02x30 - The Life of a Certain Man"

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x30 - The Life of a Certain Man"

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

During the Royal Knights Selection Exam,

the match in the second round
between Team E and Team G

was unusually intense.

Team E's Leopold was closing in
on Team G's crystal

while Team G's Langris
also approached Team E's crystal.

Finral, it's over.


I'll stop you!

Icy cold sweets.

Fire Magic,

Spiral Flame!

Snow Magic,

Unclimbed Ice Wall!

Yes, I did it--

Team G wins.

Although Team G's crystal
has been destroyed,

Team E's crystal was destroyed first.

Thank goodness.

Langris got to it first.

Oh my. What happened?

Damn, we lost. I wasn't focused enough!

Does this mean that
I still haven't caught up to my brother?

This ominous magic…

It's coming from where Finral is.

What is happening?

How's that?

You are weaker than me in every way.



Cotton Creation Magic,

Sheep Fluffy Cushion!



If you keep on attacking…

Forget the match. We'll k*ll you.

Something is wrong with you!

You have already won, haven't you?

Maybe you've been on a roll lately,

but what do you think you'll do

against the vice-captain
of the Golden Dawn?

When it comes to protecting
an important friend,

who cares about rank?

"An important friend"?

That's enough.

Those who go easy on their companions
in a fight can't be trusted.

But those who try to k*ll
a fellow Magic Knight have problems

that run much deeper than trust.

This is bad! Allow me.

Dr. Owen!

Water Healing Magic,

Qualle Operation.

Can you save him?

I'll do my best.


That useless guy

is the disgrace of the Magic Knights.


I should just k*ll you after all.

Finral is more considerate than anyone!

He's the true Magic Knight!

No matter how strong you are,

someone like you will never be
a true Magic Knight!

Did you say that I'm not a Magic Knight?

You won by a fluke
and now you're arrogant.

That's a bold statement

from a mere Black Bull newbie.

Magic Emperor,
before the next teams' match starts,

please allow me to have a match
against these guys.

No, let's have it now.


The semi-final

starts now!

You bastard!


Although Vice-Captain Langris
can be a bit combative,

this behavior is unusual for him!

Yes, it's unusual. Something isn't right.

Magic Emperor,
aren't you going to tell them to stop?

In real combat,
nobody yells out "start" or "stop."

Let them continue.

You side with my brother.

I already didn't like you
the first time we met.

You belong to the worst possible
Magic Knight squad,

Asta of Black Bull!

That's my line, you jerk!

Vice-Captain Langris Vaude
of the Golden Dawn!

Time Restraining Magic,

Chrono Stasis.

Can the two of you hear me?

Even though I want you to fight
as if this was real combat,

this is still a tournament match.

Please pause for a long moment

while we prepare for this match.

Don't worry, we'll be ready
before your enthusiasm cools down.

Prepare for the semi-final.

Prepare the crystals.

Yes, sir!

Bring in the rest of Team B and Team G.

Yes, sir!


Xerx Lugner and Mimosa Vermillion
are the team members for Team B.

Fragil Tormenta and Sekke Bronzazza

are the team members for Team G.

All right.

I must thank you
for disrupting my golden time.

You really don't have to thank me.

Don't be shy.

I'm sorry for intruding.

Dark Magic,

Dimension Slash!

This is bad!

His pulse is getting weaker.


If you die, I won't forgive you!

Yes. If you're going to die,
I need to k*ll you first.

Pull yourself together

or I'll burn you up!

Don't worry.

I know you are strong on the inside.

Today is not going to be
the last page in your diary.

That's a long way off!

If you die,
you can't eat any delicious food!

Hang in there!

I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

This is terrible.

My rival Asta, you mustn't lose!

Watch your step!

Didn't we win?

-What's happening?

Wait, why is Asta here?

This is the semi-final match
between Team B and Team G.

We've already set up your crystals
at your starting positions.

The semi-final?

Just to be safe, let me first say
that this is a competition.

k*lling is not allowed.

The first team to destroy
the opposing team's crystal wins.

Do your best.

Mimosa and Xerx, I'm sorry
for springing this on you so suddenly.

But I want to defeat that guy!

Please lend me your power!


Something feels off
about Vice-Captain Langris.


This is a conflict among the Magic Knights
due to personal feelings!

Are you guys idiots or what?


But this is great.

Right now, that guy is totally useless.

Let's give it a shot, Shorty!


what's happening here?

I hope you can explain.

Shut up!

Haha. What's with that tone?

-Don't worry, I'll use my magic--
-No need.

Every single one of you is trash.

I will make sure all of you
fully understand that I am special!

Unwitting betrayal?

Yes, based on the current situation,

this person unwittingly aided
the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

I think this person
is among the Magic Knights.

Do you mean this person was controlled
by some kind of magic?

No, it isn't magic.

What exactly is it?

Is it magic?

He often drops all his responsibilities

to run off in search of magic,

but his instincts
have always been accurate.

There must be something going on
with the Magic Knights.

The Royal Knights Selection Exam
this time has another purpose,

which is to bring
this unconscious traitor to light.


When one is engrossed in their own
magic power in the heat of battle

or faced with powerful magic power,

their true nature will usually surface.

Won't that be dangerous?


It has to be done.

Does this mean
that Langris is that unwitting traitor,

Magic Emperor?

Just like in the first round,

we'll approach the other team's crystal
while defending our own.

Mimosa, please keep the crystal with you!


Xerx, please cover us!

We are adjusting the tournament schedule.

The first match of the semi-final.

Xerx, Mimosa, and Asta from Team B

versus Langris, Fragil,
and Sekke from Team G.

The match begins now!

Asta's team responded very quickly.

Asta's Anti Magic Sword

can slice the crystal in half
with one strike.

That means…

I'll have to take you and your crystal out

before you reach our crystal!

Unlike Magna's spheres,

these don't transform,
so I can just cut them.

But the sheer amount is overwhelming!

Healing Magic,

Princess-Healing Flower Robe!

Thank you, Mimosa!

Your healing magic will soon
be unable to keep up!

Before that happens,
take back what you said!

Look, Asta is doing his best!

You must also try your best
so nobody laughs at you!

I want you to say, "That cowardly loser
isn't a Magic Knight!"

I won!
That makes me the true Magic Knight!

You wouldn't even think twice
about abandoning citizens!

There's no helping it.

All of you will be making
a noble sacrifice for the kingdom.

You must be joking!

Finral is always

using his magic

to save others!

So what, naive brat?

He's not powerful enough
to fight against enemies,

so saving people is all he's good for!



The last one standing

will always be the one in the right!

Is that so?

In that case,

I will be the one in the right!


This is also for Finral! I'm going to win!

How stupid.


You must not give up!


This is no longer a match.

Magic Emperor, how will this fight end?

My Healing Magic isn't fast enough!

Asta, if this keeps up,

you'll collapse before the crystal breaks!

-It's not over yet!

Intense pain in my muscles and bones

is the side effect of using my black form.

Is the cooldown interval over?

At present, I can only use
my black form two times a day.

I was planning on saving it
for my final match against Yuno,

but I can't afford to do that now!

However, to activate my black form,

I need to concentrate and circulate my ki.

There's no way I can do that
under the current circumstances!


Xerx, I'm counting on you!


I won't take orders from you.


I'm only doing this
because I don't like him.

He has such faith in me that
he took this pose without hesitation.

Damn it.



I'm home, Zora.

Welcome home, Father.

Have you been good?

Once again, you make sure
our home is spick-and-span!

Zora, thank you
for always being so responsible!

Father was a cheerful person
when he was alive.

You're stinky!

Father liked to play pranks.

Zora, you fell for it!

He used to laugh heartily like a child.

Look, it's Supermage Zora,
an enforcer of justice!

What is this?

It's a doll I made.

You made this yourself?

It's Supermage Zora.

Although he is a bit cheeky,

he is a man of his word.

He is a warrior
who secretly protects his kingdom.

How is it? Isn't he cool? Isn't he?

But I'm already years old.

You don't have to be just like him,

but I hope you can talk more

and communicate with others, Zora.


I'm heading out.

I'm protecting the peace again today!

Zara was the first peasant
to become a Magic Knight.

Beginning at the age of ,
he tried out countless times

for the Magic Knights Entrance Exam.

Years passed and he grew older.

He persisted even after becoming a father

and has put in
a considerable amount of effort.

In Zora's eyes,
his hardworking father was dazzling.

When Zora's father later
became a Magic Knight,

he was Zora's pride.

I got to fight alongside an incredible man
on the b*ttlefield today.

He's skilled in using Time Magic!

Someone like him
will certainly make it to the top!

To think that I'm protecting the kingdom
with this amazing group of people!

The Magic Knights sure are cool!

We trust in each other

and get through life-or-death situations!

I'm also going to use my power

to protect everything I can!

That's what it means to be a Magic Knight!

How are you going to protect anyone

now that you're dead, Father?


Those are the Purple Orca Magic Knights.

Father's teammates must have come
to pay their respects.

Zara Ideale, you must be rolling
in your grave.

You were a peasant pretending
to be a Magic Knight,

running all over the b*ttlefield.

That's how you got hit
in the back by friendly fire.

Then again, for a peasant to think
he could be comrades with us nobles,

you were too shameless.

You were always risking your life
to save the people.

What an eyesore, trash!

We don't need
a filthy Magic Knight like you.

People like you…

This is such a lousy VIP room!

We're the Magic Knights!

Bring us the best wine at once!


What's the matter?

Do you think I can't drink that much?

No, that's…

I'll have to punish you
for your arrogant attitude.

Lord Magic Knight, please spare me!

Nice! This pairs well with the wine!

Hi, Magic Knights.

I'll be getting in your way now.


What are you doing?

You can try to arrest me
for obstructing official business.

People like you…

People like you…

People like you…

People like you…

People like you…

I heard that my granddaughter
who lives in Poe

was taken away by you and hasn't returned.

Please return my granddaughter to me.

Lord Xerx just returned
from a long expedition and is tired.

Hag, stay back!

Lord Magic Knight, please!

People like you…

Your days are numbered.

Shall I use my magic
to give you a beautiful ending?

Do not defy our Saint of Beautiful Ice,
the vice-captain of Purple Orca!

What are you doing?

People like you…

People like you…

aren't the Magic Knights

that my father envisioned!

-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!

Golden Time!

Golden time.

Golden time.

Golden time.

Golden time.

This is a very important
and irreplaceable time for me.

If anyone disturbs me…

they end up like this!

Be careful, everyone. Haha…

In the next episode,
I'll serve up bowl after bowl.

I guarantee you'll be full!

Black Clover, Page ,

"Petite Clover!
The Nightmarish Charmy SP!"

A bottomless appetite
is Charmy's magic power!
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