05x14 - Tomorrow, I Am Going to Pulverize You!! Goku's Challenge

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x14 - Tomorrow, I Am Going to Pulverize You!! Goku's Challenge

Post by bunniefuu »

"Tomorrow, I Am Going To Pulverize You!! Goku's Challenge" What are you doing!? Run away! Run away from here! Come on! Now, while we can, No.

16! R- right Let's go, No.

16! D- damned if I'm letting you get away! Why, you R- rotten monster! T- Tenshinhan-san is hanging in there.

But his Ki is dropping rapidly! Tenshinhan's Shin-Kikoho Uses considerable energy.

Even so, everything he can do, stop Cell from moving.

If keeps this up S- stop it, Tenshinhan! Don't use your Kikoho any more! I said stop it, and I mean stop it! S- still, the only one who can keep Cell in check right now is me A- as long as my energy holds out S- such an enormous Ki! H- how will this turn out? C- Chaozu T- Ten-san's g- going to die S- sorry, Chaozu.

There isn't anything we can do.

He's just too strong! What are you sayin'!? Goku-sa's still around, isn't he!? Gohan-chan's gettin' stronger! On top of that, Goku-sa's about to go and take care of that monster! It's no good! Tenshinhan's Ki has dropped substantially! If things keep going like this, Tenshinhan will be Ten-san Chaozu, let's go! Right! H- hold on! Even if you do go, there isn't anything any more that you can do! Not only that, but you will just add to our casualties! --But-! --It's just as Chichi said.

All we can do is wait for Goku to come! I hate it myself, the same as you.

You've got to understand! Damn T- Ten-san Goku-sa T- Ten-san! Damn.

They've escaped, have they? Can't you move!? To think that I could possibly have been hindered by the likes of you! H- he'll be k*lled! T- Tenshinhan-san! Damn You look like you'll die even if I leave you be but I'll eradicate you anyway! F- Father! W- what!? Son Goku? So you're Cell? H- how did he just appear? It looks as though you're one fantastic monster.

I'd like to settle everything right here, but no matter how you shake it up, there ain't no way I can win the way I am now.

However, just you wait one more day, and I'll be sure to thoroughly defeat you, you'll see! Of all the things I would have expected you to say! After one day, you're going to show me that you can defeat me!? That's right! In just one day, what is it you're saying you can do, huh? It's Piccolo's Ki! Piccolo is still alive! What? Tenshinhan, don't you leave me! There he is! Hey, Piccolo! Stay with us! H- how did those guys move in that one instant? Piccolo, Tenshinhan, both of you are going to be all right now! Once we get back to Kami-sama's palace, the Senzu we got from Karin-sama will be there! You're planning to run away? That will not do, Son Goku! They vanished! That's a peculiar technique.

Son Goku, when did you come up with that technique? Well, right now that doesn't matter.

I have to catch No.


Lousy gal, she couldn't have gotten too far away together with the broken-down No.

16! P- Piccolo-san! Thank goodness you're alive! Gohan, give them both a Senzu! Right! It's Bulma-san! What's the matter, Trunks? Kuririn!? Where? Say, where is he? You were right! Well done, Trunks! Way to find him! You really are gifted! Just what you'd expect from any child of mine! Bulma-san! Bulma-san, please give me the controller to shut down the Artificial Humans right away! I know! Here it is! This is the controller, huh? However, you must get within ten meters of them, or it will have no effect.

Don't forget that when you use it, okay? T- ten meters? T- that's pretty close, huh? Even so, I had to work very hard to make that! I- I understand.

I'll be careful when using it.

And, besides that I had battle suits made for everyone, the same as the kind Vegeta requested.

Will you take these while you're at it? They're light, but pretty tough! It's Goku and the others that need those! They should be at Kami-sama's palace, so Bulma-san, could you take them there for us? Kami-sama's palace? As I remember, that's way above Karin-To Tower, right? That's right! Sure thing! I'll take them there for you! In return, Kuririn, you hang in there and destroy the Artificial Humans, okay? R- right! Well, let's fly on over to Kami-sama's palace! Damn.

Where did that miserable No.

18 disappear to? Are you really all right, Piccolo-san, Tenshinhan-san? Yeah! The Senzu truly do work well! Anyhow, Tenshinhan, you really were reckless, huh? Really! I was worried too! But thanks to you, Tenshinhan-san, we got away without No.

18 being absorbed by Cell, and that's great! Still, that monster Cell has an abnormal strength.

Frankly, no one is able to beat him.

Not even Vegeta.

Not even Goku.

That's what I think.

Hey! Goku! Vegeta and Trunks about to come out of room! Really? Vegeta and Trunks finally emerge.

Were they indeed able to surpass Super Saiyan?
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