01x06 - A Golden Crown

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Game of Thrones". Aired: April 2011 to May 2019.*

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Seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros. Final Series premiere April 14, 2019.
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01x06 - A Golden Crown

Post by bunniefuu »

Original Air Date on May 22, 2011

(Camera pans down to to show Ned Stark, sleeping. He opens his eyes. He's lying on a bed. He turns his head to see Cersei and Robert in front of him)

Eddard Stark: Your pardon, your Grace. I would rise, but...

Cersei Baratheon: Do you know what your wife has done?

Eddard Stark: She did nothing I did not command.

Robert Baratheon: Who'd have thought she had it in her?

Cersei Baratheon: By what right dare you lay hands on my blood?

Eddard Stark: I am the King's Hand, charged with keeping the peace...

Cersei Baratheon: You were the King's Hand. You shall now be held accountable.

Robert Baratheon: Will both of you shut your mouths?! Catelyn will release Tyrion and you'll make your peace with Jaime.

Eddard Stark: He butchered my men...

Cersei Baratheon: Lord Stark was returning drunk from a brothel when his men att*cked Jaime.

Robert Baratheon: Quiet, woman.

Eddard Stark: Jaime has fled the city. Give me leave to bring him back to justice.

(Robert stares at Ned)

Cersei Baratheon: I took you for a King.

Robert Baratheon: Hold your tongue.

Cersei Baratheon: He's att*cked one of my brothers and abducted the other. I should wear the armor and you the gown.

(Robert slaps her)

Cercei: I shall wear this like a badge of honor.

Robert Baratheon: Wear it in silence or I'll honor you again.

(Cersei looks at Ned, back at Robert, then leaves the room)

Robert Baratheon: See what she does to me? (pours wine from a goblet into a cup) My loving wife. I should not have hit her.(sits down on the bed, facing away from Ned) . That was not... That was not Kingly. (drinks the wine)

Eddard Stark: If we don't act, there will be a w*r.

Robert Baratheon: So tell your wife to return that little shit of an Imp to King's Landing. She's had her fun, now put an end to it. You hear me? Send a raven and put an end to it.

Eddard Stark: And what about Jaime Lannister?

(Robert grimaces)

Eddard Stark: What about Jaime?

Robert Baratheon: I'm half a Kingdom in debt to his bloody father! I don't know what happened between you and those yellow-haired shits. I don't want to know. This is what matters... I can't rule the Kingdoms if the Starks and the Lannisters are at each other's throats. So enough.

Eddard Stark: As you command, your Grace. With your leave, I will return to Winterfell and set matters straight.

Robert Baratheon: Piss on that. Send a raven. I want you to stay. I'm the King. I get what I want.... I never loved my brothers. A sad thing for a man to admit, but it's true. You were the brother I chose. (he looks back at Ned. He stands up) We'll talk when I return from the hunt.(he throws the 'hand's badge' at him)

Eddard Stark: The hunt?

(Robert starts walk towards the door)

Robert Baratheon: k*lling things clears my head. (at the door) You'll have to sit on the throne while I'm away. You'll hate it more than I do.

Eddard Stark: The Targaryen girl...

Robert Baratheon: (opens the door) Seven hells! don't start with her again. The girl will die and I'll hear no more of it. Put on the badge. And if you ever take it off again, I swear to the Mother I'll pin the damned thing on Jaime Lannister. (exits. the door closes) (Ned picks up the badge the badge)


(The camera moves up to show Daenerys holding it, in a hut, sitting down. She stands up and walks towards a pot with rocks and fire burning beneath them. She places the egg on the rocks. She kneels down and stares at it. Irri enters the room holding a basket. She stands at the door and looks at Daenerys)

Irri: Khaleesi?

(Daenerys picks the egg up. Irri drops the basket and runs to her)

Khaleesi! (she takes the egg from Daenerys and throws it to the floor. She turns Daenerys' hands to reveal her palms, unburnt. She looks at daenerys, unbelieving)

(Daenerys turns Irri's hands to reveal her palms red)

Daenerys Targaryen: You're hurt.


(A raven, sitting on wood, crows. The camera turns to Brandon Stark, aiming a bow at it. He lowers the bow and the raven flies away. He follows it. He follows the raven into a candle lit archway leading to the crypts. The raven lands on a wolf statue leading to the crypts and crows. He stares at it. It flies away, into the crypts. The scene changes to brans bedroom. The camera moves into bran, sleeping on the bed. The door opens. Bran wakes, and sits up to see Hodor , smiling, holding a saddle. Bran smiles as Hodor nods to the saddle.)

(Woods: Bran is riding a horse)

Brandon Stark: Woohoo!

Robb Stark: Not too fast.

Brandon Stark: Come on, Dancer.

Theon Greyjoy: When are you gonna tell him?

(Theon and Robb are sitting on a bench)

(Bran rides Dancer round, circling them)

Robb Stark: Not now.

Theon Greyjoy: Blood for blood.

Brandon Stark: Come on! (he keeps riding)

Theon Greyjoy: You need to make the Lannisters pay for Jory and the others.

Robb Stark: You're talking about w*r.

Bran: Woooohoo!

Theon Greyjoy: I'm talking about justice.

Robb Stark: Only the Lord of Winterfell can call in the bannermen and raise an army.

Theon Greyjoy: A Lannister put his spear through your father's leg. The Kingslayer rides for Casterly Rock where no one can touch him...


Robb Stark: You want me to march on Casterly Rock?

Theon Greyjoy: You're not a boy anymore. They att*cked your father. They've already started the w*r. It's your duty to represent your House when your father can't.

Bran: Come on, Dancer.

Robb Stark: And it's not your duty, because it's not your House.(he looks around. he stands up) Where's Bran?

Theon Greyjoy:(he stands up, looks around) I don't know. It's not my House. (walks away)

(Away from Robb and Theon, Bran rides Dancer, slowly, deeper in the woods. He hears a sound and turns his head looking for what it is. A woman moves behind some shrubs, not far from him. He turns his head again, trying to spot something. She comes out from behind him, with three men. They aproach him.)

Brandon Stark: Robb?

(they encircle him)

Osha: All alone in the deep, dark woods.

(Bran looks around)

Brandon Stark: I'm not alone. My brother is with me.

Wildling 1: I don't see him. Got him hidden under your cloak?

Osha: That's a pretty pin. Silver.

(Bran holds the pin on his chest)

Wildling 1: We'll take the pin and the horse. (he brushes the back of the horse's neck) Get down. Be quick about it.

Brandon Stark: I can't. (he looks down at his legs) The saddle... the straps.

(the second wildling moves Bran's cloak to reveal straps on his leg)

Wildling 1:What's wrong with you? You some kind of cr*pple?

Brandon Stark: I'm Brandon Stark of Winterfell! If you don't let me be, I'll have you all k*lled!

('The First' wildling draws a knife and starts cutting the straps)

Wildling 2: Cut his little cock off and stuff it in his mouth.

Osha: The boy's worth nothing dead. (The First keeps cutting the straps) Benjen Stark's own blood? Think, what Mance would give us.

Wildling 1: (he stops cutting) Piss on Mance Rayder, and piss on the North. We're going as far South as South goes. There ain't no White Walkers down in Dorne.

(Robert comes up behind them, holding a sword)

Robb Stark: Drop the knife. Let him go and I'll let you live.

Wildling 1: (spits at Robb's direction)

(the second wildling runs towards him holding an ax. He swings at Robb from the side, who ducks, and drives it up from below, missing. He turns around, with the ax in the air, and drives it down to meet Robb's sword. Robb pivets his sword, pulling the wildling closer, Robb's sword taking the wilding ax with it, then swings his sword, driving it through the wildings throat, slitting it. Osha come up from behind and hits Robb's back with a broad stick. Robb turns, strikes the stick to the ground, causing her to slip, and pulls her to his side, holding her hair. A third wildling runs up to him with a sword. Robb strikes the blade away and shuves his sword through the wildling's stomoach. The First pulls Bran from the horse to the ground. He holds his knife to his throat.)

Brandon Stark: Robb! Robb!

Wildling 1: (he looks down at Bran) Shut up! (he looks up at Robb) Drop the blade!

Brandon Stark: No, don't.

Wildling 1: Do it.

(Robb and The First stare at each other. Robb slowly places the blade on the ground)


Wildling 1:(gasps) (an arrow has pierced his chest. He fall down to reveal theon holding an arrow behind him)

(Theon Greyjoy comes up from behind. He draws another arrow, walking towards Robb, and points it at Osha)

(Robb un-grips Osha's hair and goes to bran. Theon walks up to Osha and stops a foot away, with his arrow still pointing at her)

Robb Stark: Are you all right?

Brandon Stark: Yes. It doesn't hurt.

Theon Greyjoy: Tough little lad. In the Iron Islands, you're not a man until you've k*lled your first enemy. Well done.

Robb Stark: Have you lost your mind? What if you'd missed?

Theon Greyjoy: He would have k*lled you and cut Bran's throat.

Robb Stark: You don't have the right...

Theon Greyjoy: To what, to save your brother's life? It was the only thing to do, so I did it.

Robb Stark: What about her?

Osha: Give me my life, my Lord, and I'm yours(she begs with her hands together)

Robb Stark: We'll keep her alive.

(she sighs a cry of joy)


(Tyrion's backside. He awakens and turns, rolling down, towards the edge of the steep floor. he stops, looking down at the misty atmosphere below. he backs away and stands up, goes towards the door.)

Tyrion Lannister: Mord! (he bangs at the door) Turnkey! Mord!

(the sound of a key turning and a door opening. Then Tyrion's door opens. Mord comes in.)

Mord: Dwarf man making noise! (he hits Tyrion, making him back away 'till his back is against the wall.)

Tyrion Lannister: How would you like to be rich?

Mord: (he hits tyrion again) Dwarf man still making noise.

Tyrion Lannister: My family is rich. We have gold, lots of gold. I'm prepared to give you lots of gold in...

(Mord searhes Tyrion's pockets)

Mord: No gold!

Tyrion Lannister: Well, I don't have it here.

Mord: (he hits him again) No gold. f*ck off.

(Mord walks away, out of the cell, closes then locks the door. Tyrion walks away from the wall and looks at the outside of the cell)


(Syrio closes the door and turns, with two wooden swords in hand, to walk up to Arya. He throws one at Arya, who catches it, and makes a dancing stance, a foot away from her)

Arya Stark: I don't want to practice today.

Syrio Forel: (gets out of the stance) No?

Arya Stark: They k*lled Jory. My father is hurt. I don't care about stupid wooden swords.

Syrio Forel: (he walks towards her) You are troubled.

Arya Stark: Yes.

Syrio Forel: (he rattles his sword close to her face) Good! Trouble is the perfect time for training. When you are dancing in the meadow with your dolls and kittens, this is not when fighting happens.

Arya Stark: I don't like dolls and k...(he swipes her arm with his sword)

Syrio Forel: You're not here. You're with your trouble. If you are with your trouble when fighting happens...

(he steps back as she advances. She parries, then he turns, around her sword, to be right in front of her, causing her to fall)

Syrio: More trouble for you. Just so. How can you be quick as a snake... (they fight, as she stands up) Or as quiet as a shadow... (their swords meet again. Syrio disarms her by taking her sword with his hand and quickly turns to place his, and her sword, at her neck) When you are somewhere else? (he removes the swords and holds them in one hand. He places his hand on her shoulder) You are fearing for your father. (she nods) That is right. Do you pray to the Gods?

Arya Stark: The old and the new.

Syrio Forel: There is only one God and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death (he lifts her head up with his finger on her chin) : "Not today."

(he steps back and makes a dancing stance. Arya takes a step back as he advances)


(A heart is held. Dothraki chant as Dany sinks her teeth in, bites a chunk out, and chews it.)

Viserys Targaryen: She has to eat the whole heart? (Viserys is standing amidst the dothraki crowd with Jorah) I hope that wasn't my horse.

(Dany continues to eat, kneeling on a wooden platform. A priestess in front of her sings in dothraki, moving her arms in the air)

Jorah Mormont: She's doing well.

(Khal Drogo looks at Daenerys, a few feet away in front. She rips a chunk out and Drogo nods)

Viserys Targaryen: She'll never keep it down. (the priestess sings louder) Tell me what she's saying.

Jorah Mormont: "The prince is riding. I have heard the thunder of his hooves. Swift as the wind he rides. His enemies will cower before him... And their wives will weep tears of blood." She's going to have a boy.

Viserys Targaryen: He won't be a real Targaryen. He won't be a true Dragon.

(Dany eats the last chunk of the heart as the Priestess continues to sing. Dany chokes and drops, one hand on the ground, the other on her mouth. She vomits. Then pushes the bits back into her mouth. Gasping, she lifts herself back to her knees. She swallows the heart. Drogo smiles at her)

(the priestess speaks in dothraki)

Jorah Mormont: "The stallion who mounts the world. The stallion is the Khal of Khals. He shall unite the people into a single Khalasar. All the people of the world will be his herd".

Daenerys Targaryen: (she stands up and speaks in dothraki) A Prince rides inside me! And he shall be called Rhaegol!

(The Khallasar chants "Rhaegol! Rhaegol! Rhaegol! Rhaegol!....")

Viserys Targaryen: They love her.

(Drogo walks to her and lifts her up, his arms wrapped around her waist, and carries her around the platform. the crowd moves forward, encircling Dany. "Rhaegol! Rhaegol! Rhaegol! Rhaegol!......", the khalasar chants as the priestess screams)

Jorah Mormont: She truly is a queen today. (he looks beside him, no one)

("Rhaegol! "Rhaegol! "Rhaegol! "Rhaegol! "Rhaegol! "Rhaegol!......)

(A tent: Someone opens a chest. Inside, three dragon eggs. Viserys looks at them. Kneeling down, he heaves a sigh. Then puts one inside a bag. As he reaches for the second, someone enters the tent. He stands up, a quarter of his sword unsheathed, and turns. He sees Jorah)

Jorah Mormont: Don't let them see you carrying a sword in Vaes Dothrak. You know the law.

Viserys Targaryen: (sheaths his sword) It's not my law.(turns and puts another egg in the bag)

Jorah Mormont: They don't belong to you.

Viserys Targaryen: Whatever is hers is also mine. (and another)

Jorah Mormont: Once, perhaps.

(Viserys stares at the bag. He turns to Jorah)

Viserys Targaryen: If I sell one egg, I'll have enough to buy a ship. Two eggs... a ship and an army.

Jorah Mormont: And you have all three.

Viserys Targaryen: I need a large army. (takes a step closer holding the bag) I'm the last hope of a dynasty, Mormont. The greatest dynasty this world has ever seen on my shoulders since I was five years old... And no one has ever given me what they gave to her in that tent. Never. Not a piece of it. How can I carry what I need to carry without it? Who can rule without wealth or fear or love? (smiles, walking up to him) You stand there, all nobility and honor. (a foot away) You don't think I see you looking at my little sister? Don't think I know what you want?. ...(they stare at each other) ...I don't care. You can have her. She can be Queen of the savages, and dine on the finest bloody horseparts, and you can dine on whichever parts of her you like. But let me go(stepping aside. Jorah steps to him)

Jorah Mormont: You can go. You can't have the eggs.

Viserys Targaryen: You swore an oath to me. Does loyalty mean nothing to you?

Jorah Mormont: It means everything to me.

Viserys Targaryen: And yet here you stand.

Jorah Mormont: And yet here I stand.

(Viserys stares at Jorah with anger. He drops the bag. Jorah steps aside as Viserys stares at him. Viserys then leaves the tent)


(Tyrion's hands are against the door)

Tyrion Lannister: Mord!. .....Mord!. .....Mord!. .....(he kicks the door, once, twice, thrice) ....Mord!

(as the door opens, Tyrion backs away. Mord enters, holding a stick, and hits Tyrion, causing him to fall)

Mord: (above Tyrion) Noise again!

Tyrion Lannister:. ...About the gold...

Mord: (hits Tyrion) No gold! (waving the stick at him) No gold.

Tyrion Lannister: Listen to me! Listen to me...Sometimes possession is an abstract concept...(gets hit on the arm by Mord) When they captured me they took my purse, but the gold is still mine.

Mord: (pointing the stick) Where?

Tyrion Lannister: Where? I don't know where (gets hit on his leg) , but when they free me...

Mord: You want free? (points his stick at the outside) Go be free.

Tyrion Lannister: Have you ever heard the phrase "Rich as a Lannister"? (Mord looks at him, interested) Of course you have! You're a smart man. You know who the Lannisters are. I am a Lannister. Tyrion, son of Tywin! And of course, you have also heard the phrase, "A Lannister always pays his debts." If you deliver a message from me( starts to stand, causing Mord to raise his stick) ... to Lady Arryn, I will be in your debt. I will owe you gold. If you deliver the message and I live, which I very much intend to do.

Mord:. ......What message?

Tyrion Lannister: (he stands up, Mord raises his stick up again, and takes a step back) Tell her I wish to confess my crimes.

(Court: Metal knocking on wood. Catelyn turns her eyes to looks at Lord Robyn, hitting his armrest with his ring seated next to Lysa)

Lysa Arryn: (to Tyrion) You wish to confess your crimes?

Tyrion Lannister: Yes my Lady. I do, my Lady.

(Tyrion's looking up at Lysa, who's sitting high above at an elevated level)

Lysa Arryn: (turns to Catelyn, who's standing next to Robyn) The sky cells always break them. (turns to Tyrion) Speak, Imp. Meet your Gods as an honest man.

(Tyrion looks around at the people gathered)

Tyrion Lannister: Where do I begin, my Lords and Ladies? I'm a vile man, I confess it. My crimes and sins are beyond counting. I have lied and cheated, gambled and whored. I'm not particularly good at v*olence, (Catelyn looks on) but I'm good at convincing others to do v*olence for me. (Bronn looks on, aside a pillar, secluded from the crowd) You want specifics, I suppose. When I was seven, I saw a servant girl bathing in the river. I stole her robe. She was forced to return to the castle naked and in tears. (eyes closed) If I close my eyes, I can still see her tits bouncing. (the members of court murmur, Bronn smiles, and Tyrion opens his eyes) When I was 10, I stuffed my Uncle's boots with goatshit. When confronted with my crime, I blamed a squire. Poor boy was flogged and I escaped justice(Bronn keeps smiling) . When I was 12, I milked my eel into a pot of turtle stew. (the crowd gasps, outraged. Bronn lightly chuckles) I flogged the one-eyed snake. (chuckles and gasps sound in the air) I skinned my sausage. I made the bald man cry....(he rattles his chains, shaking his hand below his belly) into the turtle stew, which I do believe my sister ate, at least I hope she did. I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel...

Lysa Arryn: (stands) Silence!

Robin Arryn: What happened next?

Lysa Arryn: What do you think you're doing?

Tyrion Lannister: Confessing my crimes.

Catelyn Stark: Lord Tyrion, You are accused of hiring a man to slay my son Bran in his bed, and of conspiring to m*rder my sister's husband Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King.

Tyrion Lannister: I'm very sorry. I don't know anything about all that.

Lysa Arryn: You've had your little joke. I trust you enjoyed it. Mord! (Mord steps forward) Take him back to the dungeon. But this time find a smaller cell, with a steeper floor.

Tyrion Lannister: Is this how justice is done in the Vale? (Mord steps back, smiling at Tyrion) You accuse me of crimes, (looking around at the court members) I deny them, so you throw me into a cell to freeze and starve? Where is the King's justice? (looks at Lysa) I am accused and demand a trial!

(Catelyn looks at Lysa)

Lysa Arryn: (looks at the crowd, then back at Tyrion) If you're tried and found guilty, then by the King's own laws you will pay with your life.

Tyrion Lannister: I understand the law.

Lysa Arryn: We have no executioner in the Eyrie. Life is more elegant here. (turns her head to her left) Open the Moon Door.

(two men walk to a wheel and turn it)

(Robyn giggles as a round door on the ground, a foot away from Tyrion, opens)

Lysa Arryn: You want a trial, my Lord Lannister. Very well. My son will listen to whatever you have to say, and you will hear his judgment. Then you will leave... By one door or the other.

Tyrion Lannister: No need to bother Lord Robin. I demand a trial by combat.

(the members start to laugh. Lysa looks at the members, uncertain. She turns to Catelyn, who looks back worried. She then turns back to Tyrion)

Lysa Arryn: You have that right.

(a knight from the crowd approaches)

Knight 1: I beg the honor. Let me be your champion.

Knight 2: The honor should be mine.(standing amongs the member of court) For the love I bore your Lord husband, let me avenge his death.

Knight 3: I'll fight for you.(from the crowd)

Knight 4: It'll be my honor.(from the crowd)

Knight 5: The honor should be mine.(from the crowd)

Robin Arryn: Make the bad man fly!

Lysa Arryn: (to a knight, standing behind Tyrion) Ser Vardis... You're quiet. Don't you want to avenge my husband?

Vardis Egan: (steps forward) With all my heart, my Lady (he kneels. Catelyn looks at him) But the Imp is half my size. It would be shameful to slaughter such a man and call it justice.

Tyrion Lannister: Agreed.

Lysa Arryn: You demanded a trial by combat.

Tyrion Lannister: Now I demand a champion. I have that right, same as you.

Vardis Egan: (stands) I will gladly fight the Imp's champion, for you.

Tyrion Lannister: I wouldn't be too glad, Ser. I name my brother Jaime Lannister.

(whispers sound amongst the members)

Lysa Arryn: The Kingslayer is hundreds of miles from here.

Tyrion Lannister: Send a raven for him. I'm happy to wait.

Lysa Arryn: (shakes her head) The trial will be today.

Tyrion Lannister: (turns around) Do I have a volunteer? (members chuckle) Anyone? (Robyn giggles) Anyone? (Robyn giggles as the members continue chuckle. Tyrion turns to Lysa)

Lysa Arryn: I think we can assume that no one is willing...

Bronn: I'll stand for the dwarf.

(Catelyn and Lysa look at Bronn. Tyrion turns to Bronn, smiling. Bronn shrugs at him)


(Robert, Lancel, Renly, and Selmy walk through the forest. Robert in front, holding a spear, lancel just behind him, holding wine, Renly behind Lancel, also holding a spear, and Selmy behind Renly.)

Lancel Lannister: (Walks up to Robert) More wine, your Grace?

(they all stop walking as Robert takes the wineskin from Lancel and takes a chug. He gives it back and they resume walking. Lancel steps back to be between Renly and Selmy)

Robert Baratheon: Now, what was I saying?

Renly Baratheon: A simpler time.

Robert Baratheon: It was. It was. You're too young to remember. Wasn't it simpler, Selmy?

Barristan Selmy: It was, your Grace.

Robert Baratheon: The enemy was right in the open, vicious as you like, all but sending you a bloody invitation. Nothing like today.

Renly Baratheon: It sounds exhilarating.

Robert Baratheon: Exhilarating, yes. Not as exhilarating as those balls and masquerades you like to throw (starts a hearty laugh as Renly swallows his irritation) (They continue to walk, deeper in the woods) You ever f*ck a Riverlands girl?

Renly Baratheon: Once. I think.

Robert Baratheon: You think? I think you'd remember. Back in our day, you weren't a real man until you'd f*cked one girl from each of the Seven Kingdoms and the Riverlands. We used to call it "making the eight."

(Selmy moves up to be infront of Lancel)

Renly Baratheon: Those were some lucky girls.

Robert Baratheon: You ever make the eight, Barristan?

Barristan Selmy: I don't believe so, your Grace.

Robert Baratheon: Those were the days.

Renly Baratheon: Which days, exactly? (renly stops walking and Robert turns to him) The ones where half of Westeros fought the other half and millions died? (the rest of the party stop as well) Or before that, when the Mad King slaughtered women and babies because the voices in his head told him they deserved it? Or way before that, when dragons burned whole cities to the ground?!

Robert Baratheon: Easy, boy. You might be my brother, but you're speaking to the King.

Renly Baratheon: I suppose it was all rather heroic... If you were drunk enough and had some poor Riverlands whore to shove your prick inside and make the eight. (he slaps his spear to his other hand and walks off in anger. Robert looks at him. Lancel walks to Robert)

Lancel Lannister: More wine, your Grace?

(Robert grabs the wine and takes a long swig from it. He shoves it at Lancel's chest and walks away. Lancel looks back at Selmy and then follows Robert. Selmy looks on at Lancel as he resumes walking)


(A person's back is seen some feet away from the Iron Chair. Ned Stark is seated on the Iron Chair, with grand maester Pycelle seated on a chair to his left and Petyr Baelish to his right, sitting on a chair with a feather and papers on his lap)

Farmer: They burned most everything in the Riverlands (A Farmer, standing some feet away from Ned) : our fields, our granaries, (some farmers behind him look down, sullen) our homes. They took our women, then they took 'em again. When they was done, they butchered them as if they was animals. They covered our children in pitch, and lit them on fire (his voice croaks as he tries not to cry)

Maester Pycelle: Brigands, most likely.

Farmer: They weren't thieves. They didn't steal nothing. (one of the farmers shakes his head) They even left something behind, your Grace.

Maester Pycelle: It's the King's Hand you're addressing, (Ned looks at him) not the King. The King is hunting.

(the farmer throws a sack to the floor and lifts it from the bottom side. Fish fall out)

(people at court murmur and exlaim, appalled)

Petyr Baelish: Fish. The Sigil of House Tully. (he leans his head towards Ned Stark and whispers) Isn't that your wife's house... Tully, my Lord Hand?

Eddard Stark: (to the farmer) These men, were they flying a Sigil? A banner?

Farmer: None, your... Hand. The one who was leading them... Taller by a foot than any man I've ever met, saw him cut the blacksmith in two, saw him take the head off a horse with a single swing of his sword.

Petyr Baelish: (still leaning) That sounds like someone we know. The Mountain.

Eddard Stark: (to the farmer) You're describing Ser Gregor Clegane.

Maester Pycelle: Why should Ser Gregor turn brigand? The man is an anointed knight.

Petyr Baelish: (to Pycelle) I've heard him called Tywin Lannister's mad dog. I'm sure you have as well. (to Ned, voice lowered) Can you think of any reason the Lannisters might possibly have for being angry with your wife? (he stares at Ned, who stares back. Ned turnes back to the farmer)

Maester Pycelle: If the Lannisters were to order att*cks on villages under the King's protection, it would be...

Petyr Baelish: That would be almost as brazen as attacking the Hand of the King in the streets of the capital.(Pycelle mumbles to himself. Petyr and Ned exchange stares. Ned turns to the farmer)

Eddard Stark: I cannot give you back your homes or restore your dead to life, but perhaps I can give you justice, in the name of our King, Robert. Lord Beric Dondarrion. (Berric steps forward from the crowd) (to Berric) You shall have the command. Assemble 100 men and ride to Ser Gregor's keep.

Beric Dondarrion: As you command.

(Ned stands with his stick, slightly struggling.)

Eddard Stark: (to Berric) In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the first of his name, King of the Andals and the first men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, I charge you to bring the King's justice to the false knight Gregor Clegane and all those who shared in his crimes. I denounce him and attaint him. (gasps, murmurs, and voices of outrage sound at court) I strip him of all ranks and titles, of all lands and holdings, and sentence him to death.

Maester Pycelle: (stands up, outraged) My Lord. This is a drastic action. It would be better to wait for King Robert's return.

Eddard Stark: Grand Maester Pycelle.

Maester Pycelle: My Lord.

Eddard Stark: Send a raven to Casterly Rock. Inform Tywin Lannister that he has been summoned to Court to answer for the crimes of his bannermen. He will arrive within the fortnight or be branded an enemy of the crown and a traitor to the realm.

(Ned leaves Pycelle standing. Petyr puts the quill in his book, leaves them on the chair, and follows Ned. He walks with Ned, who's taking steps down from the Throne Stand)

Petyr Baelish: (to Ned, voice lowered) A bold move, my Lord, and admirable. But is it wise to yank the lion's tail? Tywin Lannister is the richest man in all the Seven Kingdoms. (He stops walking) (voice raised) Gold wins wars, not soldiers.

Eddard Stark: (walking on the Throne Room floor) Then how come Robert is King and not Tywin Lannister? (walks away)

[ The Vale of Arryn-Court ]

(A wheel is being turned by two men. As they turn it, the Moon Door opens. They stop turning, and mist hovers below the door. Ser Vadis loweres his helm as a servant gives Bronn, who's holding a sword, a shield. Ser Vadis grabs a shield from a servant as well. They stand a few feet away from each other, as Tyrion looks at Bronn. Catelyn looks on at them from above, beside Lysa and Robyn)

Robyn Arryn: (Lord Robyn stands and signals with the throw of his fist) Fight!

(Bronn and Vadis walk towards each other and their swords meet In the air. Ser Vadis swings as Bronn evades. Ser Vadis continues to attack, leading Bronn towards a wall. Bronn strikes away Vadis' att*cks as he backs away up some steps. Vadis Drive his sword down above Bronn, who jumps over small pillars lining the steps, bearly missing Vadis' steel)

Lysa Arryn: Stand and fight, coward!

(Bronn kicks a stand with lit candles on top of it towards Vadis. Vadis steps over it and walks to Bronn. He swings as Bronn ducks. Again, this time their swords meet. Bronn deflects Vadis' blade. Again, from above, Vadis drives his sword down to lock with Bronn's in the air. Vadis pushes Bronn towards the Moon Door. Bronn tries to push back as the lock his sword has starts to dwindle. He manages to break the lock and push Ser Vadis away. Ser Vadis lunges again and Bronn keeps striking away, as he keeps backing away from him. Vadis lunges at Bronn, who moves away, causing Vadis to collide with a wall with his shoulder. Bronn pushes a man at Vadis, who moves the man away. As the men and women at court move away from the fight, Vadis continues to attack Bronn. As he strikes, Bronn ducks and quickly gets his sword between Vadis' shield and side, slicing him, draws it back and steps away. Lysa gasps)

Tyrion Lannister: Yes! (Catelyn looks at Tyrion, who pushes his lower lip with his tongue from the inside)

(Vadis lifts his helm, panting)

Lysa Arryn: (to Vadis) Enough, Ser Vardis! Finish him! (she looks at Tyrion, who returns the glare. Vadis looks at Lysa, then Bronn. He lowers his helm, and they resume fighting)

(Bronn ducks Vadis' att*cks. Vadis advances and swings his swords at Bronn, who strikes it. Vadis' drives his shield down at Bonn and Bronn hits it, turns and drives his swords up Vadis' back, who yells and falls to his knees. Tyrion grins. Vadis slumpers up and runs at Bronn, who trips him with his foot, and falls down beside the Moon Door. Bronn kicks away Vadis' shield. On his knees, Vadis lifts his sword and Bronn holds up high the arm that holds it. He positions his sword high in the air and looks at Lysa. Cries of "No!" echo in the court. Lysa looks, shocked, as Catelyn closes her eyes. He drives his sword through, between Vadis' helmet and chest. People gasp, as blood pours down Vadis' neck. Bronn throws Vadis' arm into the Moon Door, Vadis' body with it.)

Robin Arryn: (smiling) (to Lysa) Is it over?

(Lysa stares at the mist below the Moon Door. She looks up to Bronn, angry)

Lysa Arryn: You don't fight with honor!

Bronn: No. (He looks at the Moon Door, points, and looks back at Lysa) He did.

(Tyrion walks to Mord, who unshackles him. He walks towards Rodrick)

Robin Arryn:(to Lysa) Can I make the little man fly now?

Tyrion Lannister: Not this little man. This little man is going home. (he stops a foot away from an elevated level overlooking him, where Rodrick is standing amongst members of the court) (looking up to Rodrick) I believe you have something of mine.

(Rodrick turns to Catelyn, standing some feet away. She nods at him. He takes a bag out of his pocket and throws it at Tyrion. As Tyrion catches it, coins rattle from inside. He bows to Lysa as he steps back and walks away. Bronn nods to Lysa and walks to Tyrion, who throws the bag to Mord. Bronn and Tyrion walk to the doors, which the guards in front open, and leave court,)

Tyrion Lannister: A Lannister always pays his debts. (walking away, as Mord smiles while looking at the bag. The doors behind Tyrion close)


(Septa Mordane knits, sitting on a chair. Sansa does the same on her chair, in front of Mordane.)

(Mordane stops knitting and looks at Sansa)

Septa Mordane: You wear your hair like a real southern lady now.

Sansa Stark: Well, why shouldn't I? We're in the South.

Septa Mordane: (resumes knitting) It's important to remember where you come from. I'm not sure your mother would like these new styles.

Sansa Stark: My mother isn't from the North.

Septa Mordane: I'm aware of that.

Sansa Stark: (looks at Mordane) Why do you care? Do you even have hair under there?

Septa Mordane: Yes, I have hair.

Sansa Stark: I've never seen it.

Septa Mordane: Would you like to?

Sansa Stark: (looks at Mordane) No. Where are you from anyway? The North or the South?

Septa Mordane: I come from a very small village in...

Sansa Stark: Oh, wait. I just realized, I don't care.(continues knitting)

Septa Mordane: Sansa...

Sansa Stark: (stops knitting and looks up at Mordane) Septa.

(a door leading to the room, some feet away, opens)

Septa Mordane: (to Sansa) Now you are being rude.

(Joffrey walks into the room and Sansa and Mordane stand. As Joffrey walks to Sansa, Mordane makes courtsey)

Septa Mordane: My Prince.

Sansa Stark: (Courtseys) My Prince.

Joffrey Baratheon: (bowing in front of Sansa) My Lady. I fear I have behaved monstrously the past few weeks. (he shows her a necklace he's holding) With your permission?

(she turns, smiling. Joffrey puts it around her neck. She moves her pony tails to her front and holds the heart on the necklace)

Sansa Stark: (turning to Joffrey) It's beautiful, like the one your mother wears.

Joffrey Baratheon: You'll be Queen someday. It's only fitting you should look the part. (he looks down, then back up to Sansa) Will you forgive me for my rudeness?

Sansa Stark: There's nothing to forgive.

Joffrey Baratheon: You're my Lady. One day we'll be married in the throne room. (Sansa smiles) Lords and ladies from all over the Seven Kingdoms will come, from the last hearth in the North to the Salt Shore in the South, and you will be Queen over all of them. (Sansa smiles. Mordane, some feet away, looks down at the floor, unconvinced) I'll never disrespect you again. I'll never be cruel to you again. Do you understand me? You're my Lady now, from this day....(he touches her cheek with his hands) until my last day.

(he moves in and they kiss. After the kiss, Sansa smiles.)


(A horse rides a cart passed some people going the other way. Ros sits at the back of the cart with some turnips beside her. Theon comes up from behind riding a horse.)

Theon Greyjoy: (to the cart) Stop! Stop!

(the man riding the horse stops. Theon stops in front of Ros)

Theon: (to Ros) What are you doing?

Ros: Going to King's Landing.

Theon Greyjoy: In a turnip cart?

Ros: I'll find a ship heading south in White Harbor.

Theon Greyjoy: You can afford that?

Ros: Some of my friends are more generous than others.

Theon Greyjoy: There's a thousand girls like you in King's Landing.

Ros: So I'll have lots of company.

Theon Greyjoy: Yes, you'll be very popular. Until some fat lord comes to visit with a big belly and a little prick and he can't get it up so he knocks all your teeth out.

Ros: (chuckles) And what will happen to me if I stay here? Will I become Lady Greyjoy? Mistress of the Iron Islands?

Theon Greyjoy: Don't be a fool.

Ros: I hear Jaime Lannister att*cked Lord Stark in the streets of King's Landing. Every man for a hundred miles will be marching off to w*r soon. Most of them will never come back. There's nothing left for me here. (to the rider) Let's go, Stefon.

(they start to ride off, leaving Theon)

Theon Greyjoy: Let me see it one more time!

Ros: See what?

(Theon throws a coin at Ros. She catches it, then lifts her dress to reveal he c**t. He looks. She laughs, then covers it.)

Theon Greyjoy: I'm going to miss you.

Ros: I know.

(she rides away as Theon looks on)


(Ned walks with his stick up to Sansa and Arya, both sitting on his bed.)

Eddard Stark: I'm sending you both back to Winterfell.

Sansa Stark: What?

Eddard Stark: Listen.

Sansa Stark: What about Joffrey?

Arya Stark: Are you dying because of your leg? Is that why you're sending us home?

Eddard Stark: What? No.

Sansa Stark: Please, father.

Arya Stark: You can't. I've got my lessons with Syrio. I'm finally getting good.

Eddard Stark: This isn't a punishment. I want you back for your own safety.

Arya Stark: Can we take Syrio back with us?

Sansa Stark: Who cares about your stupid dancing teacher? I can't go. I'm supposed to marry Prince Joffrey. I love him and I'm meant to be his Queen and have his babies.

Arya Stark: Seven hells.

Eddard Stark: When you're old enough, I'll make you a match with someone who's worthy of you, someone brave, gentle and strong...

Sansa Stark: I don't want someone brave, gentle and strong. I want him! (Arya smiles and lightly chuckles. Ned tries not to smile, looking down) He'll be the greatest King that ever was, a golden lion, and I'll give him sons with beautiful blond hair.

(Ned looks up, pondering)

Arya Stark: The lion's not his sigil, idiot. (Ned keeps wondering) He's a stag, like his father.

Sansa Stark: He is not. He's nothing like that old drunk King.

Eddard Stark: Go on girls, get your Septa and start packing your things. (Ned turns away and walks to his desk)


Arya Stark: (she grabs Sansa's arm and pulls her towards the door) Come on.

Sansa Stark: But it's not fair! (Arya opens the door and leaves with Sansa, who quickly turns her head back at Ned before being pulled out of the room)

(Ned sits on a chair and opens a book on his desk, The Lineages of The Great Houses of Westeros. He turns a few pages before stopping at House Baratheon)

Eddard Stark: "Lord Orys Baratheon, black of hair. Axel Baratheon, black of hair. Lyonel Baratheon, black of hair. Steffon Baratheon, black of hair. (he turns a page) Robert Baratheon, black of hair. Joffrey Baratheon... Golden-head." (he looks up, shocked, and closes the book)


(A woman enters a tent with a platter of food. Women dance around a fire with their tits showing. Daenerys' laughs with her maids, as a Dothraki beats the drums. The music throbbs. Irri stands next to Khal Drogo, who talks to some dothraki, as a host of people celebrate Daenerys' feast. Viserys stumbles into the tent.)

Viserys Targaryen: Daenerys!

(Jorah Mormont, seated beside Daenerys, looks at Viserys)

Viserys Targaryen: Where's my sister?

Daenerys Targaryen: (leans towards Jorah) Stop him.

(Jorah stands up and walks to Viserys)

Viserys Targaryen: Where is she? Where is she? (turns around, looking for her) I'm here for the feast. The whore's feast?

(Jorah grabs Viserys' shoulder from behind)

Jorah Mormont: Come.

Viserys Targaryen: (turns to Jorah and shrugs his shoulder off) Get your hands off me! No one touches the Dragon!

(Khal drogo laughs with a dothraki, some feet away from Viserys. Viserys spots him) (to Khal drogo) Khal Drogo! I'm here for the feast.

(Drogo says something to Viserys in dothraki as he points his hand, holding wine, to a spot next to Viserys)

Jorah Mormont: Khal Drogo says there is a place for you. (points behind Viserys, further away from the center of the feast) Back there.

Viserys Targaryen: (shakes his head) That is no place for a King.

Khal Drogo: You are no King.

Viserys Targaryen: (he draws his sword. Jorah takes a step towards him and Viserys point his blade at his face) Keep away from me!

Daenerys Targaryen: Viserys! Please.

Viserys Targaryen: (he turns his head and spots Daenerys) There she is. (walks towards her, pointing his sword at her)

Jorah Mormont: Put the sword down. They'll k*ll us all!

Viserys Targaryen: They can't k*ll us. (pointing his sword again at Jorah) (Drogo mutters to his dothraki soldier, who then gets up) They can't shed blood in their sacred city. (he points his sword at various people around him. he turns and reaches Daenerys. He points his sword at a maid who tries to block him. Daenerys pulls the maid back, and the sword shifts back to Daenerys. He lowers it down to her belly) But I can. I want what I came for. (Irri starts mutterring to Drogo, translating) I want the crown he promised me. He bought you. But he never paid for you. Tell him I want what was bargained for or I'm taking you back. He can keep the baby. I'll cut it out and leave it for him.

(Drogo speaks in dothraki to Viserys)

Viserys: What's he saying?

Daenerys Targaryen: He says yes. You shall have a golden crown... that men shall tremble to behold.

(Viserys looks at drogo, who's staring at him intensely. Viserys looks back at Daenerys)

Viserys Targaryen: That was all I wanted. (he smiles, relieved) What was promised. (he looks at Drogo)

(Viserys takes a step back, still smiling, away from Daenerys, as Drogo walks to her. Drogo touches her belly with his hand. Her hand touches his. Drogo says something in dothraki as two of his men come up from behind Viserys and break his arm)

Viserys: (Screams) No! You cannot touch me! (they pull him away as he struggles) I am the Dragon! I'm a dragon! I want my crown! (Drogo speaks again in dothraki, and his men push Viserys to the ground, still holding him) ,

(Drogo goes to a pot with hot water in it on above a fire. He empties it and throws some gold chains inside)

Jorah Mormont: Look away, Khaleesi.

Daenerys Targaryen: No.

(Viserys looks at the pot Drogo threw gold the chains in, in horror. He turns to Danaerys)

Viserys Targaryen: Dany, tell them. (the gold melts) Make them! Make them... (he looks at drogo) No, you can't! (back at dany) Dany, please! (Drogo walks to Viserys with the pot)

Khal Drogo: (in front of Viserys) A crown for a King.(he pours the gold from the pot on Viserys' head)

Viserys: (screaming) No! Agghhh! (Drogo crouches down and looks looks in anger at Viserys' melting face. Drogo's men release Viserys as he stops trembling. His body falls to the ground)

Jorah Mormont: Khaleesi.

Daenerys Targaryen: (looking eerily calm at Viserys) He was no Dragon. Fire cannot k*ll a Dragon.

[ END ]

[ Transcriber's Notes ]

I changed the name,'Wilding 1', to, 'The First', in the scene description. He was actually the first and only wildling to thr*aten Bran. Throughout Bran's journey from winterfell to the three eyed raven, with the acception of gilly, he never encountered a wilding again. And as Jorah said about the dothraki, they don't bare swords in Vaes Dothrak. Melting a person's face off though, I think, counts as shedding blood. The fire that melted the gold, that caused Viserys' face to bleed, among other things, certainly does give fans of Dany some poetic justice of Fire and Blood.
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