, he's awfully sure of himself.

He's strong! So he's been keeping all that potential strength hidden? I will k*ll you, Cell.

That's a pretty aggressive statement, Trunks.

They've vanished! Above me! W- what? D- don't tell me that he's defeated Cell, there! W- what the hell kind of training did he do in the Room of Spirit and Time? Gohan, anything goes.

Try to catch me.

All right! That was a good reading! But you've still got a soft touch! That was close, that was close! Father! Caught you! Oh, my You did good, huh Gohan? Yes! However, we overdid it, didn't we? I- I got all caught up in it, and all We'll have to fix this, or we'll have Popo mad at us! Right! H- he did it! Awesome! That Trunks saying he's gotten stronger doesn't even cover it! He's defeated that monster Cell! Kuririn-san, watch out! W- what!? You're something else, Trunks.

Damn! Cell is still alive and kicking! That settles it! What kind of power is this? I might have known! To think that you could dodge me by a hair's breadth! T- Trunks! T- this is hopeless I- is that it? This is to allow me to rescue Vegeta.

So this is the result of your allowing Cell to become his perfect form, for your pride's sake? Trunks is now fighting at incredible power! He's gotten a lot stronger than you have.

And the reason I can't watch this magnificent fight, it's all due to your ridiculous pride! For my part, I wouldn't care if you weren't around but as far as Trunks goes, that doesn't seem to be so.

Really, what does he see in a father like this? Now, can you finally fight without any other concerns? Vegeta has been taken away, and all S- so you knew? Of course.

As well as knowing you were moving me away from Vegeta on purpose.

This is unexpected! To think that you would let him go knowingly! Naturally.

My interests no longer lie with him.

They lie in your true power.

I didn't think you knew so much.

I look forward to this.

The time for me to know the strength of this perfect form has come.

W- what power he has! He's far exceeded Super Vegeta! Is this it? Is this the Saiyan power that goes beyond Super Saiyan, that Goku was talking about? As Super Trunks finally reveals himself, he demonstrates ultra-power!
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