02x17 - Battle to the Death?! Yami vs. Jack

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x17 - Battle to the Death?! Yami vs. Jack

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

The Royal Capital
is holding the Star Awards Festival.

The festival celebrates
the Magic Knights' achievements

based on the number of stars obtained
during the year.

Kahono? Kiato?

Asta and the others
brought Kahono and Kiato

from the Seabed Temple to the festival.

He used a bottle
containing the Witch Queen's magic

and healed Kahono's throat
and Kiato's leg.

Asta and the others
took part in the festival, but…

Hey, Asta.

What do you think about Noelle?

What do I think?

I like you, Noelle, maybe.

Where did that come from?

Have you lost your mind?

It hurts!

Why do you always do that?

Asta ran into Yami and Jack the Ripper
of the Green Mantis

in a heated argument
which was about to break into a fight.

Sir, another drink, please.

Come over and enjoy the show!

This is the song and dance
of the Seabed Temple!

Such a beautiful voice.

That guy looks so charming when he dances.

Kahono can sing

and Kiato can dance again.

This is so great.

Right, Idiosta?

Who are you?

I'm royalty!


I accidentally sent him far away.

Jeez, where did he fly off to?


Idiosta, where are you? Hey!

-Miss, would you like some?

-Miss, how about a sh**ting game?

-Miss, would you like one?



Commoner’s food is quite good.

It's not bad.

Where did that Idiosta fly off to?

There seems to be
a strong power over there.

Would you like to try the squid?

Everyone, Captain Yami's
yummy grilled squid!

No, would you like to try
Yami's grilled squid?

Captain Jack's meat dishes are the best!

Just one bite
will make you feel satisfied!

It's piping hot
that it goes "Haha" in your mouth!

You should say, it goes "Huha, Huha."

It will satisfy both your heart
and your stomach.

Of course!

Hey, Little Brat, what's going on?

There are no customers at all.

I'll k*ll you if you can't bring us
any customers.

Yes, sir.

Sir, would you like to try out
the grilled squid?

Try out the grilled squid.

Hold on. Don't go!

You can try the tentacles too!

Newbie, if you can't
bring us any customers,

I'm going to slice your meat!

Everyone, don't be afraid.
Come and buy some.

Hurry up! Start calling out for customers!


Come and buy some!

-Please buy some.


They won't even look me in the eyes.

The infamous captain of Black Bull
and our captain are together.

It's no surprise if it goes unsold.


What are you talking about?

-It's really good.
-Come and buy some.

-It's not poisoned!
-That explains the strong magic power.

What are you doing?

Noelle, are you here to help out?

What's going on? Haha is here as well.

Ms. Black Bull,
my name isn't "Haha." It's "Sekke."

Sekke Bronzazza! Haha!

I see. It doesn't matter.

Well, Asta and Haha…

I mean, Sekke, what are you guys up to?

Captain Yami…

-And Captain Jack…
-And Captain Jack…

I've been wanting to compete with you.

Between your stall and mine,

let's see who has the highest sales!

It's a showdown!

Bring it on! I'm not going to lose!

You old-faced fisherman!

If you lose, I'm going to skin you alive!

Interesting, you skinny monkey!

If you lose,
I'll have you wipe my ass in the toilet!

That's interesting.
I'm not going to lose for sure!


-I'm going to win!
-I'm going to win!

-That's it!
-That's it!


That's why I'm here
trying to bring in customers.

But none of us is able to sell anything.

How about having the grilled purple snakes
that I just caught?

That looks yummy!

No, not at all!

-Don't get distracted by the food

-from other stalls.
-It hurts.

-But purple snakes…
-My rainbow squids…

I risked my life to catch them

off the coast of Raque in a storm
by using my fishing skills.

They are top-notch squids!

Don't compare them with some snakes
that you can find everywhere.

I'm so sorry.

It's all your fault if I lose to Jack.

Anyone wants to have grilled squid?

These are top-notch squids
caught off the coast of Raque!

It's as good as the nomotatoes
from Hage Village!

What do you mean by that?
Is that a slander on my grilled squid?


It'll be your fault if it all goes unsold.

How about some grilled squid?

-How about some grilled squid?

Useless brat.

The ones over here are the same as well.

I can't stand having to wait for
who has better sales.

What a coincidence.
I thought the same too.

Why don't we…

Fight with our own abilities
and have a showdown?

-Battle to the death!
-Battle to the death!


Boys and girls!

-Battle to the death!
-Battle to the death!

Boys and girls!

Boys and girls!

What are they doing?

Watch me!


Watch out!

This isn't going anywhere.

We need to be more serious
and fight for real.

You'll be dead if I get serious.

That's my line!

Let's change locations then!

We'll just be giving others troubles
if we do it here.

We shall take our leave then!

Excuse me!

Asta! Idiosta!

-Pull yourself together!


What is it?

Get Finral here.

This is…

Will it not cause trouble to others
if we do it here?

I'm so much stronger today.

Just like these grilled squids.

Watch how I'm going to slice you up
just like the grilled squid.

Why do I have to come along?

This is surprisingly good.

Captain Jack can cut a mountain in half!

Even the captain of the Black Bull
is no match for Captain Jack!

Why does Haha get so excited?

The girls get pretty easygoing
because of the festival

and my flirting was about to work.

Yami and Jack will show us
what they are made of.

I wonder what kind of powerful spells
I'll get to see.

I can't wait to see it.

Jack the Ripper, are you ready?

You are the one who should get ready,
Yami Sukehiro!

These guys can't wait

to make a move and slice up the prey.

I didn't slice you up the other time

because you were almost dead.

It was you who got your ass kicked
by those from the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

I merely pretended to be knocked down.

When I was about to fight,

you guys showed up there.

Stop bragging!

Yami, you seem to be on your game today.

It's going to be fun slicing you up today.

We'll see who will be the one
getting sliced up.

Both of them are still as scary.


I can sense a strong aura
that vibrates the air.

The leaders of the Magic Knights
are all freaks.

What kind of battle
is going to take place?

Why are you getting so worked up?

Dark Magic, Dark Cloaked Black Blade!

Not bad.

Slash Magic, Death Scythe!


That was nothing.

-Captain Yami is way better--
-Nice once, Captain Jack!

Jeez, that was close.

Is he all right?

Captain's Avidya Slash
can suck out the opponent's magic.

But the opponent is able to dodge it.

Captain Yami is just amazing!

Yami and Jack have both used
amazing spells.

That's just awesome.

It's my turn next.

I'll greet you with my special spell.


A new spell that I awakened
during a mission to the Seabed Temple.

My own talent terrifies me at times.

That's interesting.
Show me what you've got.

The new spell that he said, could it be…

Could it be…

Is he using that against Captain Jack?

Hold on, Finral!

Shouldn't you try to stop them?

Even though it's Captain Jack,
it's still dangerous.

That's right. Stop them.

What if something happens
to the captains of the Magic Knights?

But what should I do?

Whoever goes down,
the other person will be blamed.

If that happens, the forces protecting
the Clover Kingdom will be weakened.

What do you think will happen next?

What do you mean?

The Eye of the Midnight Sun
or the Diamond Kingdom might attack.

It will be your fault
if you fail to stop them now.

My fault?

It'll be your fault.

Why are you even here?

Hurry and stop them.

I'm royalty.

What does that have to do with this?

But indeed,
I should probably try to stop them.

Things are going to look ugly
regardless of who gets knocked down.

Also, if he were to use Dimension Slash
or something,

this cave might just collapse.

If that happens,

everyone will be in danger.

Since I'm the most senior one here,
I should be the one to stop this.

Yami, let's stop. That's enough--


Don't stop me!

It's not helping at all.

That's so embarrassing.

What are you even doing here?

Here I come!

Bring it on!

Dark Magic, Dark Cloaked Black Blade!

Slash Magic!

-Dimension Slash!
-Death Scythe!

Time Restraining Magic, Chrono Stasis!

I would love to see
Dimension Slash myself.

But unfortunately,
like what Asta and the others said,

things won't be good if anything
happens to the Magic Knights' captains.

And this cave may collapse
from the impact.

Save Dimension Slash for next time.

Magic Emperor, where did you wander off?

Hi, Mars.

Something interesting happened.

Stop fooling around
and get back here at once!

It's time for the meeting

in regards to the Star Festivals Award
for the Magic Knights' achievements!

I see.

Knock it off!

The King is waiting!
Please come back at once!

Mars always gets so worked up.

This will cause high blood pressure.

And whose fault is that?

That's all for now. I shall take my leave.

See you guys later.

But before I leave,

you'd better stop fighting.

Watch me.

It's done.

Dimension Slash!

Death Scythe!

What's going on?

Look at you.

Look who's talking.

Jeez, it spoiled the fun.

Stop kidding me.

I don't feel like
slicing things up anymore.

So it's over?

This is great.
I won't be held accountable now.

Jeez, what if something did happen?

-Idiot, he won't be easily defeated!
-Idiot, he won't be easily defeated!

That's not the issue!

They are so close
that they tend to fight one another.

But make sure not to overdo it.

Speaking of which,
what are you even doing here?

I didn't expect this to be good.

Your meat dishes are not too bad either.

Not bad, right?

All right. How about some desserts?

Hey, bring that over!

Hold it.

It's so cold.


Not bad.

Here you go.

Thank you.

So close that they will fight?

Perhaps, Sekke is right.


I can fight with you occasionally.


Well, I'll join the others.

So we are even now, right?

So it's wins, losses
and draws for me.

Knock it off.

For me, it's wins,
losses, and draw.

You must be going senile.

I'm the one with wins and losses.

I'm the one with wins!

Do you want to pick a fight?

I've been wanting to compete with you.

Looks like now is the time.

Skinny monkey!

Old-faced fisherman!

Not again?

Asta, stop them.


There is no one else besides you.

Why don't you go?

I'm royalty!

Okay, do me a favor
and stop fighting, all right?

Shut up!

Look, there is no one else, right?

It can't be helped.

Look, Captain Yami.

Captain Jack.

Everyone is enjoying themselves
at the festivals.

Let's not fight and get along
with each other, all right?

You are getting in my way!

Stay out of it!


Thank you for your support.

Someday, we will become

the most popular idols
in the Clover Kingdom.

Idols who can sing, dance, and use magic.

I'm Kahono!

I'm Kiato!

-Please give us your support!
-Please give us your support!

-Please give us plenty of tips!
-Please give us plenty of tips!

-Plenty of tips!
-Plenty of tips!


Finral, what took you so long?
Where have you been?

You must have gone flirting
only to be rejected, right?

Well, you can say that.

A lot of things happened besides that.

A lot of things?

I feel exhausted.

Come on. The festival has just begun.

Thank you.

Here, drink up.



I know!

Captain Yami ordered you over
to use your Spatial Magic, right?

You must be exhausted. Thank you for that.


Are you all right?

Captain Yami, that's so cruel of you!

He's okay.

He's so strong.

Where is this place?

I need to get back to the others.

She is such a beauty.

So charming.

Whose daughter is this?

Go talk to her.

I can't.

She's indeed pretty.

I bet Finral would like her.

But I can't help feeling
like I've met her somewhere.

-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!

Grilled Squid.

Today, I'll teach you
how to make delicious grilled squid.

It's easy. Anyone can do it.

You say that,

but you're not going to cheat
and use magic like the other chef, right?


First, remove its insides
and make a few cuts on it.

Those are really clear instructions!

Next, season with sugar,
soy sauce, mirin, ginger, et cetera.

-Very proper instructions!
-Then, it's ready to be grilled.

-Very proper ingredients!
-It's done.


Like I said, anyone can make this.

You will not go wrong with this.

Festivals are so fun!

Girls who usually say no to me
didn't keep me at arm's length.

Great, I must find myself a girl today!

Black Clover, Page ,

"The Briar Maiden's Melancholy."

Captain Charlotte has makeup on!

She's more beautiful than usual!
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