02x01 - Whoever's Strongest Wins

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x01 - Whoever's Strongest Wins

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

Yami, Asta, Charmy, Finral
head to see the Magic Emperor

to report on the battle
at the Seabed Temple.

At this time…

I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting.

The border town of Kiten,

which often gets into skirmishes
with the Diamond Kingdom,

is under attack by the Diamond Kingdom.

How can there be so many of them?

Three of the Eight Shining Generals?

Who are the Eight Shining Generals?

The strongest eight
of the Diamond Kingdom.

They are similar

to the Magic Knights Captains
of the Clover Kingdom.

The first to arrive at Kiten
during this dire crisis is…


The most powerful Magic Knights Squad
of the Clover Kingdom,

the Golden Dawn!

Yami and his squad decided
to head to Kiten to assist.

Just wait, Yuno!

We will make them regret
stepping their dirty feet

into my kingdom.

You girls sure are cute!

There is a hillside blooming
with flowers as beautiful as you.

Would you like to take a little trip there
with me using my Spatial Magic?

What's wrong?

Why do you have such fearful expressions
on your faces?


Hold on! Look at what you did!

-Don't mind them!
-Shut up!

Quit that useless chatter
and take us to Kiten.


Don't I have the day off today?

There is no such thing
as a day off for you.

You can rest when you are dead!


Finral, let's get going!

Enough, Finral, you piece of crap.
Make a portal already!

Bastard, do you want me
to send you flying?

Are you trying to intimidate me?

Finral, please!

Why is everybody so excited?

Prince of Salvation!

-Wait, I don't understand.

-Get on it!
-I know!

I'll do it!

Golden Dawn has arrived!

Are you the vanguard
of that Golden Dawn squad?

Brat, you're quite powerful
for someone your age.


This is such a disgraceful situation

for one of the Eight Shining Generals.

How unsightly.


Unbearable. Let me give you a hand.

I don't need your help!

I can handle them on my own!

Quite a lot of people have faith in him.

Ragus, are you listening to me?

Let's see if you can
protect yourself and the people!

A bow and arrow?

-Okay, I got this!

Leave it to me!

Wind Magic, Gale White Bow.


How is this possible?

He easily deflected
my fastest lightning arrows

and even broke through my barrier!

"See if you can protect?"

You ought to.

This guy is actually…

See if you can protect yourself
and your comrades.

That's right!

We are one.


Wait, why are you ignoring me?

At least grunt or something.


What does that mean?

Don't brush me off!

How about letting me help you
this time, Ragus?

This is such a disgrace!

He's my prey!

Stay back, Broccos!

He's mine!

You should stay back!

-He's mine!

What are you two talking about?

Yuno is mine!


My goodness.

That young boy I saw back at the dungeon

has grown so strong.

Kids sure grow up fast.

It makes me feel weary.

My daughters sure grow up fast too.

As children, they used to say,

"I want to grow up
to be your bride, Papa!"

Somewhere along the way,
they refused to take baths with me.

They don't even want my underwear
washed with their clothes.

Deputy General Lotus?

They complain about
their father's onion breath.

Steel Creation Magic,
Violent Rotating Lance!

There is no end to them!

There are so many of them!

They are all so weak!

His magic sticks to us

and prevents us from casting our spells!

Take this!

Mucus Magic,

Mucus Nail!

Those caught in this spell

experienced a marked reduction
in their magical power.

You have no way of getting out now!

Seeing helpless people in pain

pleases me so much!

That magic looks problematic.

However, that kind of magic

doesn't mean a thing to me.

What was that magic?

Spatial Magic?

sh**t, my bad.

This magic will destroy everything.

Whatever. We'll just find people
to rebuild everything.

All right.

Without a doubt,
he must be the leader of Golden Dawn.

But why isn't he moving?

How strange.

Since he has his grimoire open,

he must have started to cast a spell.

However, there is only what looks
like tree roots spreading outward.

Is it a spell that grows an enormous tree?

I wish I had such wholesome magic.

No one can likely
cast a spell large enough

to protect the city.

Is it absorbing other people's magic?

Why did I have to discover this?

Attention, generals.
This is Deputy General Lotus.

I predict that the enemy,
the captain of Golden Dawn,

-will be unleashing
-He's mine.

-a large-scale magic attack.
-He's mine!

-The range covers at least all of Kiten.
-He's mine!

I repeat.

Golden Dawn's captain will unleash…

Honestly, are they even listening?

What should I do? Run?

The time is ripe.

The great tree will now sprout.

What is this excessively enormous spell?

World Tree Magic,

Great Tree Misteltein.

All of this is for the Clover Kingdom.

This is Kiten.

That means…

What is this humongous tree?

So, this city can grow
such gigantic trees!

I wonder if it will bear gigantic fruit!

That's enough, idiots. Thank you.

This seems to be Captain Charisma's magic.

This is magic?

I guess we didn't have to come.

Why don't we head back now then?
All right?

-No, I need to verify the situation.

Captain Charisma might be up there.

I'll be right back.

The three of you can assist the civilians.

Remember, don't die.

-Leave it to us!


First, I'll eat some fruit
to fill my tummy.

Asta is already injured.

Charmy keeps drooling.

I feel uneasy about this.

My goodness.

There was a surprising amount of magic
in this b*ttlefield area.

But with this,

it is more or less already taken care of.

We have severe losses!
Most of us have been wiped out!

Did you say

that most of our army has been wiped out?

Damn it!

To do two things simultaneously
is to do neither.

How unsightly.

Even if my arms don't work,
I still have my legs!

Everyone, quickly make your way to safety!

Please get on!

You're not hurt, are you?

Please come on up.

Thank you so much.

As Magic Knights,
it is our duty to help citizens.

If possible,
why don't we have tea together later?


My tears will fall if I lower my head.

Is there someone in the sky

dueling with one
of the Diamond Kingdom's people?


It's the Prince of Salvation!

Go, Prince!

You can do this, Prince!

This young man is too strong!

No! I'm one of the Eight Shining Generals!

My beautiful magic

shall erase you!


There is no regard for beauty in battle.

Only the strongest wins.


He defeated his opponent with one strike!

Such a refreshing wind!

I thought I spotted
a familiar-looking midget.

What are you doing here, Asta?

I remember he and Asta
were inducted at the same time.

You're covered in injuries
and sweat from running around.

What an eyesore.

Has he become a Golden Dawn elite?

He must look down on Black Bull.

He is even a handsome fellow.

He must be very popular.

If you're this bruised up,

that must mean you have grown stronger.

I won't lose to you, Asta.

Is Yuno smiling?

That smile alone

is similar to a hundred bowls of rice!

You are the one to talk!

You have become awfully strong!

I won't lose to you either, Yuno!

He is a Golden Dawn elite

with such powerful magic

and handsome looks.

Yet, he is competing with Asta,

a Black Bull meathead who has no magic!

So they view each other
as formidable rivals.

Are you okay, Yuno?

Are you injured?



What happened to your arms?

Is it serious? Are you okay?

That hurts!

Never mind. I wasn't worried about you.

You must have dropped your guard
to get injured.

You should focus!


I'll use my Healing Magic on you.

I'm fine.

You should heal the civilians first.

I'm so careless! I was out of line!

-I'm so sorry!
-That's right.

We shouldn't waste our time on you.

-Let's go, Mimosa.

Yuno, be on standby near Asta.

Since your arm is injured,
you won't be able to fight in a battle.

I'm not looking after you in particular.

Hurry along.


Take care!

Gosh, that hurts!

I finally found you.

You're the captain
of Golden Dawn, aren't you?

I truly underestimated you.

I didn't expect you to possess
such astounding magic.

You're the one with incredible magic.

Don't sacrifice your life for nothing.

Take your comrades and leave.

What did you say?

Soldiers of the Diamond Kingdom

do not retreat!

Red Ochre Creation Magic,
Bright Armor Heavy a*tillery.

What's wrong?

What does your absurd magic do?

You have already expended
all your magic, haven't you?

Here's my chance!

World Tree Magic, Misteltein Seed.

You should feel honored

because your magic
will nourish the Clover Kingdom.

An ambush from the Diamond Kingdom!

Was he concealing his magic?

-Sorry for intruding,

weird and shiny, masked person.

That hurts.

And to think that I put in so much effort

to capture Golden Dawn's captain
to try to turn the tables.

I didn't expect

this man that
I fought back then to show up.

What's more, he is even stronger now.

Stop leaving this old man in the dust.

Vangeance, you owe me one now.

Thanks for saving me, Yami.

Your so-called ki

is astonishing.


unnamed guy from Diamond Kingdom,

shouldn't you surrender now?

No way! Don't you remember me?


I'm not interested in looking
at a man's filthy chest.

I'll cut you down!

That hurts.

What do you want? Talk!

This really puts me in a bind.

However, this is the time
to show the spirit of Diamond Kingdom.


He sure is straightforward.


that leaves the two of us
to enjoy this amazing view.

Let's chat for a bit,


Anyhow, your World Tree Magic is
still as incredible as ever.

Not at all.

It's all thanks to the enemy's magic.

I see.

Your magic is World Tree Magic, isn't it?

Yes. What are you trying to say, Yami?

I'm one to follow my intuition.


that mask…

Can you take it off?

-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!

Charmy's Seven Transformations!

Charmy Pappitson fans
of the world, no, the universe,

sorry to keep you waiting!

Today, we will be answering

your requests to see
the lovely Charmy's many appearances!

I have waited too long!

Transformation one,

Wandering Charmy.

Transformation two,

Happi Coat Charmy!

Transformation three,

Happy Birthday Charmy!

Transformation four,

Lightning God Charmy!

Transformation five,

Alien Charmy!

Lastly, transformation six,

Merlion Charmy!


Didn't she say seven transformations?

Asta, did you see it?

I have become unbelievably strong.

I will never lose to you,

be it in strength, looks, or height.

Black Clover, Page ,

"Behind the Mask."

I'm the one who will be the Magic Emperor!
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