05x15 - I Will Dispose of Everything!! A Reborn Vegeta, Father and Son, Sally Forth

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x15 - I Will Dispose of Everything!! A Reborn Vegeta, Father and Son, Sally Forth

Post by bunniefuu »

"I Will Dispose of Everything!! A Reborn Vegeta, Father and Son, Sally Forth" Please excuse us.

We've kept you waiting.

We've really been waiting for this! --Trunks-san! --Trunks, you've really gotten all strong, huh? You been in quite long time.

Popo not know anyone been in this long.

Once we entered, Dad appeared to have already overcome the Super Saiyan wall in two months.

But even then, he didn't appear to be satisfied, and all the time up to now has been- Trunks! Don't say what you don't have to.

It went pretty well, huh Vegeta? Hmph, I suppose.

But even if you were to go in now and train, it won't do any good, because I'm going to dispose of everything- including Cell and the Artificial Humans.

What!? Vegeta, I don't know how strong you may have gotten, but you're taking them too lightly.

While you were in that room, Cell absorbed the Artificial Human No.

17, and has gotten even stronger! You'll be surprised at his strength.

Vegeta, I went and saw the evolved Cell myself for just a moment.

He was one abominable monster! This is no time to be playing around! We have to hurry to Kami-sama's temple! Trunks, we're speeding up! That's it! He looks like he's angry about something.

Oh well.

Damn that wretched No.

18! Where did she vanish to? She's together with that injured No.


They couldn't have gotten too far.

That miserable Cell! Aren't you upset, No.

16!? You really are a strange one! I don't have any idea what it is you're thinking! You tried to help us.

You, who were built solely for k*lling Son Goku.

So this is Kami-sama's temple, huh? Hey there, everyone! Where are you? If you're here, come on out! That's Bulma-san's voice! They're here, they're here! Bulma, why are you here? I asked Kuririn.

He said you were all here.

Good day! Huh? Say, say there, you're Trunks, aren't you? --You are, right? --Uh Right Why has your hairstyle changed? Is it a wig? Whoa, and haven't you gotten taller? T- there is a mysterious room in Kami-sama's temple here, where one year inside is the same as one day outside.

Me and Dad trained together in that room Huh? But hey, even taking that into account, Vegeta's hair hasn't gotten any longer, has it? The hair of a pure Saiyan does not undergo any weird changes from the time they're born.

--Yeah? --Is that so? So that's why I've always had- Haven't you ever noticed up until now? Yeah, I've always thought it was a little strange, but still You amaze me.

This is no time for you to be speaking about things of no importance! Why the hell have you come here, Bulma!? Right, right.

I'd forgotten.

See, that battle suit that Vegeta requested to be made? It's got an incredible defensive capacity, right? So, I had them made for everybody and brought them here! See? Wow, this takes me back! These are the clothes I wore on Planet Namek! This is unexpectedly light, huh? So this is a Saiyan battle suit? It took a lot of effort for me to make them out of the same material, you know! As I might have expected of Bulma-san! No, no, you flatter me! Huh? Aren't you guys going to wear them? I have no inclination to wear the same clothes as Freeza or the Saiyans.

Me either.

I'd die before wearing the same clothes as Vegeta.

Don't be so particular! It's pretty easy to move around in this! Like I said before, Kakarrot, there's no use in you wearing that outfit.

You will have no active part in this.

Because you're going to defeat that monster Cell, right? If so, that will be best! So then, why don't I go beat Cell now? Shall I take you to him with my Instantaneous Movement? Don't be absurd.

I will not be making use of your powers.

See you later.

My, my.

He's as obstinate as ever.

Well then, I will be going too.


Oh, just a second Vegeta's and your share of the Senzu.

Take them with you.

I am most thankful for them.

Good luck.

But don't overdo it.

If it gets dicey, get out of there right away! Got it? Yes.

Thank you for everything.

Goku-san, good luck with your training as well.

Dying is definitely out of the question, both of you! You got that? All right, Gohan! Now it's our turn for some father-and-son training! Right! Oh, just a moment! Before we do I'm hungry! I've gotta eat something first! At a time like this? Dammit! Given No.

18's speed, I should have overtaken her now for sure! Seeing as how she is not visible, she would appear to have hidden herself on one of the islands around here somewhere.


Can you hear me!? No.

18!! Show yourself!! If you don't show yourself, I'm going to destroy these islands one after another!! You got that!? You have to hear me! No.

18! Come on out immediately! W- what's that? You idiot! Where the hell were you looking!? Come on! What was that loud voice just now? I- it sounded like it came from the sky, really far away! Listen!! No.

18!! I am not bluffing!! You must be thinking that if I destroy you, then I will not be able to achieve my perfect form, so there's no way I would do so!! W- what is this? That's just too bad!! It is certainly true that I desire to become my perfect form, but even as I am now, there is already no one in the world that can oppose me!! Come on out! No.

18! Hurry up and come out! Cell's voice, is it? To think that he would be the one to let me know where he is.

Just you wait, Cell.

You'll know right away who the strongest in the universe is! If you do not come out, I will destroy all these islands!! You got that!? You despicable piece of crap! It's all right, No.

18! Don't move.

He may say that, but he's not about to destroy anything.

He is greatly devoted to becoming his perfect form.

Lousy No.

18 Not going to show yourself, huh? Put me to all this trouble, will you? Idiot! Well then, shall I drive her from that island first? Hey, isn't that whatever it was that put out that loud voice? Why is he floating in mid-air? H- he's the devil! The devil has come! It's the end of the world! It's all over! It seems that No.

18 was not on that island.

Okay, on to the next island.


18!! Do you still intend not to show yourself!? The island you are hiding on will soon vanish, and you along with it!! What do we do, No.

16? He really has started destroying islands! You need not worry.

Cell is attacking at a level such that you will not die, No.


No matter what happens, he wants to assimilate you, No.


Even if he does spare me, with your injuries, you will not survive! Why is it that Cell is as particular as this about becoming his perfect form? He already has enough power to make himself invincible.

There is no one in the entire universe that can stand up to him! Is it just that he is genuinely seeking the ultimate power? Miserable Cell! It appears he's making quite a show about going into action.

Mmm, nummy! Ah! Here comes, here comes! I'm full, I'm full! Son Goku, that enough? Yeah! I've had plenty to eat! Gohan, about ready to go? Yes! Well then See there? Stick to it! Stick to it, Trunks! Starting now, you've got a great deal of working out to do! Ah, here they come, here they come! Indeed! You really are happy-go-lucky about this! Okay, just about time you guys take turn entering.

Wonder how long you can stay in.

It's hot At last, Son Goku and Son Gohan enter the Room of Spirit and Time.

Will they be able to surpass even Super Saiyan?
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