02x27 - Peasant Trap

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x27 - Peasant Trap

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

The sixth match of the first round
of the Royal Knights Selection Exam.

Steel Creation Magic,

Steel Castle's Armored Wall!

Lightning Creation Magic,

Thunderclap Crumbling Orb!

Wing Magic!

Angel Flapping!

Luck, go!

This is so much fun!


Let's fight more!

Luck shows an extraordinary
amount of growth and teamwork,

helping Team K to win.

In the eighth and last match
of the first round…

Yuno and Noelle's team is up next!


A House Silva battle
between Noelle and Solid.

Then a battle between Yuno,
who is favored by Vangeance,

and Alecdora,
who resents him over that fact.

Two fated battles
took place one after another.

The only person who can fulfill
Captain Vangeance's dream is me!

Wind Magic,

Towering Tornado.

I don't care about other's dreams.

I only see mine.

Sea Dragon's Roar!

The crystal has been destroyed.
Team P won!

I'm not weak anymore!

It's impossible.

He beat my most powerful magic

just like that.

He didn't even use Spirit Magic.

He hasn't gone all out yet.

The only person who can fulfill
Captain Vangeance's dream is me.

Once elites like you encounter setbacks,

you become weak.

All right! Yuno, you have passed as well.

You too, Weed.

Who are you calling Weed?

Yuno, good work.

You were so cool just now.

Here's your usual after-battle dessert.

It's important
to replenish my energy, isn't it?

Thank you. I shall enjoy it.

Thank you. I shall enjoy it.

It's delicious.

Charmy, are you all right?

Gosh! Don't get carried away,

Dome Head!

I'll use the scale powder
to stuff your nose and suffocate you.

Serve you right!

You look like you're doing fine.

Hey, Noelle.
Your performance was impressive.

I didn't expect it to be so potent.

When you use the mushroom,

you become a different person.


I heard what Solid said
before the match started.

I can't forgive him
for speaking like that to his sister.

An elder brother should protect

his younger and weaker siblings.

But he kept hurting
and underestimating you!

Noelle, do it!

Finish off your brother!


Thank you for what you did just now.

You worked so hard just now.

Hey, what are you doing?

I'm a royal, you know.

Work hard for the next round too.

Thanks to my Mana Skin training,

I have much better control over my mana.

If I keep working hard,

I could be selected
as one of the Royal Knights.

The matches are all very exciting.

I look forward to the next one!

Entertain me more.

Both of the peasants who humiliated
me made it through the first round.

I hope they lose.

Without further ado,
let's carry on with the second round.

But before that,

please take care of it, everyone!

-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.

The stage has changed!

How cool!

Your capability is only shown

when you fight under
different circumstances.

I'm back.

Welcome back.

Okay, round two will take place
at this stage.


Even though the stage has changed,
my beauty remains.


The same goes for the fate of you filth.

I will finish you off completely,
so be prepared.

I'm tenacious filth though!

Asta isn't filth.

You're the one who should be prepared.

Asta, let's not go easy on each other!

Of course, Magna.

At least you're spirited,
Wacky Glasses Delinquent.

I told you I'm not
Wacky Glasses Delinquent!

Okay, it looks like
we're facing off with royalty.

Let's do our best
with teamwork again, guys!

You were a bit shaken when the stage

was changed just now, weren't you?

You probably have
other traps set up, don't you?

This rascal…

That's right. He can read
other people's ki or whatever.

Yes, to be honest,

I set up traps surrounding
the stage yesterday.

When I was gathering information,

I found out that the exam
would take place here.

Gathering information?

The venue for
the Royal Knights Selection Exam

should be highly classified information.

Who are you really?

You set up traps last night?

That's cheating, you prick!

What an idiot. How is that cheating?

Gathering intel counts as an ability.

Was there a rule against
setting traps up the day before?

Right? See?

-Nobody is saying anything.
-It hurts. What the heck?

He lost that argument already?

This side of Asta is very cute too.

Then tell us where you set up your traps.

We are on the same team after all.

That way, we can help too!

No way.

If I tell you,
our enemies will probably figure it out.

That's true.

Just do it my way.

In that case,
I'll do it my way too, you prick!

They seem to be fighting.

Are they all right?

As they say, people fight
because they are close.

You should fight with me too someday,
in a friendly way.

Your tiny brain can't come up

with any good ideas, can it?

My brain has many great ideas!

That's right.

The only thing that is small
about Asta is his height.

That's right!



Xerx, Mimosa, and Asta from Team B

versus Kirsch, Sol, and Magna from Team C.

The first match of the second round
starts now!


Mimosa seems to have
lost sight of herself after

being exposed to such
boorish mana for so long.

How sad.

I'll free you from those filthy wretches

before you even have a chance to fight.

Cherry Blossom Magic,

Magic Cherry Blossom Blizzard!

Witness my beautiful illusion.

It's in full bloom.

How beautiful!
It's like cherry blossom viewing.

Here, help yourself.

Come, repent your filthiness

within my beautiful spell!

He makes a big move right away.

Although I talked big,

I can't think of a way
to break through this spell.

It's better
if we don't act rashly for now.

We should wait for them
to set off the magic traps.

This magic is incredible.

I can't see a thing.

It seems like there is
only one thing to do.


All right.

Here we go.

Oh my. Something big is about to happen.

Yes, just keep it up.

More. Surround me more.


More. More intense!

What is that?

What is this power
that is different from magic?

It's so strong and intense.


it feels sinister.

Here I come!

Black Hurricane!

What? The cherry blossoms are all…

No, more importantly, even my traps are…


That's what we saw back then.

So this is it.

I knew he had been training ever
since he went to the volcano,

but to think his power was this immense!

Asta is incredible.
He's indeed my best friend.

The cherry blossoms are dispersing!

How is that possible?

What is that horrific black mass?

That Shorty's magic

blew everything away.

Asta, you're incredible.

What the hell did you do,
you little rascal?

I think I just heard
you speak your mind for the first time.

Now, let's work together!

Darn Shorty!

He is not beautiful at all.

What happened?

What's going on?

Asta will keep on getting more powerful.

So will I.

Asta has learned an interesting move.

Here, help yourself.

Look at what you have done.

You destroyed all my traps.

I know. How worrisome.

If that's the case,
let's come up with a strategy!

A strategy that takes all three of us
to win the match!

You are smart.
You should be able to figure it out.

From now on, think up some
sneaky strategies fair and square!

What are you talking about?
You are contradicting yourself.

This is great.
Asta is back to his usual self.

You can use that power
to defeat them, can't you?

Why do you need my help?

Too bad.

Once I used that move,
I needed time to recuperate.

Rascal, why are you so happy then?

Have you gone crazy?

I want to fight as a team, you prick!

I don't care
if you set up traps yesterday!

On the condition
that Mimosa and I are included too.

We are here to become the Royal Knights

that will defeat
the Eye of the Midnight Sun, aren't we?

Not me or anyone else.

We can't fight those guys alone.

I want to work with powerful guys here

to defeat strong opponents!


The Magic Knights are incredible.

But no matter how incredible
Magic Knights are,

they shouldn't fight alone.

They must trust their comrades, the people
who go through life and death with them.

Besides, one of the powerful people
we're up against now

is royalty and the vice-captain
of the Coral Peacocks!

So we have to give it our all.
Otherwise, we can't win!

That hurts!

What on earth are you doing, you jerk?

Although I'm not interested
in dealing with royalty,

for my own goals,

I have no choice but to use you, Shorty.

I'm happy as long as
I get to fight alongside you,

Cool Mask Guy.

As you already know,

my magic attribute is ash.

I'm good at Trap Magic.

But a large scale trap like the last fight

can't be set up right away.

It requires a lot of time
and magic powers,

and how much you put into them
determines their power.

Like I said,
I pulled an all-nighter for it.

-You were telling the truth?
-You were telling the truth?

But you destroyed them just like that.

Oh my! I'm so sorry.

I couldn't help it.


For now, there are three basic types
I could set up.

The first one is the binding traps.

Whoever touches the magic
circle gets tied up.

The second one is the pitfall traps.

It's simple.

Dig a hole and drop someone into it.

The third one is the landmine traps.

Activate a simple attack spell
on a certain spot.

They will all disappear once triggered.

Unless I take the time to pour a lot of
magic powers into them,

it won't have much effect.

Now then, which one should we choose?

How did this happen?

My beautiful spell

was defiled by
that peasant's pitch-black thing.

I've already expected that.

I knew he had been practicing
some kind of move after all.

I knew he was going to do something.

You're telling everyone not to
underestimate peasants, aren't you, Asta?

By the way, I'm a peasant myself.


You're also a peasant?

What? What's the problem, Mr. Royal?

I'm going to be defiled!

I can't fight alongside a peasant!


you narcissistic manic!

What is your problem?

I can defeat them on my own.

Let me finish that guy off.

Just stay there and guard our crystal.


Then I'll act on my own as well.


Men are indeed imbeciles.

Peasants are those with meager magic.

That also means they're unclean.

They can never stand

on the same stage with the royalty
who are beautiful to begin with.

Mimosa is moving towards our crystal,
isn't she?

Over here, I can feel
that guy called Xerx's magic.

But I can't feel a thing

from that filth.

What kind of creature is he?

Where has he gone to?

Mimosa's brother is here!

I got you, you filthy brat.

Cherry Blossom Magic,

Dance of Million Cherry Blossoms!

Some got through those tiny little gaps!

He is really incredible!

The way he flees is unsightly.

You are not getting away!


Come after me if you dare!

It's faint,
but I can feel a trace of magic.

Is he luring me in to trigger the trap?

I've seen through
you filthy bunch's tricks.

Cherry Blossom Magic,

Clones of the Beautiful Me!

Our traps!

Do you think I'd fall
for such cheap traps?

You ran into a tight place
where you can't swing your sword

and have nowhere to go.

You couldn't be uglier.

Darn it!

I thought it was a good strategy.

Disappear, peasant!

What is this?

I thought I had destroyed
all the traces of the Trap Magic.

What an idiot.

You keep counting
on your magic detection because it has

higher specs than ours.

That's how you fall into the simple,

low spec pit that we dug,

Mr. Royal.

They physically dug this up
without using any magic?

How unsightly.

Such a primitive thing.

I'll fly right out--


I feel sorry for having to do this
to Mimosa's brother.

But I have to knock you out now.

Filth, don't come near me!

Anti Magic!

We are becoming more like a team now.

I said I was just using you.

-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!

The Life Of A Narcissist.

Lord Kirsch, please stop crying.

Since birth, he'd been obsessed
with his own beauty.


Nobody is fairer than me.

He couldn't be satisfied with
the beauty of any of his wooers,

so he decided to be single.

People around him had given up on him
because of his twisted personality.

He was destined to grow old alone.

I'm so thirsty.

How beautiful.

I'm truly beautiful.

That's how he spent his last moments.

Even so, I'm still very beautiful.

I really hope he can just
miserably spend his last moments.

Who cares about teammates?

I'm only using everyone
to achieve my own goal.

Black Clover, Page ,

"Mister Delinquent vs. Muscle Brains."

My magic is in setting up traps sneakily.
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