02x09 - Defectors' Atonement

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x09 - Defectors' Atonement

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

Asta's arms were healed by Witch Queen.

When Fana, one of the Third Eye,
showed up,

Asta fought with her

to protect the Witches' Forest.

She's one of the Third Eye too!

I'll bet everything

on this one blow!

Water Creation Magic,

Sea Dragon's Roar!

Salamander, the Fire Spirit
summoned by Fana,

almost burned Witches' Forest
to the ground,

putting Asta and the others
at a disadvantage.

But Noelle att*cked it with Water Magic

and managed to weaken Salamander.

All right.

I can finally show you my special move.

For the final blow,

Asta used Bull Thrust,
the special move that he came up with.

Get ready to attack!

Bull Thrust!

That imperfect little brat

actually had that much power.

From the looks of it,
he isn't just all talk.

On the other hand…

What is he doing?

Is he one of the witches?

He shows up alone
to face such a huge army.

Is he a fool or what?

Mars, do you know who I am?


Is that man

our former instructor?


I get to use both my hands
to "pamper" our instructor!

This is just great!

Nice one, Mr. Fanzell.

None of you

are like how you used to be.

Then I'll use my magic

to atone for my past.

What a nice breeze. It's so cooling.

I think I should ask you this first.

Don't you want to retreat?

My goodness.
That should be our line, Mr. Fanzell.

It seems like our king is dying.

From the rumors we heard,

the queen who lives here has been alive
for hundreds of years.

So the king said that

he wouldn't hesitate
to k*ll everyone in the forest

for the secret of her long life.

We heard

that the Eye of the Midnight Sun
is coming here as well.

So we're taking advantage of the chaos
to achieve our goal!

Taking what we want by force

is the Diamond Kingdom's way, isn't it?

That is exactly why I left.

Take this!

I can actually hold
our instructor with my hands…

He rushed right in
even in the face of such a huge army.

Is he a fool?

Wind Creation Magic,

Slicing Wind Emperor,

Wintry Wind!


That was so fast.

That guy

is Fanzell Kruger, the traitor.

He used to be the commander.

Even though he's an instructor,

he ended up betraying the kingdom.

We should k*ll him

and get the reward money.

Don't be afraid! Let's do it!

I knew it. They're not moving.

It's hard to attack
when your allies are all over the place.

Especially for warriors

with powerful magical powers like you two.

But there's only so much
I can do against such a huge army.

My sweetheart and my cute student,
I'm counting on you two.

I wonder if Mr. Fanzell
has put on some clothes.

Am I a genius?

Calm down. Form the sixth formation.

Even if he's the former commander,

as long as we keep the formation
and maintain long-range att*cks,

we can eventually defeat him!

He's alone--


He's not alone.

"When preparing for sneak att*cks,

prepare three times more
than the opponent's force."

That's what he taught us.

An ambush?

Don't underestimate our strength!

Team two!

These guys

are gradually forcing us into the forest.

This is not good.

Thick fog and trees
will destroy our formation.

Rearrange into the thirteenth formation!

Team four!

Team five!

How are they able
to predict our moves so easily?

That's because

I used to be part of the Diamond Kingdom's
assassination squad.

You are too easy.

I used to k*ll people

who were doing everything
they could to survive.

Perhaps this won't atone
for what I have done.

It might just be for my self-satisfaction.


I will put an end to your tyranny.

You despicable traitor!

I know. And no matter what you say,
I won't let it get to me.

If I do,

the person who once saved me
is going to scold me again.

That girl is really good.

She's able to command us,
the witches so well.

Isn't she? Mariella is awesome.

And with that, next is…

What's that?

They fell for it!

I used my magic tools
and modification skills

to modify the Golems a bit.

Awesome! The modification fee
must be expensive, right?

Do you know?

The material cost is only , yuls each.

Only , yuls
and they have such destructive power?

Guys, here comes the chance!

It's time to teach the invader a lesson
for destroying others' houses!

Don't underestimate us witches!

Oh no. They set traps for us down there

and tried to lure us in.

So I shouldn't just jump right in, right?

But it looks like fun.

So I'll just dive right in!

I'm going to join in the fun too!

All right. Where are they?

I knew you would come.

Wind Restraining Magic,

Slicing Wind Emperor,


Oh no! I've been caught!

I'll ask you this once again.

Are you going to retreat?

Who's going to retreat?

I want to k*ll many people!

Mr. Fanzell, have you lost your mind?

You were the one
who trained us to be murderers

and now you want to live as a good person?

I'm sorry, but I made a promise

to my last disciple and your brother.

I want to keep on living!

I don't want to run anymore!

That's the way. Feel the opponent's magic.

Keep calm.

That's right. Concentrate.


Your powers exist

to protect people.

Don't ever forget that.


Ladros is good
at Physical Reinforcement Magic.

This attack isn't good enough
to take him out.

Let's put an end to this!


He's the strongest among my students.

Given the situation now,

I can't beat him in close combat.

I'll have to make him back off a little.

Wind Creation Magic,

Slicing Wind Emperor,

Mountain Retreat!


This is my strongest spell.

Wind Creation Magic,

Slicing Wind Emperor,


Ladros was an odd kid

who didn't have a magical attribute.

Mr. Fanzell.

Can I become stronger
even without the magical attribute?

He always had a complex about that.

But in fact, he has more magical power
than anyone else.

It'll be bad if he has learned
a powerful long-distance spell.

I have to take him out first.

Forgive me.

I can't take it anymore! No!

I can't!

I can't take in

anymore of your magic.

There's not even a scratch on him?

After you left,

the army surgically modified me

and I've gained a certain magical ability,

which is Absorption and Emission.

I can absorb all the magical att*cks
on my body

and fire them back whenever I want.

In other words,

I can use your magic power
to k*ll your comrades.

What's with this magic?

Not only Ladros's,

but several magic powers
are gradually growing.

Mr. Fanzell, did you bring anyone
you care about into the forest?

If you did, you'd better hurry
and save them.

Well, you can race with my magic then!

Get ready.


Here it comes!

Million Laser!

I got so worked up that I accidentally
k*lled some of our people.

Is our instructor still alive?

There you are!



Gosh, the person you care about

is really here.

But you're down on the ground.

What are you doing?

Is she someone you care about?

How enviable!

Wait, I think I've seen her before.

Isn't she your lover who escaped with you?

How are you doing?

Stop it!

Use your powers for the right purpose.

I did, right from the very beginning.

But I did not go through
that special training

for that reason at all.

Being able to use
my full power in a battle.

Isn't that the best?

I want to be acknowledged

by this kingdom and the world!

That's why I worked hard

to climb up the ranks
to the Eight Shining Generals.

What crazy nonsense is that?

That's why you lose in the power struggle

and end up having to run
for the rest of your life.

You're a coward!

My husband

is not a coward!

Then I'll k*ll this woman first.


My power

exists to protect people.

Mr. Fanzell,

I remember your lessons.


What is…


What's going on?

There's no need
to unnecessarily k*ll people.

Our target is Witch Queen, right?

What nonsense are you talking about?

Aren't they the traitors who defected
from the Diamond Kingdom?

Letting them go
is as good as betraying the kingdom.

You're right.

In other words,
are you going to betray the kingdom?

It looks like it.

This is great!

I can finally k*ll Mars legally!

I always think you are an eyesore.

Since we were kids,
you always looked aloof,

and yet you could do everything!

If I were to be at the top,

you would be in my way.

I didn't expect
to get the chance to k*ll you here

together with our beloved instructor!

This is just great!


Don't talk about k*lling my instructor

as if it's a small matter!

Can you not interrupt
when your magic is this weak?

It's barely enough to fill my belly.

As expected of you, Mars!

I'll add some spice to your insanely
strong power and send it back to you!

Fire Healing Magic,

Phoenix Feathers Robe!


Why are you saving us?

Like what Ladros said,

we're traitors.

And I thought you lost your memory?

Don't worry.

I'm on your side.

I didn't expect to see you here.

But that can wait.

Let's deal with him first.

All right, but how are we going to deal
with such an unnatural power?

He might be invincible,

but there are a few ways to defeat him.

One of them is to feed him so much magic

that he self-destructs.

This is possible if we feed him
with a spirit's magic

or Witch Queen's power.

The other way

is by using Anti Magic.

Anti Magic?

How did you know about that?

There's actually one person
who can use that magic

and he happens to be
on the other side of the forest.

Let's lure Ladros over there.

I get it.

What are you talking about?

Whatever tricks you come up with,

they are useless against my power.

That's weird.

You become careless because of your power!

I'm pretty good
at Reinforcement Magic too.

-Off you go!
-Off you go!

You have been surrounded!

So you'd better surrender!

Step by step.

Resistance is futile.

Actually, we don't want to hurt you.

You're still young.

So you shouldn't throw your life away.

If you do anything stupid,
your friends and parents

will be disappointed, right?

You humans…

Don't you talk about my people!

-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!

You Got Through Me.

Mars, I…

Do you know how old I am?

You're years old.

Are you kidding me?
He can't possibly be in his ' s.

He should be years old.

That kind of swordsmanship

isn't something
a young person could teach.

He must be years old.

I'm not interested in this,
but I think he's years old.

Given his looks, he is married
to such a beautiful and intelligent wife.

He could only do that with his rare
eloquence as a middle-aged man.

Let's see. He's years old.

He looks so tired all the time.
I think he's years old.

He should be younger than me, right?

Actually, I'm years old.

Mr. Fanzell, your lessons got through me.

It looks like Salamander
hasn't been taken out yet!

What are you going to do now, brat?

Show me what you've got.

Black Clover, Page ,

"The Promised World."

Making my age unknown is my magic.
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