05x07 - Goku Awakens to Battle! Go Beyond Super Saiyan!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x07 - Goku Awakens to Battle! Go Beyond Super Saiyan!!

Post by bunniefuu »

"Goku Awakens to Battle! Go Beyond Super Saiyan!!" Right! One-two, one-two One-two, one-two Hello? What's the matter? Hello? And so, as we continue, we relay this report from a different city.

Following the incidents of the Metro West suburb of Gingertown, the citizens here in Nickytown have also suddenly disappeared.

There is only one person who can be thought of as the perpetrator here That devilish being with the power to annihilate the Metro West Armed Forces, and then turn this city into a ghost town in an instant! Just how long will this terror continue? Where is he now, and what is he doing? Investigators are combing the city, but have not yet located his whereabouts.

This has been a report from the scene.


That was a live relay from Nickytown.

At the present time, this calamity seems likely to continue.

We urge everyone to please be cautious.

Be cautious? That's a good joke! Sense anything? No! I'm sure I felt his Ki a moment ago, though.

Damn! We have to make sure he doesn't become his perfect form no matter what! Sis! Kuririn, huh? How nice of you to find me here! I can't have you taking stabs at these people! Here I am taking a shortcut back to the Kame House, and I have to run into this terrible guy! Uh, ahem Thank you very much.

N- never mind, hurry and run away! --Right! --Thanks! Suits me just fine.

Why don't I just have your life energy first? Hurry and get in! I'm taking off! It pains me to say it, but he's not an opponent I can b*at! In this situation Taiyo-ken!! We did it! Where is he? Where'd he go!? Oh, hell! Mister! This would seem to be the end, wouldn't it? Kuririn! It's those guys.

He's hidden his Ki once again! Are you all right, Kuririn? I'm saved! Oh, Son Goku is still alive? Of course he is! It appears things are starting to turn out slightly different from the history I know.

History is starting to turn out differently Evidently, ever since I came here in the time machine, things have been changing in subtle ways.

At the time, I thought that if only Goku-san hadn't d*ed of his illness, and instead lived, he could save us from a future wrought with devastation by the Artificial Humans.

However, when I came once again three years later, Goku-san and the others were fighting against different Artificial Humans Artificial Human No.

16, whom I had never seen before, appears, and then, this guy Cell or whatever also appears.

On top of that, the time machine he came back in It was definitely my own.

Does that mean that Cell coming here four years ago was my future self's fault, in that other dimension? By coming here from the future, with the changes history, have I instead plunged this world into a crisis? I will go beyond, count on it! Beyond even Super Saiyan! Dad Mom, I'm going to go try to train with Dad.

If Dad can overcome Super Saiyan, why not me? Mom Dammit! Has he gotten away again!? If he's able to search out our Ki and escape every which way from us this well, we have absolutely no way to strike at him! If I keep taking life essences at this pace, then the time when I absorb No.

17 and No.

18 and become my perfect form is not far off.

Come on! Aren't there any decent roads? Hmph, isn't this more fun? No.

16, aren't we at Son Goku's house yet? Yeah.

It's right nearby.

Indeed! How nice for you two to be so carefree.

Won't it be easier if I do this? See? I feel much better.

Aw, how could you do such a thing? This isn't any fun at all, is it? You know, you really are strange.

There's quite a bit of humanness left in you.

And so, two days pass, and while a third was passing This time, the monster has appeared in the southern zone, in a large city in Sector 48.

We have also had reports that over half the inhabitants have been k*lled already.

Damn! Now it's the southern zone? They said there were already a good deal of casualties in the Metro West area.

I know! Gohan! Be careful! If we come up on him like this, Cell won't be aware of our Ki! This time, we've got him for sure! Let's defeat him before he combines with No.

17 and the others, and becomes his perfect form! Yeah! The way we are now, we can do it! That's right! Piccolo-san is here, and he's merged with Kami-sama and gotten incredibly strong! Cell is a crafty one.

Even if we do get close, if he hides on us, there'll be no way to find him.

W- what's that!? Have the Artificial Humans come attackin'!? "Yaaaa!" is uncalled for, there's no "Yaaaa!" Here you are pouring water over people- It's been a long time since I've had the pleasure of a gal! Then again, it might be a little bit difficult to still call you a gal, huh? I should've expected as much from a former martial artist.

Well done! Ah, Goku-sa! Goku-sa!? Huh? Goku-sa? What's wrong? --Goku-sa! --Goku! Well, me too! Goku-sa! Chichi! Goku-sa! Sorry to make you worry so! Looks like I'm completely over my illness! Are you really okay? Yeah! See for yourself! Goku-sa! Hey, cut it out! I inadvertently put too much power into that! Goku-sa! Sorry, sorry! Goku! Old-timer! You've recovered from your illness? Yeah, I'm all right now! I heard what everyone has been saying in my dreams.

I pretty much know what's going on.

Looks as though things have gotten awful again, huh? Goku, don't tell me you're already You gotta be kiddin'! You're thinkin' of fightin' already? You'll die! Don't worry, I ain't fighting yet.

If Vegeta can't win against them now, I can't win either.

That's why I'm thinking of aiming for something higher, too.

Higher? Higher than Super Saiyan.

Son Goku has finally recovered.
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