05x13 - No. 17 Swallowed... The Transforming Cell is a Super Gourmet

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x13 - No. 17 Swallowed... The Transforming Cell is a Super Gourmet

Post by bunniefuu »


17 Swallowed The Transforming Cell is a Super Gourmet" Then in order to keep you from becoming your perfect form, there's nothing I can do but squash the very life out of you.

Such a thing is impossible, however.

I won't know until I try.

I do know.

Hell's Flash!! What an incredible shockwave! What's going on? Unfortunately, it's not Piccolo.

His Ki vanished a bit earlier.

Is it Cell? Or is it No.

17 and the others? In any case, I have to hurry and bring back the controller.

That's the only thing I can do right now! F- Father! Yeah.

I felt it too.

T- that Cell guy's Ki has suddenly gotten small! I don't know who you are, but keep it up Until the time when Vegeta and Trunks finish their training! U- unbelievable! He's that strong? N- No.

16 Incredible Are you still here? I thought I told you to get away, No.

18! It's okay now, isn't it? You've taken care of him! I haven't beaten him at all! He has to have taken damage, but he's not the kind of opponent to die from such an attack! No.

17, while you have a chance! You get out of here too! Get out of here, you say? You've got to be joking! He's given me a rough time of it, and you expect me to run off without scaring the hell out of him!? He's taken damage, right? Then I will finish him off with my own hands! Come on out, you monstrous freak! What's the matter, weren't you going to absorb me!? I will neither run nor hide! Not until I've squeezed your life's breath from you! No.

17, behind you!! It's Cell!! As you wish, I've come forward! Oh, hell! H- he swallowed him! Run away, No.

18! What are you doing!? Run!! You'd better get out of here too! That Cell guy's Ki has billowed up incredibly! This isn't good! No.

17 or No.

18, one of them appears to have been absorbed by Cell! Come on, let's get out of here, No.

18! W- what incredible speed! This is bad.

This is really bad! Did you think you would be able to escape from me? Forgive me, Chaozu.

I just might die.

Even I myself am surprised by my magnificent speed.

Of course, this is due to absorbing No.


I wonder how my power is.

Oh, it appears to have gone up quite a bit as well.

Now then That's good.

You at least understand that trying to escape from me is an utter waste of effort.

You're a sharp one.

And so, now it's your turn.

Together, let us create the perfect form! Just try coming any closer! I'll blow myself up if you do! If I die on you, you're screwed, right!? Do you hear my voice, No.

18? It's me, No.

17! I've now joined bodies with Cell.

It's a great sensation! It's wonderful! You should have yourself absorbed right away! Only by doing that can we become the ultimate life form! N- No.

17 D- don't fall for it, No.

18! That is Cell! He's only using No.

17's voice! You keep your unnecessary remarks out of this! Be silent! Robots cannot understand our feelings.

Come, No.


There is no losing your way.

Hurry and become one with us, and obtain the greatest of powers! Then we will carry out Doctor Gero-sama's will, defeating Son Goku, and placing the entire universe in our hands! You are not No.

17!! We hated Doctor Gero for reconstructing us as he pleased! Under no circumstances would he ever say "Doctor Gero-sama!!" Having come to this, I will absorb you, even if I have to force you! Cut out the useless resistance! For you to launch an energy blast, you will need a moment to charge it.

There's a possibility that I can move sooner than that and prevent your su1c1de.

Give it up! Dammit! Small fry! What the hell is it you're trying to do!? Shin-Kikoho!! This Ki It's Tenshinhan-san's Ki! D- don't tell me Tenshinhan is taking on Cell! What are you doing!? Get out of here, now!! Why, you! Can you fly? Yeah, more or less.

Cut it out! Stop it already! Stop it, Tenshinhan! If you use the Kikoho technique any more than this, you'll die! Cell has at last absorbed No.


Stop it, Tenshinhan! Not even Tenshinhan's Shin-Kikoho has an effect on Cell as he approaches his perfect form!
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