02x05 - The Man Named Fanzell Continued

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x05 - The Man Named Fanzell Continued

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

Fanzell Kruger is

a former instructor
of Diamond Kingdom's Mage Warriors.

Due to a series of events,
he taught Asta how to use a sword.

Your left foot is too slow!

When making consecutive att*cks,

you can't pause between each attack.


Some time has passed since they met.

In his dungeon scouting mission,

Asta sustained injuries from his battle
against Mars, a Diamond Kingdom assassin.

Thus, Noelle went out

to gather medicinal herbs
with healing properties for Asta.


Found it!


Yes, you, silver-haired girl.

Can I trouble you for a minute?

There is something I want to ask you.

It will only take a second.

Just let me see for a second.

Just a second. It won't take long.

Why you…



Hold on! I'm not a weirdo!
I just want to see it for a second!

-You're clearly a weirdo!
-It's so noisy! What's with the racket?

-I can't even get any sleep.
-Stay away!


I don't want to!

You misunderstood.

I just need a moment.

Miss, I can pay you.

These bumps might be plump,
but they are not edible!

You were so unlucky
to come across this pervert.

Don't cry.

You abominable pervert,

what were you planning to do
to my squad member?

You are lucky
I haven't slaughtered you yet.

It's a misunderstanding.
I encountered an assassin--

Don't make excuses.

Let's beat him up!

It isn't enough yet!

I'll have to k*ll you
before you ever get to Marie.

Magic Knights' headquarters?

This is Black Bull's handsome Finral.

We have apprehended a pervert.

We are sending him over now.


Please wait!
It's truly a misunderstanding.

Parties are only thrown for celebrations.

I don't know about that.


That voice!


Old Man Zell, what happened?

I see!

Asta, you got into the Magic Knights.


Honestly! So this was a misunderstanding?

So bandits actually
robbed you of everything.

You should have said so earlier!

You wouldn't listen.

Don't dwell on it.

Have some bread. It's edible this time.

Thank you.

You are my new friend.

What's the matter?

Is your name Zell?

Have we met somewhere?

No, this must be our first meeting.

But what are you doing here, Old Man?

I nearly forgot.

Your name is Noelle, right?

I'm really sorry for scaring you earlier.

I just wanted to ask you about your wand.

My wand?


That wand might have been made by Domina,

someone I'm looking for.


I remember that Domina is
your fiancée, isn't she?

But I remember that the one
who gave me this wand was named Code.

Yes, it wasn't Domina.

I was right. There is no mistake.

Her full name is Dominante Code.

Where did you see her?

In the castle town's Black Market.


That's great. I'm so glad.

Old Man, this means
that Domina is still alive!

This is wonderful!

Go and get her!

Yes, I will.

Thank you. Thank you so much!

I'll take you there.

Thank you, Noelle.

It's thanks to you that
I'll be reunited with my beloved.

Thank you so much.

I actually didn't do anything.

Captain, can I go now?

Sure, why not?

However, you had better not
tell anyone that we made a mistake.

You just admit it yourself.

Shut up.

By the way, Finral,

use your Spatial Magic
to take him to his destination.

That will make us even.

I'm going to take a dump and go to bed.


Thank you for taking the trouble.

Okay, if I stay any longer,

it'll be harder to say goodbye.

Bye, Asta.

It wasn't that long,

but I'm happy I got to see you again.

Next time we meet,
you had better be the Magic Emperor!

Yes! Go and live a happy life!

Get down, everyone!

What's happening? Is it an enemy ambush?

It must be the assassins
that were chasing me.

I'll leave right away.

What is this?

Who needs to be sliced and diced for this?

There is no activity.

Given Mr. Fanzell's personality,

I thought he would come out right away.

Let's observe for now.

Unit through ,
hold formation and advance.

Unit and , be on standby at the rear.

That large building must be
some sort of living compound.

Who knows?

I should head over now.

Commander Galleo,
please use your Spatial Magic.

Is this a precaution
in case this ambush fails?

I don't think it's necessary.

If we were to fail
at such a tiny operation,

we would become a laughingstock.

What is that look in your eyes?

Have you forgotten
who you have to thank for your life?

I haven't forgotten that it's you.


That's why I have
to give you a word of advice.

My instructor is very strong.

This is a scout from Unit .

We are m from the building.

Good. Get ready to break in.

Target has appeared.
Don't let him escape! Chase!

Lightning Creation Magic,

Thunderclap Crumbling Orb!

Fire Magic,

Prison k*ll Buckshot!

That's strange. What's going on?

Our surprise attack worked!

Does it mean that
they are not that strong?

Sure, but it doesn't matter.

It looks like there are plenty of them

for me to play with
until their kneecaps shatter!

Unit and ,
continue to pursue the target.

Are you the commander?

Allow me to destroy you quickly
so I can go and see Marie.

Mirror Magic, Reflect Refrain!

What kind of magic is this?

Okay, let's get started.

Dark Magic,

Dark Cloaked Avidya Slash.

I won't let any of you touch my food!

Don't go overboard.

Leave some for me!

This water barrier

isn't used to defend against our att*cks.

Instead, it's used to protect the building
from their own magic.

-Are you the commander?
-Fanzell, you jerk!

Stop! You can't do this to me.

Don't you want to keep the hostage safe?

Hostage? Who is it?

Dominante Code.

Mariella is already heading towards her.

Do you think we don't know
where Code is hiding?

If you understand, then let go--

Captain, you sure are incredible!

Everything is playing out
as you predicted.


Our squad members have already left

through Spatial Magic to protect Domina.

They probably have already found her.

Who are you?

What kind of husband
takes so long to find his wife?

You left a weak woman like me

alone here for so long!

Do you know how worried I was about you?

I was worried that you got hurt.

You just added my injuries.

Thank you so much, miss!

I gave you a special service,

but I never expected so much in return!

That means that Bruce was right about you.

Is that really the case?

You must be Asta, right?

Do you know me?

You look as gutsy as I have heard you are!

Who told you that?

That would be…

You? Mariella?

I won't do anything harmful.

Besides, what could one girl do
against all of you?

You brought others along
to hurt your instructor!

It's probably the same trick again!

I don't have any ill intentions.

However, please let me use you.

What do you mean by that?

So you are Black Bull.

Did Mariella not know this
when she told us to attack?

So, you told them
to attack Black Bull's base

in order to destroy them?

Meanwhile, I came to the Black Market

to inform Domina that
Fanzell was coming to fetch her

and told her to be prepared.

However, I didn't expect you
to arrive so quickly.

This map contains

safe escape routes that I have found.

Why are you helping us?


I also reported over assassins,

including those planted
in surrounding cities.

On top of that, I'm letting
Fanzell and Domina escape.

These failures

will cause uncountable damage
to the organization.

This is my way of taking revenge
against the organization.


Just like Mr. Fanzell,

I have grown weary of this job.

Nevertheless, I can't be on the run
for the rest of my life like him.

So, I decided on one major act of revenge,

then I would turn myself in
to the Clover Kingdom's Magic Knights.

When will you turn yourself in?

Timing is very important
for this sort of thing.

It was then

that I saw Fanzell being taken
to Black Bull's base.

I decided that they will be able

to eliminate the squad for me.

Eliminate them?

Easy for you to say.

So, please arrest me.

Then you can start celebrating.

Do you really think it will go smoothly?

Considering what you have done,

you will likely be severely punished.

Even in prison,

you might suffer reprisals
from the organization.

Even so, it doesn't matter.

I will accept anything except death.

Didn't you say this before?

You said that one must find

a reason to live.

What about it?

That self-righteous tone is annoying.

However, I was stunned.

I thought you were cool.


The punishment I'll receive
will be the price for starting anew

and atonement for my past actions.

Therefore, I will accept any punishment,

no matter how severe it is.


Who are you kidding?

Galleo, you are a commander!

Did you abandon your squad?
That's outrageous!

You are the last person who can say that!

If you are so eager to be ex*cuted,
then I'll do it right now!

Everyone, please run.

He might sound like a minor character,

but his magic is difficult to deal with.

Spatial Creation Magic,
Unopening Red Room.


Spatial Creation Magic, Crevice Men.

What are these gross guys?

And what's with this creepy room?

This is a space
that Galleo created with magic.

Those gross guys

are magic warriors that can only
be created within this space.

They are very strong.

Anyway, what were you doing?

How could you run
right into a spell you know nothing about?

If it were an offensive spell,
you would've been dead already!

Are you an idiot?


Shut up!

I would rather be an idiot
than leave someone in the lurch!

Besides, I'm different now!

I am Asta
from the Magic Knights' Black Bull squad!

I'm your enemy though!

That doesn't matter!

If someone is in trouble,

help them if you want to help!

Just wait and watch.

Now, back me up while I rescue you!

I'm not as magnanimous as he is,

but I can't stand by
and let one of my students die.

Let's work together and get through this!

Will we be able to get through this?

This is a piece of cake!

These guys…

Magic Knights' headquarters?

This is Yami from Black Bull.

I caught a bunch of dangerous people.

Can you come and collect them quickly?

So many mages were after him.

Who exactly is this Fanzell?

Fanzell? Isn't his name Zell?

No, Grey said his name is Fanzell.

He is Fanzell Kruger!

He used to be the commander
of the Diamond Kingdom army.

We once met in a battle a long time ago.

A commander?

I heard he later became
an instructor for the soldiers.

So, he is a fugitive.

Is that why there were
so many assassins this time?

You make it sound like
we are not involved.

Does this mean
that we are only helping now

because we assisted
a major enemy figure escape?

That's how it turned out.

-Hey, Gauche?
-What is it?

Don't tell anyone about this.

I won't talk.

Please give me a week with Marie.

Aren't you only supposed
to see her once a month?

I'll be stealthy.

I'll spend the week's hours
watching Marie.

I don't know what to do with you.

And so, the mysterious sneak attack
on the Black Bull base

came to a close.

Is it really okay for us to leave?

I feel as if we will get you into trouble
if we just disappeared.

Captain Yami doesn't have any objections,
so it doesn't matter.

Right, Finral?


I think it matters!

I have a feeling
that this situation will get out of hand.

Anyway, are you sure
you don't mind traveling

with someone
who has such a terrible personality?

It's not like I want to have
a terrible personality.

Those people planned on kidnapping me.

Thanks to her, they were stopped.

It's also thanks to her
that Fanzell and I were reunited.

I wonder if we are too nice.

You guys are too naïve.

That's why you were
so easily fooled by me.

I hadn't planned on
asking you to do anything.

Even without help from you naïve people--

You could have survived on your own

just as you have been doing
all along, right?

Taking on everything on your own

is surprisingly easy, isn't it?

You just have to bear it
on your own. It's worth it.

You don't have to take others
into consideration,

so you don't have to worry too much.

However, that's no longer possible.

Once there is someone you care about,

then no matter what you do,

your problems are no longer your own.

You need to think about them too.

Think until your head explodes.

It seems like you have
a terrible personality too.

I never gave you
the impression that I am a good person.

Okay, if we stay any longer,
it will be harder to say goodbye…

Don't be the first to get emotional!

Go ahead, Old Man.

Time flows differently

for those who have a goal in mind.

Get moving and make Domina happy!

Yes, you are right.

I won't waste
the precious time you have given me.

From now on, I'll do my best

to survive along with these two.

That's the spirit!

I'll write to you once I've settled down.

Okay, take care!

I hate to bring this up,

but before I was brought to your base,

assassins robbed me of all my possessions.

Don't tell me…

Can you lend me some money?

I shouldn't have saved you!

This was how Fanzell, Domina, Mariella,

and the Black Bull members met.

And presently,

Noelle and Finral visit Fanzell
in search of a way to heal Asta's arms.

Domina and Mariella,
it's nice to see you--

Dratted husband,

drop your bad habit
of going naked all the time!

Stop! Nothing can be done about it!

The house is run-down enough already.

Can you try not to make it any worse?

I see. So that's what happened to Asta.

He has been through so much
for someone so young.

His bad luck is
inversely proportional to his height.

Even if it's just a rumor,

is there any way to heal Asta's arm?

An ancient Curse Magic?

There is one possibility.

My homeland, Witches' Forest.

Witches' Forest?

If it's that Queen's magic…


The most gifted witch in the history
of the kingdom of witches has returned!

There is something I need to do.
Open the door quickly!

There is a chance at healing Asta's arms!

Okay! Let's infiltrate
the Witches' Forest!

There are tons of gorgeous witches!

I'm going to infiltrate her heart!

Black Clover, Page ,


I have a bunch of surprises for you!
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