03x13 - Crossed Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show "m*rder, She Wrote". Aired: September 30, 1984 – May 19, 1996.*
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Mystery writer and amateur detective Jessica is a down-to-earth, middle-aged widow who ferrets out the criminals in idyllic Cabot Cove, Maine, which apparently is the m*rder capital of the United States.
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03x13 - Crossed Up

Post by bunniefuu »

Seth, I'm talking about a plot to k*ll
someone. I just heard it on the phone.

[Woman] Tonight on
m*rder, She Wrote.

- She thinks there's gonna be
a m*rder here in Cabot Cove.
- Cabin fever. Had to happen.

I'm well aware that you two
think I am temporarily bonkers.

Got a good recipe
for crow, have you?

You tell her that Morgan Rogers
says to mind her own business, huh?

Gorcey, come on out
with your hands up!

[Jessica] You can't k*ll me
the way you k*lled the others.

[Man On Radio] The eye of
the storm hovers off the coast

while heavy rain and wind
batter coastal communications.

The U.S. Weather Service
warns that there may be

periods of relative calm
and slacking of rain,

but make everything secure, because
Hurricane Ida is definitely on the way.


Oh, for heaven's sakes.
[Grady] Lunchtime.

Aunt Jess, what are you
doing? I was just trying to...

Just trying to throw your back out
again. You heard what the doc said.

You're not supposed to
lean forward. Just lie still.

Still? Grady, I'm gathering
dust in mind and body.

Oh, it won't be much longer.

Oh, thanks, Grady, but that-that
breakfast you fixed for me this morning...

I mean it, uh, really
stuck to my ribs.

You mean my famous
tuna omelet? Mm-hmm.

Well, wait till you see
this. Tuna surprise!

Oh, darling, you've been
surprising me all week.

But, really I— [Seth] Hiyo!

Oh, Seth? Hey!

Come on up!


Jessica. Grady. Hi.

Well, how's my
patient? Losing my mind.

Well, that's the spirit.
No, Seth, I'm serious.

This is my second Tuesday in bed, and
the room's getting smaller by the minute.

Matter of fact, it's Wednesday.

And you better get used to it. I expect
you’ll be here next Wednesday too.

That storm out there
has a mind of its own.

I think the safest place for
you is right where you are. Oh.

Now, don't be too upset. I
have a nice little present for you.

Look at this. What do you
think of that? Well, what is it?

[Laughing] Well, it's not
jewelry. Don't be worried.

It's called Med-Alert. Now you
just press that button and listen.

[Beeping] Ta-da. It's got
a range of about two miles.

Now if you need anything, and Grady's not
around, well, you just press that buzzer,

and the paramedics
will be here or I will.

Now please, I want you
to humor an old doctor.

[Thunder Rumbling]

Grady, I think it might be a good
idea to batten down the hatches...

while the decks are still
clear. Yeah. I'll get right on it.

Outside of a little boudoir
boredom, how do you feel?

- Hungry.
- Let's see what this looks like.

Grady must have bought out every
can of tuna in Cabot Cove. [Laughing]

Oh, Seth, please,
for pity's sake.

- I'll see what I can smuggle in.
- Anything.





[Man on Phone] I
had to sleep in the van.

Damn carburetor went out on
County Road 26. Hello? Hello?

I checked out the estate, and it didn't
look like no problem. Excuse me, but, uh...

[Man #2] The estate? Are you
crazy? Anyone could have seen you.

[Man #1] Relax. There
was nobody around.

And none of the locals is gonna
recognize me. I ain't shaved for months.

I'm-I'm terribly sorry. It
must be the storm, but I...

[Man #2] Okay, but the old
man must be k*lled tonight!

[Man #1] Well, the price has gone
up. 25,000 grand, cash in advance.

[Gasps] Grady! [Man
#2] 25,000 in advance?

[Man #1] Hey, I got expenses.

Bought a new Mark IV, so the old goat
can die in style. Grady, come quickly!

[Man #2] We made a
deal. Don't try to hold me up.

Oh, great.

[Man ♪ 1] Yeah, I'll get it one way or
another. From you or from the old man.

Bet he'd be real surprised if he shook
the family tree and a m*rder*r fell out.

- I got it.
- No! No, the phone. Listen.

[Click, Dial Tone]
What about it?

Well, listen! What do you hear?

A dial tone? I've
got to warn Amos.

Aunt Jess, what is it?


What's all the excitement, Jess?

[Busy Signal] Busy. Oh, dear.

Well, what are you
so het up about?

- m*rder. I've gotta write
this down before I forget it.
- Forget what?

- The m*rder plot.
- Now that is a good idea.

Yes, you should do some
more work on a new book.

- It would take your mind
off your troubles.
- I'm not talking about a book, Seth.

I'm talking about a plot. A real plot to
k*ll someone. I just heard it on the phone.

I am not crazy. I
know what I heard.

Seth, I picked up the phone
to dial the weather service.

Now somehow the lines
got crossed, and I heard

two men plotting to
k*ll an old man tonight.

And I have got to warn Amos.

Oh, good Lord.
The line is now dead.

Look, one of you has got to find Amos
and warn him about this hired k*ller.

Hired k*ller? A hit man?
Here in Cabot Cove?

Stop it, both of you!

Oh, I'm-I'm-I'm sorry. I...

Please, I've-I've-I've-I've
got to talk to Amos right away.

All right, Jessica. All right.

You just lie back and relax,
and we will contact Amos for you.

Yes, we'll do it right away too.

Oh, boy. I was afraid of this.

Yesterday I caught her watching
a rerun of My Mother the Car.

Operator, may I help you?

Oh, thank goodness, Letitia.
It’s Jessica. My phone was dead.

Yours and half the town’s,
Jess. How's that aching back?

Well, right now it's more like a pain
in the neck. Letitia, I need your help.

Around 2:00, my phone line was
crossed somehow with an ongoing call.

Could you find out who made it?

Hmm. I don't think it's traceable, Jess.
Oh, would you try? It's very important.

[Woman] And don't let that
break in the storm fool you.

Hurricane Ida is dancin'
her way up the coast, and

before you know it, she'll
be tangoin' in Cabot Cove.

Do you like to tango?
I love to tango. A while

back, I was a tango
teacher right here in town.

You ever in my class? Naw.

You sure look familiar.

Let me see your
feet. Never forget feet.

Look, lady, I don't care about
hurricanes or dancin'. All I want is for...

[Tires Squealing]

Have you got a men's room? Right
through that door, turn to your left.

Little late today,
Sheriff. Problems?

Usual this time of year, Mona.

Storm warnings, hurricane
watches, folks gettin' fidgety.

Believe I'll change my order today. Let me
have a prune Danish and some milk, huh?

Been drinkin' much too much
caffeine lately. It's bad for the system.

- I'm just gonna wash up.
- Believe it's occupied, Amos.

Door's open.

[Tires Squealing] For
cryin' out—You crazy!


Oh, great. New York
drivers even in Cabot Cove.

Sheriff. Oh, hi,
Grady. Pull up a stool.

How's your aunt
doin'? Oh, great, uh.

Well, I mean, not so hot. Well,
physically, she's terrific, but, uh...

Spit it out, son. If you've got a
problem, let me know. I'm here to help.

Well, um—She thinks there's gonna be
a m*rder here in Cabot Cove. Tonight.

Cabin fever. Had to happen. A
woman as active as Mrs. Fletcher.

Yeah. Well, that's what
the doc and I thought,

but I don't know.
She's really insistent.

- Where'd she get this cockeyed idea?
- Maybe she better tell you.

Well, with the storm on
the way, I've got plenty to do.

But don't you worry,
son. I'll calm her down.

I am calm. I am very calm.

[Amos] But, ma'am,
a hired k*ller?

Look, I heard it as clearly as I hear
you, Amos. A m*rder being plotted.

Now just hold your horses.

Even if you did hear somethin',
doesn't mean it was Cabot Cove.

Why your line could have
been crossed up with a

satellite feed from anywhere
in the whole country.

Not anywhere. Cabot Cove.

The hired k*ller even
mentioned County Road 26.

Aha! Now there you see, we don't even have
a County Route 26. Yeah, but we used to.

Jenson Road was called County Road 26 until
it was renamed five years ago, remember?

She has you there, Amos.

Look, the k*ller said he planned
to use a Mark I Von his victim.

He's gonna run
him down with a car?

[Scoffs] According to
my weapons manual,

a Mark IV is also known as
a .45 caliber colt a*t*matic.

- That could do the trick.
- Now look here, Mrs. Fletcher.

You know, you've been stuck
in here an awful long time.

Now don't you start
on me. I'm well aware

that you two think I
am temporarily bonkers.

Oh, that is simply not true.

Look, it's all right. if I were in your
shoes, I'd probably be dubious too.

But-But, Amos, you have
got to believe me about this.

Look, from what I was able to hear
through the static and the bad connection,

an old man living in
a Cabot Cove estate...

is going to be shot to death tonight
by a k*ller with a .45 caliber a*t*matic,

who was hired to do the job
by a man with a raspy voice...

Who's a member
of the victim's family.

I don't suppose there's any harm in
lookin' into this. What do you think, Amos?

Hmm? Oh! Right, Doc. Right.

Don't patronize me.

Mrs. Fletcher, now you just relax
and let me poke around, hmm?

But as sheriff
and as your friend,

I guarantee that no one in Cabot
Cove is gonna be m*rder*d tonight.

[Wind Howling]

[Two g*nshots]

[Jessica] Grady!
Grady, get up here fast!

Sometime last night.

Mr. Rogers was a widower
and the owner of the J.L.

Rogers Lumber Mill among
various other holdings.

Aunt Jess? What...

To repeat, millionaire lumber
magnate Jedediah Rogers was

found shot to death on his
estate just north of Cabot Cove.

More details as they
become available.

Sheriff Tupper.

Oh, you feelin' any better? I believe
I'm ready to answer your questions now.

I know this is a terrible
shock, and I hate

to put you through
this, Miss Rogers, but...

I understand. And
it's Miss Cameron.

Oh, but I thought that—
My mother was a Rogers.

Grandpa took me in when my mom
and dad died in a plane crash years ago.

You and your grandfather lived alone
in this house. That right, Miss Cameron?

Yes, I've been staying with him since I
returned from school three months ago.

Last night, did
you hear anything?

No. I had an early dinner,
and I fell asleep in my room.

- Nothing woke me,
not even the storm.
- Hmm.

[Wheels Clicking]

Okay, I think that does it for now. And
I sure am sorry about your grandfather.

In there.

Well, Amos. Got a good
recipe for crow, have you?

'Cause that's what we're gonna be eatin'
when we tell Jessica about this m*rder.

Oh, come on, Doc. Don't tell me
you never heard of coincidence?

Coincidence? 10:00 last night, an elderly
gentleman on an estate shot to death...

by something that looks
very much like a .45?

Sure there's some similarity,

but Mrs. Fletcher said that her m*rder
would be the work of a hired k*ller.

- This was the work of a burglar.
- How do you know that?

The way the window was broken,
so he could reach in for the latch.

Jed must've heard it, picked up that
poker and tried to fight off the intruder.

But he was armed and shot poor
Jed before he could strike a blow.

I'm Morgan Rogers.
[Seth]Jessica also thought

a member of the
family might be behind it.

If so, your first suspect just walked
through the door. Morgan Rogers.

Sheriff! He's all yours, Amos.

Morgan. Doc.

I want you to know
how sorry I am, Morgan.

Yeah, yeah, sure.
Look, your deputy on the

phone, he said it was
a thief. You got the guy?

No, not yet. Damn!

[Sighing] Just a sec.

Three weeks ago, I told
one of the boys at the lumber

mill to install a burglar
alarm system in this place.

You know how it is.

You get busy, forget
to follow up, now...

I, uh, hope you don't
mind, but I got a couple

of questions I gotta
ask you. Sure, sure.

You mind tellin' me where you
were last night around 10:00?

You accusing me
of k*lling my daddy?

Oh, no. No, sir. It
is my job and all.

I was at home alone
working in my woodshop.

Right. That's good. Fine, sir.

Now, uh, about your brothers, you told
one of my deputies that you'd notify them.

Well, I told Adam. Found
him down at the beach

house havin' a little
champagne brunch...

with some bimbo he picked
up in Portland last weekend.

- How about Gordon?
- I left it to Adam to tell my younger
brother and that delightful wife of his.

Uh, look, Sheriff, if there's
nothin' else, I've got quite

a few things to attend to.
Cemetery, funeral, the will.

Well, I— [Female Reporter's
Voice] Updating the news,

millionaire lumber baron
Jedediah Rogers was found

shot to death this morning
in his Cabot Cove estate.

The sheriff's department believes that
Rogers was shot by a surprised intruder.

More details as they
become available.

[TV Clicks Off] Intruder.

Gee, I'm really sorry, Aunt Jess. I guess
you must have known him pretty well, huh?

Actually, Grady, I only
met him a couple of times.

He was something of a
roughneck, but I liked him.

I never met his sons
at all. They never

socialized much with the
rest of the Cabot Covers.

[Busy Signal] Still busy.

Yeah. Grady, it's
obvious that I'm gonna be

trapped here in this
bed, but I can still think.

And the first thing
that I think is that Amos

Tupper is gonna need
all the help that he can get.

- Which means I'm gonna need your help.
- Me?

You're going to be
my eyes and ears.

I want you to go over to the Rogers
place and find out what's going on.

Give me a complete rundown.

Perhaps if you could make
me a sketch of the m*rder

scene and find out how
the family is reacting.


It is Grady Fletcher,
right? Sure, but, uh...

Leslie. Leslie Cameron. Oh, hi.

Oh, gosh, you don't remember.

Six years ago, you were
spending the summer at your aunt's.

Andy Thomason's fishing boat. We
were stuck out on the water all night.

- Oh, yeah, I remember that.
- You also remember
that scrawny kid in the baggy jeans?

Face full of freckles, teeth full of
braces? That was you? Aw, come on.

It was me. I've got
the pictures to prove it.

- Well, what are you doin' here?
- It's where I live. I mean, I did.

Jed Rogers was my grandfather.

Oh, gee, I didn't know.
I'm really sorry, Leslie.

Um—What about you? I thought
you were an accountant or something.

Oh, I'm here helping
my Aunt Jessica.

She thinks...

Thinks what? That my grandfather's
death was maybe something else?

Look, uh, can we
talk somewhere? Sure.

Grandpa made me this swing when
I was nine, just after my parents died.

Look, Grady, I know
this might sound strange,

but I had a feeling something
like this was going to happen.

What do you mean? I mean, I don't believe
for a second he was k*lled by any burglar.

Ever since I came back
from Europe, it's been awful.

Grandpa fighting with all of
them— Morgan, Adam, Gordon.

They said he was too old to run the
business. Adam wanted him to sell out.

Grandpa was beginning
to hate the sight of them.

A few days ago, he told me he was
changing his will. [Morgan] Leslie!

Your aunt. Does she really think
this might be m*rder? Uh-huh.

I have something that might
help her, but I can't show you now.

Leslie! Now!


I loved my father, Sheriff,
and you have my undivided

cooperation in bringing
his assassin to justice.

Morgan said he located you
at the beach house, Adam.

Is that where you were
last night around 10:00?

Yes, I invited a young lady up to go
sailing. Ah, Miss, um—what is her name?

- In a hurricane?
- Well, Sheriff, since sailing
was out of the question,

we decided on something else
that we both enjoyed. [Laughs]

[Coughs] Sheriff, she'll be more
than happy to verify my whereabouts.

Uh, if you'd like, I, uh, I have
her phone number in Portland.

Do you have any idea where
your brother Gordon was last night?

I really couldn't say. I, uh— I
just talked to his wife, Dody.

They were at their
cabin by the lake.

She said they'd be back right after her
prized Persian finished its afternoon nap.

Frankly, Sheriff, if she
treated Gordon with the

same affection she shows
that pampered little puss,

their marriage would
look a whole lot less

like a rerun of Who's
Afraid of Virginia Woolf.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
Sheriff. Oh, sure thing, Mr. Rogers.

And what was in that drawer that
both Morgan and Adam looked into?

Nothing. It was empty.

Grady, what is this on
the wall of your sketch?

- Oh, that's a portrait of Leslie's
grandfather by Arliss Bygraves.
- Good likeness.

And this is where the body was
found? Right. In front of the fireplace.

[Amos] Sure appreciate you givin'
me your tuna pot pie, Mrs. Fletcher.

[Laughing] In all this
excitement, I forgot lunch.

- Oh, you sure
you wouldn't want some?
- Positive.

- Well, there's plenty more.
- Amos, what about
that medical report?

Well, it's still unofficial, but Doc says
a .45 slug entered through the back.

Doc figures that the thief shot him around
10:00. Amos, the k*ller was not a thief.

[Laughing] Sure, he was.
Got the old fella's wallet, watch.

And left behind a valuable painting
and that necklace in the safe?

Oh, well, doggone it! Maybe the
burglar got scared off somehow.

Or maybe whoever
did it tried to make it look

like a burglary but
didn't do a very good job.

It was a burglar.
The broken window.

Broken to make it look like
someone forced his way in.

Oh, you're not gonna start that
stuff about the hired k*ller again.

Was hired by a member of the
family. The man with the raspy voice.

Come on now, Mrs. Fletcher.

I know all three Rogers
brothers, and it doesn't

seem to me like any of
'em has a raspy voice.

I know what I heard Amos.

Aunt Jess, you said yourself
it was a bad connection,

lots of static. You
didn't really catch it all.

Grady, I am not imagining
all this. Look, wait.

If you're gonna hire
someone to commit m*rder,

then you would make very sure
that you had an ironclad alibi.

- Right, Amos?
- Makes sense.

Only one problem. No one
in the family has got one.

- What?
- No, ma'am.

Here. Morgan, he says that he was workin'
alone in his woodshop. No witnesses.

Adam was in the family
beach house with a

lady from Portland
except the lady's no lady.

She's got an arrest sheet
as long as a chorus girl's legs.

And-And Gordon, he was
workin’ alone in the mill.

His wife, Dody, was alone
at the cabin by the lake.

And Leslie says she
was asleep upstairs.

Oh, dear. But that
doesn't make any sense.

You mean, it doesn't
fit in with your theory.

Well, what about this
business with the desk drawer?

That sounds very
suspicious. Yes, ma'am.

You know, right now, I
think that we should focus

on the hired k*ller
before his trail gets cold.

If we could find him, maybe he
will lead us to the raspy voiced man.

Yes, ma'am.

Now on the phone, the
k*ller said he'd grown a

beard so that the locals
wouldn't recognize him.

That means he used
to live around here. Yes,

and he hasn't been
around in five years...

because he didn't know that County
Road 26 had had its name changed.

Also he's driving a van
with carburetor trouble,

so you might check with Charlie
and Gus at their service station.

Aunt Jess.

Yesterday, outside of
Mona's Diner, a bearded

guy in a white van
nearly ran me down.

[Amos] Yeah, that's right, Gus.

Big fella, wearin' a beard, drivin'
a white van with New York plates.

Now if he comes in, you call me back
and stall him till I get there. Thanks.


Sheriff Tupper. [Jessica] Amos.

I just got off the
phone with Mona.

That bearded stranger that was in her diner
yesterday, I think it was Abel Gorcey.

Gorcey? Gorcey. You remember.

He worked at Rogers Mill
until Jed caught him stealing.

That's right! And Jed’s testimony
put him in prison for— Five years.

And if you recall, after the trial, Gorcey
swore he'd k*ll Jed when he got out.

Great work, Mrs. Fletcher.
Looks like I've found my k*ller.

Call you back as soon as we
track him down. Bye, Amos.

Charlie. Pull the Abel Gorcey
file, get out an A.P.B. on him.

He's wearin' a beard now, and he's
drivin' a white van with New York plates.

[Dody] Gordon, you're not
jealous of my prize Persian already?

- I've only had little Muffmuff a week.
- [Gordon] But, Dody—

And after all the channels
I went through to document

Muffmuff's lineage, you keep
your runny nose to yourself.

Did you ever think he
might be allergic to you?

Better look out, Gordon, or you’re
gonna be sleeping in the basement.

[Dody] Funny, A dam. Excuse me.

[Gordon] Listen, Dody, I'm sorry, but
I'm going to have to hold fast on this.

Don't be ridiculous,
Gordon. Folks, please.

My apologies, Sheriff.
Uh, we came to find out if...

We came to find out what you're doing to
catch the thief that k*lled our dear Jed.

Doin' everything
possible, Mrs. Rogers.

We're sure you are,
Sheriff, but we feel that, uh...

Actually, all of us feel that this case
has gotten bigger than Cabot Cove.

We'd like you to bring a special state
investigator in just to give you a hand.

No need for that. Practically
got a suspect in custody.

Oh, really? Who?

Sheriff, I've got the
A.P.B. out on Abel Gorcey.

Abel Gorcey? What's
he got to do with this?

[Ringing] Hello?

Jessica, Letitia. I'm really
sorry, but I've tried everything.

Fraid that 2:00 p.m. you accidentally
overheard just isn't traceable.

Yeah. Well, I appreciate
your help. Thank you for trying.

Oh-oh, hold on a
second, Jessica. Sheriff

Tupper wants to make an
emergency breakthrough.

I'll connect you right up.

Mrs. Fletcher? We got him.
What is it, Amos? Got who?

Abel Gorcey. I'm on my way
up to the cabin at Red Rock Bluff.

That white van was spotted
there about 20 minutes ago.

[Amos] Charlie, you two come
around behind from the left.

You and I will come in from the
right. And don't let him see ya.

Abel Gorcey! This is
Sheriff Amos Tupper.

Throw out your w*apon and come
out. We've got you surrounded.

Gorcey, come on out
with your hands up!

Sheriff! Not now, Charlie.

Sheriff! I don't think
he can hear you. Hmm?

He fell down the stairs?
[Amos] That's the way I see it.

After he shot Jed,
Gorcey got himself drunk

and tumbled down
those steps to his glory.

Call it poetic justice.
That seems very strange.

Nothin' strange about it.
Gorcey was the k*ller all right.

[Seth] Amos, I stand in awe
of your gift for blind certainty,

but as so often happens,
you are dead wrong.

What? [Jessica]Seth, what
is it? What have you learned?

Very simply, there is no way that Abel
Gorcey could have k*lled Jed Rogers.

Rogers died about 10:00.

Now I triple-checked my findings,
and I'm sorry to tell you, Amos,

that Gorcey cracked
his skull at around 7:00.

Three hours before
Rogers was shot to death.

What do you mean he was dead before
Jed Rogers was shot? He was the k*ller!

[Sighs] Seth, are you sure?

Yeah, I'm positive, Jess.


Well, I certainly would
like to stay around

and watch Amos work
his foot out of his mouth,

but Hurricane Ida is closing
in, and the evac center beckons.

Now I want you to rest.

And I want you to let her.

- Be seein' you.
- Good-bye, Seth.

Is there somethin'
wrong, Aunt Jess?

Grady, don't you think
it's a little suspicious that

a hired k*ller accidentally
falls to his death...

mere hours before
the deed was done?

Oh, now, Mrs. Fletcher, don't you even
say it. You mean he was m*rder*d too?

[Amos] But why? Why
m*rder your hired k*ller?

Maybe blackmail, Amos. During the
phone call, Gorcey more than hinted at it.

Perhaps when the raspy-voiced man
delivered the demanded cash in advance,

the blackmail question was
raised again, and Gorcey was k*lled.

If you ask me, you're
fishin' without bait.

There was no sign of foul play.
An accident, plain and simple.

Well, either way, we've got a problem.
If Gorcey didn't k*ll Jed Rogers, who did?

The man with the raspy voice.

Yeah, he had no choice
but to k*ll Jed himself,

because you remember, he said,
"The old man must be k*lled tonight."

But it could have been
any one of the three

sons because none of
them really had an alibi.

And I keep tellin' you that none
of these fellas has a raspy voice.

Yeah, I know, I know. But, you know,
I've never actually spoken to any of them.

And, Amos, what sounds
like a raspy voice to

me might not sound
like a raspy one to you.

Yeah. I suppose it
would be useful if you

could give a listen to
what they sound like.

Say, maybe I could
wire myself for sound.

Tape their voices,
kinda incognito-like, huh?

You know, Aunt Jess,
that's not a bad idea.

Well, I-I suppose it might work.

Ah, I'll get right on it.

Oh, Amos, while you're
recording their voices,

why don’t you get their
alibis for 7:00 p.m.?

The time of Gorcey's "accident,"
just in case there was foul play.

Mm-hmm. Just in case, huh?

Grady, there's something
else that needs exploring,

and I need you to do
it. Oh, sure. Anything.

Gorcey demanded
$25,000 in advance in cash,

which means the person who hired
him had to get it from somewhere.

The bank. Sure.

See if Amos can discreetly
find out if one of the suspects

had made a large withdrawal
in the past week or so.

- Okay.
- Then I want you to go see Leslie.

Ask her about that desk drawer that
her uncles seemed so interested in.

They were looking
for something, all right.

That's why I hid it...
where they couldn't... find it.

A diary? Grandpa'd
been keeping it for months.

He was sure one of my
uncles was reading it, so

a few days ago he gave
it to me for safekeeping.

Boy, he sure didn't
like his sons much. No.

Grady, it contains all the changes
he was going to make in his will.

He'd planned to meet with his
lawyer the morning he was found dead.

He cut everyone out of the will except
me. Your uncles knew about this?

Everything. The changes and
when he was planning to make them.

I don't care about the
money. I really don't.

I just want to get away from here. Go
to New York to fashion design school.

The only reason I was staying
was because of Grandpa.

You're not going back to Paris?
No, I wanna get on with my life.

I guess she'll be
pretty rich, huh?

I don't think so, Grady. Jed
never actually changed his will.

Either way, it doesn't
narrow our list of suspects

since all three brothers
were to be cut from the will.

Did Amos learn anything from the
bank? Naw. It's a dead end, Aunt Jess.

He said he double-checked the
accounts for the three brothers.

No major withdrawals in the past two
months. It just doesn't make any sense.

Unless whomever hired Gorcey
never intended to pay him.

You lost me.

I thought it was strange
to hire a k*ller who publicly

threatened Jed Rogers's life
instead of a complete unknown.

But it would make sense if the plan was to
sh**t Gorcey in the act of murdering Jed.

[Machinery Buzzing]

Look, Sheriff, I'm sorry, but
I really have to complete this

quarterly inventory analysis
by the close of business today.

Excuse me.

[Morgan] Analysis? He's
counting two-by-fours.

Won't be but a few seconds.
I'm just tryin' to get the facts.

Allow me, Sheriff.

[Sighing] From 5:00 to 8:00, we were
dining at Mona's with the union supervisor.

We weren't dining.
We were negotiating.

What-What the hell are you
gettin' at anyway, Tupper?

Everybody knows Abel
Gorcey k*lled Daddy. Fraid not.

He was dead three hours
before your daddy was shot.

And even though he didn't
live long enough to do the job,

I have it on good authority that
Gorcey was hired to k*ll your daddy.

What "good authority"?

Jessica Fletcher's. She
overheard a phone call

where Gorcey was hired
to commit the m*rder.

[Dody] Hey, the news crew
isn't gonna hang around forever.

So if you want to be on television,
you better get out there now.

Now look, Amos, I think
Fletcher's confusing fiction with fact.

You tell her Morgan Rogers says
to mind her own business, huh?

Well, come on, fellas,
let's go show the world

how nice we are before
that damn storm hits again.

[Thunderclap] [Tape Rewinding]

Wow. Hurricane Ida's not
fooling around this time.

Sounds almost as bad in
here as it looks out there.

Havin' a few technical
snafus is all, Doc.

Now, the first one you're gonna
hear is Gordon. [Gurgling Sound]

Sheriff, I'm sorry, but I have
to complete this quarterly

inventory analysis by the
close of business today.

[Jessica] No, that's not the
man I heard on the telephone.

Can't figure why
this is happening.

There. Next one you're
gonna hear is Adam's voice.

[Gurgling, Heartbeat] Or
Amos's digestive system.

[Sighing] From 5:00 to 8:00,
we were dining at Mona's...

Now that doesn't sound right
either. Mm-mmm. [Seth] No, it doesn't.

I thought I detected a
slight murmur. Perhaps

you ought to come in
for a checkup, Amos.

[Morgan] Everybody knows
Abel Gorcey k*lled Daddy.

[Amos] Oh, fraid not.

Thank you, Jessica.

It was a good try, Amos.

In fact, good enough
to tell me that none of

those voices was the
one I heard on the phone.

Look, maybe I was wrong.

Maybe the raspy voice belongs
to someone else. A fourth party.

Maybe the voice on
the phone was disguised.

Why? Gorcey knew
who he was dealing with,

and they didn't know
that I was on the line.

Well, one thing's for
sure. All three brothers had

an ironclad alibi for the
time of Gorcey's death.

Mona confirmed it. All
three were sittin' there

in her diner, arguin'
with a union bigwig.

Well, I still can't believe that Abel
Gorcey's death was accidental.

Aw, doggone it, Mrs. Fletcher.

Why can't you just accept
the fact? Quiet, A-Amos!

Hmm? Shh.

Our family feels a terrible
loss, that goes without saying.

But our grief has
brought us closer together.

[Meows] [Sniffing]

He sure is allergic to
that cat. [Gordon Sneezes]

Of course. Listen.

[Voice Deepens] But we
have complete confidence

in Sheriff Tupper's
ability to handle the case.

That's him. That-That-That's the
raspy voice I heard on the phone.

We're sure that, uh, whoever k*lled
Father will soon be brought to justice.

That's him.

Aunt Jess, I am
really proud of you.

If you hadn't overheard
that phone call and

been able to identify
Gordon Roger's voice,

he'd have gotten
away with m*rder.

Well, I'm just sorry that I
couldn't have prevented a m*rder.

There you are.
Grady, really I...

No, it's not tuna.

Pepperoni pizza
for the star witness.

Grady, I could kiss you.
In fact, I think I'm going to.

No. No. You're not
supposed to lean forward.

Allow me.

Anybody home?

No, we went for a jog in
the rain! Come on up, Seth.

You know, this is a
first for me. I've never

seen a night that ain't
fit for man nor beast.

Well, that doesn't
stop Seth Hazlett.

[Muttering] That's a real
doozy blowing out there, folks.

Did you hear from Amos? Not yet. He said
he'd call when he had Gordon in custody.

Pizza, Doc? No. No, thanks.
I'm on my way down to the harbor.

I just thought I'd stop in and check
up on my patient. Flooding again?

Yep, and the sandbaggin' crew is
runnin' a-might short on manpower.

- I'll lend you a hand, Doc.
- Well, thank you, Grady, but I'd rather
have you stay here with Jess.

Oh, don't be silly. I'm fine. Grady
is needed down at the harbor.

- Are you sure, Aunt Jess?
- Oh, positive.

I'll get my jacket.

Oh, I almost forgot.

Say, Letitia brought this over to my
place. Told me to bring it down to you.

Ah, yes, the computer records from
the phone company. A little bit late.

Something on your mind, Jess?

Do you ever get the feeling that
you've overlooked something obvious?

That you've, uh, done
something wrong?

Yeah. Every time I
vote for Amos. Why?

Abel Gorcey's
death. [Thunderclap]

You see, Gordon couldn't
possibly have been involved, but...

Well, I still can't believe
that it was an accident.

[Sighs] Woman, quit your fussin'. That
m*rder business is over and done with.

Okay. All set, Doc.
We'll be back soon.

And don't worry, Aunt Jess. I'll
lock the front door on the way out.

I'll be by to check on you tomorrow
promptly. Now, Jess, you rest.

And you'll be careful,
you two. [Thunderclap]

[Ringing] Hello?

[Amos] Mrs. Fletcher? Amos here.

Just wanted to tell you our man is in
custody as we speak. Good work, Amos.

[Amos] Nasty night out.

You better get that nephew of
yours to fasten the place down, okay?

Well, he and Seth have gone
to help sandbag the harbor.

You sure you're gonna
be all right alone?

- [Jessica] Thank you for your
concern, Amos. I'll be absolutely fine.
- [Amos] Okay.

Be by in the morning to get Jed’s
diary. Be needin' that for evidence.

That and your testimony'll be sending
Gordon away for a long, long time.

Well, I'll see you
tomorrow, Amos.

[Ringing] Hello?

[Letitia] Jess? I didn't
want to disturb you,

but I thought I'd find out
if your phone is workin'.

Well, it is now. Lines
are down all over town.

Our repair crew's got
more than it can handle.

Oh, did you get the phone records I
sent with Seth? Oh, yes, yes, thank you.

Ah. I was just looking
at the one that confirms...

the 2:00 p.m. call at Gorcey's
cabin, the one that crossed my line.

Well, that was placed from Gordon
Rogers's private line at the mill.

Glad I could finally be of help.

Yes, but here on the same record, it
says that someone made a 30-minute call...

from Gordon's mill
line at 10:00 p.m.

Now that is the exact time that
Jed was m*rder*d at the estate.

Gordon made that call.
Yeah, but he couldn't have.

I'm afraid you're wrong there,
Jessica. He made it all right.

Person-to-person out of state.
Placed the call myself. Oh, dear.

Letitia, can-can you get me
Amos? He has the wrong k*ller.

Letitia? Oh, dear Lord.
Don't go dead on me now.


Oh, no. [Sighs]



[Footsteps, Stairs Creaking]


Now don't-don't be foolish.

Uh, the police are coming.

You-you-you can't k*ll me the
way you k*lled the others, Dody!

I want the diary now.

[Police Siren]

Oh. [Sighs]


Seth, I'll never question
doctor's orders again. [Beeping]

I guess that little gizmo
came in handy after

all. Sure stopped
Dody in the nick of time.

I suspected Dody
right off the bat.

Forgetting Amos's bat, when
did you realize Dody was the k*ller?

When it was too late.

As soon as Letitia told me
Gordon was on the phone

when Jed was k*lled, I
knew that we were wrong.

And then I realized
it was the 2:00 call

from the mill that got
crossed with my line.

Dody was supposed to have been at
the lake cabin, but she couldn't have been.

She had to have been
with Gordon, with the cat, or

Gordon wouldn't have
sounded raspy on the phone.

Which meant she knew all about
Abel Gorcey and the m*rder plot.

Knowing Dody, it
was probably her idea.

Oh, I'm sure it was.

At 7:00, she got rid of a potential
blackmailer, Abel Gorcey, took his g*n,

and at 10:00, she
k*lled Jed Rogers.

Before the old man
could change his will.

Well, now that all that's settled, I
have an announcement to make.

I've decided that lying around in
bed can be hazardous to my health,

so tomorrow morning,
I'm gonna be up and about.

- Ah, Jess.
- Don't Jess me, Seth Hazlett.

And as for you, Grady,
your services are terminated.

I want you packed and on
the 5:30 bus to Boston tonight.

Tonight? Aunt Jess, I—
Not another word. Scoot!

Okay. Sure.

Oh, oh, uh, and-and Grady?

Ah, Leslie called
about an hour ago.

She told me to tell you that she's
planning to be on the 5:30 also.

Something about
going to New York?

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