02x26 - Bad Blood

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x26 - Bad Blood

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

The fifth match

of the Royal Knights Selection Exam
finally concluded.

The crystal's magic has been cut off.

Team B wins!


-Full bloom!
-Full bloom!

Team C wins!

Fire Magic, Spiral Flame!

Crystal destroyed. Team E wins.

The crystal has been destroyed.
Team G wins.

Painting Magic,

Deux Tempêtes of Fire and Ice!

Sandstone Magic,

Rock Storm!

The crystal has been destroyed.

Team I wins!

You guys are quite good.

But I'll need a little bit more
to create my masterpiece.

The sixth match is starting.

It's finally our turn.

Don't act on your own.

We should put on the greatest performance
to take them down.


Next is the sixth match
of the first round.

The fight is getting more intense.

Both teams are concentrating their att*cks
on the center of the b*ttlefield

and attacking with magic.

Steel Creation Magic,

Steel Castle's Armored Wall!

Take this!

The form of the magic has changed!

That's so cool!

The pages of his grimoire have increased.
The magic has also evolved.

Lightning Creation Magic,

Thunderclap Crumbling Orb!

How is his spell so destructive?

As I thought. This is no longer
a Junior Magic Knight-level fight.

Both I and Luck

have completed many assignments
in the past few months.

Our power has grown.

How can we remain as Junior Magic Knights?

To begin with, his power has always been
at the intermediate level.

I see. Has he become more powerful?

But that's the same for me.

Like Asta,

I have trained my magic and my body,
both physical and mental.

Even if my effort betrays me,

I'd never give up on working hard!

Steel Creation Magic,

Violent Rotating Lance!

Four Eyes is super cool!

Klaus is incredible.

He is not the rigid
and worrywart Four Eyes.

Not bad.

After this match is concluded,
let's have a match!

Don't be silly.

Concentrate on the current match!

Rob Vitesse is here.

The crystal is placed at the back.

We'll pass through three opponents
and destroy the crystal in one go!


Both of you are impressive.

Wing Magic!

She flies so effortlessly!

Angel Flapping!

I'll attack the opponents.

Luck, go!

It's also a tailwind for my allies!

This is so much fun!

Good! Dash forward!

In the end,
it's individual power differences

that separate victory and defeat.

My magic can't stop him.

Oh no! Crazy Boy!


He is fast!

Let's fight more!

Just in one blow?

The crystal has been destroyed.

Team K wins!


He did it!


This is fun.

Luck, you…

All right! You guys are amazing!


That jerk!

He has become way too powerful.

-My next opponent
-My next opponent…

is more fun.

…can help me draw even better paintings.

Next is the eighth match,
the last match in the first round.

Team O and Team P, please come forward.

This means it's finally…

Yuno and Noelle's team are up next!

It's finally our turn.

After this match is over,
let's go for a date, okay?

I don't really care.

The other guy is…

Guys, let's fight hard.

There will be no problem
if we work together.

But first, are you okay?

We must win.

Hey, is he going to be fine?

I don't know.

Didn't you and Idiosta grow up together?

You won't be as reckless as him, right?

What about you?

You are bad at controlling
your magic, aren't you?

It looked like it took all you had
to maintain your Mana Skin at the volcano.

Can you really fight?

What? I'm a royal, okay?

Can you actually think and fight,
you violent peasant

who's Asta's childhood friend?

She talks too much.

That wasn't even a valid argument.

That childish argument…

Was it because you're influenced by Asta?


Why would I be influenced by that guy?

I think that part of you
is just like Idiosta…

You are overreacting.

Am I right about you?

I'm not overreacting!

Hey. Both of you are very childish.

You should get along.

I think you're the reason for that.

I don't care about you!

Before we go any further,

let's devise a strategy.

Don't touch me!

You still have time to be chatting around.
You must be very confident.

As a disgrace to House Silva,

you really have the guts
to take part in this exam.

The Black Bulls just happened
to achieve some good results for once.

Do you actually believe
it was thanks to you?


You can't even control your magic well.

As a member of House Silva,

you aren't even qualified
to join Silver Eagle.

How dare you fight me.

Loose Fringe! Here he goes again!

You are trash.

Why can't you do the same things as us
when you're also royalty?

Trash is not allowed to eat before I do!

Solid, don't be like this.

Give it back!

You are weak.

That's why you can't protect the things
that are important to you.

Stop it!

If you are upset, hit me back.

That is if you can actually hit me
with your magic powers.

There you are, Thieving Civet!

The scale powder is blinding!

Don't worry. You can do it.

We have worked hard together, haven't we?

We are just like family.

A family that knows your capability
better than your brother.

Now trust your partners and yourself.

Believe in yourself.

What's he mumbling about?

He isn't cursing
her despicable brother, is he?

Hey, what are you doing?

It's our turn. Let's go.

I'm coming.

Noelle, just run away as best as you can.

Serves you right.

Let's end this today!

Next, we'll begin the eighth match
in the first round.

Sandler, Solid, and Dmitri from Team O

versus En, Yuno, Noelle from Team P.

Let the match begin!

Yuno and Noelle, do your best!

Noelle, show them

how amazing the ladies
of Black Bull really are.


don't hold back just because
your brother is the opponent!

I'll attack. You two support me.

I'll attack.

I'll do it.

I'll do it!

I'll do it.

I'll do it!

I'll support you two then.

They are this fast?

What is it?

Although I dislike this method,

it's a shortcut with a simplified
version of that compound magic before.

Let's finish them instantly!

They haven't moved their crystal.

This is not good.

They closed the distance
to our crystal in one sprint.

Wind Magic,

Crescent Kamaitachi!

Fire Magic,

Combo Eruption!

Water Magic,

Sea Dragon's Nest!

I didn't expect you to know
such defensive magic.

Sand Magic,

Crushing Sand Clod!

The water has been absorbed!

If this goes on,
we will only be playing defense.

Hey, you! Who gave you permission
to cling to him like that?


I think I'm the fastest on the team.

I'll attack once I find an opening
to destroy their crystal.

In the meantime,

you two find a way to protect ours.


Let me do it.


Nobody is going to get through.

Noelle, go!

Since you have been fighting
alongside Asta,

you should be able to do it.

It's safer if I'm the one
protecting the crystal anyway.

If I attack…

Noelle, wait up.

…Solid will definitely come after me.

Don't act on your own!

Your opponent is me.

Have you heard about

the newbie with the four-leaf clover?

I heard he defeated one of the
Eight Shining Generals of Diamond Kingdom.


That's impressive for a newbie.

Not only that but when he defeated him,
he told the vice-captain that

he was going to become
the captain of the Golden Dawn.

He has some guts.

The guy that is chosen by Wind Spirit
is indeed impressive.

Even Captain Vangeance
has high hopes for him.

So you're going to guard the crystal

while dealing with me?

That attitude is called arrogance!

Please fight me seriously.

Why does it have to be you?


There was an ambush
at an unexpected location.

As I was running,
I fell deep into this cave.

Nobody is going to come for me
in this place.

Is this the end for me?

Are you all right, Alecdora?

The way he looked

was simply like the God
that I saw in a painting

when I was a kid.

I can feel that you are here.

You don't have to worry anymore.

Captain Vangeance seems to have
powers that are beyond magic.

It's a kind of warmth that binds
the team members together.

I swear I'd devote my grimoire
to Captain Vangeance.

Golden Dawn is moving towards
becoming the most powerful Knights squad.

We are the elite nobles handpicked
by Captain Vangeance.

But in such a team,

why is such peasant…


I can tell.

Captain Vangeance treats
all members equally.

But with him…


He's called him by name five times today!

And he hasn't even spoken to me once yet!

Why him?

Is it because of his four-leaf clover?

That guy whom

Captain Vangeance has high hope for

said he was going to become captain.

He is mocking Captain Vangeance!

Don't be arrogant
just because you got Spirit Magic!

Getting chosen by me
was part of Yuno's power!

That guy is really irritating!

Yuno, finish him off!

Belle, step aside.

What? Aren't you going to rely
on my power to fight him?

Noelle, knowing only defensive moves
will still render you powerless.

What are you doing?

You're ruining our strategy!

Both of us are supposed to hit
the crystal together!

Shut it! Don't order me around!

I have no choice then.

I'll join you, and we'll defeat her in--


What is this? It's so heavy!

Fungus Magic,

Running Mr. Mushroom.

I put some spores on you earlier.

I won't let you hold Noelle back.

Noelle, what a pity.

Since I catch up with you,

there is not a chance in the world
you can destroy our crystal.


Don't worry. I'm En.

This is Talking Mr. Mushroom.
It lets you hear my voice.

Why are you sticking weird stuff on me?

Don't worry about it now.

I heard what Solid said
before the match started.

I can't forgive him
for speaking like that to his sister.

I have ten younger brothers and sisters.

They're the ones I'm fighting for.

An elder brother should protect

his younger and weaker siblings.

But he kept hurting
and underestimating you!

Noelle, do it!

Finish off your brother!

Don't just give him an ordinary thrashing!

You have to hit him so hard that
he'd never insult you again.

Okay. But why are you so energetic
all of a sudden?

Humans are animals too!

Once you put them in their place,

they won't turn on you.

Who will finish whom?

You want to defeat me?

How can trash as weak as you defeat me?

Yes, I was once weak.

You've always been strong,

so you probably can't understand
how weak people feel.

I don't need

your approval anymore

because even greater people
have acknowledged me!

I used to be really scared
of your magic, Solid.

But now, I feel nothing.

Nonsense. You are a disgrace
of House Silva!

Water Creation Magic,

Death Dealing Sea Serpent!

How much more
are you going to humiliate me?

Sand Creation Magic,

Sand-Armored Heavy Guard!

This is my strongest
offense-defense magic.

Can you guard it without Spirit Magic?

The only person who can fulfill
Captain Vangeance's dream is me!

Wind Magic,

Towering Tornado.


He destroyed it from the inside?

What is that?

He activated his spell
inside his opponent's spell?

He can even do something like that?

That gorgeous guy is indeed
different from us! Darn it!

I don't care about other's dreams.

I only see mine.

How is that possible?

How is that possible? Is this a joke?
This is impossible!

What's with this magic?

Is this a joke?

How does Noelle pull this off?


I can hit you, can't I?

Just go ahead and try it!

She won't be able to hit me.

Her magic will never hit me!

You are just trash!

Sea Dragon's Roar!


She destroyed the crystal
with a single blow!

The crystal has been destroyed.
Team P won!

I'm not weak anymore!

-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!

Charmy's Seven Transformations, Part II!

In response to the incredible number
of requests we got from Charmy fans

across the universe
saying the seven transformations

from last time just weren't enough,
we bring you its sequel!

Transformation one,

Christmas Tree Charmy!

Transformation two,

Ninja Charmy!

Transformation three,

Lion Dance Charmy!

Transformation four,

Private Charmy!

Transformation five,

Samba Charmy!

Last but not least,

transformation six,

Buddha Charmy!

Okay, there are only six transformations
this time too.

Okay, it's our turn now.

I'll show everyone that I can fight too.

Idiosta, what are you looking at?

Black Clover, Page ,

"Peasant Trap."

In the name of Black Bull, we must win.
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