02x14 - I'm Home

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x14 - I'm Home

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

Controlling blood.

That's my magic.

Ever since I cast a spell on you,

I have been able
to control your blood at will.

This is your first task.

k*ll everyone with your own hands.

Leave no survivors behind.
Make sure they all die.

Just as Asta,
under the Witch Queen's control,

was about to turn on his companions…

Please make him stop!


You will never escape from me.

That's because you are my daughter.

We are a family.

I am your family?

A person like you is not my family.

Everyone in Black Bull is!

Vanessa's intense will
to protect her companions

activated a new spell.

Red Thread of Fate?

Puppet Bloodflow has been undone?

This magic

will only side with those
that I have a bond with!

You and I

have no bond.

You and I

have no bond.


Your Majesty, look.

I made a doll with threads.

Such exquisite work.

I want to use magic
to make everyone smile.

I'm sure you'll be able to do it, Vanessa.

I seem to have been caught up
in the pursuit of perfection

and forgot something important.

Sometimes, precisely because
you are imperfect,

you are able to draw strength
from your emotions.

This magic that couldn't
be produced when you were at my side

has now appeared
because you are free and imperfect.


Do as you wish.

I have been utterly defeated.

Blood Healing Magic,

Curse-Breaking Blood Cocoon.

That hurts!

I'm fully healed!

That's strange.

She healed everyone all at once.

The Witch Queen
is surely not to be taken lightly.

Did we win?

Vanessa, you're amazing!

We won because of your magic!

This is great.

Yes, I'm so glad!

Seriously! Do you know how worried I was?

That hurts.

You still ended up naked.

That's strange. When did that happen?

It has been a long time, both of you.

It's good to see you.

Way to go!

It's all thanks to you, Vanessa.


It's thanks to all of you.

It was because of all of you
that I was able to use that spell.

Thank you, everyone.

You're right.


It doesn't hurt.

Nothing hurts. My body feels so light!

He's just recovered and he's like that.

He sure is energetic.

Hold on, Idiosta!

You're nearly completely naked!

You just noticed?

He's taking after you, Mr. Fanzell.

Is he?

But look, Noelle.

It feels like my muscles have become
even more robust after being healed.


This thing…

We can relax now
that those savages are gone.

We won't let them off lightly
if they ever attack again!

The Eye of the Midnight Sun

seemed to be after a magic stone
rumored to be hidden in this forest.

Do you know anything about that?

Is this the magic stone
you are referring to?

It is of no use to me.

You can have it.

Magic stone?

Thank you so much!

We somehow got our hands
on a magic stone so easily.

Yami will definitely praise us.

Hey, the Eye of the Midnight Sun said
they wanted this.

Do you know why?

Or do you know who they actually are?

Do you know anything about them?

This type of magic stone is a magic tool

that can amplify the wearer's magic power.

Only those of the Elf Tribe are able
to utilize magic stones effectively.


Centuries ago,

elves were a preserved race
with immense magical power

who lived in what is now
the Forsaken Realm.

Elves possessed a high level of magic

and many could rival me.

She said "centuries ago."

Just how old is she?

Her skin is far too supple!


Far outnumbered by humans,

they eventually perished.

The third eye of that girl named Fana

is actually Forbidden Magic.

However, the one who activated
that Forbidden Magic

wasn't that girl,

but someone else.

Most humans are incapable
of handling Forbidden Magic.

It's all going over my head.

Activating Forbidden Magic

requires an inexhaustible amount of mana
and certain sacrifices.

The summoning of the ancient demon god

was the ultimate Forbidden Magic spell

cast by the leader of the Elf Tribe.

That demon god?

Perhaps the Eye of the Midnight Sun

are descendants of the Elf Tribe.

Could it be?

My grandmother used to read
a picture book to me

about an evil demonic tribe.

Was it talking about the Elf Tribe?

This is a treasure trove
of shocking information!

I must write a report!
I'm a rabid reporter!

Also, Asta, the two swords you possess

are what's left of the magic swords

that the Elf Tribe's leader used.

What does this mean?

Asta's head exploded because
he couldn't process all the information.

Get it together, Idiosta!

He's too idiotic for his brain to work.

He's an idiot!

You'll have to continue battling them

to solve this mystery one day.

He is hopeless.

Are you really returning
to the Diamond Kingdom?


The Witch Queen made this potion that
contains the effects of Puppet Bloodflow.

If I give it to the king
as a longevity elixir,

I can put a stop to Morris's ambitions.

Then, I will reform Diamond Kingdom
into a peace-loving kingdom.

I will also assist Mars in that

because that seems to be the fastest way

to stand at the top in Diamond Kingdom.

Hey, can we trust him?

I'm going to become
someone you will approve of.

I'll see you again one day, Mr. Fanzell.

Leave Fana in our care for now.

Mars and Ladros, don't be too reckless.

Don't worry, we're here.

I will do my best to keep Fana
from seeing Mr. Fanzell's naked body.

Fana, I'm sorry.

Please wait until
I have changed the kingdom.

Diamond Kingdom will become
a kingdom you can return to.

I'll wait as long as it takes.

When Diamond Kingdom has become
a peace-loving kingdom,

let's go and see the world together.


I'm so envious!

One day, that will be me and Sister Lily!


You called me your friend.

If you're ever in any trouble,

I'll come and save you,
anytime and anywhere.

That's what it means to be friends, right?


Mars, if you're ever
in any trouble, let me know!

I'll storm my way into Diamond Kingdom!

You're free.

However, this is still your homeland.

You are always welcome here.

If I start as the number two guy,

I'll be at the top in no time!

Hold it! Don't forget to support Mars.

I know.

You make it hard to believe you.

Sorry for making you wait!

Ms. Vanessa!

Have you all said your goodbyes?

It's best if we get out
of this hellish forest quickly.

In the end,
I didn't get to know any witches.

Don't laugh!

Thank you for healing Asta.

I'll see you again someday.

Captain Yami!

My arms are all healed!

-We came back alive!
-I'm so glad!

This was no big deal.

That's great.

Why are you naked?

Is that all?

Captain Yami,

we found another magic stone!


Excellent, Little Brat!

Here's your first mission
after being healed.

Buy groceries!

I'll go as fast as I can.

That's strange.

Hasn't anybody else returned yet?

Right. Did they die
somewhere along the way?

All right, if you don't want to die here,

hurry and buy groceries!



Welcome back.

I'm back!

I'm back!

That was disgustingly fast.

What's my next mission?

Rest. You're overworked.

You're forbidden from going on missions.

Put on some clothes.

How can this be?

If you take away my missions,
what do I have left?


You don't have to cry.

Here. I brought it over for you.

-Put it on!
-My life is over!

I'm back.

You're back?

That's Magna's voice.

That's right.

Magna and Luck went to a dungeon
to find a cure for my arms.

I have to thank them.

What a dramatic scene!

A fallen angel with broken wings,

I embarked on a journey to the dungeon
for a way to bring back your smile.

Helpless in the dark,
I fell into loneliness.

Many times, my heart nearly gave up.

In those moments, a vision of you
would descend from the sky,

astounding my soul and helping me
strangle the weakness within

until endless fighting was all I knew.

Why does it feel like
his personality has changed?

Mana is calling me.

You've changed too!

As I roamed the dungeon,
sending enemies to their death,

my body gradually became stronger,

but I failed to find
the most important thing,

the magic that could heal
your severe injuries.

Powerless, I had no choice
but to return with regrets.

Mana is calling me.

My arms are healed.

What? That's great, Little Brat!

Thanks for your concern!

This is great, Asta. Let's fight now!

No way!

We're back too.


Right, Gauche and Gordon
also went to the royal library

to find a cure for me.

I have to thank them.

What? They turned into nerds!

I have become cognizant
of the wonder of magic.

Magic spells are
as beautiful as paintings.

It's incredible, Gordon.

So why did your personality change?

Magic is indeed the ultimate art,

-the supreme existence.
-I still can't hear you!

However, we still haven't been able

to find a cure for Asta's arms.

I won't stop until I create a spell
that breaks the curse.

You just wait.

My arms are healed.

What the hell?

Didn't I say
that I would heal you one day?

Go and get cursed again!


Gauche, your nose is bleeding.

You bastard, it's because I'm so angry.

It's bleeding again!

Shut up, bastard!

I knew it.

Your nose bleeds

because you wish so strongly
for the people you care about to be happy.

This was the first time
we were alone together for so long.

That's how I noticed.

Maybe this will work to heal Asta's arms!

It still won't work?

It normally happens
when you think of your sister.

When it's Asta,

you secretly get nosebleeds.

This is stupid.

I'll look at Marie's picture instead.

You care as much about Asta

as you do for your sister.

Just like your sister,

yes, you already think of Asta as family.

Since I'm Asta's best friend,

that means I'm also your family.

I'm back.


We've been taken over by mushrooms!


Hello, I'm Charmy.

Magic mushrooms have taken over me.

Is this the time to be eating?

I'm so embarrassed that I can't transform!

Is this the time to be embarrassed?

Charmy, you can't keep eating!

I can't stop.

Three grow out for every one you eat!

You can try this one.

Hell no!

I found many other delicious foods.

What did you risk your life for?

I'm sorry!

I couldn't find a way to heal your arms.

I thought so.

What? That's so strange!

You're healed! How?

This is embarrassing.

That's nothing to be embarrassed about!

All right, since we have
so much food and drinks,

I'll let that overworked brawny idiot
take time off.

Let's party!


Bring the meat over!

I'm so grateful
that I can use my hands to eat!

Nobody was around all morning,

so those guys haven't been fed yet.

Hey, Little Brat.


You must be hungry.

A hearty meal is coming right up!


Laundry hasn't been done yet.

Where am I supposed
to hang all these to dry?

By the way,
the cleaning hasn't been done yet.

-Hey, Little Brat!

There's no more toilet paper.
Bring me some.

And who told you to open the door?

I'm so sorry!

Off to clean the next area!

Captain Yami told him to rest,

but Asta ended up getting no rest at all.

Well, isn't this level of labor
just perfect for Idiosta?

Sure enough,

this is where I feel most at ease.

And speaking of which…

You guys are the best!

In the outside world, I found

another family!

-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!

-I Wonder Why!
-I Wonder Why!

What's wrong, Asta?

Salamander is clearly
surrounded by flames.

Why doesn't Fana get burned?

Because it's magic?

Your Sea Dragon's Nest is made of water.

Why don't your clothes get drenched?

Because it's magic?

Why doesn't kombu seaweed release essence
in the ocean like it does in broth?

Leave the food questions to Dr. Charmy!

The flavor in kombu broth
comes from glutamic acid

which is found in the cells of kombu.

Kombu cells have selective permeability,

the ability to take in nutrients
necessary for growth and expel the rest.

This glutamic acid is necessary
for kombu to survive.

Thus, it doesn't get expelled
while the kombu is alive in the ocean.

Once the kombu is dried and dead,
the cells break down,

releasing the glutamic acid
that flavors broth.

Idiosta would never understand.

The Eye of the Midnight Sun
will definitely come again

to steal the magic stone.

What are their true motives?

Black Clover, Page ,

"The Eye of the Midnight Sun's Secret."

My magic power is in never getting drunk!
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