05x11 - The su1c1de Counterattack Proves Ineffective! Piccolo's Flame Burns Out!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x11 - The su1c1de Counterattack Proves Ineffective! Piccolo's Flame Burns Out!!

Post by bunniefuu »

"The su1c1de Counterattack Proves Ineffective! Piccolo's Flame Burns Out" C- Cell! Hell, I was preoccupied with the fight, and didn't notice him! What's with that strange guy? What? Doesn't he know? No.

17 and the others don't know about Cell! At last, the day of commemoration has arrived! The day when I merge with No.

17 and No.

18 and become my perfect form! No.

17! No.

18! Who is this one? Judging by his Red Ribbon marking, I have to think he is one of Doctor Gero's Artificial Humans.

Well, in any case, he is an older model.

It will be okay to ignore him.

What are you going to do about it, Piccolo? If you wish to interfere, come right ahead.

For you to have powered up to that extent- Just how many people have you sacrificed!? Sacrifice? Hmph, rubbish! On the contrary, it is an honor to become a fraction of my power.

What!? H- how can it be!? Cell's Ki has gone up unbelievably! It's all over now! We're powerless! There's nothing we can do! For Bulma to bring that controller to stop No.

17 and the others, it'll take her 20 minutes, however fast she may be! In that case, you could go and get this controller thing from her.

Doin' that would get it to you faster than just waitin' around here.

T- that's it! You guys are all soft in the head! That's how you get from doin' nothin' but fightin'.

I'm going to go fly there and pick it up! If I fly all-out, I'm a lot faster than Bulma-san's plane! Kuririn I'm going to go help Piccolo! Even if I can't do anything for him, it's better than just waiting here! S- stop! Tenshinhan, get back here! Do you want to throw your life away!? Damn, there's not a thing I can do now.

I yearn for the days when I was acclaimed as Muten Roshi, the greatest in the world.

Goku, hurry and finish your training, and come back to us! You may get a year's worth of training in one day, but right now, that one day is too long! Goku-sa! Gohan-chan! Still not yet, Vegeta!? I don't know what you are, but you're in the way! Get lost at once! I'm playing with him right now.


17!! He plans to k*ll you and absorb you into himself!! --Run!! --What? Sneak attack? Toy with me, will you? What is this? This monster is going to absorb me? In short, his name is Cell, and he's a beast that's been created up by Doctor Gero's computer! He's still incomplete, but once he absorbs you and No.

18, it seems he will finally become his perfect form.

What did he say? Rejoice, my siblings! When you become a part of my body, it will mean the birth of the perfect super-being, with power greater than any other! We will be the very ultimate warrior that Doctor Gero was pursuing all those years! That's enough of your nonsense! You expect me to let myself be absorbed by the likes of you!? And as for ultimate warriors, there's already one here! Your will is of no matter.

That you will be absorbed is already certain! I'm going to silence that troublesome mouth of yours for you! Get out of there, No.

17! The enemy's battle power is far too great! He must not be allowed his perfect form! His aim is no longer the death of Son Goku he intends to destroy the whole universe! My, my.

Here I'm thinking you finally have something decent to say, and you tell me to run away? Don't you make me the fool!! Die!! Dammit! Are both No.

17 and that guy like Piccolo just being sloppy? That isn't it.

This Cell guy is just too strong for them.

You at least should run away, No.



17 will not listen to my warning.

If No.

17 is absorbed, he will be beyond anyone's control.

It will be the end of the world.

What are you going to do, No.

16? You go to hell! Yikes! Piccolo got him! He did not get him.

On the contrary, he has not even taken damage.

H- how can this be!? There's nothing that can be done! Our worlds are too different! Get out of here, No.

17!! His neck is broken! This is bad! It appears I've gotten too strong for you, haven't I? It's because I got overly enthusiastic and k*lled more humans for their energy than was necessary.

See you around.

H- he did him in! His Ki has vanished.

Then we weren't in time? Kami-sama! Gohan! Wait, Gohan! Piccolo-sama!! Piccolo-sama!! Gohan! If you go now, you can't beat him! Wait! In any case, all we can do is wait! Still not yet, Vegeta? What are you doing!? Piccolo at length has fallen before the terrifying Artificial Human Cell.

At this rate, he will absorb No.

17 and No.

18 and become his perfect form.
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