05x23 - Breaking Through the Boundaries of the Super Saiyan!! Trunks Summons a Storm

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x23 - Breaking Through the Boundaries of the Super Saiyan!! Trunks Summons a Storm

Post by bunniefuu »

"Breaking Through the Boundaries of the Super Saiyan!! Trunks Summons a Storm" Vegeta's attack had to have struck Cell's vital point flawlessly.

And yet, Cell has taken no damage whatsoever! I- is that how much difference there is in their powers now? What's the matter? Where's all that enthusiasm you had up until now? M- my my kick had the power of my whole body behind it! W- why!? What's the matter? Smile, Vegeta! Well, well.

I suppose I'll have to return your remark that there is too great a difference between us, and this fight is dull.

W- what are you doing, Trunks? If you don't hurry up and help him, Vegeta really is going to die! If he dies, he won't be able to give you any business about his pride! W- when Dad loses consciousness fighting Cell, then I'll step in to help.

Having lost consciousness, I can get away without having to have Dad see that I've surpassed him.

Are you still worried about that? Kuririn-san! For Dad, pride is something you cannot be without! Dad without his pride would not be Dad at all! That's what makes Dad even stronger as well as making him more solitary.

However, I'm sure it's that part of Dad that attracted Mom! And me, as well! Trunks Fine then, assuming he doesn't get k*lled before losing consciousness.

You scum.

Vegeta, unfortunately it seems you'll be finished while I'm warming up.

Y- you piece of crap! Before we part ways, I must express my gratitude to the degree of your foolishness that assisted me in becoming my perfect form.

Don't go exerting any uncalled-for effort, when you know what the outcome will be, No.


You are no longer anything more than a powerless pile of junk.

D- Dad! W- what is he planning to do? D- Dad! Cell!! No matter that you may have attained your perfect form, do you still have the courage to catch this head-on!? It's too much for you, I bet! You're nothing but a pantywaist! H- he's provoking Cell! To keep him from avoiding the attack! Y- you've got to be kidding! D- does he really intend to unleash that technique here on Earth!? Please don't do it!! The Earth The Earth itself will be-!! Get out of there, Trunks! Final Flash! H- holy s-! I'm so hungry! Let's see, this and this, and this.

Gohan likes this one, after all.

Okay! Gohan! It's about time for us to eat! Right! After all, if you don't keep your body in good health, I'll get Chichi mad at me, too! Right.


Gohan, cook this for me.

Thank you! Y- your hair Gohan, you have to hurry and learn how to control your power, huh? Y- yes Ee-yow! W- we survived! Dad calculated perfectly, and narrowed his range down just right! I- it paid off! Take that! N- no! H- he did it! H- he really did it! Y- yeah S- something like this c- can't happen! It can't happen! Not to my perfect form! Damn it to hell!! Gotcha! You're laughing a fool's laugh! Have you forgotten that I have inherited Piccolo's blood? Disappointed? T- this can't be! Now then, isn't it about time I k*lled you? D- dammit! H- hey He's no longer S- Super Saiyan.

H- he's lost consciousness Or else he's d- d- You're tough, huh? I'll put you out of your misery right now, Vegeta.

Trunks! It's now or never! Now's the time to become that drastic Super Saiyan! Hey, now T- Trunks? Hey, Trunks? Are you all right? Hey! And so, this is where it ends, Vegeta.

At last, Trunks' Ultra-Power is unleashed! Take that power that surpasses the Saiyan wall!
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